blob: 35f0f9bc6065aff96751faa1d4fa38212f84aff6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package gerrit
import (
gerritpb ""
// This file contains code related to JSON representations of messages that are
// used for requests to the Gerrit REST API, and unmarshalling code to convert
// from the JSON representations to protos defined in `gerritpb`.
// Each of these structs corresponds to an entity described at
// and also to a message in `gerritpb`, and each has a unmarshalling method
// called ToProto.
// timestamp implements customized JSON marshal/unmarshal behavior that matches
// the timestamp format used in Gerrit.
type accountInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
SecondaryEmails []string `json:"secondary_emails,omitempty"`
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
AccountID int64 `json:"_account_id,omitempty"`
func (a *accountInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.AccountInfo {
if a == nil {
return nil
return &gerritpb.AccountInfo{
Name: a.Name,
Email: a.Email,
SecondaryEmails: a.SecondaryEmails,
Username: a.Username,
AccountId: a.AccountID,
type ownerInfo struct {
Account accountInfo `json:"account,omitempty"`
// changeInfo represents JSON for a gerritpb.ChangeInfo on the wire.
type changeInfo struct {
Number int64 `json:"_number"`
Owner *accountInfo `json:"owner"`
Project string `json:"project"`
Branch string `json:"branch"`
ChangeID string `json:"change_id"`
Reviewers map[string][]*accountInfo `json:"reviewers"`
Hashtags []string `json:"hashtags"`
Subject string `json:"subject"`
// json.Unmarshal cannot convert enum string to value,
// so this field is handled specially in ToProto.
Status string `json:"status"`
CurrentRevision string `json:"current_revision"`
Revisions map[string]*revisionInfo `json:"revisions"`
Labels map[string]*labelInfo `json:"labels"`
Messages []changeMessageInfo `json:"messages"`
Requirements []requirement `json:"requirements"`
SubmitRequirements []*submitRequirementResultInfo `json:"submit_requirements"`
Created Timestamp `json:"created"`
Updated Timestamp `json:"updated"`
Submitted Timestamp `json:"submitted"`
Submittable bool `json:"submittable,omitempty"`
IsPrivate bool `json:"is_private,omitempty"`
MetaRevID string `json:"meta_rev_id,omitempty"`
RevertOf int64 `json:"revert_of,omitempty"`
CherryPickOfChange int64 `json:"cherry_pick_of_change,omitempty"`
// MoreChanges may be set on the last change in a response to a query for
// changes, but this is not a property of the change itself and is not
// needed in gerritpb.ChangeInfo.
MoreChanges bool `json:"_more_changes"`
func (ci *changeInfo) ToProto() (*gerritpb.ChangeInfo, error) {
ret := &gerritpb.ChangeInfo{
Number: ci.Number,
Owner: ci.Owner.ToProto(),
Project: ci.Project,
Ref: branchToRef(ci.Branch),
Subject: ci.Subject,
Status: gerritpb.ChangeStatus(gerritpb.ChangeStatus_value[ci.Status]),
Hashtags: ci.Hashtags,
CurrentRevision: ci.CurrentRevision,
Submittable: ci.Submittable,
IsPrivate: ci.IsPrivate,
MetaRevId: ci.MetaRevID,
Created: timestamppb.New(ci.Created.Time),
Updated: timestamppb.New(ci.Updated.Time),
Submitted: timestamppb.New(ci.Submitted.Time),
RevertOf: ci.RevertOf,
CherryPickOfChange: ci.CherryPickOfChange,
Branch: ci.Branch,
if ci.Revisions != nil {
ret.Revisions = make(map[string]*gerritpb.RevisionInfo, len(ci.Revisions))
for rev, info := range ci.Revisions {
ret.Revisions[rev] = info.ToProto()
if ci.Labels != nil {
ret.Labels = make(map[string]*gerritpb.LabelInfo, len(ci.Labels))
for label, info := range ci.Labels {
ret.Labels[label] = info.ToProto()
if ci.Messages != nil {
ret.Messages = make([]*gerritpb.ChangeMessageInfo, len(ci.Messages))
for i, msg := range ci.Messages {
ret.Messages[i] = msg.ToProto()
var err error
if ci.Requirements != nil {
ret.Requirements = make([]*gerritpb.Requirement, len(ci.Requirements))
for i, r := range ci.Requirements {
if ret.Requirements[i], err = r.ToProto(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ci.SubmitRequirements != nil {
ret.SubmitRequirements = make([]*gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo,
for i, r := range ci.SubmitRequirements {
if ret.SubmitRequirements[i], err = r.ToProto(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ci.Reviewers != nil {
ret.Reviewers = &gerritpb.ReviewerStatusMap{}
if accs, exist := ci.Reviewers["REVIEWER"]; exist {
ret.Reviewers.Reviewers = make([]*gerritpb.AccountInfo, len(accs))
for i, acc := range accs {
ret.Reviewers.Reviewers[i] = acc.ToProto()
if accs, exist := ci.Reviewers["CC"]; exist {
ret.Reviewers.Ccs = make([]*gerritpb.AccountInfo, len(accs))
for i, acc := range accs {
ret.Reviewers.Ccs[i] = acc.ToProto()
if accs, exist := ci.Reviewers["REMOVED"]; exist {
ret.Reviewers.Removed = make([]*gerritpb.AccountInfo, len(accs))
for i, acc := range accs {
ret.Reviewers.Ccs[i] = acc.ToProto()
return ret, nil
type labelInfo struct {
Optional bool `json:"optional"`
Approved *accountInfo `json:"approved"`
Rejected *accountInfo `json:"rejected"`
Recommended *accountInfo `json:"recommended"`
Disliked *accountInfo `json:"disliked"`
Blocking bool `json:"blocking"`
Value int32 `json:"value"`
DefaultValue int32 `json:"default_value"`
All []*approvalInfo `json:"all"`
Values map[string]string `json:"values"`
func (li *labelInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.LabelInfo {
ret := &gerritpb.LabelInfo{
Optional: li.Optional,
Approved: li.Approved.ToProto(),
Rejected: li.Rejected.ToProto(),
Recommended: li.Recommended.ToProto(),
Disliked: li.Disliked.ToProto(),
Blocking: li.Blocking,
Value: li.Value,
DefaultValue: li.DefaultValue,
if len(li.All) > 0 {
ret.All = make([]*gerritpb.ApprovalInfo, len(li.All))
for i, a := range li.All {
ret.All[i] = a.ToProto()
if li.Values != nil {
ret.Values = make(map[int32]string, len(li.Values))
for value, description := range li.Values {
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(value), 10, 32)
// Error is silently ignored for consistency with other parts of code.
if err == nil {
ret.Values[int32(i)] = description
return ret
type approvalInfo struct {
Value int32 `json:"value"`
PermittedVotingRange *gerritpb.VotingRangeInfo `json:"permitted_voting_range"`
Date Timestamp `json:"date"`
Tag string `json:"tag"`
PostSubmit bool `json:"post_submit"`
func (ai *approvalInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.ApprovalInfo {
ret := &gerritpb.ApprovalInfo{
User: ai.accountInfo.ToProto(),
Value: ai.Value,
PermittedVotingRange: ai.PermittedVotingRange,
Date: timestamppb.New(ai.Date.Time),
Tag: ai.Tag,
PostSubmit: ai.PostSubmit,
return ret
type changeMessageInfo struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Author *accountInfo `json:"author"`
RealAuthor *accountInfo `json:"real_author"`
Date Timestamp `json:"date"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Tag string `json:"tag"`
func (cmi *changeMessageInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.ChangeMessageInfo {
if cmi == nil {
return nil
return &gerritpb.ChangeMessageInfo{
Id: cmi.ID,
Author: cmi.Author.ToProto(),
RealAuthor: cmi.RealAuthor.ToProto(),
Date: timestamppb.New(cmi.Date.Time),
Message: cmi.Message,
Tag: cmi.Tag,
type requirement struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
FallbackText string `json:"fallback_text"`
Type string `json:"type"`
func (r *requirement) ToProto() (*gerritpb.Requirement, error) {
stringVal := "REQUIREMENT_STATUS_" + r.Status
numVal, found := gerritpb.Requirement_Status_value[stringVal]
if !found {
return nil, errors.Reason("no Status enum value for %q", r.Status).Err()
return &gerritpb.Requirement{
Status: gerritpb.Requirement_Status(numVal),
FallbackText: r.FallbackText,
Type: r.Type,
}, nil
type fileInfo struct {
LinesInserted int32 `json:"lines_inserted"`
LinesDeleted int32 `json:"lines_deleted"`
SizeDelta int64 `json:"size_delta"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
func (fi *fileInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.FileInfo {
return &gerritpb.FileInfo{
LinesInserted: fi.LinesInserted,
LinesDeleted: fi.LinesDeleted,
SizeDelta: fi.SizeDelta,
Size: fi.Size,
type revisionInfo struct {
Kind string `json:"kind"`
Number int `json:"_number"`
Uploader *accountInfo `json:"uploader"`
Ref string `json:"ref"`
Created Timestamp `json:"created"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Files map[string]*fileInfo `json:"files"`
Commit *commitInfo `json:"commit"`
func (ri *revisionInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.RevisionInfo {
ret := &gerritpb.RevisionInfo{
Number: int32(ri.Number),
Uploader: ri.Uploader.ToProto(),
Ref: ri.Ref,
Created: timestamppb.New(ri.Created.Time),
Description: ri.Description,
if v, ok := gerritpb.RevisionInfo_Kind_value[ri.Kind]; ok {
ret.Kind = gerritpb.RevisionInfo_Kind(v)
if ri.Files != nil {
ret.Files = make(map[string]*gerritpb.FileInfo, len(ri.Files))
for i, fi := range ri.Files {
ret.Files[i] = fi.ToProto()
if ri.Commit != nil {
ret.Commit = ri.Commit.ToProto()
return ret
type gitPersonInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Email string `json:"email"`
func (g *gitPersonInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.GitPersonInfo {
return &gerritpb.GitPersonInfo{
Name: g.Name,
Email: g.Email,
type commitInfo struct {
Commit string `json:"commit"`
Parents []*commitInfo `json:"parents"`
Author *gitPersonInfo `json:"author"`
Committer *gitPersonInfo `json:"committer"`
Subject string `json:"subject"`
Message string `json:"message"`
func (c *commitInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.CommitInfo {
parents := make([]*gerritpb.CommitInfo_Parent, len(c.Parents))
for i, p := range c.Parents {
parents[i] = &gerritpb.CommitInfo_Parent{Id: p.Commit}
return &gerritpb.CommitInfo{
Id: c.Commit,
Parents: parents,
Message: c.Message,
Author: c.Author.ToProto(),
// TODO(tandrii): support other fields once added.
type relatedChangeAndCommitInfo struct {
Project string `json:"project"`
ChangeID string `json:"change_id"`
Commit commitInfo `json:"commit"`
Number int64 `json:"_change_number"`
Patchset int64 `json:"_revision_number"`
CurrentPatchset int64 `json:"_current_revision_number"`
// json.Unmarshal cannot convert enum string to value,
// so this field is handled specially in ToProto.
Status string `json:"status"`
func (r *relatedChangeAndCommitInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.GetRelatedChangesResponse_ChangeAndCommit {
return &gerritpb.GetRelatedChangesResponse_ChangeAndCommit{
Project: r.Project,
Number: r.Number,
Patchset: r.Patchset,
CurrentPatchset: r.CurrentPatchset,
Commit: r.Commit.ToProto(),
Status: gerritpb.ChangeStatus(gerritpb.ChangeStatus_value[r.Status]),
type mergeableInfo struct {
SubmitType string `json:"submit_type"`
Strategy string `json:"strategy"`
Mergeable bool `json:"mergeable"`
CommitMerged bool `json:"commit_merged"`
ContentMerged bool `json:"content_merged"`
Conflicts []string `json:"conflicts"`
MergeableInto []string `json:"mergeable_into"`
func (mi *mergeableInfo) ToProto() (*gerritpb.MergeableInfo, error) {
// Convert something like 'simple-two-way-in-core' to 'SIMPLE_TWO_WAY_IN_CORE'.
strategyEnumName := strings.Replace(strings.ToUpper(mi.Strategy), "-", "_", -1)
strategyEnumNum, found := gerritpb.MergeableStrategy_value[strategyEnumName]
if !found {
return nil, errors.Reason("no MergeableStrategy enum value for %q", strategyEnumName).Err()
submitTypeEnumNum, found := gerritpb.MergeableInfo_SubmitType_value[mi.SubmitType]
if !found {
return nil, errors.Reason("no SubmitType enum value for %q", mi.SubmitType).Err()
return &gerritpb.MergeableInfo{
SubmitType: gerritpb.MergeableInfo_SubmitType(submitTypeEnumNum),
Strategy: gerritpb.MergeableStrategy(strategyEnumNum),
Mergeable: mi.Mergeable,
CommitMerged: mi.CommitMerged,
ContentMerged: mi.ContentMerged,
Conflicts: mi.Conflicts,
MergeableInto: mi.MergeableInto,
}, nil
type addReviewerRequest struct {
Reviewer string `json:"reviewer"`
State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
Confirmed bool `json:"confirmed,omitempty"`
Notify string `json:"notify,omitempty"`
type reviewerInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
SecondaryEmails []string `json:"secondary_emails,omitempty"`
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
Approvals map[string]string `json:"approvals,omitempty"`
AccountID int64 `json:"_account_id,omitempty"`
func (ri *reviewerInfo) ToProtoReviewerInfo() (*gerritpb.ReviewerInfo, error) {
approvals := make(map[string]int32, 0)
for label, score := range ri.Approvals {
score = strings.TrimLeft(score, " ")
scoreInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(score, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "parsing approvals").Err()
approvals[label] = int32(scoreInt)
return &gerritpb.ReviewerInfo{
Account: &gerritpb.AccountInfo{
Name: ri.Name,
Email: ri.Email,
SecondaryEmails: ri.SecondaryEmails,
Username: ri.Username,
AccountId: ri.AccountID,
Approvals: approvals,
}, nil
type addReviewerResult struct {
Input string `json:"input"`
Reviewers []reviewerInfo `json:"reviewers,omitempty"`
Ccs []reviewerInfo `json:"ccs,omitempty"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
Confirm bool `json:"confirm,omitempty"`
func (rr *addReviewerResult) ToProto() (*gerritpb.AddReviewerResult, error) {
reviewers := make([]*gerritpb.ReviewerInfo, 0)
for _, r := range rr.Reviewers {
rInfo, err := r.ToProtoReviewerInfo()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "converting reviewerInfo").Err()
reviewers = append(reviewers, rInfo)
ccs := make([]*gerritpb.ReviewerInfo, 0)
for _, r := range rr.Ccs {
rInfo, err := r.ToProtoReviewerInfo()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "converting reviewerInfo").Err()
ccs = append(ccs, rInfo)
return &gerritpb.AddReviewerResult{
Input: rr.Input,
Reviewers: reviewers,
Ccs: ccs,
Error: rr.Error,
Confirm: rr.Confirm,
}, nil
func enumToString(v int32, m map[int32]string) string {
if v == 0 {
return ""
prefixLen := strings.LastIndex(m[0], "UNSPECIFIED")
return m[v][prefixLen:]
type reviewInput struct {
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Labels map[string]int32 `json:"labels,omitempty"`
Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`
Notify string `json:"notify,omitempty"`
NotifyDetails notifyDetails `json:"notify_details,omitempty"`
OnBehalfOf int64 `json:"on_behalf_of,omitempty"`
Ready bool `json:"ready,omitempty"`
WorkInProgress bool `json:"work_in_progress,omitempty"`
AddToAttentionSet []*attentionSetInput `json:"add_to_attention_set,omitempty"`
RemoveFromAttentionSet []*attentionSetInput `json:"remove_from_attention_set,omitempty"`
IgnoreAutomaticAttentionSetRules bool `json:"ignore_automatic_attention_set_rules,omitempty"`
Reviewers []*reviewerInput `json:"reviewers,omitempty"`
type notifyInfo struct {
Accounts []int64 `json:"accounts,omitempty"`
type notifyDetails map[string]*notifyInfo
func toNotifyDetails(in *gerritpb.NotifyDetails) notifyDetails {
recipients := in.GetRecipients()
if len(recipients) == 0 {
return nil
res := make(map[string]*notifyInfo, len(recipients))
for _, recipient := range recipients {
if len(recipient.Info.GetAccounts()) == 0 {
rt := recipient.RecipientType
if rt == gerritpb.NotifyDetails_RECIPIENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED {
// Must have been caught in validation.
panic(fmt.Errorf("must specify recipient type"))
rts := enumToString(int32(rt.Number()), gerritpb.NotifyDetails_RecipientType_name)
if ni, ok := res[rts]; !ok {
ni = &notifyInfo{
Accounts: make([]int64, len(recipient.Info.GetAccounts())),
for i, aid := range recipient.Info.GetAccounts() {
ni.Accounts[i] = aid
res[rts] = ni
} else {
ni.Accounts = append(ni.Accounts, recipient.Info.GetAccounts()...)
for _, ni := range res {
// Sort & dedup accounts in each notification bucket.
sort.Slice(ni.Accounts, func(i, j int) bool { return ni.Accounts[i] < ni.Accounts[j] })
n := 0
for i := 1; i < len(ni.Accounts); i++ {
if ni.Accounts[n] == ni.Accounts[i] {
ni.Accounts[n] = ni.Accounts[i]
ni.Accounts = ni.Accounts[:n+1]
return res
type attentionSetInput struct {
User string `json:"user"`
Reason string `json:"reason"`
Notify string `json:"string,omitempty"`
NotifyDetails notifyDetails `json:"notify_details,omitempty"`
func toAttentionSetInput(in *gerritpb.AttentionSetInput) *attentionSetInput {
return &attentionSetInput{
User: in.User,
Reason: in.Reason,
Notify: enumToString(int32(in.Notify.Number()), gerritpb.Notify_name),
NotifyDetails: toNotifyDetails(in.NotifyDetails),
func toAttentionSetInputs(in []*gerritpb.AttentionSetInput) []*attentionSetInput {
if len(in) == 0 {
return nil
out := make([]*attentionSetInput, len(in))
for i, x := range in {
out[i] = toAttentionSetInput(x)
return out
type reviewerInput struct {
Reviewer string `json:"reviewer"`
State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
func toReviewerInputs(in []*gerritpb.ReviewerInput) []*reviewerInput {
if len(in) == 0 {
return nil
out := make([]*reviewerInput, len(in))
for i, x := range in {
out[i] = &reviewerInput{
Reviewer: x.Reviewer,
State: enumToString(int32(x.State.Number()), gerritpb.ReviewerInput_State_name),
return out
type reviewResult struct {
Labels map[string]int32 `json:"labels,omitempty"`
Reviewers map[string]*addReviewerResult `json:"reviewers,omitempty"`
func (rr *reviewResult) ToProto() (*gerritpb.ReviewResult, error) {
result := &gerritpb.ReviewResult{
Labels: rr.Labels,
if len(rr.Reviewers) == 0 {
return result, nil
reviewers := make(map[string]*gerritpb.AddReviewerResult, len(rr.Reviewers))
for i, x := range rr.Reviewers {
reviewerDetails, err := x.ToProto()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reviewers[i] = reviewerDetails
result.Reviewers = reviewers
return result, nil
type projectInfo struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Parent string `json:"parent,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
Branches map[string]string `json:"branches,omitempty"`
WebLinks []*gerritpb.WebLinkInfo `json:"web_links,omitempty"`
func (pi *projectInfo) ToProto() (*gerritpb.ProjectInfo, error) {
stateEnumVal := "PROJECT_STATE_" + pi.State
stateEnumNum, found := gerritpb.ProjectInfo_State_value[stateEnumVal]
if !found {
return nil, errors.Reason("no State enum value for %q", pi.State).Err()
projectName, err := url.QueryUnescape(pi.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "decoding name").Err()
absoluteRefs := make(map[string]string, len(pi.Branches))
for ref, sha1 := range pi.Branches {
absoluteRefs[branchToRef(ref)] = sha1
return &gerritpb.ProjectInfo{
Name: projectName,
Parent: pi.Parent,
Description: pi.Description,
State: gerritpb.ProjectInfo_State(stateEnumNum),
Refs: absoluteRefs,
WebLinks: pi.WebLinks,
}, nil
type submitInfo struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
func (si *submitInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.SubmitInfo {
return &gerritpb.SubmitInfo{
Status: gerritpb.ChangeStatus(gerritpb.ChangeStatus_value[si.Status]),
type submitRequirementResultInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Status string `json:"status"`
IsLegacy bool `json:"is_legacy"`
ApplicabilityExpressionResult *submitRequirementExpressionInfo `json:"applicability_expression_result"`
SubmittabilityExpressionResult *submitRequirementExpressionInfo `json:"submittability_expression_result"`
OverrideExpressionResult *submitRequirementExpressionInfo `json:"override_expression_result"`
func (ri *submitRequirementResultInfo) ToProto() (*gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo, error) {
numVal, found := gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo_Status_value[ri.Status]
if !found {
return nil, errors.Reason("no Status enum value for %q", ri.Status).Err()
return &gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo{
Name: ri.Name,
Description: ri.Description,
Status: gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo_Status(numVal),
IsLegacy: ri.IsLegacy,
ApplicabilityExpressionResult: ri.ApplicabilityExpressionResult.ToProto(),
SubmittabilityExpressionResult: ri.SubmittabilityExpressionResult.ToProto(),
OverrideExpressionResult: ri.OverrideExpressionResult.ToProto(),
}, nil
type submitRequirementExpressionInfo struct {
Expression string `json:"expression"`
Fulfilled bool `json:"fulfilled"`
PassingAtoms []string `json:"passing_atoms"`
FailingAtoms []string `json:"failing_atoms"`
ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message"`
func (ei *submitRequirementExpressionInfo) ToProto() *gerritpb.SubmitRequirementExpressionInfo {
if ei == nil {
return nil
return &gerritpb.SubmitRequirementExpressionInfo{
Expression: ei.Expression,
Fulfilled: ei.Fulfilled,
PassingAtoms: ei.PassingAtoms,
FailingAtoms: ei.FailingAtoms,
ErrorMessage: ei.ErrorMessage,
type metaDiff struct {
Added *changeInfo `json:"added"`
Removed *changeInfo `json:"removed"`
OldChangeInfo *changeInfo `json:"old_change_info"`
NewChangeInfo *changeInfo `json:"new_change_info"`
func (md *metaDiff) ToProto() (*gerritpb.MetaDiff, error) {
var resp gerritpb.MetaDiff
var ci *gerritpb.ChangeInfo
var err error
if ci, err = md.Added.ToProto(); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp.Added = ci
if ci, err = md.Removed.ToProto(); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp.Removed = ci
if ci, err = md.OldChangeInfo.ToProto(); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp.OldChangeInfo = ci
if ci, err = md.NewChangeInfo.ToProto(); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp.NewChangeInfo = ci
return &resp, nil