blob: ff8af4f4e828139da13ee3df9d42121aa902f065 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package gerrit
import (
gerritpb ""
const (
// OAuthScope is the OAuth 2.0 scope that must be included when acquiring an
// access token for Gerrit RPCs.
OAuthScope = ""
// contentTypeJSON is the http header content-type value for json encoded
// objects in the body.
contentTypeJSON = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
// contentTypeText is the http header content-type value for plain text body.
contentTypeText = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
// defaultQueryLimit is the default limit for ListChanges, and
// maxQueryLimit is the maximum allowed limit. If either of these are
// changed, the proto comments should also be updated.
defaultQueryLimit = 25
maxQueryLimit = 1000
// This file implements Gerrit proto service client on top of Gerrit REST API.
// WARNING: The returned client is incomplete, so if you want access to a
// particular field from this API, you may need to update the relevant struct
// and add an unmarshalling of that field.
// NewRESTClient creates a new Gerrit client based on Gerrit's REST API.
// The host must be a full Gerrit host, e.g. "".
// If `auth` is true, this indicates that the given HTTP client sends
// authenticated requests. If so, the requests to Gerrit will include "/a/" URL
// path prefix.
// RPC methods of the returned client return an error if a grpc.CallOption is
// passed.
func NewRESTClient(httpClient *http.Client, host string, auth bool) (gerritpb.GerritClient, error) {
if strings.Contains(host, "/") {
return nil, errors.Reason("invalid host %q", host).Err()
return &client{
hClient: httpClient,
auth: auth,
host: host,
}, nil
// Implementation.
// jsonPrefix is expected in all JSON responses from the Gerrit REST API.
var jsonPrefix = []byte(")]}'")
// client implements gerritpb.GerritClient.
type client struct {
hClient *http.Client
auth bool
host string
// testBaseURL overrides auth & host args in tests.
testBaseURL string
func (c *client) ListChanges(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.ListChangesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ListChangesResponse, error) {
limit := req.Limit
if req.Limit < 0 {
return nil, errors.Reason("field Limit %d must be nonnegative", req.Limit).Err()
} else if req.Limit == 0 {
limit = defaultQueryLimit
} else if req.Limit > maxQueryLimit {
return nil, errors.Reason("field Limit %d should be at most %d", req.Limit, maxQueryLimit).Err()
if req.Offset < 0 {
return nil, errors.Reason("field Offset %d must be nonnegative", req.Offset).Err()
params := url.Values{}
params.Add("q", req.Query)
for _, o := range req.Options {
params.Add("o", o.String())
params.Add("n", strconv.FormatInt(limit, 10))
params.Add("S", strconv.FormatInt(req.Offset, 10))
var changes []*changeInfo
if _, err :=, "GET", "/changes/", params, nil, &changes, opts); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp := &gerritpb.ListChangesResponse{}
for _, c := range changes {
p, err := c.ToProto()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp.Changes = append(resp.Changes, p)
if len(changes) > 0 {
resp.MoreChanges = changes[len(changes)-1].MoreChanges
return resp, nil
func (c *client) GetChange(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.GetChangeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (
*gerritpb.ChangeInfo, error) {
if err := checkArgs(opts, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project))
params := url.Values{}
for _, o := range req.Options {
params.Add("o", o.String())
if meta := req.GetMeta(); meta != "" {
params.Add("meta", meta)
var resp changeInfo
if _, err :=, "GET", path, params, nil, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.ToProto()
type changeInput struct {
Project string `json:"project"`
Branch string `json:"branch"`
Subject string `json:"subject"`
BaseCommit string `json:"base_commit"`
func (c *client) CreateChange(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.CreateChangeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ChangeInfo, error) {
var resp changeInfo
data := &changeInput{
Project: req.Project,
Branch: req.Ref,
Subject: req.Subject,
BaseCommit: req.BaseCommit,
if _, err :=, "POST", "/changes/", url.Values{}, data, &resp, opts, http.StatusCreated); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "create empty change").Err()
switch ci, err := resp.ToProto(); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case ci.Status != gerritpb.ChangeStatus_NEW:
return nil, errors.Reason("unknown status %s for newly created change", ci.Status).Err()
return ci, nil
func (c *client) ChangeEditFileContent(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.ChangeEditFileContentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/edit/%s", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project), url.PathEscape(req.FilePath))
if _, _, err := c.callRaw(ctx, "PUT", path, url.Values{}, textInputHeaders(), req.Content, opts, http.StatusNoContent); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "change edit file content").Err()
return &emptypb.Empty{}, nil
func (c *client) DeleteEditFileContent(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.DeleteEditFileContentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/edit/%s", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project), url.PathEscape(req.FilePath))
var data struct{}
// The response cannot be JSON-deserialized.
if _, err :=, "DELETE", path, url.Values{}, &data, nil, opts, http.StatusNoContent); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "delete edit file content").Err()
return &emptypb.Empty{}, nil
func (c *client) ChangeEditPublish(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.ChangeEditPublishRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/edit:publish", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project))
if _, _, err := c.callRaw(ctx, "POST", path, url.Values{}, textInputHeaders(), []byte{}, opts, http.StatusNoContent); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "change edit publish").Err()
return &emptypb.Empty{}, nil
func (c *client) AddReviewer(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.AddReviewerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.AddReviewerResult, error) {
var resp addReviewerResult
data := &addReviewerRequest{
Reviewer: req.Reviewer,
State: enumToString(int32(req.State.Number()), gerritpb.AddReviewerRequest_State_name),
Confirmed: req.Confirmed,
Notify: enumToString(int32(req.Notify.Number()), gerritpb.Notify_name),
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/reviewers", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project))
if _, err :=, "POST", path, url.Values{}, data, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "add reviewers").Err()
rr, err := resp.ToProto()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "decoding response").Err()
return rr, nil
func (c *client) DeleteReviewer(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.DeleteReviewerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/reviewers/%s/delete", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project), url.PathEscape(req.AccountId))
if _, err :=, "POST", path, url.Values{}, nil, nil, opts, http.StatusNoContent); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "delete reviewer").Err()
return &emptypb.Empty{}, nil
func (c *client) SetReview(ctx context.Context, in *gerritpb.SetReviewRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ReviewResult, error) {
if err := checkArgs(opts, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/revisions/%s/review", gerritChangeIDForRouting(in.Number, in.Project), in.RevisionId)
data := reviewInput{
Message: in.Message,
Tag: in.Tag,
Notify: enumToString(int32(in.Notify.Number()), gerritpb.Notify_name),
NotifyDetails: toNotifyDetails(in.GetNotifyDetails()),
OnBehalfOf: in.OnBehalfOf,
Ready: in.Ready,
WorkInProgress: in.WorkInProgress,
AddToAttentionSet: toAttentionSetInputs(in.GetAddToAttentionSet()),
RemoveFromAttentionSet: toAttentionSetInputs(in.GetRemoveFromAttentionSet()),
IgnoreAutomaticAttentionSetRules: in.IgnoreAutomaticAttentionSetRules,
Reviewers: toReviewerInputs(in.GetReviewers()),
if in.Labels != nil {
data.Labels = make(map[string]int32)
for k, v := range in.Labels {
data.Labels[k] = v
var resp reviewResult
if _, err :=, "POST", path, url.Values{}, &data, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "set review").Err()
rr, err := resp.ToProto()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "decoding response").Err()
return rr, nil
func (c *client) AddToAttentionSet(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.AttentionSetRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.AccountInfo, error) {
if err := checkArgs(opts, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/attention", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project))
data := toAttentionSetInput(req.GetInput())
var resp accountInfo
if _, err :=, "POST", path, url.Values{}, data, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "add to attention set").Err()
return resp.ToProto(), nil
func (c *client) SubmitChange(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.SubmitChangeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ChangeInfo, error) {
var resp changeInfo
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/submit", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project))
var data struct{}
if _, err :=, "POST", path, url.Values{}, &data, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "submit change").Err()
return resp.ToProto()
func (c *client) RevertChange(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.RevertChangeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ChangeInfo, error) {
if err := checkArgs(opts, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
var resp changeInfo
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/revert", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project))
data := map[string]string{
"message": req.Message,
if _, err :=, "POST", path, url.Values{}, &data, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "revert change").Err()
return resp.ToProto()
func (c *client) AbandonChange(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.AbandonChangeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ChangeInfo, error) {
var resp changeInfo
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/abandon", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project))
data := map[string]string{
"message": req.Message,
if _, err :=, "POST", path, url.Values{}, &data, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "abandon change").Err()
return resp.ToProto()
func (c *client) SubmitRevision(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.SubmitRevisionRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.SubmitInfo, error) {
var resp submitInfo
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/revisions/%s/submit", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project), req.RevisionId)
var data struct{}
if _, err :=, "POST", path, url.Values{}, &data, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "submit revision").Err()
return resp.ToProto(), nil
func (c *client) GetMergeable(ctx context.Context, in *gerritpb.GetMergeableRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.MergeableInfo, error) {
var resp mergeableInfo
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/revisions/%s/mergeable", gerritChangeIDForRouting(in.Number, in.Project), in.RevisionId)
if _, err :=, "GET", path, url.Values{}, nil, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "get mergeable").Err()
return resp.ToProto()
func (c *client) ListFiles(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.ListFilesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ListFilesResponse, error) {
var resp map[string]fileInfo
params := url.Values{}
if req.Parent > 0 {
params.Add("parent", strconv.FormatInt(req.Parent, 10))
if req.SubstringQuery != "" {
params.Add("q", req.SubstringQuery)
if req.Base != "" {
params.Add("base", req.Base)
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/revisions/%s/files/", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project), req.RevisionId)
if _, err :=, "GET", path, params, nil, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "list files").Err()
lfr := &gerritpb.ListFilesResponse{
Files: make(map[string]*gerritpb.FileInfo, len(resp)),
for k, v := range resp {
lfr.Files[k] = v.ToProto()
return lfr, nil
func (c *client) GetRelatedChanges(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.GetRelatedChangesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.GetRelatedChangesResponse, error) {
// Example:
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/revisions/%s/related",
gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project), req.RevisionId)
out := struct {
Changes []relatedChangeAndCommitInfo `json:"changes"`
if _, err :=, "GET", path, nil, nil, &out, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "related changes").Err()
changes := make([]*gerritpb.GetRelatedChangesResponse_ChangeAndCommit, len(out.Changes))
for i, c := range out.Changes {
changes[i] = c.ToProto()
return &gerritpb.GetRelatedChangesResponse{Changes: changes}, nil
func (c *client) GetPureRevert(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.GetPureRevertRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.PureRevertInfo, error) {
var resp gerritpb.PureRevertInfo
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/pure_revert", gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.Number, req.Project))
if _, err :=, "GET", path, url.Values{}, nil, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "pure revert").Err()
return &resp, nil
func (c *client) ListFileOwners(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.ListFileOwnersRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ListOwnersResponse, error) {
resp := struct {
CodeOwners []ownerInfo `json:"code_owners"`
params := url.Values{}
if req.Options.Details {
params.Add("o", "DETAILS")
if req.Options.AllEmails {
params.Add("o", "ALL_EMAILS")
path := fmt.Sprintf("/projects/%s/branches/%s/code_owners/%s", url.PathEscape(req.Project), url.PathEscape(req.Ref), url.PathEscape(req.Path))
if _, err :=, "GET", path, params, nil, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "list file owners").Err()
owners := make([]*gerritpb.OwnerInfo, len(resp.CodeOwners))
for i, owner := range resp.CodeOwners {
owners[i] = &gerritpb.OwnerInfo{Account: owner.Account.ToProto()}
return &gerritpb.ListOwnersResponse{
Owners: owners,
}, nil
func (c *client) ListProjects(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.ListProjectsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.ListProjectsResponse, error) {
resp := map[string]*projectInfo{}
params := url.Values{}
for _, ref := range req.Refs {
params.Add("b", ref)
if _, err :=, "GET", "/projects/", params, nil, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "list projects").Err()
projectProtos := make(map[string]*gerritpb.ProjectInfo, len(resp))
for id, p := range resp {
projectInfo, err := p.ToProto()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "decoding response").Err()
projectProtos[id] = projectInfo
return &gerritpb.ListProjectsResponse{
Projects: projectProtos,
}, nil
func (c *client) GetRefInfo(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.RefInfoRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.RefInfo, error) {
var resp gerritpb.RefInfo
path := fmt.Sprintf("/projects/%s/branches/%s", url.PathEscape(req.Project), url.PathEscape(req.Ref))
if _, err :=, "GET", path, url.Values{}, nil, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "get branch info").Err()
resp.Ref = branchToRef(resp.Ref)
return &resp, nil
func (c *client) GetMetaDiff(ctx context.Context, req *gerritpb.GetMetaDiffRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gerritpb.MetaDiff, error) {
if err := checkArgs(opts, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
changeID := gerritChangeIDForRouting(req.GetNumber(), req.GetProject())
path := fmt.Sprintf("/changes/%s/meta_diff", changeID)
params := url.Values{}
if req.GetOld() != "" {
params.Add("old", req.GetOld())
if req.GetMeta() != "" {
params.Add("meta", req.GetMeta())
for _, o := range req.Options {
params.Add("o", o.String())
var resp metaDiff
if _, err :=, "GET", path, params, nil, &resp, opts); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.ToProto()
// call executes a request to Gerrit REST API with JSON input/output.
// If data is nil, request will be made without a body.
// call returns HTTP status code and gRPC error.
// If error happens before HTTP status code was determined, HTTP status code
// will be -1.
func (c *client) call(
ctx context.Context,
method, urlPath string,
params url.Values,
data, dest any,
opts []grpc.CallOption,
) (int, error) {
headers := make(map[string]string)
var rawData []byte
if data != nil {
if method == "GET" {
// This error prevents a more cryptic HTTP error that would otherwise be
// returned by Gerrit if you try to call it with a GET request and a request
// body.
panic("data cannot be provided for a GET request")
var err error
rawData, err = json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return -1, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to serialize request message: %s", err)
headers["Content-Type"] = contentTypeJSON
ret, body, err := c.callRaw(ctx, method, urlPath, params, headers, rawData, opts, expectedHTTPCodes...)
body = bytes.TrimPrefix(body, jsonPrefix)
if err == nil && dest != nil {
if err = json.Unmarshal(body, dest); err != nil {
// Special case for hosts which respond with a redirect when ACLs are
// misconfigured.
if bytes.Contains(body, []byte("<html")) && bytes.Contains(body, []byte("Single Sign On")) {
return ret, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "redirected to Single Sign On")
logging.Errorf(ctx, "failed to deserialize response %s; body:\n\n%s", err, string(body))
return ret, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to deserialize response: %s", err)
return ret, err
// callRaw executes a request to Gerrit REST API with raw bytes input/output.
// callRaw returns HTTP status code and gRPC error.
// If error happens before HTTP status code was determined, HTTP status code
// will be -1.
func (c *client) callRaw(
ctx context.Context,
method, urlPath string,
params url.Values,
headers map[string]string,
data []byte,
opts []grpc.CallOption,
) (int, []byte, error) {
url := c.buildURL(urlPath, params, opts)
var requestBody io.Reader
if data != nil {
requestBody = bytes.NewBuffer(data)
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, requestBody)
if err != nil {
return 0, []byte{}, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to create an HTTP request: %s", err)
for k, v := range headers {
req.Header.Set(k, v)
res, err := ctxhttp.Do(ctx, c.hClient, req)
switch {
case err == context.DeadlineExceeded:
return -1, []byte{}, status.Errorf(codes.DeadlineExceeded, "deadline exceeded")
case err == context.Canceled:
// TODO(crbug/1289476): Remove this HACK that tries to identify Gerrit
// timeout after fixing the bug in the clock package.
if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok && clock.Now(ctx).After(deadline) {
return -1, []byte{}, status.Errorf(codes.DeadlineExceeded, "deadline exceeded")
return -1, []byte{}, status.Errorf(codes.Canceled, "context is cancelled")
case err != nil:
return -1, []byte{}, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to execute %s HTTP request: %s", method, err)
defer res.Body.Close()
body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return res.StatusCode, []byte{}, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to read response: %s", err)
logging.Debugf(ctx, "HTTP %d %d <= %s %s", res.StatusCode, len(body), method, url)
expectedHTTPCodes = append(expectedHTTPCodes, http.StatusOK)
for _, s := range expectedHTTPCodes {
if res.StatusCode == s {
return res.StatusCode, body, nil
switch res.StatusCode {
case http.StatusTooManyRequests:
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Gerrit quota error.\nResponse headers: %v\nResponse body: %s", res.Header, body)
return res.StatusCode, body, status.Errorf(codes.ResourceExhausted, "insufficient Gerrit quota")
case http.StatusForbidden:
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Gerrit permission denied:\nResponse headers: %v\nResponse body: %s", res.Header, body)
return res.StatusCode, body, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "permission denied")
case http.StatusNotFound:
return res.StatusCode, body, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "not found")
// Both codes are mapped to codes.FailedPrecondition so that apps using
// this Gerrit client wouldn't be able to distinguish them by the grpc code.
// However,
// - http.StatusConflict(409) is returned by mutation Gerrit APIs only, but
// - http.StatusPreconditionFailed(412) is returned by the fetch APIs only.
// Hence, apps shouldn't have to distinguish them from
// codes.FailedPrecondition. If Gerrit changes the rest APIs so that a
// single API can return both of them, then this can be revisited.
case http.StatusConflict, http.StatusPreconditionFailed:
// Gerrit returns error message in the response body.
return res.StatusCode, body, status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, "%s", string(body))
case http.StatusBadRequest:
// Gerrit returns error message in the response body.
return res.StatusCode, body, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "%s", string(body))
case http.StatusBadGateway:
return res.StatusCode, body, status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "bad gateway")
case http.StatusServiceUnavailable:
return res.StatusCode, body, status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "%s", string(body))
logging.Errorf(ctx, "gerrit: unexpected HTTP %d response.\nResponse headers: %v\nResponse body: %s",
res.Header, body)
return res.StatusCode, body, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "unexpected HTTP %d from Gerrit", res.StatusCode)
func (c *client) buildURL(path string, params url.Values, opts []grpc.CallOption) string {
var url strings.Builder
host :=
for _, opt := range opts {
if g, ok := opt.(*gerritMirrorOption); ok {
host = g.altHost(host)
if c.testBaseURL != "" {
} else {
if c.auth {
if len(params) > 0 {
return url.String()
type validatable interface {
Validate() error
type gerritMirrorOption struct {
grpc.EmptyCallOption // to implement a grpc.CallOption
altHost func(host string) string
// UseGerritMirror can be passed as grpc.CallOption to Gerrit client to select
// an alternative Gerrit host to the one configured in the client "on the fly".
func UseGerritMirror(altHost func(host string) string) grpc.CallOption {
if altHost == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("altHost must be non-nil"))
return &gerritMirrorOption{altHost: altHost}
func checkArgs(opts []grpc.CallOption, req validatable) error {
for _, opt := range opts {
if _, ok := opt.(*gerritMirrorOption); !ok {
return errors.New("gerrit.client supports only UseGerritMirror option")
if err := req.Validate(); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "request is invalid").Err()
return nil
func branchToRef(ref string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(ref, "refs/") {
// Assume it's actually an explicit full ref.
// Also assume that ref "refs/heads/refs/XXX will be passed as is by Gerrit
// instead of "refs/XXX"
return ref
return "refs/heads/" + ref
func gerritChangeIDForRouting(number int64, project string) string {
if project != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s~%d", url.PathEscape(project), number)
return strconv.Itoa(int(number))
func textInputHeaders() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
"Content-Type": contentTypeText,
"Accept": contentTypeJSON,