blob: 9a7e002ea25394f1c1c8ea01ebbf3883106c39da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "peridot/lib/user_shell_settings/user_shell_settings.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <lib/fxl/files/file.h>
#include <lib/fxl/logging.h>
#include "third_party/rapidjson/rapidjson/document.h"
namespace modular {
namespace {
constexpr char kDeviceShellConfigJsonPath[] =
std::vector<UserShellSettings>* g_system_settings;
} // namespace
namespace internal {
// Given a rapidjson::Value that is an object (i.e. a key-value map), look up
// |key| in the object and return the value associated with it.
template <typename T>
T GetObjectValue(const rapidjson::Value& object, const std::string& key);
// Specializes |GetObjectValue|, expecting the type of object[key] to be an JSON
// string. Returns "" if the key doesn't exist or isn't a JSON string.
template <>
std::string GetObjectValue(const rapidjson::Value& object,
const std::string& key) {
if (!object.IsObject())
return "";
if (!object.HasMember(key))
return "";
const auto& field = object[key];
if (!field.IsString())
return "";
return field.GetString();
// Specializes |GetObjectValue|, expecting the type of object[key] to be a _JSON
// string that represents a float_. (Note that the type is not expected to be a
// raw JSON number!). Returns std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN() if
// the float couldn't be parsed from the string.
template <>
float GetObjectValue(const rapidjson::Value& object, const std::string& key) {
auto str = GetObjectValue<std::string>(object, key);
if (str.empty())
return std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
const char* const c_str = str.c_str();
char* c_str_end;
const float f = std::strtof(c_str, &c_str_end);
if (f == HUGE_VAL || (f == 0.0f && c_str_end == c_str))
return std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
return f;
// Specializes |GetObjectValue|, expecting the type of object[key] to be a JSON
// string that represents a fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage. Returns kUnknown
// if the string couldn't be parsed.
template <>
fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage GetObjectValue(const rapidjson::Value& object,
const std::string& key) {
auto str = GetObjectValue<std::string>(object, key);
if (str.empty()) {
return fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kUnknown;
// Keep in sync with
// <>.
if (str == "handheld") {
return fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kHandheld;
} else if (str == "close") {
return fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kClose;
} else if (str == "near") {
return fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kNear;
} else if (str == "midrange") {
return fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kMidrange;
} else if (str == "far") {
return fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kFar;
} else {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "unknown display usage string: " << str;
return fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage::kUnknown;
// Given a |json| string, parses it into list of user shell settings.
std::vector<UserShellSettings> ParseUserShellSettings(const std::string& json) {
// TODO(MI4-1166): topaz/lib/device_shell/lib/user_shell_chooser.dart is a
// similar implementation of this in Dart. One of the two implementations
// could probably be removed now.
std::vector<UserShellSettings> settings;
rapidjson::Document document;
if (document.HasParseError()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "ParseUserShellSettings(): parse error "
<< document.GetParseError();
return settings;
if (!document.IsArray()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "ParseUserShellSettings(): root item isn't an array";
return settings;
if (document.Empty()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "ParseUserShellSettings(): root array is empty";
return settings;
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < document.Size(); i++) {
using modular::internal::GetObjectValue;
const auto& user_shell = document[i];
const auto& name = GetObjectValue<std::string>(user_shell, "name");
if (name.empty())
.name = GetObjectValue<std::string>(user_shell, "name"),
.screen_width = GetObjectValue<float>(user_shell, "screen_width"),
.screen_height = GetObjectValue<float>(user_shell, "screen_height"),
.display_usage = GetObjectValue<fuchsia::ui::policy::DisplayUsage>(
user_shell, "display_usage"),
return settings;
} // namespace internal
const std::vector<UserShellSettings>& UserShellSettings::GetSystemSettings() {
// This method is intentionally thread-hostile to keep things simple, and
// needs modification to be thread-safe or thread-compatible.
if (g_system_settings) {
return *g_system_settings;
g_system_settings = new std::vector<UserShellSettings>;
std::string json;
if (!files::ReadFileToString(kDeviceShellConfigJsonPath, &json)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << kDeviceShellConfigJsonPath << ": read failed";
return *g_system_settings;
*g_system_settings = internal::ParseUserShellSettings(json);
return *g_system_settings;
bool operator==(const UserShellSettings& lhs, const UserShellSettings& rhs) {
if ( !=
return false;
auto float_eq = [](float f, float g) {
// OK to do direct float comparison here, since we want bitwise value
// equality.
if (f == g)
return true;
if (std::isnan(f) && std::isnan(g))
return true;
return false;
if (!float_eq(lhs.screen_width, rhs.screen_width))
return false;
if (!float_eq(lhs.screen_height, rhs.screen_height))
return false;
if (lhs.display_usage != rhs.display_usage)
return false;
return true;
} // namespace modular