blob: 6bbfd908265cf6bbca372771174be39e7775831a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include <fuchsia/modular/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding.h>
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/debug.h"
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/decision_policies/decision_policy.h"
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/filters/suggestion_active_filter.h"
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/filters/suggestion_passive_filter.h"
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/interruptions_processor.h"
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/proposal_publisher_impl.h"
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/ranked_suggestion.h"
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/ranked_suggestions_list.h"
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/rankers/ranker.h"
#include "peridot/bin/suggestion_engine/suggestion_prototype.h"
namespace modular {
class ProposalPublisherImpl;
class SuggestionEngineImpl;
// The NextProcessor manages all contextual proposals for the suggestion
// engine.
class NextProcessor {
NextProcessor(std::shared_ptr<SuggestionDebugImpl> debug);
virtual ~NextProcessor();
void RegisterListener(
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::modular::NextListener> listener,
size_t max_results);
void RegisterInterruptionListener(
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::modular::InterruptionListener> listener);
// Adds a next suggestion created from the provided proposal.
// |component_url| The url of the component that created the proposal.
// |story_id| The identifier for the story associated with the proposal.
// |proposal| The proposal to create the suggestion from.
void AddProposal(const std::string& component_url,
const std::string& story_id,
fuchsia::modular::Proposal proposal);
// Adds a next suggestion created from the provided proposal. This method
// allows the caller to specify a story that can be used to dynamically
// preview the created suggestion.
// |component_url| The url of the component that created the proposal.
// |story_id| The identifier for the story associated with the proposal.
// |preloaded_story_id| The identifier for a story that can be used to
// display a dynamic suggestion for the proposal. If empty, no such
// story exists.
// |proposal| The proposal to create the suggestion from.
void AddProposal(const std::string& component_url,
const std::string& story_id,
const std::string& preloaded_story_id,
fuchsia::modular::Proposal proposal);
// Removes the identified proposal from the next processor.
// |component_url| The url of the component that created the proposal.
// |proposal_id| The identifier for the proposal.
void RemoveProposal(const std::string& component_url,
const std::string& proposal_id);
// Returns a pointer to the suggestion associated with the provided
// |component_url| and |proposal_id|, or nullptr if no such suggestion exists.
SuggestionPrototype* GetSuggestion(const std::string& component_url,
const std::string& proposal_id) const;
void SetActiveFilters(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SuggestionActiveFilter>>&& active_filters);
void SetPassiveFilters(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SuggestionPassiveFilter>>&& passive_filters);
void SetRanker(std::unique_ptr<Ranker> ranker);
void SetInterruptionDecisionPolicy(
std::unique_ptr<DecisionPolicy> decision_policy);
// Gets a suggestion stored in the processor.
RankedSuggestion* GetSuggestion(const std::string& suggestion_id) const;
// Reranks suggestions if dirty and updates listeners
void UpdateRanking();
// Notify the listeners of new suggestions
void NotifyAllOfResults();
// Notifies the listeners that the processing state has changed.
void NotifyOfProcessingChange(bool processing);
// (proposer ID, proposal ID) => suggestion prototype
using SuggestionPrototypeMap = std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>,
void NotifyOfResults(const fuchsia::modular::NextListenerPtr& listener,
size_t max_results);
void RemoveProposalFromList(const std::string& component_url,
const std::string& proposal_id);
InterruptionsProcessor interruptions_processor_;
RankedSuggestionsList suggestions_;
std::shared_ptr<SuggestionDebugImpl> debug_;
SuggestionPrototypeMap prototypes_;
bool processing_;
std::vector<std::pair<fuchsia::modular::NextListenerPtr, size_t>> listeners_;
} // namespace modular