blob: 71ebfc9385bcbecdc641054b82fa950f8893e316 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is a re-implementation of //build/images/, but using the ffx
# assembly plugin as the main implementation. Most of the work in this file
# is creating the translation between the Fuchsia Build and the inputs that the
# ffx assembly plugin expects.
# These imports to be replaced by board-config json files
# Deal with "bringup" and other zbi-only builds.
# These builds set `bootfs_only` to true, and do not include a base/system_image
# package, pkgfs, blobfs, fvm, etc.
# This declares an inverted variable that has easier reading and is less likely
# to miss the `!` operator:
uses_base_package = !bootfs_only
# All the stuff in this file that we want to build by default:
group("assembly") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# Recovery-only configurations don't have a properly configured fuchsia.zbi,
# as they are really building a recovery.zbi, with it's own separate
# configuration.
# `ffx assembly` cannot build the configurations these fuchsia.zbi's have, and
# so we clear the deps here to disable all these targets.
if (recovery_only) {
deps = []
# Labels used internally in this file
labels = {
kernel_image_metadata = "kernel_image.gn_meta.json"
kernel_cmdline_args_metadata = "kernel_cmdline_args.gn_meta.json"
bootfs_entries_metadata = "bootfs_entries.gn_meta.json"
board_config = "board_config.json"
# Labels whose outputs are used by Image Assembly, and are deps in this file
dep_labels = {
# External labels that are deps.
version_file = "//build/info:latest-commit-date"
ota_epoch_file = "//src/sys/pkg/bin/system-updater:epoch.json"
kernel_image = "//zircon/kernel"
kernel_cmdline_args = "//build/input:bootfs"
bootfs_entries = "//build/input:bootfs"
# External labels whose outputs are compared against for validity (temporary)
system_image_pkg = "//build/images:system_image.meta"
if (build_info_product != "bringup") {
fuchsia_zbi = "//build/images:fuchsia"
fuchsia_zbi_manifest = "//build/images:fuchsia_unverified"
if (use_vbmeta) {
fuchsia_vbmeta = "//build/images:fuchsia.vbmeta"
} else {
fuchsia_zbi = "//build/images/bringup"
fuchsia_zbi_manifest = fuchsia_zbi
if (use_vbmeta) {
fuchsia_vbmeta = "//build/images/bringup:bringup.vbmeta"
fuchsia_update = "//build/images:update.meta"
# Internal labels, in "dep" format:
kernel_image_metadata = ":" + labels.kernel_image_metadata
kernel_cmdline_args_metadata = ":" + labels.kernel_cmdline_args_metadata
bootfs_entries_metadata = ":" + labels.bootfs_entries_metadata
board_config = ":" + labels.board_config
# File Paths used by Image Assembly
# These are all the files that are inputs, outputs, or intermediates that are
# used by the actions in this file.
# = The "inputs" or "outputs" usage of the file "foo"
# = The same path, but rebased on $root_build_dir, for passing
# as a tool argument.
files = {
assembly_config = "${target_out_dir}/config.json"
board_config = "${target_out_dir}/board_config.json"
# Package lists for the base package
base_package_list = "${target_out_dir}/package_lists/base"
cache_package_list = "${target_out_dir}/package_lists/cache"
extra_base_package_list = "${target_out_dir}/package_lists/extra_base"
extra_base_deps_package_list =
# The file that contains the version
version_file = build_info_files.version
# The file that contains the ota backstop
ota_epoch_file = get_label_info(dep_labels.ota_epoch_file, "target_out_dir") +
# The results of a GN metadata walk that contains all the kernel cmd arguments
kernel_cmdline_args_metadata =
target_out_dir + "/" + labels.kernel_cmdline_args_metadata
# The results of a GN metadata walk that contains the kernel's `image`
# metadata.
kernel_image_metadata = target_out_dir + "/" + labels.kernel_image_metadata
# The results of a GN metadata walk that contains all of the bootfs files
bootfs_entries_metadata =
target_out_dir + "/" + labels.bootfs_entries_metadata
# The working directories for the ffx assembly image task.
gendir = "${target_out_dir}/gen"
outdir = target_out_dir
# Intermediates used by base package creation.
gen_base_static_packages = "${gendir}/data/static_packages"
gen_base_cache_packages = "${gendir}/data/cache_packages"
# The base package output.
base_pkg = "${target_out_dir}/base.far"
# The ZBI output
zbi = "${target_out_dir}/fuchsia.zbi"
# ZBI output manifest
zbi_manifest = "${target_out_dir}/gen/zbi.json"
# The vbmeta (if created)
vbmeta = "${target_out_dir}/fuchsia.vbmeta"
# Files used for validation against external label outputs (temporary)
# The base package re-extraction (temporary) output dir
extracted_base_pkg = "${target_out_dir}/extracted_base_pkg"
# The extracted base package contents
extracted_base_meta_contents = "${extracted_base_pkg}/meta/contents"
extracted_base_meta_package = "${extracted_base_pkg}/meta/package"
# The system-image package itself (from //build/images:system-image.meta)
system_image_pkg =
get_label_info(dep_labels.system_image_pkg, "target_out_dir") +
# The system-image package re-extraction (temporary) output dir
extracted_sysimg_pkg = "${target_out_dir}/extracted_sysimg_pkg"
# The extracted base package contents
extracted_sysimg_meta_contents = "${extracted_sysimg_pkg}/meta/contents"
extracted_sysimg_meta_package = "${extracted_sysimg_pkg}/meta/package"
if (build_info_product != "bringup") {
# The zbi created by //build/images:fuchsia
fuchsia_zbi = "${root_build_dir}/fuchsia.zbi"
fuchsia_zbi_manifest = "${root_build_dir}/fuchsia_unverified.zbi.json"
# The vbmeta for fuchsia_zbi
fuchsia_vbmeta = "${root_build_dir}/fuchsia.vbmeta"
fuchsia_vbmeta_salt = "${fuchsia_vbmeta}.salt"
} else {
# The zbi created by //build/images/bringup
fuchsia_zbi = "${root_build_dir}/bringup.zbi"
fuchsia_zbi_manifest = "${fuchsia_zbi}.json"
# The vbmeta for bringup.
fuchsia_vbmeta = "${root_build_dir}/bringup.vbmeta"
fuchsia_vbmeta_salt = "${fuchsia_vbmeta}.salt"
# File path arguments used by Image Assembly (rebased for tool usage)
# This are most of the above files, rebased on root_build_dir, for use when
# calling tools with the paths.
# This is the hard way of doing `file_args = rebase_path(files, root_build_dir)`
file_args = {
assembly_config = rebase_path(files.assembly_config, root_build_dir)
board_config = rebase_path(files.board_config, root_build_dir)
base_package_list = rebase_path(files.base_package_list, root_build_dir)
cache_package_list = rebase_path(files.cache_package_list, root_build_dir)
extra_base_package_list =
rebase_path(files.extra_base_package_list, root_build_dir)
extra_base_deps_package_list =
rebase_path(files.extra_base_deps_package_list, root_build_dir)
version_file = rebase_path(files.version_file, root_build_dir)
ota_epoch_file = rebase_path(files.ota_epoch_file, root_build_dir)
kernel_cmdline_args_metadata =
rebase_path(files.kernel_cmdline_args_metadata, root_build_dir)
kernel_image_metadata =
rebase_path(files.kernel_image_metadata, root_build_dir)
bootfs_entries_metadata =
rebase_path(files.bootfs_entries_metadata, root_build_dir)
gendir = rebase_path(files.gendir, root_build_dir)
outdir = rebase_path(files.outdir, root_build_dir)
gen_base_static_packages =
rebase_path(files.gen_base_static_packages, root_build_dir)
gen_base_cache_packages =
rebase_path(files.gen_base_cache_packages, root_build_dir)
base_pkg = rebase_path(files.base_pkg, root_build_dir)
zbi = rebase_path(files.zbi, root_build_dir)
zbi_manifest = rebase_path(files.zbi_manifest, root_build_dir)
# Files used for validation against external label outputs (temporary)
# Files used for validation against external label outputs (temporary)
extracted_base_pkg = rebase_path(files.extracted_base_pkg, root_build_dir)
extracted_base_meta_contents =
rebase_path(files.extracted_base_meta_contents, root_build_dir)
extracted_base_meta_package =
rebase_path(files.extracted_base_meta_package, root_build_dir)
system_image_pkg = rebase_path(files.system_image_pkg, root_build_dir)
extracted_sysimg_pkg = rebase_path(files.extracted_sysimg_pkg, root_build_dir)
extracted_sysimg_meta_contents =
rebase_path(files.extracted_sysimg_meta_contents, root_build_dir)
extracted_sysimg_meta_package =
rebase_path(files.extracted_sysimg_meta_package, root_build_dir)
fuchsia_zbi = rebase_path(files.fuchsia_zbi, root_build_dir)
if (defined(files.fuchsia_vbmeta)) {
fuchsia_vbmeta = rebase_path(files.fuchsia_vbmeta, root_build_dir)
fuchsia_vbmeta_salt = rebase_path(files.fuchsia_vbmeta_salt, root_build_dir)
# These are the package groups that are used to build the system:
# - `base_packages` - This is the "base package set", the set of packages that
# are considered for all OTA updates and part of the flash
# files' blobfs.
# - `cache_packages` - These are the (usually) ephemeral packages which are pre-
# installed on the system, present in flash files, but not
# in the update package (except that they currently are
# placed into the `base package set` for all intents and
# purposes.
# - `universe_packages` - The "known universe of packages at build time". These
# are all the packages that are defined in the build as
# potentially placed on the device, and therefore they
# need to have their shell command and config-data
# entries placed in base.
# - `meta_packages` - These are packages that exist because they are assembly-
# time constructed containers of data about other packages:
# - shell command entries
# - config data
# - indexes
group("base_packages") {
testonly = base_cache_packages_testonly
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_deps = [
group("cache_packages") {
testonly = base_cache_packages_testonly
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_deps = [ "//:additional_cache_packages" ]
group("universe_packages") {
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_deps = [
group("meta_packages") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = fuchsia_zbi_testonly
public_deps = [ "//build/images:driver-manager-base-config" ]
public_deps += meta_package_labels
if (uses_base_package) {
# Set up the Inputs for `base` package creation.
# The above groups of packages need to be walked for metadata to find all of the
# package manifests for the targets in those dependency trees. These groups
# don't include the special packages that are synthesized by the build itself
# (those are in 'meta_packages')
# These lists of packages manifests then need to be incorporated into the JSON
# configuration that is expected by the `ffx assembly` tooling.
# - `base` package set
# - `cache` package set
# - `meta` package set (packages created by the build)
# - `extra_base_packages` package set (the packages whose contents are
# incorporated into the `base` package contents, not as packages that are
# individually listed in the base package set)
# The following target names are used:
# `package_manifest_list.[base, cache, extra_base]` -> These are the raw lists
# of package manifests that are gathered via metadata walks
# `assembly_config_input.[base, cache, extra_base]` -> These are the converted
# versions of the lists into the format as expected by the tooling.
# Helper template to create the package list inputs.
template("list_package_manifests") {
generated_file(target_name) {
data_keys = [ "package_output_manifests" ]
walk_keys = [ "package_barrier" ]
outputs = [ invoker.filename ]
output_conversion = "json"
rebase = root_build_dir
list_package_manifests("package_manifest_list.base") {
testonly = true
filename = files.base_package_list
deps = [
list_package_manifests("package_manifest_list.cache") {
testonly = true
filename = files.cache_package_list
deps = [ ":cache_packages" ]
list_package_manifests("package_manifest_list.extra_base") {
testonly = true
filename = files.extra_base_package_list
deps = [ "//build/input:system_image" ]
generated_file("package_manifest_list.extra_base_deps") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "system_image_extra_package_manifest" ]
walk_keys = [ "system_image_extra_package_manifest_barrier" ]
outputs = [ files.extra_base_deps_package_list ]
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [
# Setup the inputs for the ZBI creation
generated_file(labels.kernel_image_metadata) {
data_keys = [ "images" ]
outputs = [ files.kernel_image_metadata ]
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [ dep_labels.kernel_image ]
generated_file(labels.kernel_cmdline_args_metadata) {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "zbi_config_entry" ]
walk_keys = [ "zbi_input_barrier" ]
outputs = [ files.kernel_cmdline_args_metadata ]
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [ dep_labels.kernel_cmdline_args ]
if (bootfs_only) {
# Bringup has an empty devmgr config.
resource("bringup_devmgr_config.txt") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "bringup_devmgr_config.txt" ]
outputs = [ "config/devmgr" ]
generated_file(labels.bootfs_entries_metadata) {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "distribution_entries" ]
walk_keys = [ "distribution_entries_barrier" ]
outputs = [ files.bootfs_entries_metadata ]
output_conversion = "json"
deps = [ dep_labels.bootfs_entries ]
if (uses_base_package) {
# Use the devmgr config for pkgfs
deps += [ "//build/images:devmgr_config" ]
} else {
# In a bootfs-only build, all packages need to be included in bootfs, and so
# must be added here, along with the empty devmgr config.
deps += [
# Create the configuration file for the assembly tool
action("create_config") {
testonly = true
script = ""
inputs = []
deps = []
args = []
# If we have a base package (the usual case), then add those inputs, deps, and
# args to the config creation.
if (uses_base_package) {
inputs += [
deps += [
args += [
# All builds must use a ZBI, and those relevant inputs, deps, and args:
inputs += [
deps += [
args += [
outputs = [ files.assembly_config ]
# Generate the board config
# This is all generated from GN args. Some values are stubs
generated_file(labels.board_config) {
testonly = true
public_deps = []
outputs = [ files.board_config ]
output_conversion = "json"
contents = {
board_name = board_name
arch = target_cpu
zbi = {
partition = "zircon_a"
name = "fuchsia"
max_size = 0
compression = zbi_compression
if (use_vbmeta) {
vbmeta = {
partition = "vbmeta_a"
kernel_partition = "zircon"
key = rebase_path(avb_key, root_build_dir)
key_metadata = rebase_path(avb_atx_metadata, root_build_dir)
additional_descriptor_files =
rebase_path(board_extra_vbmeta_descriptors, root_build_dir)
# TODO(aaronwood) - Remove when no longer matching against other impl.
salt = file_args.fuchsia_vbmeta_salt
fvm = {
partition = "stub"
# If vbmeta was used, and a salt file is defined, add the fuchsia vbmeta
# label to deps.
if (use_vbmeta) {
public_deps += [ dep_labels.fuchsia_vbmeta ]
# Create the images themselves using `ffx assembly`
ffx_action("images") {
# TODO( - Add depfile support and then remove the following
hermetic_deps = false
testonly = true
deps = [
args = [
inputs = [
outputs = []
# Base package outputs, if this configuration uses them
if (uses_base_package) {
outputs += [
# intermediate outputs that are in gendir:
# zbi outputs
outputs += [
if (use_vbmeta) {
inputs += [ files.fuchsia_vbmeta_salt ]
outputs += [ files.vbmeta ]
# Validation that the inputs generated for the ffx assembly match those of the
# current implementation in //build/images/
# NOTE: For consistency, the //build/images/ inputs and outputs are
# always listed as the "first" file, and the files generated in this
# file are listed as the "second" file, to keep the diff view
# of the files consistent (left=first=original, right=second=new)
group("input_validation_checks") {
testonly = true
deps = []
if (uses_base_package) {
deps += [
if (uses_base_package) {
verify_files_match("pkgsvr_index.matches") {
testonly = true
deps = [
first = "$root_build_dir/obj/build/images/pkgsvr_index"
second = files.gen_base_static_packages
display_text_diff_on_failure = true
verify_files_match("cache_index.matches") {
testonly = true
deps = [
first = "$root_build_dir/obj/build/images/cache_index"
second = files.gen_base_cache_packages
display_text_diff_on_failure = true
# Validation checks that the base package contents matches the system-image
# package contents
group("output_validation_checks") {
testonly = true
deps = []
if (uses_base_package) {
deps += [
deps += [
if (use_vbmeta) {
deps += [ ":vbmeta_matches" ]
if (uses_base_package) {
# Extract system-image's package's contents for inspection
compiled_action("extract_system_image_pkg") {
testonly = true
tool = "//src/sys/pkg/bin/far:bin"
tool_output_name = "far"
args = [
inputs = [ files.system_image_pkg ]
outputs = [
deps = [ "//build/images:system_image.meta" ]
# Extract base package's contents for inspection
compiled_action("extract_base_pkg") {
testonly = true
tool = "//src/sys/pkg/bin/far:bin"
tool_output_name = "far"
args = [
inputs = [ files.base_pkg ]
outputs = [
deps = [ ":images" ]
verify_files_match("base_pkg_meta_contents_matches") {
testonly = true
deps = [
first = files.extracted_sysimg_meta_contents
second = files.extracted_base_meta_contents
display_text_diff_on_failure = true
verify_files_match("base_pkg_meta_far_matches") {
testonly = true
deps = [
first = files.system_image_pkg
second = files.base_pkg
verify_files_match("zbi_matches") {
testonly = true
deps = [
first = files.zbi
second = files.fuchsia_zbi
verify_files_match("zbi_manifest_matches") {
testonly = true
deps = [
first = files.fuchsia_zbi_manifest
second = files.zbi_manifest
display_text_diff_on_failure = true
if (use_vbmeta) {
verify_files_match("vbmeta_matches") {
testonly = true
deps = [
first = files.fuchsia_vbmeta
second = files.vbmeta