[docs] Add instructions to `README.md` on how to set up and bootstrap this `getting-started` SDK repo.

Source: [Walkthrough of workflows using the Fuchsia SDK](https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/get-started/sdk?env=terminal)

Change-Id: I65c96b45377c83fe768a08c21e59230702cc7b3f
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk-samples/getting-started/+/973034
Reviewed-by: Jiaming Li <lijiaming@google.com>
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a55c3f7..f881e2e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,6 +3,92 @@
 This repository contains instructions and source code to build, package and run
 Fuchsia samples using only the Fuchsia SDK.
-Please refer to https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/get-started/sdk for the most up
-to date guidance on how to bootstrap this repository.
+## Set up and bootstrap the SDK samples repository
+Clone this SDK samples repository on your host machine. This repository contains
+the Bazel-based Fuchsia SDK and sample components.
+The tasks include:
+- Bootstrap the SDK samples repository.
+- Download the SDK toolchain to initialize the SDK environment.
+- Verify that you can run [`ffx`][ffx] commands.
+Do the following:
+1. Open a terminal.
+1. In the terminal, change to your home directory:
+   ```posix-terminal
+   cd
+   ```
+1. Clone the Fuchsia samples repository:
+   ```posix-terminal
+   git clone https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/sdk-samples/getting-started fuchsia-getting-started --recurse-submodules
+   ```
+   This `git clone` command creates a new directory named
+   `fuchsia-getting-started` and clones the content of the
+   [SDK samples repository][sdk-samples-repo]{:.external}.
+1. Go to the new directory:
+   ```posix-terminal
+   cd fuchsia-getting-started
+   ```
+1. Run the bootstrap script to install Bazel and other required dependencies:
+   ```posix-terminal
+   scripts/bootstrap.sh
+   ```
+1. Download the SDK toolchain:
+   ```posix-terminal
+   tools/bazel build @fuchsia_sdk//:fuchsia_toolchain_sdk
+   ```
+   This command may take a few minutes to download all the tools and
+   dependencies, such as [Clang]{:.external} and
+   [Fuchsia IDK][fuchsia-idk] (which includes the `ffx` tool).
+   When finished successfully, it prints output similar to the following:
+   ```none {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy}
+   $ tools/bazel build @fuchsia_sdk//:fuchsia_toolchain_sdk
+   ...
+   INFO: Elapsed time: 25.063s, Critical Path: 0.03s
+   INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
+   INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
+   ```
+1. To verify that you can use the `ffx` tool in your environment, run the
+   following command:
+   ```posix-terminal
+   tools/ffx sdk version
+   ```
+   This command prints output similar to the following:
+   ```none {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy}
+   $ tools/ffx sdk version
+   11.20230109.3.1
+   ```
+   At this point, you only need to confirm that you can run `ffx` commands
+   without error.
+   Note: The output above shows the version `11.20230109.3.1`, which
+   indicates that this SDK was built and published on January 9, 2023.
+<!-- Reference links -->
+[clang]: https://clang.llvm.org
+[ffx]: https://fuchsia.dev/reference/tools/sdk/ffx
+[fuchsia-idk]: https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/development/idk
+[sdk-samples-repo]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/sdk-samples/getting-started