blob: 0d303678427aaaa671724a3e71ce42a4005e8537 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/app/diff_utils.h"
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <lib/callback/waiter.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/optional.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fsl/vmo/strings.h>
#include <lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h>
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/app/fidl/serialization_size.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/app/page_utils.h"
#include "peridot/bin/ledger/storage/public/object.h"
#include "peridot/lib/util/ptr.h"
namespace ledger {
namespace diff_utils {
namespace {
// Returns the key of a storage::ThreeWayChange object. This key is guaranteed
// to be unique.
const std::string& GetKey(const storage::ThreeWayChange& change) {
if (change.base) {
return change.base->key;
if (change.left) {
return change.left->key;
return change.right->key;
// Constructs a ValuePtr object from an entry. The contents of the ValuePtr will
// be provided through the |waiter|.
ValuePtr GetValueFromEntry(
storage::PageStorage* const storage,
const std::unique_ptr<storage::Entry>& entry,
fit::function<void(Status, fsl::SizedVmo)> callback) {
if (!entry) {
callback(Status::OK, fsl::SizedVmo());
return nullptr;
ValuePtr value = Value::New();
switch (entry->priority) {
case storage::KeyPriority::EAGER:
value->priority = Priority::EAGER;
case storage::KeyPriority::LAZY:
value->priority = Priority::LAZY;
storage, entry->object_identifier, 0u,
storage::PageStorage::Location::LOCAL, Status::OK, std::move(callback));
return value;
// Returns true if the change is automatically mergeable, ie. is not
// conflicting.
bool IsMergeable(const storage::ThreeWayChange& change) {
return util::EqualPtr(change.base, change.left) ||
util::EqualPtr(change.base, change.right) ||
util::EqualPtr(change.left, change.right);
} // namespace
void ComputePageChange(
storage::PageStorage* storage, const storage::Commit& base,
const storage::Commit& other, std::string prefix_key, std::string min_key,
PaginationBehavior pagination_behavior,
fit::function<void(Status, std::pair<PageChangePtr, std::string>)>
callback) {
struct Context {
// The PageChangePtr to be returned through the callback.
PageChangePtr page_change = PageChange::New();
// The serialization size of all entries.
size_t fidl_size = fidl_serialization::kPageChangeHeaderSize;
// The number of handles.
size_t handles_count = 0u;
// The next token to be returned through the callback.
std::string next_token = "";
auto waiter =
fxl::MakeRefCounted<callback::Waiter<Status, fsl::SizedVmo>>(Status::OK);
auto context = std::make_unique<Context>();
context->page_change->timestamp = other.GetTimestamp().get();
if (min_key < prefix_key) {
min_key = prefix_key;
// |on_next| is called for each change on the diff
auto on_next = [storage, waiter, prefix_key = std::move(prefix_key),
context = context.get(),
pagination_behavior](storage::EntryChange change) {
if (!PageUtils::MatchesPrefix(change.entry.key, prefix_key)) {
return false;
size_t entry_size =
? fidl_serialization::GetByteVectorSize(change.entry.key.size())
: fidl_serialization::GetEntrySize(change.entry.key.size());
size_t entry_handle_count = change.deleted ? 0 : 1;
if (pagination_behavior == PaginationBehavior::BY_SIZE &&
(context->fidl_size + entry_size >
fidl_serialization::kMaxInlineDataSize ||
context->handles_count + entry_handle_count >
)) {
context->next_token = change.entry.key;
return false;
context->fidl_size += entry_size;
context->handles_count += entry_handle_count;
if (change.deleted) {
return true;
Entry entry;
entry.key = convert::ToArray(change.entry.key);
entry.priority = change.entry.priority == storage::KeyPriority::EAGER
? Priority::EAGER
: Priority::LAZY;
storage, change.entry.object_identifier, 0u,
storage::PageStorage::Location::LOCAL, Status::OK,
return true;
// |on_done| is called when the full diff is computed.
auto on_done = [waiter = std::move(waiter), context = std::move(context),
callback =
std::move(callback)](storage::Status status) mutable {
if (status != storage::Status::OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to compute diff for PageChange: "
<< fidl::ToUnderlying(status);
callback(PageUtils::ConvertStatus(status), std::make_pair(nullptr, ""));
if (context->page_change->changed_entries->empty()) {
if (context->page_change->deleted_keys->empty()) {
callback(Status::OK, std::make_pair(nullptr, ""));
} else {
std::make_pair(std::move(context->page_change), ""));
// We need to retrieve the values for each changed key/value pair in order
// to send it inside the PageChange object. |waiter| collates these
// asynchronous calls and |result_callback| processes them.
auto result_callback = [context = std::move(context),
callback = std::move(callback)](
Status status,
std::vector<fsl::SizedVmo> results) mutable {
if (status != Status::OK) {
<< "Error while reading changed values when computing PageChange: "
<< fidl::ToUnderlying(status);
callback(status, std::make_pair(nullptr, ""));
FXL_DCHECK(results.size() ==
for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
context->page_change->changed_entries->at(i).value =
callback(Status::OK, std::make_pair(std::move(context->page_change),
storage->GetCommitContentsDiff(base, other, std::move(min_key),
std::move(on_next), std::move(on_done));
void ComputeThreeWayDiff(
storage::PageStorage* storage, const storage::Commit& base,
const storage::Commit& left, const storage::Commit& right,
std::string prefix_key, std::string min_key, DiffType diff_type,
std::pair<fidl::VectorPtr<DiffEntry>, std::string>)>
callback) {
struct Context {
// The array to be returned through the callback.
fidl::VectorPtr<DiffEntry> changes = fidl::VectorPtr<DiffEntry>::New(0);
// The serialization size of all entries.
size_t fidl_size = fidl_serialization::kVectorHeaderSize;
// The number of handles.
size_t handles_count = 0u;
// The next token to be returned through the callback.
std::string next_token = "";
// This waiter collects the values (as VMOs) for all changes that will be
// returned. As each |DiffEntry| struct has three values, we ensure that
// values are always returned in a specific order (base, left, right). Some
// values may be empty, to denote a lack of diff.
auto waiter =
fxl::MakeRefCounted<callback::Waiter<Status, fsl::SizedVmo>>(Status::OK);
auto context = std::make_unique<Context>();
if (min_key < prefix_key) {
min_key = prefix_key;
// |on_next| is called for each change on the diff
auto on_next = [storage, waiter, prefix_key = std::move(prefix_key),
context = context.get(),
diff_type](storage::ThreeWayChange change) mutable {
const std::string& key = GetKey(change);
if (!PageUtils::MatchesPrefix(key, prefix_key)) {
return false;
int number_of_values =
bool(change.base) + bool(change.left) + bool(change.right);
size_t diffentry_size =
fidl_serialization::GetDiffEntrySize(key.size(), number_of_values);
if (context->fidl_size + diffentry_size >
fidl_serialization::kMaxInlineDataSize ||
context->handles_count + number_of_values >
fidl_serialization::kMaxMessageHandles) {
context->next_token = key;
// Stop the iteration as we are over the message capacity.
return false;
if (diff_type == DiffType::CONFLICTING && IsMergeable(change)) {
// We are not interested in this change, continue to the next one.
return true;
context->fidl_size += diffentry_size;
context->handles_count += number_of_values;
DiffEntry diff_entry;
diff_entry.key = convert::ToArray(key);
diff_entry.base =
GetValueFromEntry(storage, change.base, waiter->NewCallback());
diff_entry.left =
GetValueFromEntry(storage, change.left, waiter->NewCallback());
diff_entry.right =
GetValueFromEntry(storage, change.right, waiter->NewCallback());
return true;
// |on_done| is called when the full diff is computed.
auto on_done = [waiter = std::move(waiter), context = std::move(context),
callback =
std::move(callback)](storage::Status status) mutable {
if (status != storage::Status::OK) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to compute diff for PageChange: "
<< fidl::ToUnderlying(status);
std::make_pair(fidl::VectorPtr<DiffEntry>::New(0), ""));
if (context->changes->empty()) {
std::make_pair(fidl::VectorPtr<DiffEntry>::New(0), ""));
// We need to retrieve the values for each changed key/value pair in order
// to send it inside the PageChange object. |waiter| collates these
// asynchronous calls and |result_callback| processes them.
auto result_callback = [context = std::move(context),
callback = std::move(callback)](
Status status,
std::vector<fsl::SizedVmo> results) mutable {
if (status != Status::OK) {
<< "Error while reading changed values when computing PageChange: "
<< fidl::ToUnderlying(status);
std::make_pair(fidl::VectorPtr<DiffEntry>::New(0), ""));
FXL_DCHECK(results.size() == 3 * context->changes->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < context->changes->size(); i++) {
if (results[3 * i]) {
context->changes->at(i).base->value =
fidl::MakeOptional(std::move(results[3 * i]).ToTransport());
if (results[3 * i + 1]) {
context->changes->at(i).left->value =
fidl::MakeOptional(std::move(results[3 * i + 1]).ToTransport());
if (results[3 * i + 2]) {
context->changes->at(i).right->value =
fidl::MakeOptional(std::move(results[3 * i + 2]).ToTransport());
callback(Status::OK, std::make_pair(std::move(context->changes),
storage->GetThreeWayContentsDiff(base, left, right, std::move(min_key),
std::move(on_next), std::move(on_done));
} // namespace diff_utils
} // namespace ledger