blob: e9c10704419a04d201ad6f9fe0373d50f310cbf6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <android-base/thread_annotations.h>
#include <system/thread_defs.h>
namespace android::hardware::audio::common {
class StreamLogic;
namespace internal {
class ThreadController {
explicit ThreadController(StreamLogic* logic) : mLogic(logic) {}
~ThreadController() { stop(); }
bool start(const std::string& name, int priority);
// Note: 'pause' and 'resume' methods should only be used on the "driving" side.
// In the case of audio HAL I/O, the driving side is the client, because the HAL
// implementation always blocks on getting a command.
void pause() { switchWorkerStateSync(WorkerState::RUNNING, WorkerState::PAUSE_REQUESTED); }
void resume() { switchWorkerStateSync(WorkerState::PAUSED, WorkerState::RESUME_REQUESTED); }
bool hasError() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mWorkerLock);
return !mError.empty();
std::string getError() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mWorkerLock);
return mError;
void stop();
// Direct use of 'join' assumes that the StreamLogic is not intended
// to run forever, and is guaranteed to exit by itself. This normally
// only happen in tests.
void join();
bool waitForAtLeastOneCycle();
// Only used by unit tests.
void lockUnlockMutex(bool lock) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
lock ? mWorkerLock.lock() : mWorkerLock.unlock();
std::thread::native_handle_type getThreadNativeHandle() { return mWorker.native_handle(); }
void switchWorkerStateSync(WorkerState oldState, WorkerState newState,
WorkerState* finalState = nullptr);
void workerThread();
StreamLogic* const mLogic;
std::string mThreadName;
std::thread mWorker;
std::mutex mWorkerLock;
std::condition_variable mWorkerCv;
WorkerState mWorkerState GUARDED_BY(mWorkerLock) = WorkerState::INITIAL;
std::string mError GUARDED_BY(mWorkerLock);
// The atomic lock-free variable is used to prevent priority inversions
// that can occur when a high priority worker tries to acquire the lock
// which has been taken by a lower priority control thread which in its turn
// got preempted. To prevent a PI under normal operating conditions, that is,
// when there are no errors or state changes, the worker does not attempt
// taking `mWorkerLock` unless `mWorkerStateChangeRequest` is set.
// To make sure that updates to `mWorkerState` and `mWorkerStateChangeRequest`
// are serialized, they are always made under a lock.
std::atomic<bool> mWorkerStateChangeRequest GUARDED_BY(mWorkerLock) = false;
// A special thread name used in tests only.
static const std::string kTestSingleThread = "__testST__";
} // namespace internal
class StreamLogic {
friend class internal::ThreadController;
virtual ~StreamLogic() = default;
enum class Status { ABORT, CONTINUE, EXIT };
/* Called once at the beginning of the thread loop. Must return
* an empty string to enter the thread loop, otherwise the thread loop
* exits and the worker switches into the 'error' state, setting
* the error to the returned value.
virtual std::string init() = 0;
/* Called for each thread loop unless the thread is in 'paused' state.
* Must return 'CONTINUE' to continue running, otherwise the thread loop
* exits. If the result from worker cycle is 'ABORT' then the worker switches
* into the 'error' state with a generic error message. It is recommended that
* the subclass reports any problems via logging facilities. Returning the 'EXIT'
* status is equivalent to calling 'stop()' method. This is just a way of
* of stopping the worker by its own initiative.
virtual Status cycle() = 0;
template <class LogicImpl>
class StreamWorker : public LogicImpl {
template <class... Args>
explicit StreamWorker(Args&&... args) : LogicImpl(std::forward<Args>(args)...), mThread(this) {}
// Methods of LogicImpl are available via inheritance.
// Forwarded methods of ThreadController follow.
// Note that 'priority' here is what is known as the 'nice number' in *nix systems.
// The nice number is used with the default scheduler. For threads that
// need to use a specialized scheduler (e.g. SCHED_FIFO) and set the priority within it,
// it is recommended to implement an appropriate configuration sequence within
// 'LogicImpl' or 'StreamLogic::init'.
bool start(const std::string& name = "", int priority = ANDROID_PRIORITY_DEFAULT) {
return mThread.start(name, priority);
void pause() { mThread.pause(); }
void resume() { mThread.resume(); }
bool hasError() { return mThread.hasError(); }
std::string getError() { return mThread.getError(); }
void stop() { mThread.stop(); }
void join() { mThread.join(); }
bool waitForAtLeastOneCycle() { return mThread.waitForAtLeastOneCycle(); }
// Only used by unit tests.
void testLockUnlockMutex(bool lock) { mThread.lockUnlockMutex(lock); }
std::thread::native_handle_type testGetThreadNativeHandle() {
return mThread.getThreadNativeHandle();
// The ThreadController gets destroyed before LogicImpl.
// After the controller has been destroyed, it is guaranteed that
// the thread was joined, thus the 'cycle' method of LogicImpl
// will not be called anymore, and it is safe to destroy LogicImpl.
internal::ThreadController mThread;
} // namespace android::hardware::audio::common