blob: a7451b6ec45d7f8f898c46e796a5734cbcfc75bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.text;
/// Lists the TextPoints for selection and other related ranges, at a particular
/// revision number. Any time the revision number is incremented, all these TextPoints
/// become invalid, and a new TextFieldState is sent through OnUpdate.
struct TextFieldState {
/// The start and end of the entire text field.
TextRange document;
/// The currently selected range of text.
TextSelection? selection;
/// The range that indicates the text that is being composed, or currently
/// receiving suggestions from the keyboard. It should be displayed in some
/// distinct way, such as underlined.
TextRange? composition;
/// Some keyboards, notably Japanese, give the user buttons to highlight just a
/// subset of the composition string for suggestions. It must be equal to or a subset
/// of the composition range. If the composition range changes, the TextField may
/// discard this and require the keyboard to create a new one.
TextRange? composition_highlight;
/// A dead key is a key combination you press before another key to add diacritical
/// marks, accents, or other changes to the second key. After the first key, a
/// highlighted character indicates that the next character will be different. This
/// range is that highlighted character. If the selection moves away from this
/// highlight range, or if the contents of the highlight range change, the TextField
/// may discard this and require the keyboard to create a new one.
TextRange? dead_key_highlight;
/// This number is increased any time content in the text field is changed, if the
/// selection is changed, or if anything else about the state is changed.
uint64 revision;
/// Indicates errors that can occur with various TextField methods. Until FIDL supports
/// result return types, if TextError has any value except OK, the client must ignore
/// all other return data from that method.
enum TextError {
// Once FIDL supports Result return types, this option can be removed.
OK = 0;
/// Indicates the revision number passed to the method is no longer valid.
/// Indicates an edit would be valid, but custom text field code does not allow that change
/// to be made, like inserting number into a text field.
/// Bad request entirely, like an unknown point that doesn't match the edits revision.
/// Indicates a bug with client code.
/// For a contents() request, indicates there is no text between the two points that is known.
/// (If only a substring is known, it should be returned, with the `start` TextPoint set
/// appropriately). For a distance() request, indicates the number of characters between the
/// two points is unknowably large.
/// Represents a text field or other kind of editing interface that wants to receive text input
/// from the operating system. This interface is also what is passed to a keyboard to allow it
/// to read state and make changes to text fields.
/// All editing methods must happen within an edit transaction. The edits aren't
/// applied until CommitEdit is called. **This isn't a lock!** The TextField
/// can still apply edits on its side, which would increase the current revision
/// number. When CommitEdit is called, the edits are only run if the revision
/// number passed to BeginEdit is still valid. TextField implementations can
/// assume that there will only be one client at a time; they don't need to
/// keep track of a separate transaction list for each client.
protocol TextField {
/// Any time the revision number increments, this event fires, with the latest version of
/// the state. It also fires when a new client connects to the service, so it can get an
/// initial state without waiting for an edit.
-> OnUpdate(TextFieldState state);
/// Returns a new point that is `offset` grapheme clusters away from `oldPoint`
PointOffset(TextPoint old_point, int64 offset, uint64 revision) -> (TextPoint new_point, TextError error);
/// Returns number of grapheme clusters between two points. If the point range.start is after
/// range.end, then the range is considered `inverted` and distance will be negative.
/// For all points A and B, pointOffset(A, distance(A, B)) == B
Distance(TextRange range, uint64 revision) -> (int64 distance, TextError error);
/// Returns string of grapheme clusters between two points
Contents(TextRange range, uint64 revision) -> (string contents, TextPoint start, TextError error);
/// Starts a transaction. If it's called a second time with no CommitEdit()
/// call, the changes from the first uncommitted transaction are discarded as
/// though AbortEdit() was called.
BeginEdit(uint64 revision);
/// If the transaction's revision number (from BeginEdit) is still current,
/// runs all edit commands queued in this transaction. If not, returns
CommitEdit() -> (TextError error);
/// Discards the current transaction.
// EDITING METHODS — used within a transaction
/// Replaces text in the range with new_text. It's the client's
/// responsibility to make sure new_text isn't too long for a FIDL message;
/// if it is, the client should break up the string into separate replace
/// calls.
Replace(TextRange range, string new_text);
/// Sets the selection range.
SetSelection(TextSelection selection);
/// Sets the composition range and the composition highlight range. For more info,
/// see TextState's comments.
SetComposition(TextRange composition_range, TextRange? highlight_range);
/// Clears both the composition range, and the composition highlight range.
/// Sets the dead key highlight range. For more info, see TextState's comments.
SetDeadKeyHighlight(TextRange range);
/// Clears the dead key highlight range.