blob: de4a80692771fee902ae057bf6faa727d7ade55e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/app/page_eviction_manager_impl.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/callback/waiter.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fxl/strings/concatenate.h>
#include <zx/time.h>
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/app/constants.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/app/ledger_repository_impl.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/app/page_usage_db.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/app/types.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/coroutine/coroutine.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/coroutine/coroutine_waiter.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/storage/public/constants.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/storage/public/page_storage.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/storage/public/types.h"
namespace ledger {
namespace {
// Logs an error message if the given |status| is not |OK| or |INTERNAL_ERROR|.
void LogOnPageUpdateError(fxl::StringView operation_description, Status status,
fxl::StringView ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id) {
// Don't print an error on |INTERNAL_ERROR|: it means that the operation was
// interrupted, because PageEvictionManagerImpl was destroyed before being
// empty.
if (status != Status::OK && status != Status::INTERNAL_ERROR) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to " << operation_description
<< " in PageUsage DB. Status: " << fidl::ToUnderlying(status)
<< ". Ledger name: " << ledger_name
<< ". Page ID: " << convert::ToHex(page_id);
// If the given |status| is not |OK|, logs an error message on failure to
// initialize. Returns true in case of error; false otherwise.
bool LogOnInitializationError(fxl::StringView operation_description,
Status status) {
if (status != Status::OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << operation_description
<< " failed because of initialization error: "
<< fidl::ToUnderlying(status);
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
PageEvictionManagerImpl::Completer::Completer() {}
PageEvictionManagerImpl::Completer::~Completer() {
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::Completer::Complete(Status status) {
Status PageEvictionManagerImpl::Completer::WaitUntilDone(
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler) {
if (completed_) {
return status_;
auto sync_call_status =
coroutine::SyncCall(handler, [this](fit::closure callback) {
// SyncCall finishes its execution when the given |callback| is called.
// To block the termination of |SyncCall| (and of |WaitUntilDone|), here
// we push this |callback| in the vector of |callbacks_|. Once
// |Complete| is called, we will call all of these callbacks, which will
// eventually unblock all pending |WaitUntilDone| calls.
if (sync_call_status == coroutine::ContinuationStatus::INTERRUPTED) {
return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
return status_;
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::Completer::CallCallbacks(Status status) {
if (completed_) {
completed_ = true;
status_ = status;
// We need to move the callbacks in the stack since calling any of the
// them might lead to the deletion of this object, invalidating callbacks_.
std::vector<fit::closure> callbacks = std::move(callbacks_);
for (const auto& callback : callbacks) {
PageEvictionManagerImpl::PageEvictionManagerImpl(Environment* environment,
DetachedPath db_path)
: environment_(environment),
db_(environment, db_path.SubPath({storage::kSerializationVersion,
weak_factory_(this) {}
PageEvictionManagerImpl::~PageEvictionManagerImpl() {}
Status PageEvictionManagerImpl::Init() {
Status status = db_.Init();
if (status != Status::OK) {
return status;
// Marking pages as closed is a slow operation and we shouldn't wait for it to
// return from initialization: Start marking the open pages as closed and
// finalize the initialization completer when done.
[this](coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler) {
ExpiringToken token = NewExpiringToken();
Status status = db_.MarkAllPagesClosed(handler);
return Status::OK;
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::SetDelegate(
PageEvictionManager::Delegate* delegate) {
delegate_ = delegate;
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::set_on_empty(fit::closure on_empty_callback) {
on_empty_callback_ = std::move(on_empty_callback);
bool PageEvictionManagerImpl::IsEmpty() { return pending_operations_ == 0; }
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::TryEvictPages(
PageEvictionPolicy* policy, fit::function<void(Status)> callback) {
[this, policy](coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler,
fit::function<void(Status)> callback) mutable {
ExpiringToken token = NewExpiringToken();
Status status = initialization_completer_.WaitUntilDone(handler);
if (LogOnInitializationError("TryEvictPages", status)) {
std::unique_ptr<storage::Iterator<const PageInfo>> pages_it;
status = db_.GetPages(handler, &pages_it);
if (status != Status::OK) {
policy->SelectAndEvict(std::move(pages_it), std::move(callback));
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::TryEvictPage(
fxl::StringView ledger_name, storage::PageIdView page_id,
PageEvictionCondition condition,
fit::function<void(Status, PageWasEvicted)> callback) {
[this, ledger_name = ledger_name.ToString(), page_id = page_id.ToString(),
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler,
fit::function<void(Status, PageWasEvicted)> callback) mutable {
ExpiringToken token = NewExpiringToken();
Status status = initialization_completer_.WaitUntilDone(handler);
if (LogOnInitializationError("TryEvictPage", status)) {
callback(status, PageWasEvicted(false));
PageWasEvicted was_evicted;
status = SynchronousTryEvictPage(handler, ledger_name, page_id,
condition, &was_evicted);
callback(status, was_evicted);
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::MarkPageOpened(fxl::StringView ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id) {
coroutine_manager_.StartCoroutine([this, ledger_name = ledger_name.ToString(),
page_id = page_id.ToString()](
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler) {
ExpiringToken token = NewExpiringToken();
Status status = initialization_completer_.WaitUntilDone(handler);
if (LogOnInitializationError("MarkPageOpened", status)) {
status = db_.MarkPageOpened(handler, ledger_name, page_id);
LogOnPageUpdateError("mark page as opened", status, ledger_name, page_id);
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::MarkPageClosed(fxl::StringView ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id) {
coroutine_manager_.StartCoroutine([this, ledger_name = ledger_name.ToString(),
page_id = page_id.ToString()](
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler) {
ExpiringToken token = NewExpiringToken();
Status status = initialization_completer_.WaitUntilDone(handler);
if (LogOnInitializationError("MarkPageClosed", status)) {
status = db_.MarkPageClosed(handler, ledger_name, page_id);
LogOnPageUpdateError("mark page as closed", status, ledger_name, page_id);
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::EvictPage(fxl::StringView ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id,
fit::function<void(Status)> callback) {
// We cannot delete the page storage and mark the deletion atomically. We thus
// delete the page first, and then mark it as evicted in Page Usage DB. If at
// some point a page gets deleted, but marking fails, on the next attempt to
// evict it we will get a |PAGE_NOT_FOUND| error, indicating we should remove
// the entry then. Therefore, |PAGE_NOT_FOUND| errors are handled internally
// and never returned to the callback.
ledger_name, page_id,
[this, ledger_name = ledger_name.ToString(), page_id = page_id.ToString(),
callback = std::move(callback)](Status status) mutable {
// |PAGE_NOT_FOUND| is not an error, but it must have been handled
// before we try to evict the page.
FXL_DCHECK(status != Status::PAGE_NOT_FOUND);
if (status == Status::OK) {
MarkPageEvicted(std::move(ledger_name), std::move(page_id));
Status PageEvictionManagerImpl::CanEvictPage(
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, fxl::StringView ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id, bool* can_evict) {
auto waiter =
fxl::MakeRefCounted<callback::Waiter<Status, PagePredicateResult>>(
delegate_->PageIsClosedAndSynced(ledger_name, page_id, waiter->NewCallback());
delegate_->PageIsClosedOfflineAndEmpty(ledger_name, page_id,
Status status;
std::vector<PagePredicateResult> can_evict_states;
auto sync_call_status =
coroutine::Wait(handler, std::move(waiter), &status, &can_evict_states);
if (sync_call_status == coroutine::ContinuationStatus::INTERRUPTED) {
return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (status != Status::OK) {
return status;
FXL_DCHECK(can_evict_states.size() == 2);
// Receiving status |PAGE_OPENED| means that the page was opened during the
// query. If either result is |PAGE_OPENED| the page cannot be evicted, as the
// result of the other might be invalid at this point.
*can_evict = std::any_of(can_evict_states.begin(), can_evict_states.end(),
[](PagePredicateResult result) {
return result == PagePredicateResult::YES;
}) &&
std::none_of(can_evict_states.begin(), can_evict_states.end(),
[](PagePredicateResult result) {
return result == PagePredicateResult::PAGE_OPENED;
return Status::OK;
Status PageEvictionManagerImpl::CanEvictEmptyPage(
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, fxl::StringView ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id, bool* can_evict) {
Status status;
PagePredicateResult empty_state;
auto sync_call_status =
[this, ledger_name = ledger_name.ToString(),
page_id = page_id.ToString()](auto callback) {
ledger_name, page_id, std::move(callback));
&status, &empty_state);
if (sync_call_status == coroutine::ContinuationStatus::INTERRUPTED) {
return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
*can_evict = (empty_state == PagePredicateResult::YES);
return status;
void PageEvictionManagerImpl::MarkPageEvicted(std::string ledger_name,
storage::PageId page_id) {
coroutine_manager_.StartCoroutine([this, ledger_name = std::move(ledger_name),
page_id = std::move(page_id)](
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler) {
Status status = db_.MarkPageEvicted(handler, ledger_name, page_id);
LogOnPageUpdateError("mark page as evicted", status, ledger_name, page_id);
Status PageEvictionManagerImpl::SynchronousTryEvictPage(
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, std::string ledger_name,
storage::PageId page_id, PageEvictionCondition condition,
PageWasEvicted* was_evicted) {
bool can_evict;
Status status;
switch (condition) {
case IF_EMPTY:
status = CanEvictEmptyPage(handler, ledger_name, page_id, &can_evict);
status = CanEvictPage(handler, ledger_name, page_id, &can_evict);
if (status == Status::PAGE_NOT_FOUND) {
// The page was already removed. Mark it as evicted in Page Usage DB.
MarkPageEvicted(ledger_name, page_id);
*was_evicted = PageWasEvicted(false);
return Status::OK;
if (status != Status::OK || !can_evict) {
*was_evicted = PageWasEvicted(false);
return status;
auto sync_call_status = coroutine::SyncCall(
[this, ledger_name = std::move(ledger_name),
page_id = std::move(page_id)](auto callback) {
EvictPage(ledger_name, page_id, std::move(callback));
if (sync_call_status == coroutine::ContinuationStatus::INTERRUPTED) {
return Status::INTERNAL_ERROR;
*was_evicted = PageWasEvicted(status == Status::OK);
return status;
PageEvictionManagerImpl::NewExpiringToken() {
return ExpiringToken(callback::MakeScoped(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), [this] {
// We need to post a task here: Tokens expire while a coroutine is being
// executed, and if |on_empty_callback_| is executed directly, it might end
// up deleting the PageEvictionManagerImpl object, which will delete the
// |coroutine_manager_|.
callback::MakeScoped(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), [this] {
if (on_empty_callback_ && pending_operations_ == 0) {
} // namespace ledger