[unused] Delete unused code

Change-Id: Id7887ab419f70e8e7d192149eedb152d12099df1
diff --git a/gerrit-policy/gerrit-policy.py b/gerrit-policy/gerrit-policy.py
deleted file mode 100755
index ebfb2c0..0000000
--- a/gerrit-policy/gerrit-policy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-"""Checks and enforces Gerrit configuration policies.
-Run with "help" for usage.
-# TODO(dbort): Add more policy checks, refactoring as we go.
-# Possible checks:
-# - Projects are either public or hidden/read-only
-# - No rules.pl files exist outside of All-Projects
-# - rules.pl is in sync across all hosts
-# - Upstream sync configs are in place for all third_party repos
-# - All upstreams point to gob-mirrored repos
-# TODO(dbort): Rewrite in Go if it seems worth the trouble.
-import collections
-import json
-import logging
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import textwrap
-class GerritHost(object):
-    """Represents a remote Gerrit Git-on-Borg host."""
-    def __init__(self, gob_name):
-        self.__url = 'https://{}-review.googlesource.com/a'.format(gob_name)
-    @property
-    def url(self):
-        return self.__url
-    def __GetJson(self, query):
-        """Performs a GET query against the host and returns parsed JSON.
-        Args:
-            query: The HTTP query string; e.g., '/projects/?t'.
-        Returns:
-            Parsed JSON from the body of the HTTP response.
-        """
-        url = '{}/{}'.format(self.__url, query.lstrip('/'))
-        # check=True raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on failure.
-        args = ['gob-curl', '--nointeractive', url]
-        logging.debug('Run: %s', ' '.join(args))
-        p = subprocess.run(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
-        stdout = p.stdout.decode('utf-8')
-        # Remove the first line, which contains the )]}' guard.
-        _, body = stdout.split('\n', 1)
-        return json.loads(body)
-    def GetProjects(self):
-        """Returns a dict that maps project names to ProjectInfo entries.
-        https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/rest-api-projects.html#project-info
-        """
-        # 't' requests "tree view", which includes the parent projects.
-        return self.__GetJson('/projects/?t')
-class ThirdPartyParents(object):
-    # XParent fields:
-    #     name: Gerrit project name
-    #     id: Gerrit project id
-    #     has: Project's current parent ID
-    #     needs: Project's required parent ID, according to policy
-    ValidParent = collections.namedtuple('ValidParent', ('name', 'id', 'has'))
-    ChangeParent = collections.namedtuple('ChangeParent',
-                                          ('name', 'id', 'has', 'needs'))
-    UnknownParent = collections.namedtuple('UnknownParent',
-                                           ('name', 'id', 'has'))
-    # Contains sequences of ValidParent/ChangeParent/UnknownParent.
-    Checks = collections.namedtuple('Checks', ('valid', 'change', 'unknown'))
-    def __init__(self, projects):
-        # Only hold onto //third_party projects.
-        self.__projects = {
-            name: project
-            for name, project in projects.items()
-            if name.startswith('third_party/')
-        }
-    def __Validate(self):
-        valid = []
-        change = []
-        unknown = []
-        for name, info in self.__projects.items():
-            pid = info.get('id', '')
-            if not pid:
-                raise KeyError('No id for project "{}"'.format(name))
-            parent = info.get('parent', '')
-            entry = {
-                'name': name,
-                'id': pid,
-                'has': parent,
-            }
-            if parent in ('Third-Party-Projects',
-                          'Third-Party-Commit-Queue-Projects'):
-                valid.append(self.ValidParent(**entry))
-                continue
-            elif parent == 'Public-Projects':
-                entry['needs'] = 'Third-Party-Projects'
-                change.append(self.ChangeParent(**entry))
-            elif parent in ('Commit-Queue', 'gerrit/commit-queue-projects'):
-                entry['needs'] = 'Third-Party-Commit-Queue-Projects'
-                change.append(self.ChangeParent(**entry))
-            else:
-                # TODO(dbort): Figure out what to do with All-Projects.
-                # If they're supposed to be visible, they should at
-                # least be Public-Projects. Look at the hidden and
-                # read-only states. That should be a separate policy
-                # even for non-third_party repos.
-                unknown.append(self.UnknownParent(**entry))
-        return self.Checks(
-            valid=tuple(sorted(valid)),
-            change=tuple(sorted(change)),
-            unknown=tuple(sorted(unknown)))
-    def Check(self):
-        checks = self.__Validate()
-        for p in checks.valid:
-            print(p)
-        for p in checks.change:
-            print(p)
-        for p in checks.unknown:
-            print(p)
-        print("%d total //third_party projects:" %
-              (len(checks.valid) + len(checks.change) + len(checks.unknown)))
-        print("  %d with valid parents" % len(checks.valid))
-        print("  %d need to change parents" % len(checks.change))
-        print("  %d with unrecognized parents" % len(checks.unknown))
-        if checks.unknown:
-            print("    [%s]" % ', '.join(
-                sorted(set([p.has for p in checks.unknown]))))
-        # TODO(dbort): Return failure if change/unknown are non-empty
-    def Enforce(self, gerrit_host, out_script):
-        """Creates a shell script to enforce the policy.
-        Args:
-            gerrit_host: The host that the script should modify.
-            out_script: The file-like object to write a bash script to.
-        """
-        checks = self.__Validate()
-        header = textwrap.dedent(r"""
-            # Generated by gerrit-policy.py:%(gen)s
-            set -o nounset
-            set -o errexit
-            set -o pipefail
-            ### TODO: Set to a non-empty value
-            readonly BUG_ID=""
-            ### TODO: Set DRY_RUN=0 to enable this script
-            readonly DRY_RUN=1
-            ### No edits required below this line ###
-            readonly HOST_URL='%(host_url)s'
-            if [[ -z "${BUG_ID}" ]]; then
-              echo "ERROR: Must set BUG_ID by editing this file ($0)"
-              exit 1
-            fi
-            # run [<args>...]
-            # Prints the args, and runs them if DRY_RUN == 0
-            run() {
-              if (( DRY_RUN )); then
-                echo -n "DRY_RUN:"
-                printf " %%q" "$@"
-                echo ""
-              else
-                echo -n "RUNNING:"
-                printf " %%q" "$@"
-                echo ""
-                "$@"
-                return $?
-              fi
-            }
-            # change-parent <project-name> <new-parent>
-            change-parent() {
-              local project="$1"
-              local new_parent="$2"
-              run gob-curl \
-                  -d '{"parent": "'${new_parent}'", "commit_message": "Set parent to '${new_parent}'\n\nBug: '${BUG_ID}'"}' \
-                  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-                  -X PUT \
-                  "${HOST_URL}/projects/${project}/parent"
-            }
-            """ % {
-            'gen': self.__class__.__name__,
-            'host_url': gerrit_host.url
-        })
-        lines = [
-            '#!/bin/bash',
-            header,
-        ]
-        if checks.valid:
-            lines.extend([
-                '# Nothing to do for %d valid projects' % len(checks.valid),
-                '',
-            ])
-        lines.append('# %d projects to change' % len(checks.change))
-        for p in checks.change:
-            lines.append('change-parent \'%s\' \'%s\'' % (p.id, p.needs))
-        lines.append(
-            '\n# %d projects with unhandled status' % len(checks.unknown))
-        lines.append('\necho DONE')
-        out_script.write('\n'.join(lines))
-def main(argv):
-    def Usage(argv):
-        print(textwrap.dedent("""\
-            Usage: {argv0} <command> <gob-host>
-            command:
-              check: Print repo policy violations but do not modify anything
-              enforce: Generate a script to fix policy violations
-            gob-host: "fuchsia", "cobalt-analytics", etc.
-            """.format(argv0=argv[0])))
-    if len(argv) < 3:
-        Usage(argv)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if argv[1] in ('help', '-help', '--help', '-h'):
-        Usage(argv)
-        sys.exit(0)
-    host = GerritHost(argv[2])
-    projects = host.GetProjects()
-    tpp = ThirdPartyParents(projects)
-    if argv[1] == 'check':
-        tpp.Check()
-    elif argv[1] == 'enforce':
-        # TODO(dbort): Add a flag to allow specifying the bug ID to be injected
-        #     into the generated script
-        # TODO(dbort): Make out_script a flag
-        out_script = '/tmp/policy.sh'
-        with open(out_script, 'w') as f:
-            tpp.Enforce(host, f)
-        logging.info('Enforcement script written to %s', out_script)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
-    main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/tools/new-github-repo.sh b/tools/new-github-repo.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 83c64cf..0000000
--- a/tools/new-github-repo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file
-# Prints to stdout a script that creates a new third_party fuchsia mirror of a
-# github project. Sets appropriate ACLs, copy config, and Gerrit access.
-# Usage:
-#   $ new-github-repo <github-project-name> > generated-script
-#   $ bash generated-script
-# TODO(dbort): Don't create non-upstream versions of branches, only master.
-# E.g., it's fine to have 'origin/upstream/release-b', but we don't need
-# 'origin/release-b' as well. We only want 'origin/master'.
-set -o errexit
-set -o nounset
-set -o pipefail
-if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then
-  echo "Usage: $0 <github-project-name>" >&2
-  echo " github-project-name is relative to, "$(
-       )"and does not include, 'github.com'" >&2
-  exit 1
-readonly GITHUB_PROJECT="$1"
-readonly UPSTREAM_GOB="github/${GITHUB_PROJECT}"
-readonly REPO_BASENAME="$(basename "${UPSTREAM_GOB}")"
-readonly MIRROR_GOB="fuchsia/third_party/${REPO_BASENAME}"
-# Prints a gob-ctl command to stdout. If args are supplied, prints them. If
-# not, reads from stdin and emits HERE-style lines to write that same data to
-# gob-ctl.
-run-gob-ctl() {
-  if [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; then
-    echo "gob-ctl $@"
-  else
-    echo "gob-ctl <<EOF"
-    cat
-    echo "EOF"
-  fi
-echo "#!/bin/bash"
-echo "set -eu"
-echo "set -o pipefail"
-run-gob-ctl create -fork "${UPSTREAM_GOB}" "${MIRROR_GOB}"
-echo 'echo "Waiting 5 seconds for the creation to finish..."'
-# Without this sleep, the acl commands sometimes fail.
-echo 'sleep 5'
-run-gob-ctl acl "${MIRROR_GOB}" --reader 'all_users'
-run-gob-ctl acl "${MIRROR_GOB}" --owner 'mdbgroup/fuchsia-team'
-run-gob-ctl acl "${MIRROR_GOB}" --revoke "mdbuser/${USER}"
-run-gob-ctl acl "${MIRROR_GOB}" --revoke "email/${USER}@google.com"
-run-gob-ctl <<EOF
-copy {
-  source: "${UPSTREAM_GOB}"
-  destination: "${MIRROR_GOB}"
-  create: <
-    source_scope: <
-      all: USERS
-    >
-    destination_scope: <
-      mdb_group: "fuchsia-git-admins"
-    >
-    add_refspec: <
-      source: "refs/heads/*"
-      destination: "refs/heads/upstream/*"
-    >
-    add_refspec: <
-      source: "refs/tags/*"
-      destination: "refs/tags/*"
-    >
-  >
-run-gob-ctl show "${MIRROR_GOB}"
-# fix_parent <MIRROR_GOB>
-fix_parent() {
-  local gob_name="$1"
-  # The part before the first slash
-  local host_name="$(echo "${gob_name}" | sed -e 's,/.*,,')"
-  # The part after the first slash, with slashes URL-encoded
-  local project_id="$(echo "${gob_name}" | sed -e 's,[^/]*/,,;s,/,%2F,g')"
-  local host_url="https://${host_name}-review.googlesource.com/a"
-  local new_parent='Third-Party-Projects'
-  cat <<HERE
-gob-curl \
-  -d '{"parent": "${new_parent}", "commit_message": "Set parent to ${new_parent}"}' \
-  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-  -X PUT \
-  "${host_url}/projects/${project_id}/parent"
-echo 'read -p "Press enter to set the parent project..."'
-fix_parent "${MIRROR_GOB}"
-echo 'echo Done.'