[resultstore] Refactor UploadClient tests to be table driven

Change-Id: Id40ac7576cea24a2d8c936cb999cd990d89511ad
diff --git a/resultstore/upload_client_test.go b/resultstore/upload_client_test.go
index 40661d9..f4c7085 100644
--- a/resultstore/upload_client_test.go
+++ b/resultstore/upload_client_test.go
@@ -22,578 +22,506 @@
 	// The value of entity start times and durations is not important for these tests,
 	// so we use the same value everywhere.
 	may18_1993 = time.Date(1993, time.May, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
+const (
 	// The specific values of the UUIDs are not important for these tests. We just want to
 	// verify that the client sets some value other than the empty string, so we just use
 	// the same UUID everywhere.
 	testUUID = "uuid"
+	// The specific value of the auth token included in requests is not important. What
+	// matters is that the value in an RPC matches the value given to the UploadClient.
+	// Reuse this same value in all test cases.
+	testAuthToken = "auth_token"
-// uploadClientTestBed manages the setup and teardown phases of individual test cases.
-type uploadClientTestBed struct {
-	MockRPCClient *mocks.MockResultStoreUploadClient
-	ctrl          *gomock.Controller
+type tester struct {
+	client resultstore.UploadClient
+	mock   *mocks.MockResultStoreUploadClient
-// Setup creates the client-under-test and should be run before every test case.
-func (bed *uploadClientTestBed) Setup(t *testing.T, authToken string) (resultstore.UploadClient, context.Context) {
-	// Cache the mock controller so we can Finish() it during test teardown.
-	bed.ctrl = gomock.NewController(t)
-	bed.MockRPCClient = mocks.NewMockResultStoreUploadClient(bed.ctrl)
+func TestUploadClient(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		// The method being tested. Keep tests ordered alphabetically by method name.
+		method string
-	// Force UploadClient to re-use a fake UUID for testing by embedding the UUID in the
-	// context object.
-	ctx, err := resultstore.SetTestUUID(context.Background(), testUUID)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
+		// A brief test case description.
+		description string
+		// Exercises the method under test.
+		execute func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error)
+		// The expected output of the method
+		output interface{}
+	}{
+		{
+			method:      "CreateConfiguration",
+			description: "should rmake an RPC to create a Configuration",
+			output: &resultstore.Configuration{
+				Name:         "resultstore_configuration_name",
+				ID:           "configuration_id",
+				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+			},
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				input := &resultstore.Configuration{
+					ID:           "configuration_id",
+					InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+					Properties:   map[string]string{"key": "value"},
+				}
+				response := &api.Configuration{
+					Name: "resultstore_configuration_name",
+					Id: &api.Configuration_Id{
+						ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
+						InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
+					},
+				}
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					CreateConfiguration(ctx, &api.CreateConfigurationRequest{
+						RequestId:          testUUID,
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Parent:             "invocation_name",
+						ConfigId:           "configuration_id",
+						Configuration:      input.ToResultStoreConfiguration(),
+					}).
+					Return(response, nil)
+				return tester.client.CreateConfiguration(ctx, input, "invocation_name")
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "CreateConfiguredTarget",
+			description: "should make an RPC to create a ConfiguredTarget",
+			output: &resultstore.ConfiguredTarget{
+				Name: "resultstore_configured_target_name",
+				ID: &resultstore.ConfiguredTargetID{
+					InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+					ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
+					TargetID:     "target_id",
+				},
+			},
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				input := &resultstore.ConfiguredTarget{
+					ID: &resultstore.ConfiguredTargetID{
+						InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+						TargetID:     "target_id",
+						ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
+					},
+					Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
+					StartTime:  may18_1993,
+					Status:     resultstore.Passed,
+				}
+				response := &api.ConfiguredTarget{
+					Name: "resultstore_configured_target_name",
+					Id: &api.ConfiguredTarget_Id{
+						InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
+						ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
+						TargetId:        "target_id",
+					},
+				}
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					CreateConfiguredTarget(ctx, &api.CreateConfiguredTargetRequest{
+						RequestId:          testUUID,
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Parent:             "target_name",
+						ConfigId:           input.ID.ConfigID,
+						ConfiguredTarget:   input.ToResultStoreConfiguredTarget(),
+					}).
+					Return(response, nil)
+				return tester.client.CreateConfiguredTarget(ctx, input, "target_name")
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "CreateInvocation",
+			description: "should make an RPC to create an Invocation",
+			output: &resultstore.Invocation{
+				Name: "resultstore_invocation_name",
+				ID:   "invocation_id",
+			},
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				input := &resultstore.Invocation{
+					ProjectID:  "123456789",
+					ID:         "invocation_id",
+					Users:      []string{"user"},
+					Labels:     []string{"label"},
+					Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
+					LogURL:     "http://test.log",
+					StartTime:  may18_1993,
+					Status:     resultstore.Passed,
+				}
+				response := &api.Invocation{
+					Name: "resultstore_invocation_name",
+					Id: &api.Invocation_Id{
+						InvocationId: "invocation_id",
+					},
+				}
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					CreateInvocation(ctx, &api.CreateInvocationRequest{
+						RequestId:          testUUID,
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						InvocationId:       "invocation_id",
+						Invocation:         input.ToResultStoreInvocation(),
+					}).
+					Return(response, nil)
+				return tester.client.CreateInvocation(ctx, input)
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "CreateTarget",
+			description: "should make an RPC to create a Target",
+			output: &resultstore.Target{
+				Name: "resultstore_target_name",
+				ID: &resultstore.TargetID{
+					ID:           "target_id",
+					InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+				},
+			},
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				input := &resultstore.Target{
+					ID: &resultstore.TargetID{
+						ID: "target_id",
+					},
+					Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
+					StartTime:  may18_1993,
+					Status:     resultstore.Passed,
+				}
+				response := &api.Target{
+					Name: "resultstore_target_name",
+					Id: &api.Target_Id{
+						TargetId:     "target_id",
+						InvocationId: "invocation_id",
+					},
+				}
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					CreateTarget(ctx, &api.CreateTargetRequest{
+						RequestId:          testUUID,
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Parent:             "invocation_name",
+						TargetId:           input.ID.ID,
+						Target:             input.ToResultStoreTarget(),
+					}).
+					Return(response, nil)
+				return tester.client.CreateTarget(ctx, input, "invocation_name")
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "CreateTestAction",
+			description: "should make an RPC to create a Test Action",
+			output: &resultstore.TestAction{
+				Name: "resultstore_action_name",
+				ID: &resultstore.TestActionID{
+					InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+					ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
+					TargetID:     "target_id",
+				},
+			},
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				input := &resultstore.TestAction{
+					ID: &resultstore.TestActionID{
+						ID:           "test",
+						InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+						TargetID:     "target_id",
+						ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
+					},
+					TestSuite:  "test_suite",
+					TestLogURI: "http://test.log",
+					StartTime:  may18_1993,
+					Status:     resultstore.Passed,
+				}
+				response := &api.Action{
+					Name: "resultstore_action_name",
+					Id: &api.Action_Id{
+						InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
+						ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
+						TargetId:        "target_id",
+					},
+				}
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					CreateAction(ctx, &api.CreateActionRequest{
+						RequestId:          testUUID,
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Parent:             "configured_target_name",
+						ActionId:           "test",
+						Action:             input.ToResultStoreAction(),
+					}).
+					Return(response, nil)
+				return tester.client.CreateTestAction(ctx, input, "configured_target_name")
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "FinishConfiguredTarget",
+			description: "should make an RPC to finish a ConfiguredTarget",
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					FinishConfiguredTarget(ctx, &api.FinishConfiguredTargetRequest{
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Name:               "configured_target_name",
+					}).
+					Return(&api.FinishConfiguredTargetResponse{}, nil)
+				return nil, tester.client.FinishConfiguredTarget(ctx, "configured_target_name")
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "FinishInvocation",
+			description: "should make an RPC to finish an Invocation",
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					FinishInvocation(ctx, &api.FinishInvocationRequest{
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Name:               "invocation_name",
+					}).
+					Return(&api.FinishInvocationResponse{}, nil)
+				return nil, tester.client.FinishInvocation(ctx, "invocation_name")
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "FinishTarget",
+			description: "should make an RPC to finish a Target",
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					FinishTarget(ctx, &api.FinishTargetRequest{
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Name:               "target_name",
+					}).
+					Return(&api.FinishTargetResponse{}, nil)
+				return nil, tester.client.FinishTarget(ctx, "target_name")
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "UpdateConfiguredTarget",
+			description: "should make an RPC to update a ConfiguredTarget",
+			output: &resultstore.ConfiguredTarget{
+				Name: "resultstore_configured_target_name",
+				ID: &resultstore.ConfiguredTargetID{
+					InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+					ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
+					TargetID:     "target_id",
+				},
+			},
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				input := &resultstore.ConfiguredTarget{
+					ID: &resultstore.ConfiguredTargetID{
+						InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+						TargetID:     "target_id",
+						ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
+					},
+					Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
+					Status:     resultstore.Passed,
+					StartTime:  may18_1993,
+					Duration:   time.Hour,
+				}
+				response := &api.ConfiguredTarget{
+					Name: "resultstore_configured_target_name",
+					Id: &api.ConfiguredTarget_Id{
+						InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
+						ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
+						TargetId:        "target_id",
+					},
+				}
+				fieldsToUpdate := []string{"timing.duration", "status_attributes"}
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					UpdateConfiguredTarget(ctx, &api.UpdateConfiguredTargetRequest{
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						ConfiguredTarget:   input.ToResultStoreConfiguredTarget(),
+						UpdateMask:         &field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: fieldsToUpdate},
+					}).
+					Return(response, nil)
+				return tester.client.UpdateConfiguredTarget(ctx, input, fieldsToUpdate)
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "UpdateInvocation",
+			description: "should make an RPC to update an Invocation",
+			output: &resultstore.Invocation{
+				Name: "resultstore_invocation_name",
+				ID:   "invocation_id",
+			},
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				input := &resultstore.Invocation{
+					ID:         "invocation_id",
+					Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
+					ProjectID:  "project_id",
+					StartTime:  may18_1993,
+					Duration:   time.Hour,
+					Users:      []string{"users"},
+					Labels:     []string{"label"},
+					LogURL:     "url",
+					Status:     resultstore.Passed,
+				}
+				response := &api.Invocation{
+					Name: "resultstore_invocation_name",
+					Id: &api.Invocation_Id{
+						InvocationId: "invocation_id",
+					},
+				}
+				fieldsToUpdate := []string{"timing.duration", "status_attributes"}
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					UpdateInvocation(ctx, &api.UpdateInvocationRequest{
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Invocation:         input.ToResultStoreInvocation(),
+						UpdateMask:         &field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: fieldsToUpdate},
+					}).
+					Return(response, nil)
+				return tester.client.UpdateInvocation(ctx, input, fieldsToUpdate)
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "UpdateTarget",
+			description: "should make an RPC to update a Target",
+			output: &resultstore.Target{
+				Name: "resultstore_target_name",
+				ID: &resultstore.TargetID{
+					ID:           "target_id",
+					InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+				},
+			},
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				input := &resultstore.Target{
+					ID: &resultstore.TargetID{
+						ID:           "target_id",
+						InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+					},
+					Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
+					StartTime:  may18_1993,
+					Duration:   time.Hour,
+					Status:     resultstore.Passed,
+				}
+				response := &api.Target{
+					Name: "resultstore_target_name",
+					Id: &api.Target_Id{
+						TargetId:     "target_id",
+						InvocationId: "invocation_id",
+					},
+				}
+				fieldsToUpdate := []string{"timing.duration", "status_attributes"}
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					UpdateTarget(ctx, &api.UpdateTargetRequest{
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Target:             input.ToResultStoreTarget(),
+						UpdateMask:         &field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: fieldsToUpdate},
+					}).
+					Return(response, nil)
+				return tester.client.UpdateTarget(ctx, input, fieldsToUpdate)
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			method:      "UpdateTestAction",
+			description: "should make an RPC to update a Test Action",
+			output: &resultstore.TestAction{
+				Name: "resultstore_action_name",
+				ID: &resultstore.TestActionID{
+					ID:           "action_id",
+					InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+					ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
+					TargetID:     "target_id",
+				},
+			},
+			execute: func(ctx context.Context, tester *tester) (interface{}, error) {
+				input := &resultstore.TestAction{
+					ID: &resultstore.TestActionID{
+						ID:           "test",
+						InvocationID: "invocation_id",
+						TargetID:     "target_id",
+						ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
+					},
+					TestSuite:  "test_suite",
+					TestLogURI: "http://test.log",
+					StartTime:  may18_1993,
+					Duration:   time.Hour,
+					Status:     resultstore.Passed,
+				}
+				response := &api.Action{
+					Name: "resultstore_action_name",
+					Id: &api.Action_Id{
+						ActionId:        "action_id",
+						InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
+						ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
+						TargetId:        "target_id",
+					},
+				}
+				fieldsToUpdate := []string{"timing.duration", "status_attributes"}
+				tester.mock.EXPECT().
+					UpdateAction(ctx, &api.UpdateActionRequest{
+						AuthorizationToken: testAuthToken,
+						Action:             input.ToResultStoreAction(),
+						UpdateMask:         &field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: fieldsToUpdate},
+					}).
+					Return(response, nil)
+				return tester.client.UpdateTestAction(ctx, input, fieldsToUpdate)
+			},
+		},
-	ctx, err = resultstore.SetAuthToken(ctx, authToken)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
+	setup := func(t *testing.T) (context.Context, resultstore.UploadClient, *mocks.MockResultStoreUploadClient, *gomock.Controller) {
+		ctx, err := resultstore.SetTestUUID(context.Background(), testUUID)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		ctx, err = resultstore.SetAuthToken(ctx, testAuthToken)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatal(err)
+		}
+		controller := gomock.NewController(t)
+		mock := mocks.NewMockResultStoreUploadClient(controller)
+		client := resultstore.NewUploadClient(mock)
+		return ctx, client, mock, controller
-	return resultstore.NewUploadClient(bed.MockRPCClient), ctx
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		ctx, client, mock, controller := setup(t)
+		defer controller.Finish()
-// Teardown is used to clean up after every test-case.
-func (bed *uploadClientTestBed) Teardown() {
-	bed.ctrl.Finish()
+		t.Run(tt.method, func(t *testing.T) {
+			t.Run(tt.description, func(t *testing.T) {
+				actual, err := tt.execute(ctx, &tester{client: client, mock: mock})
+				if err != nil {
+					t.Error(err.Error())
+					return
+				}
-// ExpectRPC is used to expect that a specific RPC message is recieved by the test bed.
-// If an invalid message or no message is received, the test will fail.
-func (bed *uploadClientTestBed) ExpectRPC() *mocks.MockResultStoreUploadClientMockRecorder {
-	return bed.MockRPCClient.EXPECT()
-func expectEqual(t *testing.T, expected interface{}, actual interface{}) {
-	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, actual) {
-		t.Errorf("Objects do not match:\n")
-		t.Errorf("Expected: %+v\n", expected)
-		t.Errorf("Actual:   %+v\n", actual)
+				expected := tt.output
+				if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected, actual) {
+					t.Errorf("objects do not match:\n")
+					t.Errorf("Expected: %+v\n", expected)
+					t.Errorf("Actual:   %+v\n", actual)
+				}
+			})
+		})
-func TestUploadClient_CreateInvocation(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return an Invocation from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		input := &resultstore.Invocation{
-			ProjectID:  "123456789",
-			ID:         "invocation_id",
-			Users:      []string{"user"},
-			Labels:     []string{"label"},
-			Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
-			LogURL:     "http://test.log",
-			StartTime:  may18_1993,
-			Status:     resultstore.Passed,
-		}
-		apiResponse := &api.Invocation{
-			Name: "resultstore_invocation_name",
-			Id: &api.Invocation_Id{
-				InvocationId: "invocation_id",
-			},
-		}
-		expectedOutput := &resultstore.Invocation{
-			Name: "resultstore_invocation_name",
-			ID:   "invocation_id",
-		}
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			CreateInvocation(ctx, &api.CreateInvocationRequest{
-				RequestId:          testUUID,
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				InvocationId:       "invocation_id",
-				Invocation:         input.ToResultStoreInvocation(),
-			}).
-			Return(apiResponse, nil)
-		output, err := client.CreateInvocation(ctx, input)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		expectEqual(t, expectedOutput, output)
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_UpdateInvocation(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return an Invocation from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		input := &resultstore.Invocation{
-			ID:         "invocation_id",
-			Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
-			ProjectID:  "project_id",
-			StartTime:  may18_1993,
-			Duration:   time.Hour,
-			Users:      []string{"users"},
-			Labels:     []string{"label"},
-			LogURL:     "url",
-			Status:     resultstore.Passed,
-		}
-		fieldsToUpdate := []string{"timing.duration", "status_attributes"}
-		apiResponse := &api.Invocation{
-			Name: "resultstore_invocation_name",
-			Id: &api.Invocation_Id{
-				InvocationId: "invocation_id",
-			},
-		}
-		expectedOutput := &resultstore.Invocation{
-			Name: "resultstore_invocation_name",
-			ID:   "invocation_id",
-		}
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			UpdateInvocation(ctx, &api.UpdateInvocationRequest{
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Invocation:         input.ToResultStoreInvocation(),
-				UpdateMask:         &field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: fieldsToUpdate},
-			}).
-			Return(apiResponse, nil)
-		output, err := client.UpdateInvocation(ctx, input, fieldsToUpdate)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		expectEqual(t, expectedOutput, output)
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_FinishInvocation(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return an Invocation from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			FinishInvocation(ctx, &api.FinishInvocationRequest{
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Name:               "invocation_name",
-			}).
-			Return(&api.FinishInvocationResponse{}, nil)
-		if err := client.FinishInvocation(ctx, "invocation_name"); err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_CreateConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return a Configuration from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		input := &resultstore.Configuration{
-			ID:           "configuration_id",
-			InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-			Properties:   map[string]string{"key": "value"},
-		}
-		apiResponse := &api.Configuration{
-			Name: "resultstore_configuration_name",
-			Id: &api.Configuration_Id{
-				ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
-				InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
-			},
-		}
-		expectedOutput := &resultstore.Configuration{
-			Name:         "resultstore_configuration_name",
-			ID:           "configuration_id",
-			InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-		}
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			CreateConfiguration(ctx, &api.CreateConfigurationRequest{
-				RequestId:          testUUID,
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Parent:             "invocation_name",
-				ConfigId:           "configuration_id",
-				Configuration:      input.ToResultStoreConfiguration(),
-			}).
-			Return(apiResponse, nil)
-		output, err := client.CreateConfiguration(ctx, input, "invocation_name")
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		expectEqual(t, expectedOutput, output)
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_CreateTarget(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return a Target from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		input := &resultstore.Target{
-			ID: &resultstore.TargetID{
-				ID: "target_id",
-			},
-			Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
-			StartTime:  may18_1993,
-			Status:     resultstore.Passed,
-		}
-		apiResponse := &api.Target{
-			Name: "resultstore_target_name",
-			Id: &api.Target_Id{
-				TargetId:     "target_id",
-				InvocationId: "invocation_id",
-			},
-		}
-		expectedOutput := &resultstore.Target{
-			Name: "resultstore_target_name",
-			ID: &resultstore.TargetID{
-				ID:           "target_id",
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-			},
-		}
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			CreateTarget(ctx, &api.CreateTargetRequest{
-				RequestId:          testUUID,
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Parent:             "invocation_name",
-				TargetId:           input.ID.ID,
-				Target:             input.ToResultStoreTarget(),
-			}).
-			Return(apiResponse, nil)
-		output, err := client.CreateTarget(ctx, input, "invocation_name")
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		expectEqual(t, expectedOutput, output)
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_UpdateTarget(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return a Target from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		input := &resultstore.Target{
-			ID: &resultstore.TargetID{
-				ID:           "target_id",
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-			},
-			Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
-			StartTime:  may18_1993,
-			Duration:   time.Hour,
-			Status:     resultstore.Passed,
-		}
-		fieldsToUpdate := []string{"timing.duration", "status_attributes"}
-		apiResponse := &api.Target{
-			Name: "resultstore_target_name",
-			Id: &api.Target_Id{
-				TargetId:     "target_id",
-				InvocationId: "invocation_id",
-			},
-		}
-		expectedOutput := &resultstore.Target{
-			Name: "resultstore_target_name",
-			ID: &resultstore.TargetID{
-				ID:           "target_id",
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-			},
-		}
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			UpdateTarget(ctx, &api.UpdateTargetRequest{
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Target:             input.ToResultStoreTarget(),
-				UpdateMask:         &field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: fieldsToUpdate},
-			}).
-			Return(apiResponse, nil)
-		output, err := client.UpdateTarget(ctx, input, fieldsToUpdate)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		expectEqual(t, expectedOutput, output)
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_FinishTarget(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return a Target from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			FinishTarget(ctx, &api.FinishTargetRequest{
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Name:               "target_name",
-			}).
-			Return(&api.FinishTargetResponse{}, nil)
-		if err := client.FinishTarget(ctx, "target_name"); err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_CreateConfiguredTarget(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return a ConfiguredTarget from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		input := &resultstore.ConfiguredTarget{
-			ID: &resultstore.ConfiguredTargetID{
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-				TargetID:     "target_id",
-				ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
-			},
-			Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
-			StartTime:  may18_1993,
-			Status:     resultstore.Passed,
-		}
-		apiResponse := &api.ConfiguredTarget{
-			Name: "resultstore_configured_target_name",
-			Id: &api.ConfiguredTarget_Id{
-				InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
-				ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
-				TargetId:        "target_id",
-			},
-		}
-		expectedOutput := &resultstore.ConfiguredTarget{
-			Name: "resultstore_configured_target_name",
-			ID: &resultstore.ConfiguredTargetID{
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-				ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
-				TargetID:     "target_id",
-			},
-		}
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			CreateConfiguredTarget(ctx, &api.CreateConfiguredTargetRequest{
-				RequestId:          testUUID,
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Parent:             "target_name",
-				ConfigId:           input.ID.ConfigID,
-				ConfiguredTarget:   input.ToResultStoreConfiguredTarget(),
-			}).
-			Return(apiResponse, nil)
-		output, err := client.CreateConfiguredTarget(ctx, input, "target_name")
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		expectEqual(t, expectedOutput, output)
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_UpdateConfiguredTarget(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return a ConfiguredTarget from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		input := &resultstore.ConfiguredTarget{
-			ID: &resultstore.ConfiguredTargetID{
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-				TargetID:     "target_id",
-				ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
-			},
-			Properties: map[string]string{"key": "value"},
-			Status:     resultstore.Passed,
-			StartTime:  may18_1993,
-			Duration:   time.Hour,
-		}
-		fieldsToUpdate := []string{"timing.duration", "status_attributes"}
-		apiResponse := &api.ConfiguredTarget{
-			Name: "resultstore_configured_target_name",
-			Id: &api.ConfiguredTarget_Id{
-				InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
-				ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
-				TargetId:        "target_id",
-			},
-		}
-		expectedOutput := &resultstore.ConfiguredTarget{
-			Name: "resultstore_configured_target_name",
-			ID: &resultstore.ConfiguredTargetID{
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-				ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
-				TargetID:     "target_id",
-			},
-		}
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			UpdateConfiguredTarget(ctx, &api.UpdateConfiguredTargetRequest{
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				ConfiguredTarget:   input.ToResultStoreConfiguredTarget(),
-				UpdateMask:         &field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: fieldsToUpdate},
-			}).
-			Return(apiResponse, nil)
-		output, err := client.UpdateConfiguredTarget(ctx, input, fieldsToUpdate)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		expectEqual(t, expectedOutput, output)
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_FinishConfiguredTarget(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return a ConfiguredTarget from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			FinishConfiguredTarget(ctx, &api.FinishConfiguredTargetRequest{
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Name:               "configured_target_name",
-			}).
-			Return(&api.FinishConfiguredTargetResponse{}, nil)
-		if err := client.FinishConfiguredTarget(ctx, "configured_target_name"); err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_CreateTestAction(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return an Action from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		input := &resultstore.TestAction{
-			ID: &resultstore.TestActionID{
-				ID:           "test",
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-				TargetID:     "target_id",
-				ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
-			},
-			TestSuite:  "test_suite",
-			TestLogURI: "http://test.log",
-			StartTime:  may18_1993,
-			Status:     resultstore.Passed,
-		}
-		apiResponse := &api.Action{
-			Name: "resultstore_action_name",
-			Id: &api.Action_Id{
-				InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
-				ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
-				TargetId:        "target_id",
-			},
-		}
-		expectedOutput := &resultstore.TestAction{
-			Name: "resultstore_action_name",
-			ID: &resultstore.TestActionID{
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-				ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
-				TargetID:     "target_id",
-			},
-		}
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			CreateAction(ctx, &api.CreateActionRequest{
-				RequestId:          testUUID,
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Parent:             "configured_target_name",
-				ActionId:           "test",
-				Action:             input.ToResultStoreAction(),
-			}).
-			Return(apiResponse, nil)
-		output, err := client.CreateTestAction(ctx, input, "configured_target_name")
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		expectEqual(t, expectedOutput, output)
-	})
-func TestUploadClient_UpdateTestAction(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Run("should return an Action from an RPC response", func(t *testing.T) {
-		testBed := new(uploadClientTestBed)
-		client, ctx := testBed.Setup(t, "auth_token")
-		defer testBed.Teardown()
-		input := &resultstore.TestAction{
-			ID: &resultstore.TestActionID{
-				ID:           "test",
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-				TargetID:     "target_id",
-				ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
-			},
-			TestSuite:  "test_suite",
-			TestLogURI: "http://test.log",
-			StartTime:  may18_1993,
-			Duration:   time.Hour,
-			Status:     resultstore.Passed,
-		}
-		fieldsToUpdate := []string{"timing.duration", "status_attributes"}
-		apiResponse := &api.Action{
-			Name: "resultstore_action_name",
-			Id: &api.Action_Id{
-				ActionId:        "action_id",
-				InvocationId:    "invocation_id",
-				ConfigurationId: "configuration_id",
-				TargetId:        "target_id",
-			},
-		}
-		expectedOutput := &resultstore.TestAction{
-			Name: "resultstore_action_name",
-			ID: &resultstore.TestActionID{
-				ID:           "action_id",
-				InvocationID: "invocation_id",
-				ConfigID:     "configuration_id",
-				TargetID:     "target_id",
-			},
-		}
-		testBed.ExpectRPC().
-			UpdateAction(ctx, &api.UpdateActionRequest{
-				AuthorizationToken: "auth_token",
-				Action:             input.ToResultStoreAction(),
-				UpdateMask:         &field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: fieldsToUpdate},
-			}).
-			Return(apiResponse, nil)
-		output, err := client.UpdateTestAction(ctx, input, fieldsToUpdate)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		expectEqual(t, expectedOutput, output)
-	})