blob: a925437145a090f570eff1854a4ffd4f371699f5 [file] [log] [blame]
/// Try a list of parsers and return the result of the first successful one
/// ```rust,ignore
/// alt!(I -> IResult<I,O> | I -> IResult<I,O> | ... | I -> IResult<I,O> ) => I -> IResult<I, O>
/// ```
/// All the parsers must have the same return type.
/// If one of the parsers returns `Incomplete`, `alt!` will return `Incomplete`, to retry
/// once you get more input. Note that it is better for performance to know the
/// minimum size of data you need before you get into `alt!`.
/// The `alt!` combinator is used in the following way:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// alt!(parser_1 | parser_2 | ... | parser_n)
/// ```
/// # Basic example
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # fn main() {
/// // Create a parser that will match either "dragon" or "beast"
/// named!( dragon_or_beast, alt!( tag!( "dragon" ) | tag!( "beast" ) ) );
/// // Given the input "dragon slayer", the parser will match "dragon"
/// // and the rest will be " slayer"
/// let (rest, result) = dragon_or_beast(b"dragon slayer").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, b"dragon");
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" slayer");
/// // Given the input "beast of Gevaudan", the parser will match "beast"
/// // and the rest will be " of Gevaudan"
/// let (rest, result) = dragon_or_beast(&b"beast of Gevaudan"[..]).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, b"beast");
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" of Gevaudan");
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Manipulate results
/// There exists another syntax for `alt!` that gives you the ability to
/// manipulate the result from each parser:
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// #
/// // We create an enum to represent our creatures
/// #[derive(Debug,PartialEq,Eq)]
/// enum Creature {
/// Dragon,
/// Beast,
/// Unknown(usize)
/// }
/// // Let's make a helper function that returns true when not a space
/// // we are required to do this because the `take_while!` macro is limited
/// // to idents, so we can't negate `ìs_space` at the call site
/// fn is_not_space(c: u8) -> bool { ! nom::is_space(c) }
/// // Our parser will return the `Dragon` variant when matching "dragon",
/// // the `Beast` variant when matching "beast" and otherwise it will consume
/// // the input until a space is found and return an `Unknown` creature with
/// // the size of it's name.
/// named!(creature<Creature>, alt!(
/// tag!("dragon") => { |_| Creature::Dragon } |
/// tag!("beast") => { |_| Creature::Beast } |
/// take_while!(is_not_space) => { |r: &[u8]| Creature::Unknown(r.len()) }
/// // the closure takes the result as argument if the parser is successful
/// ));
/// // Given the input "dragon slayer" the parser will return `Creature::Dragon`
/// // and the rest will be " slayer"
/// let (rest, result) = creature(b"dragon slayer").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, Creature::Dragon);
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" slayer");
/// // Given the input "beast of Gevaudan" the parser will return `Creature::Beast`
/// // and the rest will be " of Gevaudan"
/// let (rest, result) = creature(b"beast of Gevaudan").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, Creature::Beast);
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" of Gevaudan");
/// // Given the input "demon hunter" the parser will return `Creature::Unkown(5)`
/// // and the rest will be " hunter"
/// let (rest, result) = creature(b"demon hunter").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, Creature::Unknown(5));
/// assert_eq!(rest, b" hunter");
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Behaviour of `alt!`
/// **BE CAREFUL** there is a case where the behaviour of `alt!` can be confusing:
/// when the alternatives have different lengths, like this case:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test, alt!( tag!( "abcd" ) | tag!( "ef" ) | tag!( "ghi" ) | tag!( "kl" ) ) );
/// ```
/// With this parser, if you pass `"abcd"` as input, the first alternative parses it correctly,
/// but if you pass `"efg"`, the first alternative will return `Incomplete`, since it needs an input
/// of 4 bytes. This behaviour of `alt!` is expected: if you get a partial input that isn't matched
/// by the first alternative, but would match if the input was complete, you want `alt!` to indicate
/// that it cannot decide with limited information.
/// There are two ways to fix this behaviour. The first one consists in ordering the alternatives
/// by size, like this:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test, alt!( tag!( "ef" ) | tag!( "kl") | tag!( "ghi" ) | tag!( "abcd" ) ) );
/// ```
/// With this solution, the largest alternative will be tested last.
/// The other solution uses the `complete!` combinator, which transforms an `Incomplete` in an
/// `Error`. If one of the alternatives returns `Incomplete` but is wrapped by `complete!`,
/// `alt!` will try the next alternative. This is useful when you know that
/// you will not get partial input:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test,
/// alt!(
/// complete!( tag!( "abcd" ) ) |
/// complete!( tag!( "ef" ) ) |
/// complete!( tag!( "ghi" ) ) |
/// complete!( tag!( "kl" ) )
/// )
/// );
/// ```
/// If you want the `complete!` combinator to be applied to all rules then use the convenience
/// `alt_complete!` macro (see below).
/// This behaviour of `alt!` can get especially confusing if multiple alternatives have different
/// sizes but a common prefix, like this:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test, alt!( tag!( "abcd" ) | tag!( "ab" ) | tag!( "ef" ) ) );
/// ```
/// in that case, if you order by size, passing `"abcd"` as input will always be matched by the
/// smallest parser, so the solution using `complete!` is better suited.
/// You can also nest multiple `alt!`, like this:
/// ```ignore
/// named!( test,
/// alt!(
/// preceded!(
/// tag!("ab"),
/// alt!(
/// tag!( "cd" ) |
/// eof!()
/// )
/// )
/// | tag!( "ef" )
/// )
/// );
/// ```
/// `preceded!` will first parse `"ab"` then, if successful, try the alternatives "cd",
/// or empty input (End Of File). If none of them work, `preceded!` will fail and
/// "ef" will be tested.
macro_rules! alt (
(__impl $i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)* ) => (
compiler_error!("alt uses '|' as separator, not ',':
tag!(\"abcd\") |
tag!(\"efgh\") |
(__impl $i:expr, $e:ident, $($rest:tt)* ) => (
alt!(__impl $i, call!($e) , $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, $e:ident | $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt!(__impl $i, call!($e) | $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)*) | $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
let res = $subrule!(i_, $($args)*);
match res {
$crate::IResult::Done(_,_) => res,
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(_) => res,
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let out = alt!(__impl $i, $($rest)*);
// Compile-time hack to ensure that res's E type is not under-specified.
// This all has no effect at runtime.
fn unify_types<T>(_: &T, _: &T) {}
if let $crate::IResult::Error(ref e2) = out {
unify_types(&e, e2);
(__impl $i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) => { $gen:expr } | $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match $subrule!(i_, $($args)* ) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => $crate::IResult::Done(i,$gen(o)),
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(x) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(x),
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => {
let out = alt!(__impl $i, $($rest)*);
// Compile-time hack to ensure that res's E type is not under-specified.
// This all has no effect at runtime.
fn unify_types<T>(_: &T, _: &T) {}
if let $crate::IResult::Error(ref e2) = out {
unify_types(&e, e2);
(__impl $i:expr, $e:ident => { $gen:expr } | $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt!(__impl $i, call!($e) => { $gen } | $($rest)*);
(__impl $i:expr, __end) => (
($i:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt!(__impl $i, $($rest)* | __end)
/// Is equivalent to the `alt!` combinator, except that it will not return `Incomplete`
/// when one of the constituting parsers returns `Incomplete`. Instead, it will try the
/// next alternative in the chain.
/// You should use this combinator only if you know you
/// will not receive partial input for the rules you're trying to match (this
/// is almost always the case for parsing programming languages).
/// ```rust,ignore
/// alt_complete!(I -> IResult<I,O> | I -> IResult<I,O> | ... | I -> IResult<I,O> ) => I -> IResult<I, O>
/// ```
/// All the parsers must have the same return type.
/// If one of the parsers return `Incomplete`, `alt_complete!` will try the next alternative.
/// If there is no other parser left to try, an `Error` will be returned.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// alt_complete!(parser_1 | parser_2 | ... | parser_n)
/// ```
/// **For more in depth examples, refer to the documentation of `alt!`**
macro_rules! alt_complete (
// Recursive rules (must include `complete!` around the head)
($i:expr, $e:ident | $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt_complete!($i, complete!(call!($e)) | $($rest)*);
($i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)*) | $($rest:tt)*) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
let res = complete!(i_, $subrule!($($args)*));
match res {
$crate::IResult::Done(_,_) => res,
e => {
let out = alt_complete!($i, $($rest)*);
if let (&$crate::IResult::Error(ref e1), &$crate::IResult::Error(ref e2)) = (&e, &out) {
// Compile-time hack to ensure that res's E type is not under-specified.
// This all has no effect at runtime.
fn unify_types<T>(_: &T, _: &T) {}
unify_types(e1, e2);
($i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) => { $gen:expr } | $($rest:tt)+) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match complete!(i_, $subrule!($($args)*)) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => $crate::IResult::Done(i,$gen(o)),
e => {
let out = alt_complete!($i, $($rest)*);
if let (&$crate::IResult::Error(ref e1), &$crate::IResult::Error(ref e2)) = (&e, &out) {
// Compile-time hack to ensure that res's E type is not under-specified.
// This all has no effect at runtime.
fn unify_types<T>(_: &T, _: &T) {}
unify_types(e1, e2);
($i:expr, $e:ident => { $gen:expr } | $($rest:tt)*) => (
alt_complete!($i, complete!(call!($e)) => { $gen } | $($rest)*);
// Tail (non-recursive) rules
($i:expr, $e:ident => { $gen:expr }) => (
alt_complete!($i, call!($e) => { $gen });
($i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)* ) => { $gen:expr }) => (
alt!(__impl $i, complete!($subrule!($($args)*)) => { $gen } | __end)
($i:expr, $e:ident) => (
alt_complete!($i, call!($e));
($i:expr, $subrule:ident!( $($args:tt)*)) => (
alt!(__impl $i, complete!($subrule!($($args)*)) | __end)
/// `switch!(I -> IResult<I,P>, P => I -> IResult<I,O> | ... | P => I -> IResult<I,O> ) => I -> IResult<I, O>`
/// choose the next parser depending on the result of the first one, if successful,
/// and returns the result of the second parser
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{Done,Error};
/// # #[cfg(feature = "verbose-errors")]
/// # use nom::Err::{Position, NodePosition};
/// # use nom::ErrorKind;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(sw,
/// switch!(take!(4),
/// b"abcd" => tag!("XYZ") |
/// b"efgh" => tag!("123")
/// )
/// );
/// let a = b"abcdXYZ123";
/// let b = b"abcdef";
/// let c = b"efgh123";
/// let d = b"blah";
/// assert_eq!(sw(&a[..]), Done(&b"123"[..], &b"XYZ"[..]));
/// assert_eq!(sw(&b[..]), Error(error_node_position!(ErrorKind::Switch, &b"abcdef"[..],
/// error_position!(ErrorKind::Tag, &b"ef"[..]))));
/// assert_eq!(sw(&c[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"123"[..]));
/// assert_eq!(sw(&d[..]), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Switch, &b"blah"[..])));
/// # }
/// ```
/// You can specify a default case like with a normal match, using `_`
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::Done;
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(sw,
/// switch!(take!(4),
/// b"abcd" => tag!("XYZ") |
/// _ => value!(&b"default"[..])
/// )
/// );
/// let a = b"abcdXYZ123";
/// let b = b"blah";
/// assert_eq!(sw(&a[..]), Done(&b"123"[..], &b"XYZ"[..]));
/// assert_eq!(sw(&b[..]), Done(&b""[..], &b"default"[..]));
/// # }
/// ```
/// Due to limitations in Rust macros, it is not possible to have simple functions on the right hand
/// side of pattern, like this:
/// ```ignore
/// named!(sw,
/// switch!(take!(4),
/// b"abcd" => tag!("XYZ") |
/// b"efgh" => tag!("123")
/// )
/// );
/// ```
/// If you want to pass your own functions instead, you can use the `call!` combinator as follows:
/// ```ignore
/// named!(xyz, tag!("XYZ"));
/// named!(num, tag!("123"));
/// named!(sw,
/// switch!(take!(4),
/// b"abcd" => call!(xyz) |
/// b"efgh" => call!(num)
/// )
/// );
/// ```
macro_rules! switch (
(__impl $i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($p:pat => $subrule:ident!( $($args2:tt)* ))|* ) => (
let i_ = $i.clone();
match map!(i_, $submac!($($args)*), |o| Some(o)) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(error_node_position!(
$crate::ErrorKind::Switch, $i, e
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => $crate::IResult::Incomplete(i),
$crate::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
match o {
$(Some($p) => match $subrule!(i, $($args2)*) {
$crate::IResult::Error(e) => $crate::IResult::Error(error_node_position!(
$crate::ErrorKind::Switch, $i, e
a => a,
_ => $crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::Switch,$i))
($i:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)*), $($rest:tt)*) => (
switch!(__impl $i, $submac!($($args)*), $($rest)*)
($i:expr, $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
switch!(__impl $i, call!($e), $($rest)*)
/// `permutation!(I -> IResult<I,A>, I -> IResult<I,B>, ... I -> IResult<I,X> ) => I -> IResult<I, (A,B,...X)>`
/// applies its sub parsers in a sequence, but independent from their order
/// this parser will only succeed if all of its sub parsers succeed
/// the tuple of results is in the same order as the parsers are declared
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate nom;
/// # use nom::IResult::{Done,Error,Incomplete};
/// # use nom::{ErrorKind,Needed};
/// # fn main() {
/// named!(perm<(&[u8], &[u8], &[u8])>,
/// permutation!(tag!("abcd"), tag!("efg"), tag!("hi"))
/// );
/// // whatever the order, if the parser succeeds, each
/// // tag should have matched correctly
/// let expected = (&b"abcd"[..], &b"efg"[..], &b"hi"[..]);
/// let a = &b"abcdefghijk"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(a), Done(&b"jk"[..], expected));
/// let b = &b"efgabcdhijkl"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(b), Done(&b"jkl"[..], expected));
/// let c = &b"hiefgabcdjklm"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(c), Done(&b"jklm"[..], expected));
/// let d = &b"efgxyzabcdefghi"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(d), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Permutation, &b"xyzabcdefghi"[..])));
/// let e = &b"efgabc"[..];
/// assert_eq!(perm(e), Incomplete(Needed::Size(7)));
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! permutation (
($i:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => (
let mut res = permutation_init!((), $($rest)*);
let mut input = $i;
let mut error = ::std::option::Option::None;
let mut needed = ::std::option::Option::None;
loop {
let mut all_done = true;
permutation_iterator!(0, input, all_done, needed, res, $($rest)*);
//if we reach that part, it means none of the parsers were able to read anything
if !all_done {
//FIXME: should wrap the error returned by the child parser
error = ::std::option::Option::Some(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::Permutation, input));
if let ::std::option::Option::Some(need) = needed {
if let $crate::Needed::Size(sz) = need {
$crate::InputLength::input_len(&($i)) -
$crate::InputLength::input_len(&input) +
} else {
} else if let ::std::option::Option::Some(e) = error {
} else {
let unwrapped_res = permutation_unwrap!(0, (), res, $($rest)*);
$crate::IResult::Done(input, unwrapped_res)
macro_rules! permutation_init (
((), $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_init!((::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*)
((), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_init!((::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*)
(($($parsed:expr),*), $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_init!(($($parsed),* , ::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*);
(($($parsed:expr),*), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_init!(($($parsed),* , ::std::option::Option::None), $($rest)*);
(($($parsed:expr),*), $e:ident) => (
($($parsed),* , ::std::option::Option::None)
(($($parsed:expr),*), $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
($($parsed),* , ::std::option::Option::None)
(($($parsed:expr),*),) => (
macro_rules! succ (
(0, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(1, $($rest)*));
(1, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(2, $($rest)*));
(2, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(3, $($rest)*));
(3, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(4, $($rest)*));
(4, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(5, $($rest)*));
(5, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(6, $($rest)*));
(6, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(7, $($rest)*));
(7, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(8, $($rest)*));
(8, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(9, $($rest)*));
(9, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(10, $($rest)*));
(10, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(11, $($rest)*));
(11, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(12, $($rest)*));
(12, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(13, $($rest)*));
(13, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(14, $($rest)*));
(14, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(15, $($rest)*));
(15, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(16, $($rest)*));
(16, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(17, $($rest)*));
(17, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(18, $($rest)*));
(18, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(19, $($rest)*));
(19, $submac:ident ! ($($rest:tt)*)) => ($submac!(20, $($rest)*));
// HACK: for some reason, Rust 1.11 does not accept $res.$it in
// permutation_unwrap. This is a bit ugly, but it will have no
// impact on the generated code
macro_rules! acc (
(0, $tup:expr) => ($tup.0);
(1, $tup:expr) => ($tup.1);
(2, $tup:expr) => ($tup.2);
(3, $tup:expr) => ($tup.3);
(4, $tup:expr) => ($tup.4);
(5, $tup:expr) => ($tup.5);
(6, $tup:expr) => ($tup.6);
(7, $tup:expr) => ($tup.7);
(8, $tup:expr) => ($tup.8);
(9, $tup:expr) => ($tup.9);
(10, $tup:expr) => ($tup.10);
(11, $tup:expr) => ($tup.11);
(12, $tup:expr) => ($tup.12);
(13, $tup:expr) => ($tup.13);
(14, $tup:expr) => ($tup.14);
(15, $tup:expr) => ($tup.15);
(16, $tup:expr) => ($tup.16);
(17, $tup:expr) => ($tup.17);
(18, $tup:expr) => ($tup.18);
(19, $tup:expr) => ($tup.19);
(20, $tup:expr) => ($tup.20);
macro_rules! permutation_unwrap (
($it:tt, (), $res:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
succ!($it, permutation_unwrap!((acc!($it, $res).unwrap()), $res, $($rest)*));
($it:tt, ($($parsed:expr),*), $res:ident, $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
succ!($it, permutation_unwrap!(($($parsed),* , acc!($it, $res).unwrap()), $res, $($rest)*));
($it:tt, ($($parsed:expr),*), $res:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => (
succ!($it, permutation_unwrap!(($($parsed),* , acc!($it, $res).unwrap()), $res, $($rest)*));
($it:tt, ($($parsed:expr),*), $res:ident, $e:ident) => (
($($parsed),* , { acc!($it, $res).unwrap() })
($it:tt, ($($parsed:expr),*), $res:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
($($parsed),* , acc!($it, $res).unwrap() )
macro_rules! permutation_iterator (
($it:tt,$i:expr, $all_done:expr, $needed:expr, $res:expr, $e:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => (
permutation_iterator!($it, $i, $all_done, $needed, $res, call!($e), $($rest)*);
($it:tt, $i:expr, $all_done:expr, $needed:expr, $res:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ), $($rest:tt)*) => {
if acc!($it, $res) == ::std::option::Option::None {
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
$i = i;
acc!($it, $res) = ::std::option::Option::Some(o);
$crate::IResult::Error(_) => {
$all_done = false;
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => {
$needed = ::std::option::Option::Some(i);
succ!($it, permutation_iterator!($i, $all_done, $needed, $res, $($rest)*));
($it:tt,$i:expr, $all_done:expr, $needed:expr, $res:expr, $e:ident) => (
permutation_iterator!($it, $i, $all_done, $res, call!($e));
($it:tt, $i:expr, $all_done:expr, $needed:expr, $res:expr, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => {
if acc!($it, $res) == ::std::option::Option::None {
match $submac!($i, $($args)*) {
$crate::IResult::Done(i,o) => {
$i = i;
acc!($it, $res) = ::std::option::Option::Some(o);
$crate::IResult::Error(_) => {
$all_done = false;
$crate::IResult::Incomplete(i) => {
$needed = ::std::option::Option::Some(i);
mod tests {
use internal::{Needed,IResult};
use internal::IResult::*;
use util::ErrorKind;
// reproduce the tag and take macros, because of module import order
macro_rules! tag (
($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (
fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] {
let expected = $inp;
let bytes = as_bytes(&expected);
macro_rules! tag_bytes (
($i:expr, $bytes: expr) => (
use std::cmp::min;
let len = $i.len();
let blen = $bytes.len();
let m = min(len, blen);
let reduced = &$i[..m];
let b = &$bytes[..m];
let res: $crate::IResult<_,_> = if reduced != b {
$crate::IResult::Error(error_position!($crate::ErrorKind::Tag, $i))
} else if m < blen {
} else {
$crate::IResult::Done(&$i[blen..], reduced)
macro_rules! take(
($i:expr, $count:expr) => (
let cnt = $count as usize;
let res:$crate::IResult<&[u8],&[u8]> = if $i.len() < cnt {
} else {
fn alt() {
fn work(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
Done(&b""[..], input)
fn dont_work(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8],&'static str> {
fn work2(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
Done(input, &b""[..])
fn alt1(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
alt!(i, dont_work | dont_work)
fn alt2(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
alt!(i, dont_work | work)
fn alt3(i:&[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8],&[u8], &'static str> {
alt!(i, dont_work | dont_work | work2 | dont_work)
//named!(alt1, alt!(dont_work | dont_work));
//named!(alt2, alt!(dont_work | work));
//named!(alt3, alt!(dont_work | dont_work | work2 | dont_work));
let a = &b"abcd"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Alt, a)));
assert_eq!(alt2(a), Done(&b""[..], a));
assert_eq!(alt3(a), Done(a, &b""[..]));
named!(alt4, alt!(tag!("abcd") | tag!("efgh")));
let b = &b"efgh"[..];
assert_eq!(alt4(a), Done(&b""[..], a));
assert_eq!(alt4(b), Done(&b""[..], b));
// test the alternative syntax
named!(alt5<bool>, alt!(tag!("abcd") => { |_| false } | tag!("efgh") => { |_| true }));
assert_eq!(alt5(a), Done(&b""[..], false));
assert_eq!(alt5(b), Done(&b""[..], true));
// compile-time test guarding against an underspecified E generic type (#474)
named!(alt_eof1, alt!(eof!() | eof!()));
named!(alt_eof2, alt!(eof!() => {|x| x} | eof!() => {|x| x}));
let _ = (alt_eof1, alt_eof2);
fn alt_incomplete() {
named!(alt1, alt!(tag!("a") | tag!("bc") | tag!("def")));
let a = &b""[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Incomplete(Needed::Size(1)));
let a = &b"b"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Incomplete(Needed::Size(2)));
let a = &b"bcd"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Done(&b"d"[..], &b"bc"[..]));
let a = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Alt, a)));
let a = &b"de"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Incomplete(Needed::Size(3)));
let a = &b"defg"[..];
assert_eq!(alt1(a), Done(&b"g"[..], &b"def"[..]));
fn alt_complete() {
named!(ac<&[u8], &[u8]>,
alt_complete!(tag!("abcd") | tag!("ef") | tag!("ghi") | tag!("kl"))
let a = &b""[..];
assert_eq!(ac(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Alt, a)));
let a = &b"ef"[..];
assert_eq!(ac(a), Done(&b""[..], &b"ef"[..]));
let a = &b"cde"[..];
assert_eq!(ac(a), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Alt, a)));
fn switch() {
b"abcd" => take!(2) |
b"efgh" => take!(4)
let a = &b"abcdefgh"[..];
assert_eq!(sw(a), Done(&b"gh"[..], &b"ef"[..]));
let b = &b"efghijkl"[..];
assert_eq!(sw(b), Done(&b""[..], &b"ijkl"[..]));
let c = &b"afghijkl"[..];
assert_eq!(sw(c), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Switch, &b"afghijkl"[..])));
fn permutation() {
named!(perm<(&[u8], &[u8], &[u8])>,
permutation!(tag!("abcd"), tag!("efg"), tag!("hi"))
let expected = (&b"abcd"[..], &b"efg"[..], &b"hi"[..]);
let a = &b"abcdefghijk"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(a), Done(&b"jk"[..], expected));
let b = &b"efgabcdhijk"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(b), Done(&b"jk"[..], expected));
let c = &b"hiefgabcdjk"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(c), Done(&b"jk"[..], expected));
let d = &b"efgxyzabcdefghi"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(d), Error(error_position!(ErrorKind::Permutation, &b"xyzabcdefghi"[..])));
let e = &b"efgabc"[..];
assert_eq!(perm(e), Incomplete(Needed::Size(7)));
alt!(tag!("abcd"), tag!("efgh"))