blob: cc849e6fb5c3f3263ebbe8b80c67b7beb1ad06df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/common/err.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/expr_node.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/expr_token.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/name_lookup.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_tag.h"
namespace zxdb {
class ExprParser {
// The name lookup callback can be empty if the caller doesn't have any
// symbol context. This means that we can't disambiguate some cases like how
// to parse "Foo < 1 > bar". In this mode, we'll assume that "<" after a
// name always mean a template rather than a comparison operation.
ExprParser(std::vector<ExprToken> tokens,
NameLookupCallback name_lookup = NameLookupCallback());
// Returns the root expression node on successful parsing. On error, returns
// an empty pointer in which case the error message can be read from err()
// ad error_token()
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> Parse();
// The result of parsing. Since this does not have access to the initial
// string, it will not indicate context for the error. That can be generated
// from the error_token() if desired.
const Err& err() const { return err_; }
ExprToken error_token() const { return error_token_; }
struct DispatchInfo;
// When recursively calling this function, call with the same precedence as
// the current expression for left-associativity (operators evaluated from
// left-to-right), and one less for right-associativity.
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> ParseExpression(int precedence);
// Parses the name of a symbol or a non-type identifier (e.g. a variable
// name) starting at cur_token().
// This is separate from the regular parsing to simplify the structure. These
// names can be parsed linearly (we don't go into templates which is where
// recursion comes in) so the implementation is more straightforward, and
// it's nicer to get the handling out of the general "<" token handler, for
// example.
// On error, has_error() will be set and an empty ParseNameResult will be
// returned (with empty identifier and type).
// The |expand_types| flag indicates if ParseName() should call ParseType()
// when it identifies a type name identifier. This will then handle following
// type modifiers like "*" and "&&". External callers will want to set this.
// This flag is set to false when called by ParseType() to avoid recursive
// calls.
struct ParseNameResult {
ParseNameResult() = default;
// On success, always contains the identifier name.
Identifier ident;
// When the result is a type, this will contain the resolved type. When
// null, the result is a non-type or an error.
fxl::RefPtr<Type> type;
ParseNameResult ParseName(bool expand_types);
// Parses a type starting at cur_token() and returns it. Returns a null type
// and sets has_error() on failure.
// If the optional_base is empty, the whole type will be parsed. Examples
// of things that it will handle in this case: "const Foo *", "Bar &", "int".
// This may be called by ParseName when it realizes that it just generated
// a type. This is necessary to handle stuff like "*" and "&&" that follow
// the type name and modify it. In this case, the optional_base would be the
// type name corresponding to the identifier (e.g. "my_ns::MyClass") and the
// tokens at cur_token() might be "* *" or "&&" or something that's not a
// valid type modifier at all (which will mark the type parsing complete).
fxl::RefPtr<Type> ParseType(fxl::RefPtr<Type> optional_base);
// Parses template parameter lists. The "stop_before" parameter indicates how
// the list is expected to end (i.e. ">"). Sets the error on failure.
std::vector<std::string> ParseTemplateList(ExprTokenType stop_before);
// Parses comma-separated lists of expressions. Runs until the given ending
// token is found (normally a ')' for a function call).
std::vector<fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode>> ParseExpressionList(
ExprTokenType stop_before);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> AmpersandPrefix(const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> BinaryOpInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> DotOrArrowInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> LeftParenPrefix(const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> LeftParenInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> LeftSquareInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> LessInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> LiteralPrefix(const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> GreaterInfix(fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> left,
const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> MinusPrefix(const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> NamePrefix(const ExprToken& token);
fxl::RefPtr<ExprNode> StarPrefix(const ExprToken& token);
// Returns true if the next token is the given type.
bool LookAhead(ExprTokenType type) const;
// Returns the next token or the invalid token if nothing is left. Advances
// to the next token.
const ExprToken& Consume();
// Consumes a token of the given type, returning it if there was one
// available and the type matches. Otherwise, sets the error condition using
// the given error_token and message, and returns a reference to an invalid
// token. It will advance to the next token.
const ExprToken& Consume(ExprTokenType type, const ExprToken& error_token,
const char* error_msg);
// Reads a sequence of cv-qualifiers (plus "restrict" for C) and appends to
// the vector in order. Only matching tokens are consumed, it stops consuming
// at the next non-qualifier.
// Duplicate qualifications will trigger errors (has_error() will be set).
// The input is *not* reset so this can be used to add qualifiers to an
// existing set while also triggering errors for duplicates for the
// additions.
void ConsumeCVQualifier(std::vector<DwarfTag>* qual);
// Applies the given type modifier tags to the given input in order and
// returns the newly qualified type.
fxl::RefPtr<Type> ApplyQualifiers(fxl::RefPtr<Type> input,
const std::vector<DwarfTag>& qual);
void SetError(const ExprToken& token, std::string msg);
// Call this only if !at_end().
const ExprToken& cur_token() const { return tokens_[cur_]; }
bool has_error() const { return err_.has_error(); }
bool at_end() const { return cur_ == tokens_.size(); }
static const DispatchInfo& DispatchForToken(const ExprToken& token);
static DispatchInfo kDispatchInfo[];
// Possibly null, see constructor.
NameLookupCallback name_lookup_callback_;
std::vector<ExprToken> tokens_;
size_t cur_ = 0; // Current index into tokens_.
// On error, the message and token where an error was encountered.
Err err_;
ExprToken error_token_;
// This is a kInvalid token that we can return in error cases without having
// to reference something in the tokens_ array.
static const ExprToken kInvalidToken;
} // namespace zxdb