blob: c0fde7898c4aeaafa5df7602bf57aaba7ae4e0f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.modular.auth;
// This interface provides tokens to Agents for their current user. This service
// can be obtained by agents via AgentContext.GetTokenProvider().
interface TokenProvider {
// Gets the access token (with pre-defined scopes) for this user. Access token
// is returned from cache if not expired, otherwise refreshed from the server.
// Empty response is returned if running in incognito mode.
1: GetAccessToken() -> (string? access_token, AuthErr auth_err);
// Gets the Identity token (with pre-defined scopes) for this user. Identity
// token is returned from cache if not expired, otherwise refreshed from the
// server.
// Empty response is returned if running in incognito mode.
2: GetIdToken() -> (string? id_token, AuthErr auth_err);
// Gets the |FirebaseToken| for this user for the specified firebase api key.
// This api invokes firebase auth's VerifyAssertion endpoint that takes an
// OAuth IdToken as the input. Firebase auth token is returned from cache if
// not expired, otherwise refreshed from the server.
// Empty response is returned if running in incognito mode.
3: GetFirebaseAuthToken(string firebase_api_key) ->
(FirebaseToken? firebase_token, AuthErr auth_err);
// Returns the client id used to fetch the above tokens.
4: GetClientId() -> (string? client_id);
// Authentication errors returned by Token Manager. It contains error status
// code along with a detailed error message.
struct AuthErr {
Status status;
string message;
// Specifies the success/failure status.
enum Status {
// Success
OK = 0;
// A problem with client configuration such as invalid_client, missing params
// etc. This should happen only in development not at run-time, unless
// user/developer changes any of this config. No retry is required.
// Unable to parse the server side response. Retry is optional, this error
// should be extremely rare.
// Server is reachable and propagated an error returned by OAuth Server
// backends. That kind of error cannot be fixed on retries, and has some
// root cause that needs to be addressed either in the client's configuration
// or because the user explicitly revoked access to the client app. For
// instance: invalid_token, expired_token, invalid_client_id, invalid_user,
// invalid_args, etc.
// User cancelled the flow, no need to retry.
// Network error, eg. unreachable. This may be temporary, a retry is
// recommended.
// Internal error. Retry is optional, this error should be rare.
// Stores attributes related to a firebase auth token for a given firebase api
// key. These tokens are obtained by agents using
// TokenProvider.GetFirebaseAuthToken().
// These tokens are minted by the Firebase Auth servers and are meant to be used
// for authorizing users into Firebase services such as DB and storage.
struct FirebaseToken {
// The auth token in firebase database and storage requests.
string id_token;
// Uniquely identifies the user.
string local_id;
// User's email address as provided by the Identity Provider.
string email;