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# Fuchsia component inspection overview
Components in Fuchsia may expose structured information about themselves
conforming to the Inspect API. This document describes the concepts of
component inspection, the interface, the C++ language implementation
of the interface, and user-facing tools for interacting with components
that expose information.
## Quick links
**Not sure where to start?**
* [Quickstart]( A get-started guide for component inspection.
* [`ffx inspect`][ffx-inspect] The `ffx` command for inspecting components.
* [Codelab](codelab/ A full codelab in C++ and Rust.
* API reference for [C++](,
* [Health checks] Describes the health check subsystem.
## Concepts
Components may expose a tree of **Nodes**, each of which has a set of
![Figure: A tree of Nodes](tree.png)
### Node
A node is an exported entity within a component that may have 0 or
more children. Each node has a name, and each child of a node
must have a unique name among the children.
![Figure: A Node](node.png)
### Property
Nodes may have any number of properties. A property has a string key and a value
which may be any one of a number of types:
#### Numeric Types
- `UintProperty` - 64-bit unsigned integer.
- `IntProperty` - 64-bit signed integer.
- `DoubleProperty` - 64-bit floating point value.
- `BoolProperty` - A boolean value.
#### String Types
- `StringProperty` - UTF-8 string.
- `ByteVectorProperty` - Vector of bytes.
#### Array Types
- `UintArray`, `IntArray`, `DoubleArray` - An array of the corresponding numeric type.
#### Histogram Types
- `LinearUintHistogram`, `LinearIntHistogram`, `LinearDoubleHistogram`
A histogram with fixed-size buckets stored in an array.
- `ExponentialUintHistogram`, `ExponentialIntHistogram`, `ExponentialDoubleHistogram`
A histogram with exponentially sized buckets stored in an array.
### Inspect File Format
The [Inspect File Format] is a binary format
that supports efficient insertion, modification, and deletion of Nodes and
Properties at runtime. Readers take a consistent snapshot of the contents
without communicating with writers.
### Filesystem Interface
*Top-level* nodes are exposed as VmoFiles in a component's outgoing directory
ending in the extension `.inspect`. It is customary for components to expose
their primary or root tree as `out/diagnostics/root.inspect`.
### Language Libraries
* {[C++](/zircon/system/ulib/inspect)}
The C++ Inspect Library provides full [writing][cpp-1] and
[reading][cpp-2] support for the Inspect File Format.
Components that write inspect data should refrain from reading that data.
Reading requires traversing the entire buffer, which is very expensive.
The `Inspector` class provides a wrapper around creating a new buffer
with one root Node that can be added to. Nodes and Properties have typed
[wrappers][cpp-3] that automatically delete the underlying data from the
buffer when they go out of scope.
The [inspect\_component][cpp-4] library provides a simple `ComponentInspector`
singleton interface to help with the common case of exposing a single
hierarchy from the component.
The [health][cpp-5] feature supports exposing structured health information
in a format known by health checking tools.
The [test matchers][cpp-6] library provides GMock matchers for verifying
data that is read out of an Inspect hierarchy in tests.
#### Reading Support
The [reading library][cpp-reading-1] supports parsing an Inspect File
into a [Hierarchy][cpp-reading-2]. `Hierarchy`s contain `NodeValue`s
and `PropertyValues`, which are the parsed versions of `Node`s and
`Property`s respectively.
The `Hierarchy`'s `NodeValue` is returned by `node()` and child
`Hierarchy`s are returned in a vector by `children()`. The `GetByPath`
function supports reading a specific child hierarchy by path.
The properties for a particular `NodeValue` are available through the
`properties()` accessor. You may determine if a property contains a
certain type by passing the corresponding `PropertyValue` type as the
template parameter to the `Contains<T>()` method:
// Returns true if the first property of the hierarchy's node is an INT value.
if (hierarchy.node().properties()[0].Contains<IntPropertyValue>()) {
// ...
Use the `Get<T>()` method to obtain the property:
// Get the IntPropertyValue of the first property on the node.
// Note: This causes a runtime exception if the property does not contain
// the given type, crashing the program.
You may also switch based on the different possible format types:
const auto& property = hierarchy.node().properties()[0];
switch (property.format()) {
case FormatType::INT:
const auto& value = property.Get<IntPropertyValue>();
/* ... */
/* ... */
Array types may be specially formatted to contain histograms. The
`GetBuckets()` method supports returning an array of histogram buckets
from `{Int,Uint,Double}ArrayValue` types. The array will be empty if
the underlying array is not a specially formatted histogram.
* {[Rust](/src/lib/diagnostics/inspect/rust)}
The Rust Inspect Library provides full [writing][rust-1] and
[reading][rust-2] support for the Inspect File Format.
Components that write inspect data should refrain from reading that data.
Reading requires traversing the entire buffer, which is very expensive.
The `Inspector` class provides a wrapper around creating a new buffer
with one root Node that can be added to. Nodes and Properties have typed
[wrappers][rust-3] that automatically delete the underlying data from the
buffer when they go out of scope.
The [component][rust-4] module supports a simple `inspector` function to
handle the common use of exposing a single hierarchy from the component.
The [health][rust-5] module supports exposing structured health information
in a format known by health checking tools.
The [testing][rust-6] module supports the `assert_data_tree!` macro to
match Inspect data for testing.
## Testing
[Validator Architecture] describes an integration test framework for Inspect
language libraries.
## Userspace tools
To examine the inspect hierarchies of components, you can use the
[`ffx inspect show`][ffx-inspect-show] command:
* Print all inspect hierarchies:
ffx inspect show
* Print the inspect hierarchy of a specific component (for example,
ffx inspect show core/font_provider
Or run [`ffx target snapshot`][ffx-target-snapshot]
to generate a ZIP archive containing the system's diagnostic information, which
includes inspect:
ffx target snapshot
<!-- Reference links -->
[cpp-1]: /zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/inspect.h
[cpp-2]: /zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/reader.h
[cpp-3]: /zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/types.h
[cpp-4]: /sdk/lib/inspect/component/cpp
[cpp-5]: /zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/health.h
[cpp-6]: /sdk/lib/inspect/testing
[cpp-reading-1]: /zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/reader.h
[cpp-reading-2]: /zircon/system/ulib/inspect/include/lib/inspect/cpp/hierarchy.h
[Inspect File Format]: /docs/reference/platform-spec/diagnostics/
[Validator Architecture]: /docs/reference/diagnostics/inspect/validator/
[Health checks]: /docs/development/diagnostics/inspect/