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# Components
Components are the basic unit of executable software on Fuchsia.
## Architectural concepts
- [Introduction]( Understanding components and the component
- [Component manager]( The runtime.
- [Lifecycle]( Component instance progression from creation to
- [Topology]( The relationships among component instances.
- [Realms]( Sub-trees of the component instance topology.
- [Identifiers]( Identifiers for components and
component instances.
## Developing components
- [Capabilities](capabilities/ Different types of capabilities and
how to route them between components.
- [Component manifests]( How to define a component for
the framework.
- [ELF runner]( How to launch a component from an ELF file.
Typically useful for developing system components in C++, Rust, or Go.
## Extending the component framework
- [Runners](capabilities/ Instantiate components; add support for
more runtimes.
- [Resolvers](capabilities/ Find components from URLs; add
support for methods of software packaging and distribution.
## Internals
- [Component manifest design principles][rfc0093]
- [Components vs. processes]( how the concepts
[rfc0093]: /docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/