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# Rust editor configuration
As there is no specific editor for Rust development on Fuchsia, `vim` and `VS Code` are the
most popular options. However, documentation for setting up any editor is welcome in this document.
## `rust-analyzer` setup {#rust-analyzer}
[rust-analyzer]( is a [Language Server Protocol]( (LSP)
implementation for Rust. This is the recommended workflow and will work with minimal editor setup.
`rust-analyzer` uses a file in the `out/` directory called `rust-project.json` that is
generated based on the build graph at `gn gen` time. A symlink to the `rust-project.json` is located
in the root directory of the Fuchsia tree.
The `rust-project.json` file format is currently unstable. Sometimes this can cause an
unexpected version mismatch where GN produces a `rust-project.json` that `rust-analyzer` is
not expecting, causing `rust-analyzer` to not work correctly.
### Currently supported version {#supported-rust-analyzer-version}
Currently, use [the **latest version** of `rust-analyzer`][rust-analyzer-latest].
## Visual Studio Code {#visual-studio-code}
To setup `rust-analyzer` on VS Code, see the VS Code guide
[Additional Vs Code extensions for Fuchsia][vscode-extension-guide].
## Vim
Install [`rust-lang/rust.vim`](, which also integrates with:
* [Tagbar]( universal-ctags is strongly recommended, but
other ctags implementations are also supported.
* [Syntastic]( `rust.vim` automatically registers
`cargo` as a syntax checker for Rust. Yet it will fail unless you [set up cargo][cargo-setup].
If you want to disable the integration (or use `rust-analyzer` to check the code, e.g. via
YouCompleteMe), add the following to your `~/.vimrc`:
let g:syntastic_rust_checkers = []
* Auto formatting: to run `rustfmt` on save (disabled by default), add the following to `~./vimrc`:
let g:rustfmt_command = '{{ "<var>" }}FUCHSIA_DIR{{ "</var>" }}/prebuilt/third_party/rust/{{ "<var>" }}HOST_OS{{ "</var>" }}/bin/rustfmt'
let g:rustfmt_autosave = 1
For IDE support, see the vim section of the [rust-analyzer
manual]( For YouCompleteMe, add
`--rust-completer` (or `--all`) if you are installing from source, and it should work out of the
box. You can also specify the path to a standalone `rust-analyzer` in your `~/.vimrc` (this is not
guaranteed to work due to version compatibility); here is an example assuming it is installed to
`~/.local/bin/rust-analyzer` (note the intentional absence of `/bin` in the path):
let g:ycm_rust_toolchain_root = $HOME . '/.local'
## emacs
### Completion
See the [rust-analyzer manual]( for instructions.
### Check on save
You will be using [flycheck]( to compile
your Rust files when you save them. flycheck will parse those outputs and
highlight errors. You'll also use
[flycheck-rust]( so that it will
compile with cargo and not with rustc. Both are available from
Note that this workflow is based on cargo, which is more likely to break than
rust-analyzer based workflows.
If you don't yet have melpa, follow the instructions
Install `flycheck` and `flycheck-rust` in `M-x list-packages`. Type `i`
to queue for installation what you are missing and then `x` to execute.
Next, make sure that flycheck-rust is run at startup. Put this in your `.emacs` files:
(with-eval-after-load 'rust-mode
(add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'flycheck-rust-setup))
You'll want cargo to run "check" and not "test" so set
`flycheck-rust-check-tests` to `nil`. You can do this by typing `C-h v
flycheck-rust-check-tests<RET>` and then customizing the variable in the normal
Now, you'll want to make sure that the default `cargo` and `rustc` that you are
using are Fuchsia versions of those. If you haven't already,
[install rustup]( Then, from your Fuchsia root, type:
rustup toolchain link fuchsia {{ '<var>' }}FUCHSIA_DIR{{ '</var>' }}/prebuilt/third_party/rust/{{ '<var>' }}HOST_OS{{ '</var>' }}
rustup default fuchsia
Finally, follow the steps to [generate a `Cargo.toml`][cargo-toml-gen] for the GN target that you
want to work on.
You can [read about](
adjusting flycheck to display your errors as you like. Type `C-h v
flycheck-highlighting-mode<RET>` and customize it. Also customize `C-h v
Now restart emacs and try it out.
### Test and debug
To test that it works, you can run `M-x flycheck-compile` and see the
command-line that flycheck is using to check syntax. It ought to look like one
of these depending on whether you are in a lib or bin:
cargo check --lib --message-format\=json
cargo check --bin recovery_netstack --message-format\=json
If it runs `rustc` instead of `cargo`, that's because you didn't `fx gen-cargo`.
Note that it might report errors on the first line of the current file. Those are
actually errors from a different file. The error's comment will name the
problematic file.
## Sublime Text {#sublime-text}
### Using Rust-Enhanced for syntax checking
Follow the [instructions][cargo-setup] to generate `Cargo.toml` and `.cargo/config`, which will also
setup `cargo` to use the Fuchsia Rust toolchain.
Then, install the [Rust Enhanced]( plugin.
Now, you should have syntax checking on save and be able to run `cargo check` from the
context menu / command palette. Thanks to `fargo`, some tests also appear to run OK, but this
hasn't been thoroughly tested.
### Using a language server for intellisense / hover tooltips / go-to-definition
#### Setup
First, install the [LSP package]( for Sublime. Then,
follow the [rust-analyzer setup instructions](
for Sublime.
#### Usage
In order for the language server to work, you need to open a folder that contains a `Cargo.toml`
as the root of your Sublime project. There are two ways you can do this:
1. Open a new Sublime window for the folder that contains the `Cargo.toml` (e.g.
2. Or, go to the top menu bar -> Project -> Add Folder to Project. This will keep all your files
inside one Sublime window, and works even if you have the broader `fuchsia` folder also open.
You may need to restart Sublime after these steps.
## Intellij (Custom code completion)
See instructions on [the Intellij Rust site](
Finally, follow [these steps][cargo-toml-gen] to generate a `Cargo.toml` file for use by Intellij.
Note that cargo-based workflows are more likely to break than rust-analyzer based ones.
[vscode-extension-guide]: /docs/reference/tools/editors/vscode/
[cargo-setup]: /docs/development/languages/rust/
[cargo-toml-gen]: /docs/development/languages/rust/