blob: b56a1907c83660e45d93b14235df6081a152ec4a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "DefaultVehicleHal_v2_0"
#include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/SystemClock.h>
#include <vhal_v2_0/RecurrentTimer.h>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "FakeObd2Frame.h"
#include "PropertyUtils.h"
#include "VehicleUtils.h"
#include "DefaultVehicleHal.h"
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace automotive {
namespace vehicle {
namespace V2_0 {
namespace impl {
namespace {
constexpr std::chrono::nanoseconds kHeartBeatIntervalNs = 3s;
const VehicleAreaConfig* getAreaConfig(const VehiclePropValue& propValue,
const VehiclePropConfig* config) {
if (isGlobalProp(propValue.prop)) {
if (config->areaConfigs.size() == 0) {
return nullptr;
return &(config->areaConfigs[0]);
} else {
for (auto& c : config->areaConfigs) {
if (c.areaId == propValue.areaId) {
return &c;
return nullptr;
} // namespace
VehicleHal::VehiclePropValuePtr DefaultVehicleHal::createVhalHeartBeatProp() {
VehicleHal::VehiclePropValuePtr v = getValuePool()->obtainInt64(uptimeMillis());
v->prop = static_cast<int32_t>(VehicleProperty::VHAL_HEARTBEAT);
v->areaId = 0;
v->status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE;
return v;
DefaultVehicleHal::DefaultVehicleHal(VehiclePropertyStore* propStore, VehicleHalClient* client)
: mPropStore(propStore), mRecurrentTimer(getTimerAction()), mVehicleClient(client) {
[this](const VehiclePropValue& value, bool updateStatus) {
onPropertyValue(value, updateStatus);
VehicleHal::VehiclePropValuePtr DefaultVehicleHal::getUserHalProp(
const VehiclePropValue& requestedPropValue, StatusCode* outStatus) {
auto propId = requestedPropValue.prop;
ALOGI("get(): getting value for prop %d from User HAL", propId);
const auto& ret = mFakeUserHal.onGetProperty(requestedPropValue);
VehicleHal::VehiclePropValuePtr v = nullptr;
if (!ret.ok()) {
ALOGE("get(): User HAL returned error: %s", ret.error().message().c_str());
*outStatus = StatusCode(ret.error().code());
} else {
auto value = ret.value().get();
if (value != nullptr) {
ALOGI("get(): User HAL returned value: %s", toString(*value).c_str());
v = getValuePool()->obtain(*value);
*outStatus = StatusCode::OK;
} else {
ALOGE("get(): User HAL returned null value");
*outStatus = StatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
return v;
VehicleHal::VehiclePropValuePtr DefaultVehicleHal::get(const VehiclePropValue& requestedPropValue,
StatusCode* outStatus) {
auto propId = requestedPropValue.prop;
ALOGV("get(%d)", propId);
if (mFakeUserHal.isSupported(propId)) {
return getUserHalProp(requestedPropValue, outStatus);
VehiclePropValuePtr v = nullptr;
if (propId == OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME) {
v = getValuePool()->obtainComplex();
*outStatus = fillObd2FreezeFrame(mPropStore, requestedPropValue, v.get());
return v;
if (propId == OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME_INFO) {
v = getValuePool()->obtainComplex();
*outStatus = fillObd2DtcInfo(mPropStore, v.get());
return v;
auto internalPropValue = mPropStore->readValueOrNull(requestedPropValue);
if (internalPropValue != nullptr) {
v = getValuePool()->obtain(*internalPropValue);
if (!v) {
*outStatus = StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
} else if (v->status == VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE) {
*outStatus = StatusCode::OK;
} else {
*outStatus = StatusCode::TRY_AGAIN;
return v;
std::vector<VehiclePropConfig> DefaultVehicleHal::listProperties() {
return mPropStore->getAllConfigs();
bool DefaultVehicleHal::dump(const hidl_handle& fd, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& options) {
int nativeFd = fd->data[0];
if (nativeFd < 0) {
ALOGW("Invalid fd from HIDL handle: %d", nativeFd);
return false;
if (options.size() > 0) {
if (options[0] == "--help") {
std::string buffer;
buffer += "Fake user hal usage:\n";
buffer += mFakeUserHal.showDumpHelp();
buffer += "\n";
buffer += "VHAL server debug usage:\n";
buffer += "--debughal: send debug command to VHAL server, see '--debughal --help'\n";
buffer += "\n";
dprintf(nativeFd, "%s", buffer.c_str());
return false;
} else if (options[0] == kUserHalDumpOption) {
dprintf(nativeFd, "%s", mFakeUserHal.dump("").c_str());
return false;
} else {
// No options, dump the fake user hal state first and then send command to VHAL server
// to dump its state.
std::string buffer;
buffer += "Fake user hal state:\n";
buffer += mFakeUserHal.dump(" ");
buffer += "\n";
dprintf(nativeFd, "%s", buffer.c_str());
return mVehicleClient->dump(fd, options);
StatusCode DefaultVehicleHal::checkPropValue(const VehiclePropValue& value,
const VehiclePropConfig* config) {
int32_t property = value.prop;
VehiclePropertyType type = getPropType(property);
switch (type) {
case VehiclePropertyType::BOOLEAN:
case VehiclePropertyType::INT32:
if (value.value.int32Values.size() != 1) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
case VehiclePropertyType::INT32_VEC:
if (value.value.int32Values.size() < 1) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
case VehiclePropertyType::INT64:
if (value.value.int64Values.size() != 1) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
case VehiclePropertyType::INT64_VEC:
if (value.value.int64Values.size() < 1) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
case VehiclePropertyType::FLOAT:
if (value.value.floatValues.size() != 1) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
case VehiclePropertyType::FLOAT_VEC:
if (value.value.floatValues.size() < 1) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
case VehiclePropertyType::BYTES:
// We allow setting an empty bytes array.
case VehiclePropertyType::STRING:
// We allow setting an empty string.
case VehiclePropertyType::MIXED:
if (getPropGroup(property) == VehiclePropertyGroup::VENDOR) {
// We only checks vendor mixed properties.
return checkVendorMixedPropValue(value, config);
ALOGW("Unknown property type: %d", type);
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
return StatusCode::OK;
StatusCode DefaultVehicleHal::checkVendorMixedPropValue(const VehiclePropValue& value,
const VehiclePropConfig* config) {
auto configArray = config->configArray;
// configArray[0], 1 indicates the property has a String value, we allow the string value to
// be empty.
size_t int32Count = 0;
// configArray[1], 1 indicates the property has a Boolean value.
if (configArray[1] == 1) {
// configArray[2], 1 indicates the property has an Integer value.
if (configArray[2] == 1) {
// configArray[3], the number indicates the size of Integer[] in the property.
int32Count += static_cast<size_t>(configArray[3]);
if (value.value.int32Values.size() != int32Count) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
size_t int64Count = 0;
// configArray[4], 1 indicates the property has a Long value.
if (configArray[4] == 1) {
// configArray[5], the number indicates the size of Long[] in the property.
int64Count += static_cast<size_t>(configArray[5]);
if (value.value.int64Values.size() != int64Count) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
size_t floatCount = 0;
// configArray[6], 1 indicates the property has a Float value.
if (configArray[6] == 1) {
// configArray[7], the number indicates the size of Float[] in the property.
floatCount += static_cast<size_t>(configArray[7]);
if (value.value.floatValues.size() != floatCount) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
// configArray[8], the number indicates the size of byte[] in the property.
if (configArray[8] != 0 && value.value.bytes.size() != static_cast<size_t>(configArray[8])) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
return StatusCode::OK;
StatusCode DefaultVehicleHal::checkValueRange(const VehiclePropValue& value,
const VehicleAreaConfig* areaConfig) {
if (areaConfig == nullptr) {
return StatusCode::OK;
int32_t property = value.prop;
VehiclePropertyType type = getPropType(property);
switch (type) {
case VehiclePropertyType::INT32:
if (areaConfig->minInt32Value == 0 && areaConfig->maxInt32Value == 0) {
// We already checked this in checkPropValue.
assert(value.value.int32Values.size() > 0);
if (value.value.int32Values[0] < areaConfig->minInt32Value ||
value.value.int32Values[0] > areaConfig->maxInt32Value) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
case VehiclePropertyType::INT64:
if (areaConfig->minInt64Value == 0 && areaConfig->maxInt64Value == 0) {
// We already checked this in checkPropValue.
assert(value.value.int64Values.size() > 0);
if (value.value.int64Values[0] < areaConfig->minInt64Value ||
value.value.int64Values[0] > areaConfig->maxInt64Value) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
case VehiclePropertyType::FLOAT:
if (areaConfig->minFloatValue == 0 && areaConfig->maxFloatValue == 0) {
// We already checked this in checkPropValue.
assert(value.value.floatValues.size() > 0);
if (value.value.floatValues[0] < areaConfig->minFloatValue ||
value.value.floatValues[0] > areaConfig->maxFloatValue) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
// We don't check the rest of property types. Additional logic needs to be added if
// required for real implementation. E.g., you might want to enforce the range
// checks on vector as well or you might want to check the range for mixed property.
return StatusCode::OK;
StatusCode DefaultVehicleHal::setUserHalProp(const VehiclePropValue& propValue) {
ALOGI("onSetProperty(): property %d will be handled by UserHal", propValue.prop);
const auto& ret = mFakeUserHal.onSetProperty(propValue);
if (!ret.ok()) {
ALOGE("onSetProperty(): HAL returned error: %s", ret.error().message().c_str());
return StatusCode(ret.error().code());
auto updatedValue = ret.value().get();
if (updatedValue != nullptr) {
ALOGI("onSetProperty(): updating property returned by HAL: %s",
onPropertyValue(*updatedValue, true);
return StatusCode::OK;
StatusCode DefaultVehicleHal::set(const VehiclePropValue& propValue) {
if (propValue.status != VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE) {
// Android side cannot set property status - this value is the
// purview of the HAL implementation to reflect the state of
// its underlying hardware
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
if (mFakeUserHal.isSupported(propValue.prop)) {
return setUserHalProp(propValue);
std::unordered_set<int32_t> powerProps(std::begin(kHvacPowerProperties),
if (powerProps.count(propValue.prop)) {
auto hvacPowerOn = mPropStore->readValueOrNull(
(VehicleAreaSeat::ROW_1_LEFT | VehicleAreaSeat::ROW_1_RIGHT |
VehicleAreaSeat::ROW_2_LEFT | VehicleAreaSeat::ROW_2_CENTER |
if (hvacPowerOn && hvacPowerOn->value.int32Values.size() == 1 &&
hvacPowerOn->value.int32Values[0] == 0) {
return StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE;
if (propValue.prop == OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME_CLEAR) {
return clearObd2FreezeFrames(mPropStore, propValue);
if (propValue.prop == VEHICLE_MAP_SERVICE) {
// Placeholder for future implementation of VMS property in the default hal. For
// now, just returns OK; otherwise, hal clients crash with property not supported.
return StatusCode::OK;
int32_t property = propValue.prop;
const VehiclePropConfig* config = mPropStore->getConfigOrNull(property);
if (config == nullptr) {
ALOGW("no config for prop 0x%x", property);
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
const VehicleAreaConfig* areaConfig = getAreaConfig(propValue, config);
if (!isGlobalProp(property) && areaConfig == nullptr) {
// Ignore areaId for global property. For non global property, check whether areaId is
// allowed. areaId must appear in areaConfig.
ALOGW("invalid area ID: 0x%x for prop 0x%x, not listed in config", propValue.areaId,
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
auto status = checkPropValue(propValue, config);
if (status != StatusCode::OK) {
ALOGW("invalid property value: %s", toString(propValue).c_str());
return status;
status = checkValueRange(propValue, areaConfig);
if (status != StatusCode::OK) {
ALOGW("property value out of range: %s", toString(propValue).c_str());
return status;
auto currentPropValue = mPropStore->readValueOrNull(propValue);
if (currentPropValue && currentPropValue->status != VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE) {
// do not allow Android side to set() a disabled/error property
return StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE;
// Send the value to the vehicle server, the server will talk to the (real or emulated) car
return mVehicleClient->setProperty(propValue, /*updateStatus=*/false);
// Parse supported properties list and generate vector of property values to hold current values.
void DefaultVehicleHal::onCreate() {
auto configs = mVehicleClient->getAllPropertyConfig();
for (const auto& cfg : configs) {
if (isDiagnosticProperty(cfg)) {
// do not write an initial empty value for the diagnostic properties
// as we will initialize those separately.
int32_t numAreas = isGlobalProp(cfg.prop) ? 1 : cfg.areaConfigs.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numAreas; i++) {
int32_t curArea = isGlobalProp(cfg.prop) ? 0 : cfg.areaConfigs[i].areaId;
// Create a separate instance for each individual zone
VehiclePropValue prop = {
.areaId = curArea,
.prop = cfg.prop,
.status = VehiclePropertyStatus::UNAVAILABLE,
// Allow the initial values to set status.
mPropStore->writeValue(prop, /*updateStatus=*/true);
initObd2LiveFrame(mPropStore, *mPropStore->getConfigOrDie(OBD2_LIVE_FRAME));
initObd2FreezeFrame(mPropStore, *mPropStore->getConfigOrDie(OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME));
DefaultVehicleHal::~DefaultVehicleHal() {
void DefaultVehicleHal::registerHeartBeatEvent() {
VehicleHal::VehiclePropValuePtr DefaultVehicleHal::doInternalHealthCheck() {
VehicleHal::VehiclePropValuePtr v = nullptr;
// This is an example of very simple health checking. VHAL is considered healthy if we can read
// PERF_VEHICLE_SPEED. The more comprehensive health checking is required.
VehiclePropValue propValue = {
.prop = static_cast<int32_t>(VehicleProperty::PERF_VEHICLE_SPEED),
auto internalPropValue = mPropStore->readValueOrNull(propValue);
if (internalPropValue != nullptr) {
v = createVhalHeartBeatProp();
} else {
ALOGW("VHAL health check failed");
return v;
void DefaultVehicleHal::onContinuousPropertyTimer(const std::vector<int32_t>& properties) {
auto& pool = *getValuePool();
for (int32_t property : properties) {
std::vector<VehiclePropValuePtr> events;
if (isContinuousProperty(property)) {
const VehiclePropConfig* config = mPropStore->getConfigOrNull(property);
std::vector<int32_t> areaIds;
if (isGlobalProp(property)) {
} else {
for (auto& c : config->areaConfigs) {
for (int areaId : areaIds) {
auto v = pool.obtain(*mPropStore->refreshTimestamp(property, areaId));
if (v.get()) {
} else if (property == static_cast<int32_t>(VehicleProperty::VHAL_HEARTBEAT)) {
// VHAL_HEARTBEAT is not a continuous value, but it needs to be updated periodically.
// So, the update is done through onContinuousPropertyTimer.
auto v = doInternalHealthCheck();
if (!v.get()) {
// Internal health check failed.
mPropStore->writeValueWithCurrentTimestamp(v.get(), /*updateStatus=*/true);
} else {
ALOGE("Unexpected onContinuousPropertyTimer for property: 0x%x", property);
for (VehiclePropValuePtr& event : events) {
RecurrentTimer::Action DefaultVehicleHal::getTimerAction() {
return [this](const std::vector<int32_t>& properties) {
StatusCode DefaultVehicleHal::subscribe(int32_t property, float sampleRate) {
ALOGI("%s propId: 0x%x, sampleRate: %f", __func__, property, sampleRate);
if (!isContinuousProperty(property)) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
// If the config does not exist, isContinuousProperty should return false.
const VehiclePropConfig* config = mPropStore->getConfigOrNull(property);
if (sampleRate < config->minSampleRate || sampleRate > config->maxSampleRate) {
ALOGW("sampleRate out of range");
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
mRecurrentTimer.registerRecurrentEvent(hertzToNanoseconds(sampleRate), property);
return StatusCode::OK;
StatusCode DefaultVehicleHal::unsubscribe(int32_t property) {
ALOGI("%s propId: 0x%x", __func__, property);
if (!isContinuousProperty(property)) {
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
// If the event was not registered before, this would do nothing.
return StatusCode::OK;
bool DefaultVehicleHal::isContinuousProperty(int32_t propId) const {
const VehiclePropConfig* config = mPropStore->getConfigOrNull(propId);
if (config == nullptr) {
ALOGW("Config not found for property: 0x%x", propId);
return false;
return config->changeMode == VehiclePropertyChangeMode::CONTINUOUS;
void DefaultVehicleHal::onPropertyValue(const VehiclePropValue& value, bool updateStatus) {
VehiclePropValuePtr updatedPropValue = getValuePool()->obtain(value);
if (mPropStore->writeValueWithCurrentTimestamp(updatedPropValue.get(), updateStatus)) {
void DefaultVehicleHal::initStaticConfig() {
auto configs = mVehicleClient->getAllPropertyConfig();
for (auto&& cfg : configs) {
VehiclePropertyStore::TokenFunction tokenFunction = nullptr;
switch (cfg.prop) {
// We use timestamp as token for OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME
tokenFunction = [](const VehiclePropValue& propValue) {
return propValue.timestamp;
mPropStore->registerProperty(cfg, tokenFunction);
} // namespace impl
} // namespace V2_0
} // namespace vehicle
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android