blob: 6086f05bc975521e4e0928007ae14e0cf6c58e3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/component/cpp/startup_context.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/command_line.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/log_settings.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/log_settings_command_line.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "frame_encoder.h"
#include "raw_audio.h"
constexpr char kRawAUFile[] = "/pkg/data/";
constexpr char kGoldenEncodedFile[] = "/pkg/data/";
constexpr size_t kGoldenEncodedFileSize = 9528;
constexpr size_t kBatchesPerPacket = 4;
constexpr double kAudioFrequency = 44100.0;
constexpr size_t kPcmSampleSize = 2;
constexpr size_t kPcmChannels = 1;
constexpr size_t kPcmFrameSize = kPcmSampleSize * kPcmChannels;
constexpr uint64_t kTimeBase = ZX_SEC(1);
// kByteDuration is the ratio of media duration to real time for a single byte.
constexpr double kByteDuration =
ZX_SEC(1) / kAudioFrequency / double(kPcmFrameSize);
constexpr uint64_t kTimeStampTolerance = ZX_USEC(100);
constexpr char kDebugFilename[] = "/tmp/sbc_encoder_output.sbc";
constexpr size_t kSbcBlockCount = 4;
constexpr size_t kSbcSubBands = 8;
// The number of PCM frames the SBC Encoder will encode at a time. This is
// according the rules of SBC.
constexpr size_t kSbcBatchSize = kSbcSubBands * kSbcBlockCount;
// This the frame length for our particular parameters. See
// `codec_adapter_sbc_encoder.h` for how this is calculated.
constexpr size_t kSbcFrameLength = 24;
constexpr size_t kTestCases = 3;
uint64_t TimestampForByte(size_t i) { return i * kByteDuration; }
uint64_t Difference(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
if (a < b) {
return b - a;
return a - b;
std::vector<uint8_t> encode(RawAudio::CodecInput&& codec_input,
component::StartupContext* startup_context,
std::optional<std::vector<bool>> expect_timestamp) {
std::vector<FrameEncoder::PayloadOffset> offsets;
for (auto position : codec_input.payload_offsets) {
.position = position,
.timestamp_ish = !!expect_timestamp
? std::make_optional(TimestampForByte(position))
: std::nullopt,
auto frames = FrameEncoder::EncodeFrames(
.data =,
.offsets = offsets,
codec_input.format, startup_context,
std::vector<uint8_t> concat;
uint64_t last_timestamp = 0;
size_t sbc_frame_index = 0;
for (auto frame : frames) {
if (expect_timestamp && (*expect_timestamp)[sbc_frame_index]) {
<< "SBC frame " << sbc_frame_index << " missing timestamp.";
FXL_CHECK(*frame.timestamp_ish >= last_timestamp)
<< "Got timestamp " << *frame.timestamp_ish
<< " but last timestamp was " << last_timestamp;
uint64_t expected_timestamp =
TimestampForByte(sbc_frame_index * kSbcBatchSize * kPcmFrameSize);
FXL_CHECK(Difference(*frame.timestamp_ish, expected_timestamp) <=
<< "At byte " << concat.size() << " of output, expected timestamp "
<< expected_timestamp << " but got " << *frame.timestamp_ish;
last_timestamp = *frame.timestamp_ish;
} else {
<< "SBC frame " << sbc_frame_index << " should not have timestamp.";
return concat;
void write_debug_file(const fuchsia::media::SbcEncoderSettings& sbc_settings,
size_t batch_size, const RawAudio& raw_audio,
component::StartupContext* startup_context) {
auto codec_input = raw_audio.BuildCodecInput(kBatchesPerPacket * batch_size);
fuchsia::media::EncoderSettings encoder_settings;
auto result = encode(std::move(codec_input), startup_context,
std::fstream test_file(kDebugFilename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
test_file.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&result[0]), result.size());
// To get the encoder output for inspection, run
// fx run-test sbc_encoder_test -- --write_debug_file
// Which will write the sbc output to `kDebugFilename`. You can inspect its
// header information with
// sbcdec -v <filename>
// and you can turn it into an AU file for inspection in Audacity with
// ffmpeg -i <filename> <outfile>.au
// (Check `ffmpeg -decoders | grep sbc` to ensure your build has sbc.)
// Otherwise, the frames will be compared against a golden file (which is also
// checked in because it is helpful to inspect against visually).
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
auto command_line = fxl::CommandLineFromArgcArgv(argc, argv);
if (!fxl::SetLogSettingsFromCommandLine(command_line)) {
FXL_LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to parse log settings.";
async::Loop main_loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToThread);
std::unique_ptr<component::StartupContext> startup_context =
auto raw_audio = RawAudio::FromAUFile(kRawAUFile);
fuchsia::media::SbcEncoderSettings sbc = {
.sub_bands = static_cast<fuchsia::media::SbcSubBands>(kSbcSubBands),
.block_count = static_cast<fuchsia::media::SbcBlockCount>(kSbcBlockCount),
.channel_mode = fuchsia::media::SbcChannelMode::MONO,
.bit_pool = 31};
if (command_line.HasOption("write_debug_file")) {
write_debug_file(sbc, kSbcBatchSize, raw_audio, startup_context.get());
return 0;
std::fstream golden_file(kGoldenEncodedFile,
std::ios::binary | std::ios::in | std::ios::ate);
<< "Could not open " << kGoldenEncodedFile << " for reading.";
const size_t golden_file_size = golden_file.tellg();
FXL_CHECK(golden_file_size == kGoldenEncodedFileSize);
uint8_t golden_file_content[golden_file_size];<char*>(&golden_file_content[0]),
const size_t output_packet_count =
kGoldenEncodedFileSize / kSbcFrameLength + 1;
struct TestCase {
size_t frames_per_packet;
bool set_timestamps;
auto timestamp_pattern =
[](size_t frames_per_packet) -> std::vector<bool> {
std::vector<bool> expect_timestamp(output_packet_count, false);
const size_t bytes_per_packet = frames_per_packet * kPcmFrameSize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_packet_count; ++i) {
const size_t input_index = i * kSbcBatchSize * kPcmFrameSize;
// An input timestamp is consumed by the first output packet whose
// starting offset is >= the input packet's offset, so not all output
// packets get timestamps.
expect_timestamp[i] =
input_index % bytes_per_packet < kSbcBatchSize * kPcmFrameSize;
return expect_timestamp;
std::vector<TestCase> test_cases = {
{.frames_per_packet = 1, .set_timestamps = true},
{.frames_per_packet = 3, .set_timestamps = true},
{.frames_per_packet = kSbcBatchSize + 1, .set_timestamps = true},
{.frames_per_packet = kSbcBatchSize, .set_timestamps = true}};
for (size_t i = 0; i < kTestCases; ++i) {
.frames_per_packet = rand() % (kSbcBatchSize * kPcmFrameSize),
.set_timestamps = rand() % 2 == 0,
// We test that the encoder produces data identical to the golden file for a
// variety of parameters. These deltas on the sbc batch size are chosen just
// to be funky and ensure our encoder can properly handle audio on PCM frame
// boundaries, not just sbc batch boundaries.
for (auto& test_case : test_cases) {
FXL_VLOG(3) << "Testing with PCM frames per packet: "
<< test_case.frames_per_packet;
FXL_VLOG(3) << "Timestamps enabled: " << test_case.set_timestamps;
auto codec_input = raw_audio.BuildCodecInput(test_case.frames_per_packet);
fuchsia::media::EncoderSettings encoder_settings;
auto actual_file =
encode(std::move(codec_input), startup_context.get(),
? std::make_optional<std::vector<bool>>(
: std::nullopt);
// The actual file should be bigger than the golden file size, because the
// golden file does not invent padding like our encoder does. Since the
// input data is not exactly a multiple of our pcm block size, the result
// should be at most one frame larger.
FXL_CHECK(golden_file_size + kSbcFrameLength >= actual_file.size())
<< "File is wrong size; expected: " << golden_file_size
<< " got: " << actual_file.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < golden_file_size; i++) {
FXL_CHECK(golden_file_content[i] == actual_file[i])
<< "Bytes " << i << " differ from golden file.";
// Ensure that some output packets are allowed to emit without timestamps
// when input packets have timestamps, contain more than one PCM batch, and
// are aligned, but no timebase is set for extrapolation.
auto pcm_format = raw_audio.BuildCodecInput(100).format;
fuchsia::media::EncoderSettings encoder_settings;
constexpr size_t kExpectedTimestamp = 13404;
auto payload = FrameEncoder::Payload{
.data = std::vector<uint8_t>(kSbcBatchSize * kPcmFrameSize * 2, 0),
.offsets = {FrameEncoder::PayloadOffset{
.position = 0,
.timestamp_ish = {kExpectedTimestamp},
auto frames =
FrameEncoder::EncodeFrames(payload, pcm_format, startup_context.get(),
FXL_CHECK(frames.size() == 2) << "Frames: " << frames.size();
FXL_CHECK(frames[0].data.size() == kSbcFrameLength)
<< "Size: " << frames[0].data.size();
FXL_CHECK(frames[0].timestamp_ish.value() == kExpectedTimestamp);
FXL_CHECK(frames[1].data.size() == kSbcFrameLength)
<< "Size: " << frames[1].data.size();
return 0;