blob: 27a700e14b0835f717ea1e2bc365e9aabfd8dc23 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Where to find Zircon's host-side tools that are run as part of the build.
zircon_tools_dir = "//out/build-zircon/tools"
# Zircon build directory for `target_cpu`, containing link-time `.so.abi`
# files that GN `deps` on //zircon/public libraries will link against.
# This should not be a sanitizer build.
zircon_build_abi_dir = "//out/build-zircon/build-$target_cpu"
# Zircon build directory for `target_cpu`, containing `.manifest` and
# `.zbi` files for Zircon's BOOTFS and kernel. This provides the kernel
# and Zircon components used in the boot image. It also provides the
# Zircon shared libraries used at runtime in Fuchsia packages.
# If left `""` (the default), then this is computed from
# [`zircon_build_abi_dir`](#zircon_build_abi_dir) and
# [`zircon_use_asan`](#zircon_use_asan).
zircon_build_dir = ""
# Zircon `USE_ASAN=true` build directory for `target_cpu` containing
# `bootfs.manifest` with libraries and `devhost.asan`.
# If left `""` (the default), then this is computed from
# [`zircon_build_dir`](#zircon_build_dir) and
# [`zircon_use_asan`](#zircon_use_asan).
zircon_asan_build_dir = ""
# Set this if [`zircon_build_dir`](#zircon_build_dir) was built with
# `USE_ASAN=true`, e.g. `//scripts/ -A`. This mainly
# affects the defaults for [`zircon_build_dir`](#zircon_build_dir) and
# [`zircon_build_abi_dir`](#zircon_build_abi_dir). It also gets noticed
# by //scripts/fx commands that rebuild Zircon so that they use `-A`
# again next time.
zircon_use_asan = false
# Path to `make` binary. By default, `make` is assumed to be in the
# path. Used in the script that generates the Zircon build rules. N.B. this
# path is *not* rebased, just used as is.
zircon_make_path = "make"
if (zircon_build_dir == "") {
zircon_build_dir = zircon_build_abi_dir
if (zircon_use_asan) {
zircon_build_dir += "-asan"
if (zircon_asan_build_dir == "") {
if (zircon_use_asan) {
zircon_asan_build_dir = zircon_build_dir
} else {
zircon_asan_build_dir = "${zircon_build_dir}-asan"
# Template for running a Zircon host tool as part of the build.
# This is a thin wrapper to define an `action()` target.
# Parameters
# tool (required)
# [string] The name of the tool, like "mkbootfs".
# args (required)
# [list of strings] The arguments to pass the tool.
# The tool runs with `root_build_dir` as its current directory,
# so any file names should be made either absolute or relative
# to `root_build_dir` using `rebase_path()`.
# All other parameters are exactly as for `action()`, except
# that `script` is replaced with `tool`.
template("zircon_tool_action") {
assert(defined(invoker.tool), "zircon_tool_action() requires `tool`")
assert(defined(invoker.args), "zircon_tool_action() requires `args`")
_tool = "$zircon_tools_dir/${invoker.tool}"
action(target_name) {
inputs = []
script = "//build/"
inputs += [ _tool ]
args = [
rebase_path(_tool, root_build_dir),
] + invoker.args