blob: 009a6d30f54a2b052db504427392662fbd11b993 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <fuchsia/modular/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/future.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include "peridot/lib/ledger_client/ledger_client.h"
#include "peridot/lib/ledger_client/page_client.h"
#include "peridot/lib/ledger_client/page_id.h"
using fuchsia::modular::LinkPath;
using fuchsia::modular::LinkPathPtr;
using fuchsia::modular::ModuleData;
using fuchsia::modular::ModuleDataPtr;
namespace modular {
// This class has the following responsibilities:
// * Manage the persistence of metadata about what mods are part of a single
// story.
// * Manage the persistence of link values in a single story.
// * Observe the metadata and call clients back when changes initiated by other
// Ledger clients appear.
// All calls operate directly on the Ledger itself: no local caching is
// performed.
class StoryStorage : public PageClient {
// Constructs a new StoryStorage with storage on |page_id| in the ledger
// given by |ledger_client|.
// |ledger_client| must outlive *this.
StoryStorage(LedgerClient* ledger_client, fuchsia::ledger::PageId page_id);
enum class Status {
OK = 0,
// Indicates the storage operation detected either an invalid or conflicting
// entity type (e.g. an empty type string or a write with a mismatched
// type).
// Indicates the storage operation detected an invalid entity cookie (e.g.
// an empty cookie).
// =========================================================================
// ModuleData
// Sets the callback that is called whenever ModuleData is added or updated
// in underlying storage. Excludes notifications for changes (such as with
// WriteModuleData() or UpdateModuleData()) made on this instance of
// StoryStorage.
void set_on_module_data_updated(std::function<void(ModuleData)> callback) {
on_module_data_updated_ = std::move(callback);
// Returns the current ModuleData for |module_path|. If not found, the
// returned value is null.
FuturePtr<ModuleDataPtr> ReadModuleData(
const fidl::VectorPtr<fidl::StringPtr>& module_path);
// Writes |module_data| to storage. The returned future is completed
// once |module_data| has been written and a notification confirming the
// write has been received.
FuturePtr<> WriteModuleData(ModuleData module_data);
// Reads the ModuleData for |module_path|, calls |mutate_fn| which may modify
// the contents, and writes the resulting ModuleData back to storage.
// Completes the returned future once a notification confirming the write has
// been received.
// If there is no ModuleData for |module_path|, |mutate_fn| will be called
// with a null ModuleDataPtr. |mutate_fn| may initialize the ModuleDataPtr,
// in which case a new ModuleData record will be written.
// It is illegal to change ModuleDataPtr->module_path in |mutate_fn| or to
// reset to null an otherwise initialized ModuleDataPtr.
FuturePtr<> UpdateModuleData(
const fidl::VectorPtr<fidl::StringPtr>& module_path,
std::function<void(ModuleDataPtr*)> mutate_fn);
// Returns all ModuleData entries for all mods.
FuturePtr<fidl::VectorPtr<ModuleData>> ReadAllModuleData();
// =========================================================================
// Link data
// Use with WatchLink below.
// Called whenever a change occurs to the link specified in
// WatchLink(). The receiver gets the LinkPath, the current
// |value| and whatever |context| was passed into the mutation call. If
// the new value did not originate from a call on *this, |context| will be
// given the special value of nullptr.
using LinkUpdatedCallback =
std::function<void(const fidl::StringPtr& value, const void* context)>;
using LinkWatcherAutoCancel = fit::deferred_action<std::function<void()>>;
// Registers |callback| to be invoked whenever a change to the link value at
// |link_path| occurs. See documentation for LinkUpdatedCallback above. The
// returned LinkWatcherAutoCancel must be kept alive as long as the callee
// wishes to receive link updates on |callback|.
LinkWatcherAutoCancel WatchLink(const LinkPath& link_path,
LinkUpdatedCallback callback);
// Returns the value for |link_path|.
// The returned value will be stringified JSON. If no value is found, returns
// "null", the JSON string for a null value.
FuturePtr<Status, std::string> GetLinkValue(const LinkPath& link_path);
// Fetches the link value at |link_path| and passes it to |mutate_fn|.
// |mutate_fn| must synchronously update the StringPtr with the desired new
// value for the link and return. The new value will be written to storage
// and the returned future completed with the status.
// |mutate_fn|'s |value| points to the current value for the link and may be
// modified. If the link is new and has no value, value->is_null() will be
// true. Otherwise, *value will be valid JSON and must remain valid JSON
// after |mutate_fn| is done.
// |context| is carried with the mutation operation and passed to any
// notifications about this change on this instance of StoryStorage. A value
// of nullptr for |context| is illegal.
FuturePtr<Status> UpdateLinkValue(
const LinkPath& link_path,
std::function<void(fidl::StringPtr* value)> mutate_fn,
const void* context);
// Sets the type and data for the Entity stored under |cookie|.
// |type| If Entity data has already been written, this type is expected to
// match the type which was previously written.
// |data| The data to write to the Entity.
FuturePtr<Status> SetEntityData(const std::string& cookie,
const std::string& type,
fuchsia::mem::Buffer data);
// Returns the type for the Entity stored under the provided |cookie|.
// If an error occurred the Status will indicate the error, and returned
// string will be empty.
FuturePtr<Status, std::string> GetEntityType(const std::string& cookie);
// Returns the data for the Entity stored under the provided |cookie|.
// |type| The expected type of the data.
// If an error occurred the Status will indicate the error, and returned
// fuchsia::mem::BufferPtr will be nullptr.
FuturePtr<Status, fuchsia::mem::BufferPtr> GetEntityData(
const std::string& cookie, const std::string& type);
// A callback which is used to notify watchers of updates to Entity data.
// |cookie| The cookie for the Entity which was updated.
// |value| The new Entity data.
using EntityUpdatedCallback = std::function<void(const std::string& cookie,
fuchsia::mem::Buffer value)>;
// A fit::deferred_action which is used to remove Entity watchers.
using EntityWatcherAutoCancel = fit::deferred_action<std::function<void()>>;
// Registers a watcher for an Entity and returns an EntityWatcherAutoCancel.
// Updates will be sent as long as the EntityWatcherAutoCancel stays alive.
// |cookie| The Entity cookie.
// |callback| The callback which gets called when an update is received.
EntityWatcherAutoCancel WatchEntity(const std::string& cookie,
EntityUpdatedCallback callback);
// Sets the |entity_name| of the Entity associated with |cookie|.
// Once an entity has been named, the associated |cookie| can be retrieved by
// calling |GetEntityCookieForName|.
FuturePtr<Status> SetEntityName(const std::string& cookie,
const std::string& entity_name);
// Gets the Entity cookie associated with the specified name.
FuturePtr<Status, std::string> GetEntityCookieForName(
const std::string& entity_name);
// Completes the returned future after all prior methods have completed.
FuturePtr<> Sync();
// |PageClient|
void OnPageChange(const std::string& key,
fuchsia::mem::BufferPtr value) override;
// |PageClient|
void OnPageDelete(const std::string& key) override;
// |PageClient|
void OnPageConflict(Conflict* conflict) override;
// Notifies any watchers in |link_watchers_|.
// |value| will never be a null StringPtr. |value| is always a JSON-encoded
// string, so a null value will be presented as the string "null".
void NotifyLinkWatchers(const std::string& link_key, fidl::StringPtr value,
const void* context);
// Notifies any watchers in |entity_watchers_[cookie]|.
// |value| is a valid fuchsia::mem::Buffer.
void NotifyEntityWatchers(const std::string& cookie,
fuchsia::mem::Buffer value);
// Completes the returned Future when the ledger notifies us (through
// OnPageChange()) of a write for |key| with |value|.
FuturePtr<> WaitForWrite(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
fxl::WeakPtr<StoryStorage> GetWeakPtr();
LedgerClient* const ledger_client_;
const fuchsia::ledger::PageId page_id_;
// NOTE: This operation queue serializes all link operations, even though
// operations on different links do not have an impact on each other. Consider
// adding an OperationQueue per link if we want to increase concurrency.
OperationQueue operation_queue_;
// Called when new ModuleData is encountered from the Ledger.
std::function<void(ModuleData)> on_module_data_updated_;
// A map of link ledger key -> watcher callback. Multiple clients can watch
// the same Link.
std::multimap<std::string, LinkUpdatedCallback> link_watchers_;
// A map of Entity ledger key -> watcher callback. Multiple clients can watche
// the same Entity.
std::multimap<std::string, EntityUpdatedCallback> entity_watchers_;
// A map of ledger (key, value) to (vec of future). When we see a
// notification in OnPageChange() for a matching (key, value), we complete
// all the respective futures.
// NOTE: we use a map<> of vector<> here instead of a multimap<> because we
// complete all the Futures for a given key/value pair at once.
std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, std::vector<FuturePtr<>>>
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<StoryStorage> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace modular