blob: 48dacfcd1ca490e3e84d6ac9abfd29f8e2f826e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is named sl4f_client.dart since the top-level dart file is names
// sl4f.dart, which would cause problems for src files trying to import this
// file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' show Platform, Process, SocketException;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'exceptions.dart';
/// Handles the SL4F server and communication with it.
class Sl4f {
final _client = http.Client();
static const _sshUser = 'fuchsia';
static const _sl4fComponentUrl =
static const _sl4fComponentName = 'sl4f.cmx';
/// Authority (IP, hostname, etc.) of the device under test.
String target;
/// Path to an SSH key file. For in-tree Fuchsia development, this can be
/// the resolved path of `//.ssh/pkey`.
String sshKeyPath;
Sl4f(, this.sshKeyPath) {
print('Target device: $target');
/// Constructs an SL4F client from the `FUCHSIA_IPV4_ADDR` and
/// `FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY` environment variables.
: this(Platform.environment['FUCHSIA_IPV4_ADDR'],
/// Closes the underlying HTTP client.
/// If clients remain unclosed, the dart process might not terminate.
void close() {
/// Sends a JSON-RPC request to SL4F.
Future<dynamic> request(String method, [dynamic params]) async {
// Although params is optional, this will pass a null params if it is
// omitted. This is actually required by our SL4F server (although it is
// not required in JSON RPC:
final httpRequest = http.Request('GET', Uri.http(target, ''))
..body = jsonEncode({'id': '', 'method': method, 'params': params});
final httpResponse =
await http.Response.fromStream(await _client.send(httpRequest));
Map<String, dynamic> response = jsonDecode(httpResponse.body);
final dynamic error = response['error'];
if (error != null) {
throw JsonRpcException(error);
return response['result'];
/// Starts the SL4F server on the target using ssh.
/// It will attempt to connect [tries] times, waiting at least [delay]
/// between each attempt.
/// Throws a StateError if after this is ran SL4F has not started.
Future<void> startServer(
{int tries = 150, Duration delay = const Duration(seconds: 1)}) async {
if (tries <= 0) {
throw ArgumentError.value(tries, 'tries', 'Must be a positive integer');
for (var attempt = 0; attempt < tries; attempt++) {
if (attempt > 0) {
// TODO(isma): We should limit the wait time to as much delay.
await Future.delayed(delay);
// Check if it's already started.
if (await _isRunning()) {
print('SL4F has started.');
print('Try $attempt at starting sl4f.');
// 'run -d' doesn't exit with error if the component doesn't exist
// (CF-666). Since we'd like to have clear logs about that particular
// error, we don't run with '-d', but that in turn means that the ssh
// command will be waiting for sl4f to exit. So we rely only on
// [_isRunning] to tell whether sl4f has started successfully.
// ignore: unawaited_futures
ssh('run $_sl4fComponentUrl');
if (await _isRunning(tries: 3, delay: Duration(seconds: 2))) {
print('SL4F has started.');
throw Sl4fException('Sl4f has not started.');
/// SSHs into the device and starts the SL4F server.
/// If no ssh key path is given, it's taken from the FUCHSIA_SSH_KEY env var.
Future<void> stopServer({String sshKeyPath}) async {
if (!await ssh('killall $_sl4fComponentName')) {
print('Could not stop sl4f. Continuing.');
/// Runs the command given by [cmd] on the target using ssh.
Future<bool> ssh(String cmd) async {
print('Running over ssh: $cmd');
final result = await
// If not run in a shell it doesn't seem like the PATH is searched.
runInShell: true);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
return false;
return true;
/// Sends an empty http request to the server to verify if it's listening on
/// port 80.
/// By default it tries to connect just once, but that can be changed with
/// [tries]. In which case it will wait [delay] time between tries.
/// The server must respond within [timeout] before its considered to be
/// unreachable.
Future<bool> _isRunning(
{int tries = 1,
Duration delay = const Duration(seconds: 2),
Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 10)}) async {
if (tries <= 0) {
throw ArgumentError.value(tries, 'tries', 'Must be a positive integer');
// TODO(isma): We should refactor the retry logic into its own higher-order
// function.
for (var attempt = 0; attempt < tries; attempt++) {
if (attempt > 0) {
await Future.delayed(delay);
try {
await http.get(Uri.http(target, '/')).timeout(timeout);
} on SocketException {
} on TimeoutException {
return true;
return false;