blob: 076ccf8c215a61458c0499e0fad2d39a8753e798 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
message InputProperties {
// Name of the test being run.
string name = 6;
// Whether this test should run in the Google internal or external infrastructure.
bool external = 7;
// CAS digest containing all of the inputs needed to both prepare targets
// and run tests.
string input_artifacts_digest = 1;
// Any CIPD packages needed to run the test task.
repeated CIPDPackage cipd_packages = 2;
// Parameters controlling how the test target and the test environment are prepared.
PreparationParams prepration_params = 3;
// The test command to run. The test binary should be in the input artifacts.
string test_command = 4;
// Test targeting metadata used to select devices/emulators to run on.
// These will be discussed more comprehensively later.
map<string, string> target_dimensions = 5;
message CIPDPackage {
string path = 1;
string tag = 2;
message PreparationParams {
bool flash = 1;
bool pave = 2;
bool ramboot = 3;
bool run_package_server = 4;
bool capture_logs = 5;