blob: 6fa1a5e10a8ff198631aa9a95825a5cb36e90fe2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/ranking_features/affinity_ranking_feature.h"
#include <lib/fsl/types/type_converters.h>
#include <lib/fxl/logging.h>
#include <lib/fxl/strings/join_strings.h>
#include <lib/fxl/type_converter.h>
namespace modular {
namespace {
bool MatchesMod(const fuchsia::modular::ModuleAffinity& affinity,
const fidl::VectorPtr<fidl::StringPtr>& mod_path,
const std::string& affinity_story) {
// If the stories are not the same return early.
if (affinity.story_name != affinity_story) {
return false;
// Since module_paths are composed using the name of the parent view (note
// this is how it's working today, but not how it should be expected to work.
// Module names are opaque identifiers we shouldn't rely on for this kind of
// logic), we compare the one in focused with the affinity we are interested.
// Exmaple:
// - In focus: a/b/c
// - Affinity: a/b
// Since the name is the same up to a/b, then we have higher confidence.
// TODO(miguelfrde): rather than using this in a boolean fashion, return a
// meaningful confidence that represents this behavior and supports cases such
// as a/b/c vs a/d. For the case above it could be 0.66 and for the case of
// a/d 0.33.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mod_path->size(); i++) {
if (i >= affinity.module_name->size()) {
if (mod_path->at(i) != affinity.module_name->at(i)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
AffinityRankingFeature::AffinityRankingFeature() {}
AffinityRankingFeature::~AffinityRankingFeature() = default;
double AffinityRankingFeature::ComputeFeatureInternal(
const fuchsia::modular::UserInput& query,
const RankedSuggestion& suggestion) {
const auto& proposal = suggestion.prototype->proposal;
if (proposal.affinity->empty()) {
return kMaxConfidence;
for (const auto& context_value : *ContextValues()) {
const auto& affinity_story_id = context_value.meta.story->id;
for (const auto& affinity : *proposal.affinity) {
if (affinity.is_story_affinity() &&
affinity_story_id == affinity.story_affinity().story_name) {
return kMaxConfidence;
if (affinity.is_module_affinity() &&
MatchesMod(affinity.module_affinity(), context_value.meta.mod->path,
affinity_story_id)) {
return kMaxConfidence;
return kMinConfidence;
AffinityRankingFeature::CreateContextSelectorInternal() {
// Get currently focused mod and in focused story.
auto selector = fuchsia::modular::ContextSelector::New();
selector->type = fuchsia::modular::ContextValueType::MODULE;
selector->meta = fuchsia::modular::ContextMetadata::New();
selector->meta->story = fuchsia::modular::StoryMetadata::New();
selector->meta->story->focused = fuchsia::modular::FocusedState::New();
selector->meta->story->focused->state =
selector->meta->mod = fuchsia::modular::ModuleMetadata::New();
selector->meta->mod->focused = fuchsia::modular::FocusedState::New();
selector->meta->mod->focused->state =
return selector;
} // namespace modular