blob: 55b9380e7276865379721feb9b3b2dcf940cb3e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "peridot/lib/fidl/array_to_string.h"
#include "peridot/lib/ledger_client/ledger_client.h"
#include "peridot/lib/ledger_client/page_client.h"
#include "peridot/lib/ledger_client/page_id.h"
#include "peridot/lib/testing/test_with_ledger.h"
namespace modular {
namespace testing {
namespace {
class PageClientImpl : PageClient {
PageClientImpl(LedgerClient* ledger_client,
LedgerPageId page_id,
std::string prefix = "")
: PageClient("PageClientImpl",
std::move(prefix)) {}
~PageClientImpl() override = default;
void OnPageChange(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) override {
values_[key] = value;
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "OnPageChange \"" << prefix() << "\""
<< " " << change_count_ << " " << key << " " << value;
void OnPageConflict(Conflict* const conflict) override {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "OnPageConflict " << prefix() << " " << conflict_count_
<< " " << to_string(conflict->key) << " " << conflict->left
<< " " << conflict->right;
conflict->resolution = MERGE;
conflict->merged = "value3";
int change_count() const { return change_count_; }
int conflict_count() const { return conflict_count_; }
const std::string& value(const std::string& key) { return values_[key]; }
ledger::Page* page() { return PageClient::page(); }
std::map<std::string, std::string> values_;
int change_count_{};
int conflict_count_{};
class PageClientTest : public TestWithLedger {
PageClientTest() : page_id_(MakePageId("0123456789123456")) {}
~PageClientTest() = default;
void SetUp() override {
// We only handle one conflict resolution per test case for now.
ledger_client()->add_watcher([this] { resolved_ = true; });
// TODO(mesch): Registration order matters for overlapping prefixes. This
// should not be like that.
page_client_a_.reset(new PageClientImpl(ledger_client(), page_id_, "a/"));
page_client_b_.reset(new PageClientImpl(ledger_client(), page_id_, "b/"));
page_client_.reset(new PageClientImpl(ledger_client(), page_id_));
std::make_unique<ledger::PageId>(page_id_), page_.NewRequest(),
[](ledger::Status status) { ASSERT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status); });
void TearDown() override {
PageClientImpl* page_client() { return page_client_.get(); }
ledger::Page* page() { return page_.get(); }
PageClientImpl* page_client_a() { return page_client_a_.get(); }
PageClientImpl* page_client_b() { return page_client_b_.get(); }
// Shorthand for the two connections to the page, and the two clients on the
// first connection.
ledger::Page* page1() { return page_client_->page(); }
ledger::Page* page1a() { return page_client_a_->page(); }
ledger::Page* page1b() { return page_client_b_->page(); }
ledger::Page* page2() { return page_.get(); }
// Factory for a ledger callback function that just logs errors.
std::function<void(ledger::Status)> log(std::string context) {
return [context](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status) << context;
void Finish() { finished_ = true; }
// Runs the message loop until after Finish() completes, then optionally until
// conflicts are resolved, then until the observed |condition| becomes true.
void Run(const bool wait_for_resolved, std::function<bool()> condition) {
[ this, wait_for_resolved, condition = std::move(condition) ] {
// First wait for Finish() to be called.
if (!finished_) {
return false;
// Then wait for conflict resolution to complete.
if (wait_for_resolved && !resolved_) {
return false;
// Finally, wait for the observed condition. TODO(mesch): This is
// lame, because test failure now requires us to time out, however the
// actual condition to wait for -- that the conflict is resolved and
// watcher notifications are dispatched -- is not observable from
// here.
if (!condition()) {
return false;
return true;
// NOTE(mesch): Test cases here take about 300ms when running in CI.
// Occasionally they take much longer, presumably because of load on
// shared machines. With the default timeout, we see flakiness. Cf.
// FW-287.
const LedgerPageId page_id_;
// Separate page clients for different prefixes all for the same page. They
// share the same page connection since they are created on the same ledger
// client.
std::unique_ptr<PageClientImpl> page_client_;
std::unique_ptr<PageClientImpl> page_client_a_;
std::unique_ptr<PageClientImpl> page_client_b_;
// A separate connection to the same page as page_client_, used to create
// conflicts.
ledger::PagePtr page_;
// Used by Finish() and Run();
bool finished_{};
bool resolved_{};
// This test is flaky.
TEST_F(PageClientTest, DISABLED_SimpleWrite) {
page1()->Put(to_array("key"), to_array("value"), log("Put"));
Run(false, [this] { return page_client()->value("key") == "value"; });
EXPECT_EQ(0, page_client()->conflict_count());
EXPECT_EQ("value", page_client()->value("key"));
TEST_F(PageClientTest, PrefixWrite) {
page2()->Put(to_array("a/key"), to_array("value"), log("Put"));
page2()->Put(to_array("b/key"), to_array("value"), log("Put"));
Run(false, [this] {
return page_client_a()->value("a/key") == "value" &&
page_client_b()->value("b/key") == "value";
EXPECT_EQ(0, page_client()->conflict_count());
EXPECT_EQ(0, page_client_a()->conflict_count());
EXPECT_EQ(0, page_client_b()->conflict_count());
EXPECT_EQ("value", page_client_a()->value("a/key"));
EXPECT_EQ("value", page_client_b()->value("b/key"));
TEST_F(PageClientTest, ConcurrentWrite) {
page1()->Put(to_array("key1"), to_array("value1"), log("Put key1"));
page2()->Put(to_array("key2"), to_array("value2"), log("Put key2"));
Run(false, [this] {
return page_client()->value("key1") == "value1" &&
page_client()->value("key2") == "value2";
EXPECT_EQ(0, page_client()->conflict_count());
EXPECT_EQ("value1", page_client()->value("key1"));
EXPECT_EQ("value2", page_client()->value("key2"));
TEST_F(PageClientTest, ConflictWrite) {
page2()->StartTransaction([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
to_array("key"), to_array("value2"), [this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page1()->StartTransaction([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page1()->Put(to_array("key"), to_array("value1"),
[this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page2()->Commit([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page1()->Commit([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
Run(true, [this] { return page_client()->value("key") == "value3"; });
EXPECT_EQ(1, page_client()->conflict_count());
EXPECT_EQ("value3", page_client()->value("key"));
TEST_F(PageClientTest, ConflictPrefixWrite) {
page2()->StartTransaction([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
to_array("a/key"), to_array("value2"), [this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page1()->StartTransaction([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page1()->Put(to_array("a/key"), to_array("value1"),
[this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page2()->Commit([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page1()->Commit([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
Run(true, [this] { return page_client_a()->value("a/key") == "value3"; });
EXPECT_EQ(1, page_client_a()->conflict_count());
EXPECT_EQ(0, page_client_b()->conflict_count());
EXPECT_EQ("value3", page_client_a()->value("a/key"));
TEST_F(PageClientTest, ConcurrentConflictWrite) {
page2()->StartTransaction([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page2()->Put(to_array("key2"), to_array("value2"), log("Put 2 key2"));
to_array("key"), to_array("value2"), [this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page1()->StartTransaction([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page1()->Put(to_array("key1"), to_array("value1"),
log("Put 1 key1"));
page1()->Put(to_array("key"), to_array("value1"),
[this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page2()->Commit([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
page1()->Commit([this](ledger::Status status) {
EXPECT_EQ(ledger::Status::OK, status);
Run(true, [this] {
return page_client()->value("key") == "value3" &&
page_client()->value("key1") == "value1" &&
page_client()->value("key2") == "value2";
EXPECT_EQ(1, page_client()->conflict_count());
EXPECT_EQ("value1", page_client()->value("key1"));
EXPECT_EQ("value2", page_client()->value("key2"));
EXPECT_EQ("value3", page_client()->value("key"));
} // namespace
} // namespace testing
} // namespace modular