blob: 114092a0b8330186cb28392b5d80390232b39de6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.8
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:codesize/cli.dart' as cli;
import 'package:codesize/codesize.dart';
import 'package:codesize/crash_handling.dart' as crash_handling;
import 'package:codesize/io.dart' as io;
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart' show sha256;
import 'package:googleapis/discovery/v1.dart' as discovery;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pool/pool.dart';
import 'progress_bar.dart';
/// The common location for storing Fuchsia debug symbols. See
const _fxSymbolCache = '.fuchsia/debug/symbol-cache';
/// Entry point of our application from the command line.
Future<void> main(List<String> args) =>
runWithIo<io.Standard, void>(() => mainImpl(args));
Future<void> mainImpl(List<String> args) async {
await crash_handling.withExceptionHandler(() async {
final parsedArgs = cli.parseArgs(args);
if (parsedArgs == null) return;
// The high-level flow of the program:
// - Generate bloaty reports if they aren't already cached.
// - Run requested queries on those reports.
// - Present the results in the specified format.
await preflightChecks();
final cs = CodeSize(parsedArgs.buildDir);
AnalysisRequest allBloatyReportFiles = await ensureReportFiles(cs,
cachingBehavior: parsedArgs.cachingBehavior,
heatmap: parsedArgs.heatmap,
heatmapFrameSize: parsedArgs.heatmapFrameSize);
List<Query> populatedQueries = await runQueriesOnReports(
await presentResults(
parsedArgs.format, parsedArgs.output, populatedQueries);
/// Checks preconditions for running codesize:
/// - The CPU architecture should be arm64.
Future<void> preflightChecks() async {
final fxEnv = Io.get().fxEnv;
if (fxEnv.fuchsiaArch != 'arm64') {
throw crash_handling.KnownFailure('`fx codesize` is only supported '
'in arm64 builds. The current architecture is ${fxEnv.fuchsiaArch}.\n'
'Please switch to the correct product using `fx set`.');
class ParseManifestResult {
/// List of `meta.far` files indicating packages.
final List<File> packageFars;
/// A mapping from Merkel roots to blob information.
final Map<String, Blob> blobsByHash;
ParseManifestResult(this.packageFars, this.blobsByHash);
class CodeSize {
CodeSize(String buildDir) : build = Build(buildDir);
final Build build;
/// List of packages in the build.
final List<Package> packages = <Package>[];
/// A mapping from BuildIds to build artifacts with that BuildId.
/// There might be multiple artifacts with the same BuildId. For instance,
/// the same binary might appear in both fuchsia.zbi and zedboot.zbi.
HashMap<String, SplayTreeSet<BuildArtifact>> artifactsByBuildId =
HashMap<String, SplayTreeSet<BuildArtifact>>();
/// A mapping from BuildIds to lists of files with that BuildId.
final HashMap<String, SplayTreeSet<File>> debugBinaries =
HashMap<String, SplayTreeSet<File>>();
/// A mapping from BuildIds to link map files.
final HashMap<String, File> buildIdToLinkMapFile = HashMap<String, File>();
/// The set of BuilIds for which we have obtained a debug binary.
final Set<String> matchedDebugBinaries = <String>{};
// Callbacks used to control the progress bar.
void Function(int) jobInitCallback;
void Function() jobIterationCallback;
void Function() jobCompleteCallback;
/// I/O operations implementation.
final Io io = Io.get();
Future<ParseManifestResult> parseManifest(File manifestFile) async {
final List<File> packageFars = <File>[];
final Map<String, Blob> blobsByHash = {};
final manifestDir = manifestFile.parent;
final lines = await manifestFile.readAsLines();
// Format of the manifest:
for (final line in lines) {
final parts = line.split('=');
final hash = parts[0];
// Path entries are specified relative to the directory
// containing the manifest.
final entryPath = build.rebasePath((manifestDir / File(parts[1])).path);
final file = build.openFile(entryPath);
if (entryPath.endsWith('meta.far')) {
// Blobs ending with `meta.far` indicate there is a
// corresponding package.
final stat = file.statSync();
if (stat.type == FileSystemEntityType.notFound) {
throw Exception('$entryPath does not exist');
if (blobsByHash.containsKey(hash)) {
// Duplicate blob entry.
'Duplicate blob entry: $hash -> ${build.rebasePath(entryPath)} '
'and ${blobsByHash[hash].buildPath}');
blobsByHash[hash] = await createBlob(hash, entryPath, stat);
return ParseManifestResult(
packageFars.toList(growable: false), blobsByHash);
Future<Blob> createBlob(String hash, String entryPath, FileStat stat) async {
final blob = Blob()
..hash = hash
..buildPath = build.rebasePath(entryPath)
..sizeOnHost = stat.size
..count = 0;
// Extract contents as subBlobs if the blob is a Zircon Boot Image.
if (entryPath.endsWith('.zbi.signed')) {
blob.subBlobs = await extractZbi(entryPath);
return blob;
/// Extracts the ZBI inside the build directory and returns the contents
/// as a list of `SubBlob`s.
Future<List<SubBlob>> extractZbi(String entryPath) async {
// Signed ZBI cannot be processed directly by the zbi tool.
// Use the unsigned counterpart.
final unsignedZbi =
build.openFile(entryPath.substring(0, entryPath.length - 7));
final bootfsDir = build.openDirectory(
if (bootfsDir.existsSync()) {
// Clear previously extracted directory.
await bootfsDir.delete(recursive: true);
await bootfsDir.create(recursive: true);
print('Extracting ${build.rebasePath(unsignedZbi.path)}');
// Run the zbi host tool.
// out/default/host_x64/zbi --extract --output-dir ~/vg/out/tmp out/default/fuchsia.zbi
final result = await[
workingDirectory: build.dir.path,
stdoutEncoding: const AsciiCodec(allowInvalid: true),
stderrEncoding: const AsciiCodec(allowInvalid: true));
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
print('stdout: ${result.stdout}');
print('stderr: ${result.stderr}');
throw Exception('Failed to extract zbi for $unsignedZbi');
final files = bootfsDir.list(recursive: true, followLinks: false);
final subBlobs = <SubBlob>[];
await for (final file in files) {
if (file is File) {
final subBlob = SubBlob() =
path.relative(path.normalize(file.path), from: bootfsDir.path)
..buildPath = build.rebasePath(file.path)
..sizeOnHost = (file.statSync()).size;
return subBlobs;
Future<void> addBlobSizes(File path, Map<String, Blob> blobsByHash) async {
final blobs = json.decode(await path.readAsString());
for (var blob in blobs) {
final b = blobsByHash[blob['merkle']];
b?.size = blob['size'];
String metaFarPathToBlobsJson(File far) {
// Assumes details of //build/package.gni, namely that it generates
// <build-dir>/.../<package>/meta.far
// and puts a blobs.json file into
// <build-dir>/.../<package>/blobs.json
if (!far.path.endsWith('/meta.far')) {
throw Exception('Build details have changed');
final jsonPath = "${removeSuffix(far.path, 'meta.far')}blobs.json";
if (!build.openFile(jsonPath).existsSync()) {
throw Exception('Build details have changed - '
'path to blobs.json $jsonPath not found for ${far.path}');
return jsonPath;
Future<void> computePackagesInParallel(
ParseManifestResult manifest, int jobs) async {
final tasks = <Future>[];
for (var i = 0; i < jobs; i++) {
await Future.wait(tasks);
Future<void> computePackages(ParseManifestResult manifest) async {
final packageFars = manifest.packageFars.toList();
while (packageFars.isNotEmpty) {
File far = packageFars.removeLast();
var package = Package()..path = far.path;
var parts = package.path.split('/');
package = maybeRemoveSuffix(
parts.length > 1 ? parts[parts.length - 2] : parts.last, '.meta')
..size = 0
..private = 0
..blobCount = 0
..blobsByPath = <String, Blob>{};
var blobs = json.decode(
await build.openFile(metaFarPathToBlobsJson(far)).readAsString());
for (var blob in blobs) {
var hash = blob['merkle'];
var blobPath = build.rebasePath(blob['path']);
var b = manifest.blobsByHash[hash];
if (b == null) {
throw Exception('$blobPath $hash is in a package manifest '
'but not the final manifest');
var sourcePath = build.openFile(blob['source_path']).path;
// If the source_path looks like <something>/blobs/<merkle>, it from a
// prebuilt package and has no meaningful source. Instead, use the path
// within the package as its identifier.
if (sourcePath.endsWith('/blobs/$hash')) {
sourcePath = 'pkg:${}/${build.rebasePath(blobPath)}';
} else {
sourcePath = build.rebasePath(sourcePath);
// We may see the same blob referenced from different packages with
// different source paths. If all references agree with each other, use
// that. Otherwise we would print the first observed path and
// append " *" to denote that the path is only one of many.
package.blobsByPath[blobPath] = b;
void computeStats(Map<String, Blob> blobsByHash) {
blobsByHash.forEach((hash, blob) {
if (blob.count == 0) {
throw Exception('${blob.hash} is in the final manifest '
'but not any package manifest');
for (var package in packages) {
for (var blob in package.blobsByPath.values) {
package.size += blob.size;
if (blob.count == 1) {
package.private += blob.size;
Future<void> addBuildIdFromBlobsInImage(Map<String, Blob> blobsByHash) async {
final artifacts = blobsByHash.values.expand((blob) {
return <BuildArtifact>[blob] + blob.subBlobs;
artifactsByBuildId = await readBuildId(
(BuildArtifact art) => build.openFile(art.buildPath),
Platform.numberOfProcessors * 2);
Future<void> addBuildIdFromSymbolSources() async {
final fuchsiaBuildDir = build.openDirectory('.build-id');
final sourceTree = Directory(Platform.environment['FUCHSIA_DIR']).absolute;
final home = Directory(Platform.environment['HOME']);
final maybeCipdBuildIdDirs = ([
].map((e) => sourceTree / Directory(e)).toList() +
home / Directory(_fxSymbolCache),
.where((e) => e.existsSync());
await _addBuildId(
Stream.fromIterable([fuchsiaBuildDir, ...maybeCipdBuildIdDirs]));
Future<void> _addBuildId(Stream<Directory> dirs) async {
final debugFiles = <File>[];
final contents = dirs.asyncExpand((dir) {
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
throw Exception('Cannot find ${dir.absolute}');
return dir.list(recursive: true, followLinks: false).where(
(entity) => (entity is File) && entity.path.endsWith('.debug'));
await for (final entity in contents) {
if (entity is File) {
debugBinaries.addAll(await readBuildId(
debugFiles, (x) => x, Platform.numberOfProcessors * 2,
compare: (File a, File b) => a.path.compareTo(b.path)));
void matchDebugBinaries() {
for (final buildId in debugBinaries.keys) {
if (artifactsByBuildId.containsKey(buildId)) {
Future<HashMap<String, SplayTreeSet<T>>> readBuildId<T>(
Iterable<T> items, File Function(T) toFile, int jobs,
{int compare(T a, T b)}) async {
final exp = RegExp(
r'(.*): ELF 64-bit LSB .*ARM aarch64,.*BuildID(.*)=([a-f0-9]+),');
final buildIdToBlob = HashMap<String, SplayTreeSet<T>>();
final pool = Pool(jobs);
final allFutures = <Future>[];
for (final blob in items) {
final file = toFile(blob);
allFutures.add(pool.withResource(() async {
final result =
await['file', file.absolute.path]);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception('Failed to inspect $file');
final matches = exp.allMatches(result.stdout);
if (matches.isNotEmpty) {
if (matches.length != 1) {
throw Exception('Unexpected matches on `file $file`');
final match = matches.first;
// Fuchsia uses [xxHash]; Chromium uses [sha1]
final buildIdAlgo =;
if (buildIdAlgo != '[xxHash]' &&
buildIdAlgo != '[sha1]' &&
buildIdAlgo != '[md5/uuid]') {
throw Exception(
'Unexpected BuildId algo `$buildIdAlgo` on `file $file`');
final buildId =;
buildIdToBlob.putIfAbsent(buildId, () => SplayTreeSet<T>(compare));
await Future.wait(allFutures);
return buildIdToBlob;
// Finds all `.map` files in the build directory, and find the corresponding
// BuildID of the unstripped binary that is next to it.
Future<void> collectLinkMapFiles() async {
final files = build.dir.list(recursive: true, followLinks: false).where(
(file) =>
file.path.endsWith('.map') &&
file.statSync().type == FileSystemEntityType.file);
final elfFiles = <String>[];
await for (var mapFile in files) {
final elfFile =
build.openFile(mapFile.path.substring(0, mapFile.path.length - 4));
if (!elfFile.existsSync()) continue;
final buildIds = await readBuildId(
elfFiles, build.openFile, Platform.numberOfProcessors * 2);
for (final entry in buildIds.entries) {
buildIdToLinkMapFile[entry.key] =
Future<AnalysisRequest> ensureReportFiles(CodeSize cs,
{cli.CachingBehavior cachingBehavior,
File heatmap,
int heatmapFrameSize}) async {
AnalysisRequest allBloatyReportFiles;
final bloatyStamp ='codesize_bloaty_report.stamp');
if (bloatyStamp.existsSync()) {
bool useCache;
switch (cachingBehavior) {
case cli.CachingBehavior.alwaysUseCache:
print('Explicitly using cached report files');
useCache = true;
case cli.CachingBehavior.neverUseCache:
print('Ignoring cached report files');
useCache = false;
case cli.CachingBehavior.useIfUpToDate:
// Use the cached reports if no newer full build was performed.
final manifestStat =;
final stampStat = bloatyStamp.statSync();
useCache = stampStat.modified.isAfter(manifestStat.modified);
if (useCache) {
// Check if heatmap file remained the same too.
final lastRequest = AnalysisRequest.fromJson(
json.decode(await bloatyStamp.readAsString()));
if (lastRequest.heatmapContentSha != null) {
if (heatmap == null) {
useCache = false;
} else {
final digest = await _hashFile(heatmap);
if (digest != lastRequest.heatmapContentSha) {
useCache = false;
} else {
if (heatmap != null) {
useCache = false;
if (!useCache) {
print('Not using cached report files since '
'the heatmap option has changed');
} else {
print('Not using cached report files since '
'a new full build has been performed');
if (useCache) {
print('Using cached report files since '
'it was generated after the last full build');
if (useCache) {
// Skipping running bloaty; load `allBloatyReportFiles` from stamp
allBloatyReportFiles = AnalysisRequest.fromJson(
json.decode(await bloatyStamp.readAsString()));
print('Loaded ${allBloatyReportFiles.items.length} reports from cache');
return allBloatyReportFiles;
// Rerun bloaty and save the report file index as a stamp.
try {
allBloatyReportFiles = await generateBloatyReportsFromBuild(cs,
heatmap: heatmap, heatmapFrameSize: heatmapFrameSize);
await bloatyStamp.writeAsString(json.encode(allBloatyReportFiles.toJson()));
} finally {
await GoogleApiClient.close();
return allBloatyReportFiles;
Future<String> _hashFile(File heatmap) async =>
sha256.convert(await heatmap.readAsBytes()).toString();
Future<List<Query>> runQueriesOnReports(
List<QueryThunk> queries,
int concurrency,
SourceLang onlyLang,
RegExp fileRegex,
AnalysisRequest allBloatyReportFiles,
CodeSize cs) async {
print('Running these queries: ${ => s().name).join(', ')}');
final queryRunner =
QueryRunner(queries, numConcurrency: concurrency, onlyLang: onlyLang);
final filteredReports = allBloatyReportFiles.items
.where((report) => fileRegex.hasMatch(;
'Analyzing ${filteredReports.length} reports whose names match the ${fileRegex.pattern} regex');
await Future.wait([
for (final reportFile in filteredReports)
await queryRunner.join();
return queryRunner.queries;
Future<void> presentResults(cli.OutputFormat outputFormat, IOSink output,
List<Query> populatedQueries) async {
final io = Io.get();
// Data presentation
Renderer renderer;
switch (outputFormat) {
case cli.OutputFormat.basic:
renderer = BasicRenderer();
case cli.OutputFormat.html:
renderer = HtmlRenderer();
case cli.OutputFormat.terminal:
renderer = TerminalRenderer(supportsControlCharacters: output == io.out);
case cli.OutputFormat.tsv:
renderer = TsvRenderer();
try {
renderer.render(output, populatedQueries);
} finally {
await output.flush();
if (output != io.out) {
await output.close();
Future<AnalysisRequest> generateBloatyReportsFromBuild(CodeSize cs,
{File heatmap, int heatmapFrameSize}) async {
final allBloatyReportFiles = AnalysisRequest(
items: [], heatmapContentSha: await flatMap(heatmap, _hashFile));
final io = Io.get();
final manifest = await cs.parseManifest(;
final blobsByHash = manifest.blobsByHash;
await cs.addBlobSizes('blobs.json'), blobsByHash);
await cs.computePackagesInParallel(manifest, Platform.numberOfProcessors);
ProgressBar progress;
..jobInitCallback = ((max) => progress = ProgressBar(complete: max))
..jobIterationCallback = (() => progress.update(progress.current + 1))
..jobCompleteCallback = (() => progress.done());
io.out.write('Loading link maps ');
await cs.collectLinkMapFiles();
io.out.write('Loading BuildId for blobs in image ');
await cs.addBuildIdFromBlobsInImage(blobsByHash);
final elfBlobSizes = cs.artifactsByBuildId.values
.map((e) => e.first.sizeOnHost)
.reduce((v, e) => v + e);
final allBlobSizes = => e.sizeOnHost).reduce((v, e) => v + e);
print('${cs.artifactsByBuildId.length} (${formatSize(elfBlobSizes)}) out of '
'${blobsByHash.length} (${formatSize(allBlobSizes)}) blobs are '
'ELF binaries');
io.out.write('Loading BuildId from symbol sources ');
await cs.addBuildIdFromSymbolSources();
print('${cs.debugBinaries.length} debug binaries found locally');
final matchedBinarySizes = cs.matchedDebugBinaries
.map((k) => cs.artifactsByBuildId[k].first.sizeOnHost)
.reduce((v, e) => v + e);
print('${cs.matchedDebugBinaries.length} (${formatSize(matchedBinarySizes)})'
' out of ${cs.artifactsByBuildId.length} (${formatSize(elfBlobSizes)})'
' ELF binaries have matching debug info');
Iterable<String> buildIdsWithoutDebugInfo() => cs.artifactsByBuildId.keys
.where((buildId) => !cs.matchedDebugBinaries.contains(buildId));
final noDebugInfo = buildIdsWithoutDebugInfo();
if (noDebugInfo.isNotEmpty) {
io.out.write('Querying symbol servers ');
final gotAny = await downloadUnmatchedDebugBinaries(noDebugInfo, cs);
if (gotAny) {
io.out.write('Incorporate downloaded symbols ');
await cs.addBuildIdFromSymbolSources();
} else {
print('Did not find any extra symbols from symbol servers');
// Print binaries without debug info even after querying symbol servers.
final noDebugInfo = buildIdsWithoutDebugInfo();
if (noDebugInfo.isNotEmpty) {
print('Binaries without matching debug info:');
for (final buildId in noDebugInfo) {
final buildPath = cs.artifactsByBuildId[buildId].first.buildPath;
print(' ${}');
print(' - BuildId: $buildId');
if (blobsByHash.containsKey(buildPath.split('/').last)) {
final sourcePath = blobsByHash[buildPath.split('/').last].sourcePaths;
print(' - Source Path: $sourcePath');
var buildIds = <String>{};
HashMap<String, String> buildIdToAccessPattern;
if (heatmap != null) {
buildIdToAccessPattern = HashMap<String, String>();
final HashMap<String, String> merkleToAccessPattern =
HashMap<String, String>();
for (final line in await heatmap.readAsLines()) {
if (line.trim().isEmpty) continue;
final firstComma = line.indexOf(',');
final merkle = line.substring(0, firstComma);
final accessPattern = line.substring(firstComma + 1);
merkleToAccessPattern[merkle] = accessPattern;
for (final entry in cs.artifactsByBuildId.entries) {
final buildId = entry.key;
final artifact = entry.value.first;
if (artifact is Blob) {
if (cs.matchedDebugBinaries.contains(buildId) &&
merkleToAccessPattern.containsKey(artifact.hash)) {
final accessPattern = merkleToAccessPattern[artifact.hash];
// Exclude fully-hot blobs, since downstream queries would be confused
// as to which language this ELF is written in due to lack of symbols.
final int elfSize =;
final int numFrames = (elfSize / heatmapFrameSize).ceil();
final isFrameHot = List<bool>.generate(numFrames, (i) => false);
for (final part in accessPattern.split(',')) {
final frameAndCount = part.split(':').toList();
if (frameAndCount.length != 2) {
throw Exception('Invalid access pattern $accessPattern');
final frame = int.parse(frameAndCount[0]);
final count = int.parse(frameAndCount[1]);
if (frame >= numFrames) {
throw Exception('Blob merkle ${artifact.hash} '
'(at: ${artifact.buildPath}) is $elfSize bytes on disk, '
'but access pattern indicated an out-of-range frame $frame. '
'Does the heatmap CSV match the version of the build?');
if (count > 0) isFrameHot[frame] = true;
if (isFrameHot.every((e) => e)) continue;
buildIdToAccessPattern[buildId] = accessPattern;
io.out.writeln('Blob access heatmap specified, only looking at '
'${buildIds.length} files with both cold regions and debug info');
for (final buildId in buildIds) {
io.out.writeln('-> ${cs.artifactsByBuildId[buildId].first}');
} else {
buildIds = cs.matchedDebugBinaries;
io.out.write('Running bloaty on matched binaries ');
await runBloatyOnMatchedBinaries(buildIds,
options: RunBloatyOptions(
artifactsByBuildId: cs.artifactsByBuildId,
debugBinaries: cs.debugBinaries,
buildIdToLinkMapFile: cs.buildIdToLinkMapFile,
buildIdToAccessPattern: buildIdToAccessPattern,
heatmapFrameSize: heatmapFrameSize,
jobInitCallback: cs.jobInitCallback,
jobIterationCallback: cs.jobIterationCallback,
jobCompleteCallback: cs.jobCompleteCallback,
final zbiExtractedBinary = RegExp(r'obj/codesize/bootfs-(.*)\.zbi/(.*)$');
for (final buildId in buildIds) {
final blob = cs.artifactsByBuildId[buildId].first;
var name = blob.buildPath;
if (blob is SubBlob) {
final match = zbiExtractedBinary.firstMatch(blob.buildPath);
if (match != null)
name = '[zbi: ${}.zbi] /${} '
'(at: ${})';
} else if (blob is Blob) {
final formattedBuildPath =;
final prebuiltDueToPkgHash = blob.sourcePaths
.fold(true, (prev, element) => prev && element.startsWith('pkg:'));
final prebuiltInPrebuiltFolder =
if (prebuiltDueToPkgHash || prebuiltInPrebuiltFolder) {
name = '[prebuilt] '
'${blob.sourcePaths.length > 1 ? "* " : ""} '
'(at: $formattedBuildPath)';
} else {
final maybeNonPkgPrebuilt =
blob.sourcePaths.where((e) => !e.startsWith('pkg:')).first;
if (maybeNonPkgPrebuilt != null) {
name = maybeNonPkgPrebuilt;
} else {
name = formattedBuildPath;
// If heatmap was specified, we'd generate two versions of reports, one of
// which is filtered using the heatmap.
final report = AnalysisItem(
filteredCounterpart: heatmap != null
: null,
name: name);
if (!
throw Exception('Could not find bloaty report at ${report.path}');
return allBloatyReportFiles;
Future<bool> downloadUnmatchedDebugBinaries(
Iterable<String> buildIds, CodeSize cs) async {
final homeDir = Directory(Platform.environment['HOME']);
final repos = await Future.wait([
(e) => CloudRepo.create(e, Cache(homeDir / Directory(_fxSymbolCache)))));
var downloadedAny = false;
// 2 concurrent symbol downloads
final pool = Pool(2);
final allFutures = <Future>[];
for (final buildId in buildIds) {
allFutures.add(pool.withResource(() async {
var downloaded = false;
for (var repo in repos) {
try {
await repo.getBuildObject(buildId);
// A 404 error will be expected if the debug symbol is not found.
// ignore: avoid_catching_errors
} on discovery.DetailedApiRequestError catch (err) {
if (err.status != 404) {
downloaded = true;
if (downloaded) downloadedAny = true;
await Future.wait(allFutures);
return downloadedAny;