blob: d070ec10c0c37126e6cdea7e95c3619a991478f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The Internet Protocol, versions 4 and 6.
mod forwarding;
mod icmp;
mod igmp;
mod types;
// It's ok to `pub use` rather `pub(crate) use` here because the items in
// `types` which are themselves `pub(crate)` will still not be allowed to be
// re-exported from the root.
pub use self::types::*;
use log::{debug, trace};
use std::mem;
use packet::{
BufferMut, BufferSerializer, MtuError, ParsablePacket, ParseBufferMut, ParseMetadata,
use specialize_ip_macro::specialize_ip_address;
use crate::device::{DeviceId, FrameDestination};
use crate::ip::forwarding::{Destination, ForwardingTable};
use crate::{Context, EventDispatcher};
// default IPv4 TTL or IPv6 hops
const DEFAULT_TTL: u8 = 64;
// Minimum MTU required by all IPv6 devices.
pub(crate) const IPV6_MIN_MTU: u32 = 1280;
/// The state associated with the IP layer.
pub(crate) struct IpLayerState {
v4: IpLayerStateInner<Ipv4>,
v6: IpLayerStateInner<Ipv6>,
struct IpLayerStateInner<I: Ip> {
forward: bool,
table: ForwardingTable<I>,
// TODO(joshlf): Once we support multiple extension headers in IPv6, we will
// need to verify that the callers of this function are still sound. In
// particular, they may accidentally pass a parse_metadata argument which
// corresponds to a single extension header rather than all of the IPv6 headers.
/// Dispatch a received IP packet to the appropriate protocol.
/// `device` is the device the packet was received on. `parse_metadata` is the
/// parse metadata associated with parsing the IP headers. It is used to undo
/// that parsing. Both `device` and `parse_metadata` are required in order to
/// send ICMP messages in response to unrecognized protocols or ports. If either
/// of `device` or `parse_metadata` is `None`, the caller promises that the
/// protocol and port are recognized.
/// # Panics
/// `dispatch_receive_ip_packet` panics if the protocol is unrecognized and
/// `parse_metadata` is `None`.
fn dispatch_receive_ip_packet<D: EventDispatcher, I: IpAddress, B: BufferMut>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device: Option<DeviceId>,
src_ip: I,
dst_ip: I,
proto: IpProto,
mut buffer: B,
parse_metadata: Option<ParseMetadata>,
) {
increment_counter!(ctx, "dispatch_receive_ip_packet");
let res = match proto {
IpProto::Icmp | IpProto::Icmpv6 => {
icmp::receive_icmp_packet(ctx, src_ip, dst_ip, buffer);
IpProto::Igmp => {
igmp::receive_igmp_packet(ctx, src_ip, dst_ip, buffer);
IpProto::Tcp => crate::transport::tcp::receive_ip_packet(ctx, src_ip, dst_ip, buffer),
IpProto::Udp => crate::transport::udp::receive_ip_packet(ctx, src_ip, dst_ip, buffer),
IpProto::Other(_) => {
// Undo the parsing of the IP packet header so that the buffer
// contains the entire original IP packet.
let meta = parse_metadata.unwrap();
if let Err(mut buffer) = res {
// TODO(joshlf): What if we're called from a loopback handler, and
// device and parse_metadata are None? In other words, what happens if
// we attempt to send to a loopback port which is unreachable? We will
// eventually need to restructure the control flow here to handle that
// case.
// tcp::receive_ip_packet and udp::receive_ip_packet promise to return
// the buffer in the same state it was in when they were called. Thus,
// all we have to do is undo the parsing of the IP packet header, and
// the buffer will be back to containing the entire original IP packet.
let meta = parse_metadata.unwrap();
/// Drop a packet and extract some of the fields.
/// `drop_packet!` saves the results of the `src_ip()`, `dst_ip()`, `proto()`,
/// and `parse_metadata()` methods, drops the packet, and returns them. This
/// exposes the buffer that the packet was borrowed from so that it can be used
/// directly again.
macro_rules! drop_packet {
($packet:expr) => {{
let src_ip = $packet.src_ip();
let dst_ip = $packet.dst_ip();
let proto = $packet.proto();
let meta = $packet.parse_metadata();
(src_ip, dst_ip, proto, meta)
/// Drop a packet and undo the effects of parsing it.
/// `drop_packet_and_undo_parse!` takes a `$packet` and a `$buffer` which the
/// packet was parsed from. It saves the results of the `src_ip()`, `dst_ip()`,
/// `proto()`, and `parse_metadata()` methods. It drops `$packet` and uses the
/// result of `parse_metadata()` to undo the effects of parsing the packet.
/// Finally, it returns the source IP, destination IP, protocol, and parse
/// metadata.
macro_rules! drop_packet_and_undo_parse {
($packet:expr, $buffer:expr) => {{
let (src_ip, dst_ip, proto, meta) = drop_packet!($packet);
(src_ip, dst_ip, proto, meta)
/// Receive an IP packet from a device.
/// `frame_dst` specifies whether this packet was received in a broadcast or
/// unicast link-layer frame.
pub(crate) fn receive_ip_packet<D: EventDispatcher, B: BufferMut, I: Ip>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device: DeviceId,
frame_dst: FrameDestination,
mut buffer: B,
) {
trace!("receive_ip_packet({})", device);
let mut packet = if let Ok(packet) = buffer.parse_mut::<<I as IpExt<_>>::Packet>() {
} else {
// TODO(joshlf): Do something with ICMP here?
trace!("receive_ip_packet: parsed packet: {:?}", packet);
if I::LOOPBACK_SUBNET.contains(packet.dst_ip()) {
// A packet from outside this host was sent with the destination IP of
// the loopback address, which is illegal. Loopback traffic is handled
// explicitly in send_ip_packet.
// TODO(joshlf): Do something with ICMP here?
debug!("got packet from remote host for loopback address {}", packet.dst_ip());
} else if deliver(ctx, device, packet.dst_ip()) {
trace!("receive_ip_packet: delivering locally");
// TODO(joshlf):
// - Do something with ICMP if we don't have a handler for that protocol?
// - Check for already-expired TTL?
let (src_ip, dst_ip, proto, meta) = drop_packet!(packet);
dispatch_receive_ip_packet(ctx, Some(device), src_ip, dst_ip, proto, buffer, Some(meta));
} else if let Some(dest) = forward(ctx, packet.dst_ip()) {
let ttl = packet.ttl();
if ttl > 1 {
trace!("receive_ip_packet: forwarding");
packet.set_ttl(ttl - 1);
let (src_ip, dst_ip, _, _) = drop_packet_and_undo_parse!(packet, buffer);
if let Err((err, ser)) = crate::device::send_ip_frame(
) {
fn send_packet_too_big<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress, B: BufferMut>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device: DeviceId,
src_ip: A,
dst_ip: A,
mtu: u32,
original_packet: B,
) {
debug!("failed to forward IP packet: {:?}", err);
if err.is_mtu() {
trace!("receive_ip_packet: Sending ICMPv6 Packet Too Big");
// TODO(joshlf): Increment the TTL since we just decremented
// it. The fact that we don't do this is technically a
// violation of the ICMP spec (we're not encapsulating the
// original packet that caused the issue, but a slightly
// modified version of it), but it's not that big of a deal
// because it won't affect the sender's ability to figure
// out the minimum path MTU. This may break other logic,
// though, so we should still fix it eventually.
let mtu = crate::device::get_mtu(ctx, device);
send_packet_too_big(ctx, device, src_ip, dst_ip, mtu, ser.into_buffer());
} else {
// TTL is 0 or would become 0 after decrement; see "TTL" section,
let (src_ip, dst_ip, _, meta) = drop_packet_and_undo_parse!(packet, buffer);
icmp::send_icmp_ttl_expired(ctx, device, src_ip, dst_ip, buffer, meta.header_len());
debug!("received IP packet dropped due to expired TTL");
} else {
let (src_ip, dst_ip, _, meta) = drop_packet_and_undo_parse!(packet, buffer);
icmp::send_icmp_net_unreachable(ctx, device, src_ip, dst_ip, buffer, meta.header_len());
debug!("received IP packet with no known route to destination {}", dst_ip);
/// Get the local address of the interface that will be used to route to a
/// remote address.
/// `local_address_for_remote` looks up the route to `remote`. If one is found,
/// it returns the IP address of the interface specified by the route, or `None`
/// if the interface has no IP address.
pub(crate) fn local_address_for_remote<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
remote: A,
) -> Option<A> {
let route = lookup_route(&ctx.state().ip, remote)?;
crate::device::get_ip_addr_subnet(ctx, route.device).map(AddrSubnet::into_addr)
// Should we deliver this packet locally?
// deliver returns true if:
// - dst_ip is equal to the address set on the device
// - dst_ip is equal to the broadcast address of the subnet set on the device
// - dst_ip is equal to the global broadcast address
fn deliver<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device: DeviceId,
dst_ip: A,
) -> bool {
// TODO(joshlf):
// - This implements a strict host model (in which we only accept packets
// which are addressed to the device over which they were received). This
// is the easiest to implement for the time being, but we should actually
// put real thought into what our host model should be (NET-1011).
return crate::device::get_ip_addr_subnet(ctx, device)
.map(|(addr, subnet)| dst_ip == addr || dst_ip == subnet.broadcast())
.unwrap_or(dst_ip == Ipv4::BROADCAST_ADDRESS);
return log_unimplemented!(false, "ip::deliver: Ipv6 not implemeneted");
// Should we forward this packet, and if so, to whom?
fn forward<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
dst_ip: A,
) -> Option<Destination<A::Version>> {
let ip_state = &ctx.state().ip;
let forward = ip_state.v4.forward;
let forward = ip_state.v6.forward;
if forward {
lookup_route(ip_state, dst_ip)
} else {
// Look up the route to a host.
fn lookup_route<A: IpAddress>(state: &IpLayerState, dst_ip: A) -> Option<Destination<A::Version>> {
return state.v4.table.lookup(dst_ip);
return state.v6.table.lookup(dst_ip);
/// Add a route to the forwarding table.
pub(crate) fn add_route<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
subnet: Subnet<A>,
next_hop: A,
) {
let state = &mut ctx.state_mut().ip;
state.v4.table.add_route(subnet, next_hop);
state.v6.table.add_route(subnet, next_hop);
/// Add a device route to the forwarding table.
pub(crate) fn add_device_route<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
subnet: Subnet<A>,
device: DeviceId,
) {
let state = &mut ctx.state_mut().ip;
state.v4.table.add_device_route(subnet, device);
state.v6.table.add_device_route(subnet, device);
/// Return the routes for the provided `IpAddress` type
pub(crate) fn iter_routes<D: EventDispatcher, I: IpAddress>(
ctx: &Context<D>,
) -> std::slice::Iter<Entry<I>> {
let state = &ctx.state().ip;
return state.v4.table.iter_routes();
return state.v6.table.iter_routes();
/// Is this one of our local addresses?
/// `is_local_addr` returns whether `addr` is the address associated with one of
/// our local interfaces.
pub(crate) fn is_local_addr<D: EventDispatcher, A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
addr: A,
) -> bool {
log_unimplemented!(false, "ip::is_local_addr: not implemented")
/// Send an IP packet to a remote host.
/// `send_ip_packet` accepts a destination IP address, a protocol, and a
/// callback. It computes the routing information, and invokes the callback with
/// the computed destination address. The callback returns a
/// `SerializationRequest`, which is serialized in a new IP packet and sent.
pub(crate) fn send_ip_packet<D: EventDispatcher, A, S, F>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
dst_ip: A,
proto: IpProto,
get_body: F,
) -> Result<(), (MtuError<S::InnerError>, S)>
A: IpAddress,
S: Serializer,
F: FnOnce(A) -> S,
trace!("send_ip_packet({}, {})", dst_ip, proto);
increment_counter!(ctx, "send_ip_packet");
if A::Version::LOOPBACK_SUBNET.contains(dst_ip) {
increment_counter!(ctx, "send_ip_packet::loopback");
// TODO(joshlf): Currently, we have no way of representing the loopback
// device as a DeviceId. We will need to fix that eventually.
// TODO(joshlf): Currently, we serialize using the normal Serializer
// functionality. I wonder if, in the case of delivering to loopback, we
// can do something more efficient?
let mut buffer = get_body(A::Version::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS)
.map_err(|(err, ser)| (err.into(), ser))?;
// TODO(joshlf): Respond with some kind of error if we don't have a
// handler for that protocol? Maybe simulate what would have happened
// (w.r.t ICMP) if this were a remote host?
// NOTE(joshlf): By passing a DeviceId and ParseMetadata of None here,
// we are promising that the protocol will be recognized (and the call
// will panic if it's not). This is OK because the fact that we're
// sending a packet with this protocol means we are able to process that
// protocol.
// NOTE(joshlf): By doing that, we are also promising that the port will
// be recognized. That is NOT OK, and the call will panic in that case.
// TODO(joshlf): Fix this.
} else if let Some(dest) = lookup_route(&ctx.state().ip, dst_ip) {
// TODO(joshlf): Are we sure that a device route can never be set for a
// device without an IP address? At the least, this is not currently
// enforced anywhere, and is a DoS vector.
let src_ip = crate::device::get_ip_addr_subnet(ctx, dest.device)
.expect("IP device route set for device without IP address")
} else {
debug!("No route to host");
// TODO(joshlf): No route to host
/// Send an IP packet to a remote host from a specific source address.
/// `send_ip_packet_from` accepts a source and destination IP address and a
/// `SerializationRequest`. It computes the routing information and serializes
/// the request in a new IP packet and sends it.
/// `send_ip_packet_from` computes a route to the destination with the
/// restriction that the packet must originate from the source address, and must
/// eagress over the interface associated with that source address. If this
/// restriction cannot be met, a "no route to host" error is returned.
pub(crate) fn send_ip_packet_from<D: EventDispatcher, A, S>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
src_ip: A,
dst_ip: A,
proto: IpProto,
body: S,
) -> Result<(), (MtuError<S::InnerError>, S)>
A: IpAddress,
S: Serializer,
// TODO(joshlf): Figure out how to compute a route with the restrictions
// mentioned in the doc comment.
log_unimplemented!(Ok(()), "ip::send_ip_packet_from: not implemented")
/// Send an IP packet to a remote host over a specific device.
/// `send_ip_packet_from_device` accepts a device, a source and destination IP
/// address, a next hop IP address, and a `SerializationRequest`. It computes
/// the routing information and serializes the request in a new IP packet and
/// sends it.
/// # Panics
/// Since `send_ip_packet_from_device` specifies a physical device, it cannot
/// send to or from a loopback IP address. If either `src_ip` or `dst_ip` are in
/// the loopback subnet, `send_ip_packet_from_device` will panic.
pub(crate) fn send_ip_packet_from_device<D: EventDispatcher, A, S>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device: DeviceId,
src_ip: A,
dst_ip: A,
next_hop: A,
proto: IpProto,
body: S,
) -> Result<(), (MtuError<S::InnerError>, S)>
A: IpAddress,
S: Serializer,
let body = body.encapsulate(<A::Version as IpExt<&[u8]>>::PacketBuilder::new(
crate::device::send_ip_frame(ctx, device, next_hop, body)
.map_err(|(err, ser)| (err, ser.into_serializer()))
/// Send an ICMP response to a remote host.
/// Unlike other send functions, `send_icmp_response` takes the ingress device,
/// source IP, and destination IP of the packet *being responded to*. It uses
/// ICMP-specific logic to figure out whether and how to send an ICMP response.
/// `get_body` returns a `Serializer` with the bytes of the ICMP packet.
fn send_icmp_response<D: EventDispatcher, A, S, F>(
ctx: &mut Context<D>,
device: DeviceId,
src_ip: A,
dst_ip: A,
proto: IpProto,
get_body: F,
) -> Result<(), (MtuError<S::InnerError>, S)>
A: IpAddress,
S: Serializer,
F: FnOnce(A) -> S,
trace!("send_icmp_response({}, {}, {}, {})", device, src_ip, dst_ip, proto);
increment_counter!(ctx, "send_icmp_response");
// TODO(joshlf): Should this be used for ICMP echo replies as well?
// TODO(joshlf): Come up with rules for when to send ICMP responses. E.g.,
// should we send a response over a different device than the device that
// the original packet ingressed over? We'll probably want to consult BCP 38
// (aka RFC 2827) and RFC 3704.
let ip_state = &mut ctx.state_mut().ip;
if let Some(route) = lookup_route(ip_state, src_ip) {
if let Some(local_ip) =
crate::device::get_ip_addr_subnet(ctx, route.device).map(AddrSubnet::into_addr)
} else {
"Sending ICMP over unnumbered device {} is unimplemented",
// TODO(joshlf): We need a general-purpose mechanism for choosing a
// source address in cases where we're a) acting as a router (and
// thus sending packets with our own source address, but not as a
// result of any local application behavior) and, b) sending over an
// unnumbered device (one without any configured IP address). ICMP
// is the notable use case. Most likely, we will want to pick the IP
// address of a different local device. See for an explanation of
// why we might have this setup:
} else {
debug!("Can't send ICMP response to {}: no route to host", src_ip);