blob: b95dfb000ef26b9d63f57cd350edaae817168f0c [file] [log] [blame]
header = """
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
autogen_warning = """
// Warning:
// This file was autogenerated by cbindgen.
// Do not modify this file manually.
include_guard = "GARNET_LIB_RUST_WLAN_MLME_ABI_H_"
language = "C"
parse_deps = true
include = ["wlan_mlme", "wlan_common"]
# These types are not used yet but we want to generate
# bindings for them already.
include = ["BufferProvider", "InBuf", "OutBuf", "ReasonCode"]
# Unfortunately cbindgen's rename machinery is rather simple
# and doesn't accomodate our needs. As a result we have to
# explicitly declare the items which should get renamed
"BufferProvider" = "rust_mlme_buffer_provider_ops_t"
"InBuf" = "rust_mlme_in_buf_t"
"OutBuf" = "rust_mlme_out_buf_t"
"ReasonCode" = "wlan_reason_code"
prefix = 'extern "C"'
rename_variants = "ScreamingSnakeCase"
prefix_with_name = true