blob: 75234950b8edeaf3e68773b893666546f8522875 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a TCP service and a fidl service. The TCP portion of this process
// accepts test commands, runs them, waits for completion or error, and reports
// back to the TCP client.
// The TCP protocol is as follows:
// - Client connects, sends a single line representing the test command to run:
// run <test_id> <shell command to run>\n
// - To send a log message, we send to the TCP client:
// <test_id> log <msg>
// - Once the test is done, we reply to the TCP client:
// <test_id> teardown pass|fail\n
// The <test_id> is an unique ID string that the TCP client gives us per test;
// we tag our replies and device logs with it so the TCP client can identify
// device logs (and possibly if multiple tests are run at the same time).
// The shell command representing the running test is launched in a new
// Environment for easy teardown. This Environment
// contains a TestRunner service (see test_runner.fidl). The applications
// launched by the shell command (which may launch more than 1 process) may use
// the |TestRunner| service to signal completion of the test, and also provides
// a way to signal process crashes.
// TODO(vardhan): Make it possible to run multiple tests within the same test
// runner environment, without teardown; useful for testing modules, which may
// not need to tear down basemgr.
#include "lib/test_runner/cpp/test_runner.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include "lib/fsl/types/type_converters.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "lib/fxl/strings/split_string.h"
#include "lib/fxl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "lib/fxl/type_converter.h"
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
#include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h"
#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
namespace test_runner {
TestRunObserver::~TestRunObserver() = default;
TestRunnerImpl::TestRunnerImpl(fidl::InterfaceRequest<TestRunner> request,
TestRunContext* test_run_context)
: binding_(this, std::move(request)), test_run_context_(test_run_context) {
binding_.set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) {
if (termination_task_.is_pending()) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Test " << program_name_ << " terminated as expected.";
// Client terminated but that was expected.
if (teardown_after_termination_) {
Teardown([] {});
} else {
test_run_context_->StopTrackingClient(this, false);
} else {
test_run_context_->StopTrackingClient(this, true);
const std::string& TestRunnerImpl::program_name() const {
return program_name_;
bool TestRunnerImpl::waiting_for_termination() const {
return termination_task_.is_pending();
void TestRunnerImpl::TeardownAfterTermination() {
teardown_after_termination_ = true;
void TestRunnerImpl::Identify(fidl::StringPtr program_name,
IdentifyCallback callback) {
program_name_ = program_name;
void TestRunnerImpl::ReportResult(TestResult result) {
void TestRunnerImpl::Fail(fidl::StringPtr log_message) {
void TestRunnerImpl::Done(DoneCallback callback) {
// Acknowledge that we got the Done() call.
test_run_context_->StopTrackingClient(this, false);
void TestRunnerImpl::Teardown(TeardownCallback callback) {
// Acknowledge that we got the Teardown() call.
void TestRunnerImpl::WillTerminate(const double withinSeconds) {
if (termination_task_.is_pending()) {
Fail(program_name_ + " called WillTerminate more than once.");
termination_task_.set_handler([this, withinSeconds](async_dispatcher_t*,
zx_status_t status) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << program_name_ << " termination timed out after "
<< withinSeconds << "s.";
Fail("Termination timed out.");
if (teardown_after_termination_) {
Teardown([] {});
test_run_context_->StopTrackingClient(this, false);
void TestRunnerImpl::SetTestPointCount(int64_t count) {
// Check that the count hasn't been set yet.
FXL_CHECK(remaining_test_points_ == -1);
// Check that the count makes sense.
FXL_CHECK(count >= 0);
remaining_test_points_ = count;
void TestRunnerImpl::PassTestPoint() {
// Check that the test point count has been set.
FXL_CHECK(remaining_test_points_ >= 0);
if (remaining_test_points_ == 0) {
Fail(program_name_ + " passed more test points than expected.");
std::shared_ptr<component::StartupContext> app_context,
TestRunObserver* connection, const std::string& test_id,
const std::string& url, const std::vector<std::string>& args)
: test_runner_connection_(connection), test_id_(test_id), success_(true) {
// 1.1 Set up child environment services
auto services = std::make_unique<ScopeServices>();
[this](fidl::InterfaceRequest<TestRunner> request) {
std::make_unique<TestRunnerImpl>(std::move(request), this));
[this](fidl::InterfaceRequest<TestRunnerStore> request) {
// 1.2 Make a child environment to run the command.
child_env_scope_ = std::make_unique<Scope>(
app_context->environment(), "test_runner_env", std::move(services));
// 2. Launch the test command.
fuchsia::sys::LauncherPtr launcher;
fuchsia::sys::LaunchInfo info;
info.url = url;
info.arguments = fxl::To<fidl::VectorPtr<fidl::StringPtr>>(args);
launcher->CreateComponent(std::move(info), child_controller_.NewRequest());
// If the child app closes, the test is reported as a failure.
child_controller_.set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Child app connection closed unexpectedly. Remaining "
"TestRunner clients = "
<< test_runner_clients_.size();
test_runner_connection_->Teardown(test_id_, false);
void TestRunContext::ReportResult(TestResult result) {
if (result.failed) {
success_ = false;
rapidjson::Document doc;
rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType& allocator = doc.GetAllocator();
doc.AddMember("name", std::string(, allocator);
doc.AddMember("elapsed", result.elapsed, allocator);
doc.AddMember("failed", result.failed, allocator);
doc.AddMember("message", std::string(result.message), allocator);
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
test_runner_connection_->SendMessage(test_id_, "result", buffer.GetString());
void TestRunContext::Fail(const fidl::StringPtr& log_msg) {
success_ = false;
std::string msg("FAIL: ");
msg += log_msg;
test_runner_connection_->SendMessage(test_id_, "log", msg);
void TestRunContext::StopTrackingClient(TestRunnerImpl* client, bool crashed) {
if (crashed) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << client->program_name()
<< " finished without calling"
" test_runner::reporting::Done().";
test_runner_connection_->Teardown(test_id_, false);
if (client->TestPointsRemaining()) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << client->program_name()
<< " finished without passing all test points.";
test_runner_connection_->Teardown(test_id_, false);
auto find_it =
std::find_if(test_runner_clients_.begin(), test_runner_clients_.end(),
[client](const std::unique_ptr<TestRunnerImpl>& client_it) {
return client_it.get() == client;
FXL_DCHECK(find_it != test_runner_clients_.end());
void TestRunContext::Teardown(TestRunnerImpl* teardown_client) {
bool waiting_for_termination = false;
for (auto& client : test_runner_clients_) {
if (teardown_client == client.get()) {
if (client->waiting_for_termination()) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "Teardown blocked by test waiting for termination: "
<< client->program_name();
waiting_for_termination = true;
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Test " << client->program_name()
<< " not done before Teardown().";
success_ = false;
if (waiting_for_termination) {
StopTrackingClient(teardown_client, false);
} else {
// Once teardown is signalled, it's no longer a test failure if the child
// app controller connection closes. If this is not reset, a connection
// close may call test_runner_connection_->Teardown() again and override the
// success status set here.
test_runner_connection_->Teardown(test_id_, success_);
} // namespace test_runner