blob: cad6c2e6c1c369c56cfb56b0a699b2acc7793323 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codifier
import (
const (
// The maximum time allowed for `fx emu -N` and `fx serve` to start and emit
// their ready strings.
fxServersStartTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
// The maximum time allowed for `fx emu -N` and `fx serve` to stop.
fxServersStopTimeout = 30 * time.Second
// This is the string that the command runner will watch for that indicates
// that the `fx serve` command is ready. If this string has changes in the
// serve command, the symptom here will be that the waiting-for-server step
// times out.
fxServeReadyString = "Ready to push packages!"
// This is the string that the command runner will watch for that indicates
// that the `fx emu -N` command is ready. If this string has changes in the
// emu command, the symptom here will be that the waiting-for-server step
// times out.
fxEmuReadyString = "mDNS: Using unique host name"
// fxTest maintains the live the commands for running the testing servers and
// the directory in which they're run. The required commands are: `fx emu -N` and
// `fx serve`.
type fxTest struct {
dir string
fxServeCmd, fxEmuCmd *exec.Cmd
func newFxTest(dir string) *fxTest {
return &fxTest{dir: dir}
func (f *fxTest) close() error {
var emuErr, serveErr error
if f.fxEmuCmd != nil {
emuErr = terminateProcessesGroup(f.fxEmuCmd)
f.fxEmuCmd = nil
if f.fxServeCmd != nil {
serveErr = terminateProcessesGroup(f.fxServeCmd)
f.fxServeCmd = nil
if emuErr != nil {
return emuErr
return serveErr
// runTest runs the given test, first starting the emulator and fx server and
// ensuring that they are running and ready.
func (f *fxTest) runTest(testname string, chatty bool) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
readyC := make(chan int)
defer close(readyC)
// Start `fx serve`.
log.Printf("runTest() starting `fx serve` for test %q", testname)
srvCmd, servSigC, srvResC, err := startCommand(context.Background(), f.dir,
fxServeReadyString, "fx", "serve")
if err != nil {
return err
f.fxServeCmd = srvCmd
// Start `fx emu -N`.
log.Printf("runTest() starting `fx emu -N` for test %q", testname)
emuCmd, emuSigC, emuResC, err := startCommand(context.Background(), f.dir,
fxEmuReadyString, "xvfb-run", "fx", "emu", "-N")
if err != nil {
return err
f.fxEmuCmd = emuCmd
eg.Go(func() error {
return f.runServer(ctx, srvCmd, servSigC, srvResC, readyC, "fx serve")
eg.Go(func() error {
return f.runServer(ctx, emuCmd, emuSigC, emuResC, readyC, "xvfb-run fx emu -N")
if err := f.waitForServerStarts(ctx, readyC); err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("runTest() starting test %q", testname)
if _, err := runLoggedCommand(ctx, f.dir, "fx", "test", testname); err != nil {
return err
return eg.Wait()
// waitForServerStarts waits for both the emulator and the fx server to emit
// their ready strings.
func (f *fxTest) waitForServerStarts(ctx context.Context, readyC chan int) error {
serversReady := 2
ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
timeouter := time.After(fxServersStartTimeout)
startTime := time.Now()
for {
select {
case <-readyC:
if serversReady == 0 {
return nil
case <-ticker.C:
line := fmt.Sprintf("[waiting %s for %d servers to be ready]", time.Since(startTime).Round(time.Second), serversReady)
logMessage(line, false)
case <-timeouter:
return errors.New("timed out waiting for servers to ge ready")
// runServer manages the running server, reacting to signals and terminations,
// ensuring that all child processes are terminated if the context is done.
func (f *fxTest) runServer(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd, sigC, resC chan error, readyC chan int, command string) error {
// Wait for the signal that it's ready to serve.
for {
select {
case err := <-sigC:
if err == nil { // nil indicates that the keyString was seen.
log.Printf("==> `%s` started and ready to serve", command)
readyC <- 1
msg := fmt.Sprintf("`%s` stderr>> %v", command, err)
logMessage(msg, false)
case err := <-resC:
if err == nil { // nil indicates that exit code was 0.
log.Printf("`%s` completed", command)
return nil
log.Printf("`%s` completed with error: %v", command, err)
return err
case <-ctx.Done():
// Ensure child processes are also termincated.
return terminateProcessesGroup(cmd)
// logMessage writes the given msg to either the terminal or log. If chatty, it
// is written to the log. If not, it is are written to the terminal with a
// limited length and on the same line. So not chatty -> the errors appear, but
// in a limited space. chatty -> the errors spew out of the terminal like a
// mewing cat that claims to have never been fed.
func logMessage(line string, chatty bool) {
if chatty {
line = flattenString(line, maxLineWidth)
// Note fmt here, not log, so written to stdout.
fmt.Printf("\r%s%s", line, ansiClearToEOL)