blob: 46862adf10f11405de71da85b59cae6b53366ae8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testexec_test
import (
var qemuPlatform = testexec.DimensionSet{
DeviceType: "QEMU",
var nucPlatform = testexec.DimensionSet{
DeviceType: "NUC",
var qemuEnv = testexec.Environment{
Dimensions: qemuPlatform,
var nucEnv = testexec.Environment{
Dimensions: nucPlatform,
var specFoo1 = testexec.TestSpec{
Test: testexec.Test{
Name: "//obsidian/bin/foo:foo_unittests",
Location: "/system/test/foo_unittests",
Envs: []testexec.Environment{qemuEnv},
var specFoo2 = testexec.TestSpec{
Test: testexec.Test{
Name: "//obsidian/bin/foo:foo_integration_tests",
Location: "/system/test/foo_integration_tests",
Envs: []testexec.Environment{qemuEnv, nucEnv},
var specBar = testexec.TestSpec{
Test: testexec.Test{
Name: "//obsidian/lib/bar:bar_tests",
Location: "/system/test/bar_tests",
Envs: []testexec.Environment{qemuEnv},
// FuchsiaBuildDir is a struct representing the root build directory of a fuchsia
// checkout.
type fuchsiaBuildDir struct {
root string
t *testing.T
func newFuchsiaBuildDir(t *testing.T) *fuchsiaBuildDir {
root, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "fuchsia-build-dir")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not create fuchsia build directory: %v", err)
return &fuchsiaBuildDir{
root: root,
t: t,
// CreatePackageLayout takes a package manifest and creates the associated
// directory layout.
func (bd fuchsiaBuildDir) createPackageLayout(pkgManifest fuchsia.PackageManifest) {
for _, pkg := range pkgManifest.Packages {
specDir := filepath.Join(bd.root, pkg.BuildDir, pkg.Name)
if err := os.MkdirAll(specDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
bd.t.Fatalf("could not create test spec directory for package \"%s\": %v", pkg.Name, err)
func writeTestSpec(t *testing.T, spec testexec.TestSpec, path string) {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(&spec)
if err != nil {
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, bytes, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not write test spec to %s: %v", path, err)
func TestLoadTestSpecs(t *testing.T) {
areEqual := func(a, b []testexec.TestSpec) bool {
stringify := func(spec testexec.TestSpec) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", spec)
sort := func(list []testexec.TestSpec) {
sort.Slice(list[:], func(i, j int) bool {
return stringify(list[i]) < stringify(list[j])
return reflect.DeepEqual(a, b)
packageFoo := "foo"
buildDirFoo := "obj/obsidian/bin/foo"
packageBar := "bar"
buildDirBar := "obj/obsidian/lib/bar"
pkgManifest := fuchsia.PackageManifest{
Packages: []fuchsia.PackageDescriptor{
BuildDir: buildDirFoo,
Name: packageFoo,
BuildDir: buildDirBar,
Name: packageBar,
correctSpecsLoad := func(t *testing.T, expected []testexec.TestSpec, fuchsiaBuildDir string) {
actual, err := testexec.LoadTestSpecs(fuchsiaBuildDir, pkgManifest)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error while loading test specs: %v", err)
if !areEqual(expected, actual) {
t.Fatalf("test specs not properly loaded:\nexpected:\n%+v\nactual:\n%+v", expected, actual)
t.Run("test specs are found", func(t *testing.T) {
bd := newFuchsiaBuildDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(bd.root)
specDirFoo := filepath.Join(bd.root, buildDirFoo, packageFoo)
specDirBar := filepath.Join(bd.root, buildDirBar, packageBar)
writeTestSpec(t, specFoo1, filepath.Join(specDirFoo, "foo_unittests.spec.json"))
writeTestSpec(t, specFoo2, filepath.Join(specDirFoo, "foo_integration_tests.spec.json"))
writeTestSpec(t, specBar, filepath.Join(specDirBar, "bar_tests.spec.json"))
expected := []testexec.TestSpec{specFoo1, specFoo2, specBar}
correctSpecsLoad(t, expected, bd.root)
t.Run("test specs in wrong location are ignored", func(t *testing.T) {
bd := newFuchsiaBuildDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(bd.root)
specDirFoo := filepath.Join(bd.root, buildDirFoo, packageFoo)
specDirBar := filepath.Join(bd.root, buildDirBar, packageBar)
nonSpecDir := filepath.Join(bd.root, buildDirBar, "other-package")
if err := os.MkdirAll(nonSpecDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to create a directory outside of the package manifest: %v", err)
writeTestSpec(t, specFoo1, filepath.Join(specDirFoo, "foo_unittests.spec.json"))
writeTestSpec(t, specFoo2, filepath.Join(nonSpecDir, "other_tests.spec.json"))
writeTestSpec(t, specBar, filepath.Join(specDirBar, "bar_tests.spec.json"))
expected := []testexec.TestSpec{specFoo1, specBar}
correctSpecsLoad(t, expected, bd.root)
t.Run("test specs with wrong extension are ignored", func(t *testing.T) {
bd := newFuchsiaBuildDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(bd.root)
specDirFoo := filepath.Join(bd.root, buildDirFoo, packageFoo)
specDirBar := filepath.Join(bd.root, buildDirBar, packageBar)
writeTestSpec(t, specFoo1, filepath.Join(specDirFoo, "bad_extension1.json"))
writeTestSpec(t, specFoo2, filepath.Join(specDirFoo, "good extension.spec.json"))
writeTestSpec(t, specBar, filepath.Join(specDirBar, "bad_extension2.spec"))
expected := []testexec.TestSpec{specFoo2}
correctSpecsLoad(t, expected, bd.root)
t.Run("malformed test specs raise error", func(t *testing.T) {
bd := newFuchsiaBuildDir(t)
defer os.RemoveAll(bd.root)
specDirFoo := filepath.Join(bd.root, buildDirFoo, packageFoo)
specDirBar := filepath.Join(bd.root, buildDirBar, packageBar)
writeTestSpec(t, specFoo1, filepath.Join(specDirFoo, "foo_unittests.spec.json"))
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(specDirFoo, "foo_integration_tests.spec.json"),
[]byte("{I am not a test spec}"), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not write malformed test spec: %v", err)
writeTestSpec(t, specBar, filepath.Join(specDirBar, "bar_tests.spec.json"))
_, err := testexec.LoadTestSpecs(bd.root, pkgManifest)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("malformed test spec did not raise an error")
func TestValidateTestSpecs(t *testing.T) {
noTestNameSpec := testexec.TestSpec{
Test: testexec.Test{
Location: "/system/test/baz_tests",
Envs: []testexec.Environment{qemuEnv},
noTestLocationSpec := testexec.TestSpec{
Test: testexec.Test{
Name: "//obsidian/public/lib/baz:baz_tests",
Envs: []testexec.Environment{qemuEnv},
badEnvSpec := testexec.TestSpec{
Test: testexec.Test{
Name: "//obsidian/public/lib/baz:baz_tests",
Location: "/system/test/baz_tests",
Envs: []testexec.Environment{
Dimensions: testexec.DimensionSet{
platforms := []testexec.DimensionSet{qemuPlatform, nucPlatform}
t.Run("valid specs are validated", func(t *testing.T) {
validSpecLists := [][]testexec.TestSpec{
{specFoo1}, {specFoo2}, {specBar},
{specFoo1, specFoo2}, {specFoo1, specBar}, {specFoo2, specBar},
{specFoo1, specFoo2, specBar},
for _, list := range validSpecLists {
if err := testexec.ValidateTestSpecs(list, platforms); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("valid specs marked as invalid: %+v: %v", list, err)
t.Run("invalid specs are invalidated", func(t *testing.T) {
invalidSpecLists := [][]testexec.TestSpec{
{noTestNameSpec}, {noTestLocationSpec}, {badEnvSpec},
{noTestNameSpec, noTestLocationSpec}, {noTestNameSpec, badEnvSpec},
{noTestLocationSpec, badEnvSpec},
{noTestNameSpec, noTestLocationSpec, badEnvSpec},
for _, list := range invalidSpecLists {
if err := testexec.ValidateTestSpecs(list, platforms); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid specs marked as valid: %+v", list)