blob: 8e965180db0ad7eaa3a0065eba2392dcd1a10b99 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a Rust procedural macro
# Parameters
# output_name (optional)
# name (optional, deprecated)
# Name of the crate as defined in its manifest file. If not specified, it is
# assumed to be the same as the target name.
# version (optional)
# Semver version of the crate as seen on
# edition (optional)
# Edition of the Rust language to be used.
# Options are "2015" and "2018". Defaults to "2018".
# configs (optional)
# A list of config labels applying to this target.
# enforce_source_listing (optional)
# When true, enforces that any source files used by the Rust compiler are
# listed in `sources`. Defaults to true.
# sources (optional)
# List of source files which this crate is allowed to compile. Only
# allowed when `enforce_source_listing = true`.
# The Rust compiler discovers source files by following `mod` declarations
# starting at the `source_root`. The discovered source files must match this
# list.
# inputs (optional)
# List of additional non-source files read by the compiler. These are typically
# configuration or test-data files included in the build with the `include_str!`
# macro. Only allowed when `enforce_source_listing = true`.
# deps (optional)
# List of rust_library GN targets on which this crate depends.
# Third party crates can be included through paths like
# "//third_party/rust_crates:<cratename>".
# test_deps (optional)
# List of rust_library GN targets on which this crate's tests depend.
# non_rust_deps (optional)
# List of non-rust_library GN targets on which this crate depends.
# Obsolete. Please use deps instead.
# data_deps (optional)
# List of GN targets that are only needed at runtime.
# with_unit_tests (optional)
# Builds unit tests associated with the library. This will create a
# `<name>_test` test file in the output directory. Equivalent to adding a
# `rustc_test` target with that name and the same source_root.
# source_root (optional)
# Location of the crate root (e.g. `src/` or `src/`).
# This defaults to `./src/` for binaries and `./src/` for libraries,
# and should only be changed when absolutely necessary
# (such as in the case of generated code).
# output_dir (optional)
# Directory that the resulting macro should be placed in.
# See: `gn help output_dir`
# disable_rbe (optional)
# Set to true to force this target to build locally, overriding the global `enable_rbe`.
# disable_clippy (optional)
# Don't run clippy on this target.
# Example of usage:
# rustc_macro("foo") {
# deps = [
# "//garnet/public/rust/bar",
# "//third_party/rust_crates:serde",
# "//third_party/rust_crates:slab",
# ]
# sources = [ "src/" ]
# }
template("rustc_macro") {
# Compiling procedural macros is... a bit awkward.
# Even though they're provided to crates that use them as if they were normal
# external crates, they're actually '.so'/'.dylib's that are compiled for the host machine
# and then linked into the compiler, so they and all their dependencies should
# be built for the host target.
# Once this is done, the resulting artifacts are copied into the Fuchsia target
# directories to act as if they had been built for Fuchsia. In order to avoid
# conflicts, the outputs of the original (host) artifact are built with a
# `_proc_macro` suffix added onto the end, which is removed when they're copied
# into the final target directory.
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
proc_macro_target = "${target_name}_proc_macro"
assert(!(defined(invoker.output_name) && defined(,
"Only one of output_name and name may be specified.")
# The 'is_host' var is true in situations that we don't want, such as
# sanitizers and cross-compiling for _other_ hosts.
# We only want this to be run in _this_ machine's host_toolchain, and then
# only in its base variant.
# This confirms that this is running on _this_ machine's host_toolchain.
in_host_compiler_toolchain = current_toolchain == host_toolchain
# This confirms that it's also running on the base variant of the host_toolchain.
in_host_base_variant =
in_host_compiler_toolchain && current_toolchain == toolchain_variant.base
# The actual host-target build of the proc macro crate.
if (in_host_base_variant) {
package_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
package_name = invoker.output_name
} else if (defined( {
package_name =
crate_name = string_replace(package_name, "-", "_")
if (!defined(invoker.source_root)) {
source_root = "src/"
} else {
source_root = invoker.source_root
_sources = []
_deps = []
if (!defined(invoker.enforce_source_listing) ||
invoker.enforce_source_listing == true) {
# fail early when the user forgets to list sources
assert(defined(invoker.sources), "sources must be listed")
_sources = invoker.sources
} else {
not_needed(invoker, [ "sources" ])
# This is a hack to workaround the fact that a GN `tool` invocation can't receive arbitrary input.
# Add a sentinel value so that enforcement is skipped.
_sources = [ "//build/rust/" ]
# Opting out of strict sources check requires that the package is present
# in a global allow-list.
_deps += [ "//build/rust:disable_strict_sources_check_allowlist" ]
rustc_artifact(proc_macro_target) {
target_type = "rust_proc_macro"
configs = []
configs = invoker.configs
crate_root = source_root
clippy_crate_type = "proc-macro"
pass_through = {
output_name = crate_name
deps = _deps
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
# TODO( remove "non_rust_deps"
if (defined(invoker.non_rust_deps)) {
deps += invoker.non_rust_deps
sources = _sources
} else {
not_needed(invoker, "*")
# If "with_unit_tests" is set to true, generate an additional rust test
# target. Since the parent rule is used to compile macros, which only run on
# the host, only run the test code for the macros on the host.
# TODO( accept a string.
if (defined(invoker.with_unit_tests) && invoker.with_unit_tests == true) {
if (in_host_compiler_toolchain) {
rustc_test("${target_name}_test") {
name = invoker.target_name + "_test"
if (defined( {
name = + "_test"
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "name" ])
configs += [ "//build/config/rust:proc_macro_test" ]
} else {
# For convenience, create a forwarding target that points to the on-host
# test target. This allows developers to list "${target_name}_test" in a
# test group instead of "${target_name}_test($host_toolchain)" to include
# the test target generated for this rule.
group("${target_name}_test") {
public_deps = [ ":${target_name}($host_toolchain)" ]
testonly = true
# proc_macros are loadable modules that are used by the rustc compiler itself,
# and as such, need to be compiled in the _base_ (non-sanitizer) variant of
# host toolchain.
# The following creates a set of dependencies through groups that
# link from the current toolchain to the base toolchain of the host_toolchain
# variant:
# target_name($current_toolchain) // omitted if already in host.
# |- target_name($host_toolchain)
# |- proc_macro_target($host_toolchain_base)
# If not in _this_ machine's host_toolchain, switch to it.
if (!in_host_compiler_toolchain) {
group(target_name) {
public_deps = [ ":${target_name}($host_toolchain)" ]
# the proc_macro_target isn't used.
not_needed([ "proc_macro_target" ])
} else {
# now in the proper host_toolchain, have the group depend on the base of the host
# toolchain's variant
group(target_name) {
public_deps = [ ":${proc_macro_target}(${toolchain_variant.base})" ]