blob: 1221ad85770f6cdacb8c26540a313bfd08c96927 [file] [log] [blame]
# KeyMint Benchmark
The KeyMint Benchmark is a standalone tool for measuring the performance of
KeyMint implementations.
## Building
`m VtsAidlKeyMintBenchmarkTest`
Transfer to device/emulator:
`adb sync data`
The benchmark executable will be located at
`data/benchmarktest/VtsAidlKeyMintBenchmarkTest` on the device.
## Usage
KeyMint Benchmark is built on [Google microbenchmark
library]( All of the commandline arguments
provided by the microbenchmark library are valid, such as
`--benchmark_filter=<regex>` or `benchmark_out_format={json|console|csv}`.
In addition to the command line arguments provided by microbenchmark,
`--service_name=<service_name>` is provided to allow specification of the KeyMint
fully qualified service name, e.g. specify
`` to
benchmark default implementation of KeyMint.