blob: 64ecc94af97c8db9dfd5b53bdb3ed19269bcd865 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#![feature(async_await, await_macro, futures_api, pin, transpose_result)]
// Explicitly added due to conflict using custom_attribute and async_await above.
extern crate serde_derive;
mod opts;
use {
failure::{Error, ResultExt, bail},
fidl_fuchsia_net_oldhttp::{self as http, HttpServiceProxy},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_syslog::{self as syslog, fx_log_info},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
futures::io::{AllowStdIo, AsyncReadExt},
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
syslog::init_with_tags(&["network-speed-test"]).expect("should not fail");
let opt = Opt::from_args();
fx_log_info!("{:?}", opt);
// create objects to hold test objects and results
let mut test_results = TestResults::default();
let mut test_pass = true;
if let Err(e) = run_test(opt, &mut test_results) {
test_pass = false;
test_results.error_message = e.to_string();
report_results(&mut test_results);
if !test_pass {
fn run_test(opt: Opt, test_results: &mut TestResults) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().context("error creating event loop")?;
let http_svc = connect_to_service::<http::HttpServiceMarker>()?;
test_results.connect_to_http_service = true;
let url_request = create_url_request(opt.target_url);
let ind_download = exec.run_singlethreaded(
fetch_and_discard_url(http_svc, url_request))?;
test_results.base_data_transfer = true;
// TODO (NET-1665): aggregate info from individual results (when we do multiple requests)
test_results.overall_avg_goodput_mbps = ind_download.goodput_mbps;
test_results.total_bytes = ind_download.bytes;
test_results.total_nanos = ind_download.nanos;
// Object to hold overall test status
#[derive(Default, Serialize)]
struct TestResults {
connect_to_http_service: bool,
base_data_transfer: bool,
overall_avg_goodput_mbps: f64,
total_bytes: u64,
total_nanos: u64,
error_message: String
// Object to hold results of a single download
#[derive(Default, Serialize)]
struct IndividualDownload {
bytes: u64,
nanos: u64,
goodput_mbps: f64
fn report_results(test_results: &TestResults) {
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&test_results).unwrap());
fn create_url_request<T: Into<String>>(url_string: T) -> http::UrlRequest {
http::UrlRequest {
url: url_string.into(),
method: String::from("GET"),
headers: None,
body: None,
response_body_buffer_size: 0,
auto_follow_redirects: true,
cache_mode: http::CacheMode::BypassCache,
response_body_mode: http::ResponseBodyMode::Stream,
// TODO (NET-1663): move to helper method
// TODO (NET-1664): verify checksum on data received
async fn fetch_and_discard_url(http_service: HttpServiceProxy,
mut url_request: http::UrlRequest)
-> Result<IndividualDownload, failure::Error> {
// Create a UrlLoader instance
let (s, p) = zx::Channel::create().context("failed to create zx channel")?;
let proxy = fasync::Channel::from_channel(p).context("failed to make async channel")?;
let loader_server = fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd::<http::UrlLoaderMarker>::new(s);
let loader_proxy = http::UrlLoaderProxy::new(proxy);
let start_time = zx::Time::get(zx::ClockId::Monotonic);
let response = await!(loader_proxy.start(&mut url_request))?;
if let Some(e) = response.error {
bail!("UrlLoaderProxy error - code:{} ({})", e.code, e.description.unwrap_or("".into()))
let mut socket = match|x| *x) {
Some(http::UrlBody::Stream(s)) => fasync::Socket::from_socket(s)?,
_ => {
bail!("failed to read UrlBody from the stream - error: {}", zx::Status::BAD_STATE);
// discard the bytes
let mut stdio_sink = AllowStdIo::new(::std::io::sink());
let bytes_received = await!(socket.copy_into(&mut stdio_sink))?;
let stop_time = zx::Time::get(zx::ClockId::Monotonic);
let time_nanos = (stop_time - start_time).nanos() as u64;
let time_seconds = time_nanos as f64 * 1e-9;
let bits_received = (bytes_received * 8) as f64;
fx_log_info!("Received {} bytes in {:.3} seconds", bytes_received, time_seconds);
if bytes_received < 1 {
bail!("Failed to download data from url! bytes_received = {}", bytes_received);
let megabits_per_sec = bits_received * 1e-6 / time_seconds;
let mut individual_download = IndividualDownload::default();
individual_download.goodput_mbps = megabits_per_sec;
individual_download.bytes = bytes_received;
individual_download.nanos = time_nanos;