blob: 10693756f2d986c7d8bec3cd6d054f4c10e76f03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package devices models devices as state machines, and exposes capabilities for
// other utilites to work with.
package devices
import (
// DeviceState represents a physical state the device can be in.
// It is used when performing device recovery.
type DeviceState string
// Transition specifies an action to perform, a validation function to
// determine if the action succeeded or failed, and the appropriate
// states to put the device in.
type Transition struct {
PerformAction func(context.Context) error
Validate func(context.Context) error
SuccessState DeviceState
FailureState DeviceState
const (
// Healthy refers to the state in which the device is booted into zedboot.
Healthy DeviceState = "zedboot"
// Devices are marked Unrecoverable if all recovery attempts fail.
Unrecoverable DeviceState = "unrecoverable"
// All devices are created in the Inital state. This is the entrypoint into the
// state machine.
Initial DeviceState = "unknown"
// Duration to wait before sending dm reboot-recovery after powercycle.
powercycleWait = 1 * time.Minute
// netbootTimeout is the duration to wait when creating a new netboot client.
netbootTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// powerManager describes any object that gives a device powercycle functionality.
// Different devices use different power management systems, so each device is expected
// to provide a concrete implementation of this.
type powerManager interface {
Powercycle(context.Context) error
// fuchsiaDevice represents an abstract fuchsia device. It should not be
// directly instantiated.
type fuchsiaDevice struct {
mac string
nodename string
networkIf string
state DeviceState
transitionMap map[DeviceState]*Transition
signers []ssh.Signer
serial io.ReadWriteCloser
BootserverCmd []string
power powerManager
// initFuchsiaDevice initializes the fields in fuchsiaDevice using the given config.
// Concrete implementations of fuchsiaDevice can use this to avoid code duplication.
func initFuchsiaDevice(device *fuchsiaDevice, config DeviceConfig, bootserverCmdStub []string) error {
var signers []ssh.Signer
var err error
if config.SSHKeys != nil {
signers, err = parseOutSigners(config.SSHKeys)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not parse out signers from private keys: %v", err)
var s io.ReadWriteCloser
if config.Serial != "" {
s, err = serial.Open(config.Serial)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not open serial line: %s", config.Serial)
device.nodename = config.Network.Nodename
device.networkIf = config.Network.Interface
device.state = Initial
device.signers = signers
device.serial = s
device.mac = config.Network.Mac
device.BootserverCmd = append(bootserverCmdStub, device.nodename)
return nil
// Mac returns the mac address of this device.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) Mac() string {
return f.mac
// Interface returns the network interface of this device.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) Interface() string {
return f.networkIf
// HasSerial returns true if this device has a serial line.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) HasSerial() bool {
return f.serial != nil
// Powercycle uses an out of band method to reboot a fuchsia device.
// Is a no-op if no out of band is possible.
// TODO(rudymathu): remove the no-op as soon as all devices have an out of band
// reboot method.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) Powercycle(ctx context.Context) error {
if f.power != nil {
return f.power.Powercycle(ctx)
return nil
// SendSSHCommand lets us send a command via SSH to the fuchsia device.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) SendSSHCommand(ctx context.Context, command string) error {
if f.signers == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("device %s does not support SSH", f.nodename)
config, err := sshutil.DefaultSSHConfigFromSigners(f.signers...)
if err != nil {
return err
client, err := sshutil.ConnectToNode(ctx, f.nodename, config)
if err != nil {
return err
defer client.Close()
session, err := client.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return err
defer session.Close()
// Invoke `dm reboot-recovery`
err = session.Start(command)
if err != nil {
return err
done := make(chan error)
go func() {
done <- session.Wait()
select {
case err := <-done:
return err
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
return nil
// SendSerialCommand lets us send a command via serial to the fuchsia device.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) SendSerialCommand(ctx context.Context, command string) error {
if f.serial == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("device %s does not support serial", f.nodename)
_, err := io.WriteString(f.serial, fmt.Sprintf("\n%s\n", command))
return err
// ReadSerialData fills the given buffer with bytes from the serial line.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) ReadSerialData(ctx context.Context, buf []byte) error {
_, err := io.ReadAtLeast(f.serial, buf, len(buf))
return err
// SoftReboot is a convenience function that reboots into the specified partition
// using the specified method.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) SoftReboot(ctx context.Context, partition string, method string) error {
command := ""
if partition == "A" {
command = "dm reboot"
} else if partition == "R" {
command = "dm reboot-recovery"
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("rebooting into partition %s is not supported", partition)
if method == "ssh" {
return f.SendSSHCommand(ctx, command)
} else if method == "serial" {
return f.SendSerialCommand(ctx, command)
return fmt.Errorf("reboot method %s is not supported", method)
// State returns the current state of the fuchsia device.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) State() DeviceState {
return f.state
// Nodename returns the nodename of the fuchsia device.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) Nodename() string {
return f.nodename
// Transition tries to move the device into the next state. It does so by:
// 1) Getting the transition associated with the current state.
// 2) Performing the action specified by the transition.
// 3) Validating if the action worked, and moving the device into the corresponding
// failure or success state.
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) Transition(ctx context.Context) error {
transition := f.transitionMap[f.state]
if err := transition.PerformAction(ctx); err != nil {
f.state = transition.FailureState
return err
if err := transition.Validate(ctx); err != nil {
f.state = transition.FailureState
return err
f.state = transition.SuccessState
return nil
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) serialRebootRecovery(ctx context.Context) error {
return f.SoftReboot(ctx, "R", "serial")
func (f *fuchsiaDevice) sshRebootRecovery(ctx context.Context) error {
return f.SoftReboot(ctx, "R", "ssh")
// pingZedboot creates a netboot client and attempts to ping the zedboot ipv6
// address of the device with the given nodename.
func pingZedboot(n *netboot.Client, nodename string) error {
netsvcAddr, err := n.Discover(nodename, false)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to discover netsvc addr: %v.", err)
netsvcIpAddr := &net.IPAddr{IP: netsvcAddr.IP, Zone: netsvcAddr.Zone}
cmd := exec.Command("ping", "-6", netsvcIpAddr.String(), "-c", "1")
if _, err = cmd.Output(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to ping netsvc addr %s: %v.", netsvcIpAddr, err)
return nil
// ensureNotFuchsia creates a netboot client and ensures it cannot ping the
// fuchsia ipv6 address of the device with the given nodename.
func ensureNotFuchsia(n *netboot.Client, nodename string) error {
fuchsiaAddr, err := n.Discover(nodename, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to discover fuchsia addr: %v.", err)
fuchsiaIpAddr := &net.IPAddr{IP: fuchsiaAddr.IP, Zone: fuchsiaAddr.Zone}
cmd := exec.Command("ping", "-6", fuchsiaIpAddr.String(), "-c", "1")
if _, err = cmd.Output(); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Device is in Fuchsia, should be in Zedboot.")
return nil
// deviceInZedboot ensures that the device with the given nodename is in zedboot.
func deviceInZedboot(n *netboot.Client, nodename string) error {
if err := pingZedboot(n, nodename); err != nil {
return err
if err := ensureNotFuchsia(n, nodename); err != nil {
return err
return nil