blob: c3248c1d4b76f8c82e348a0b62f5b0271ee3d71f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:fxtest/fxtest.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
enum MatchLength {
/// Matching mode that requires entire matches. Does not allow contains,
/// startsWith, or endsWith.
/// Matching mode that allows for partial matches. DOES allow contains,
/// startsWith, or endsWith.
/// A filter on compatibility between various `fx test ...` invocations
/// and flavors of desired behavior.
abstract class TestAttributeMatcher {
/// List of [MatchType]s a certain [TestAttributeMatcher] is allowed to evaluate.
/// Do not bother adding [MatchType.unrestricted], as that is always allowed
/// to pass.
List<MatchType> allowedMatchTypes = const [];
/// Provides compatibility checks for given `fx test` parameters. Returns
/// `true` if `testsConfig` is compatible with `testDefinition`.
/// Separates the two logical chunks of whether a single test is aligned with
/// a user's test run parameters. Importantly, this allows us to compose
/// [TestAttributeMatchers] out of Mixins and avoid requiring a combinatorial
/// amount of [TestAttributeMatcher] subclasses to solve the possibly combinatorial
/// amount of situations.
ComparisonResult isAttributeMatch(
String? testName,
TestDefinition testDefinition, {
required MatchType matchType,
required Flags flags,
required Comparer comparer,
required MatchLength matchLength,
}) {
bool isAllowed = _testPassesFlags(flags, testDefinition) &&
if (isAllowed) {
return _testPassesNullAwareNameCheck(
matchLength: matchLength,
comparer: comparer,
return ComparisonResult.failure;
bool _matchTypeIsAllowed(MatchType matchType) =>
matchType == MatchType.unrestricted ||
/// Compares a [TestDefinition] against the complete set of flags provided by
/// the developer.
/// Compatibility filter that is called once per test, since the flags are
/// considered as a whole and are not permutated like `testName` values.
/// For example, a developer may pass `--host` to signify that they only want
/// to run host tests, or possibly `--host -XYZ` to append the `XYZ` filter.
/// In either case, a test either survives all flag checks or not.
bool _testPassesFlags(Flags flags, TestDefinition testDefinition) {
if (flags.shouldOnlyRunDeviceTests && testDefinition.os != 'fuchsia') {
return false;
if (flags.shouldOnlyRunHostTests && testDefinition.os == 'fuchsia') {
return false;
return true;
/// Wrapper around [_testPassesNameCheck] which handles the case where the
/// [testName] is [null], because that logic is straightforward and this way,
/// no other implementations have to worry about [null] values.
ComparisonResult _testPassesNullAwareNameCheck(
String? testName,
TestDefinition testDefinition, {
required MatchLength matchLength,
required Comparer comparer,
}) {
// Handles the case where a user typed `fx test` without any test names
// (but possible flags).
if (testName == null) {
return ComparisonResult.strict(isMatch: this is NoArgumentsMatcher);
// Handles cases where a user typed `fx test [test-name...]` (and possible
// flags).
return _testPassesNameCheck(testName, testDefinition,
matchLength: matchLength, comparer: comparer);
/// Compares a [TestDefinition] against a single `testName` parameter provided
/// by the developer.
/// Compatibility filter that is called N times for each test, where N is the
/// number of `testNames` provided by the user. In a situation where the
/// developer supplied `["//networking", "//graphics"]` for `testNames`, this
/// function will be called twice (once for each value) for each test.
ComparisonResult _testPassesNameCheck(
String testName, TestDefinition testDefinition,
{required MatchLength matchLength, required Comparer comparer});
class LabelMatcher extends TestAttributeMatcher {
/// Indicates a positive match if the [TestDefinition]'s `"label"` field matches
/// the given [testName].
ComparisonResult _testPassesNameCheck(
String testName, TestDefinition testDefinition,
{required MatchLength matchLength, required Comparer comparer}) {
if (testDefinition.label == null) return ComparisonResult.failure;
return matchLength == MatchLength.full
? comparer.equals(testDefinition.label, testName)
: comparer.startsWith(testDefinition.label, testName);
class RuntimeDepsMatcher extends TestAttributeMatcher {
/// Indicates a positive match if the [TestDefinition]'s `"runtime_deps"` field
/// matches the given [testName].
ComparisonResult _testPassesNameCheck(
String testName, TestDefinition testDefinition,
{required MatchLength matchLength, required Comparer comparer}) {
if (testDefinition.runtimeDeps == null) return ComparisonResult.failure;
return matchLength == MatchLength.full
? comparer.equals(testName, testDefinition.runtimeDeps)
: comparer.contains(testDefinition.runtimeDeps, testName);
class NameMatcher extends TestAttributeMatcher {
ComparisonResult _testPassesNameCheck(
String testName, TestDefinition testDefinition,
{required MatchLength matchLength, required Comparer comparer}) {
return matchLength == MatchLength.full
? comparer.equals(, testName)
: comparer.contains(, testName);
class PackageUrlMatcher extends TestAttributeMatcher {
/// Indicates a positive match if the passed `testName` is both a validated
/// Fuchsia Package URL and matches a [TestDefinition] from `tests.json`
ComparisonResult _testPassesNameCheck(
String testName, TestDefinition testDefinition,
{required MatchLength matchLength, required Comparer comparer}) {
if (testDefinition.packageUrl == null) return ComparisonResult.failure;
return matchLength == MatchLength.full
? comparer.equals(testDefinition.packageUrl.toString(), testName)
: comparer.startsWith(testDefinition.packageUrl.toString(), testName);
class ComponentNameMatcher extends TestAttributeMatcher {
List<MatchType> get allowedMatchTypes => [MatchType.componentName];
/// Indicates a positive match if the passed `testName` matches the
/// `componentName` chunk of this [TestDefinition] instance's [PackageUrl]
/// object.
ComparisonResult _testPassesNameCheck(
String testName, TestDefinition testDefinition,
{required MatchLength matchLength, required Comparer comparer}) {
var fullCompResult =
comparer.equals(testName, testDefinition.packageUrl?.fullComponentName);
var partialCompResult =
comparer.equals(testName, testDefinition.packageUrl?.componentName);
return ComparisonResult.bestResult(fullCompResult, partialCompResult);
class PackageNameMatcher extends TestAttributeMatcher {
List<MatchType> get allowedMatchTypes => [MatchType.packageName];
/// Indicates a positive match if passed `testName` matches the `packageName`
/// chunk of this [TestDefinition] instance's [PackageUrl] object.
ComparisonResult _testPassesNameCheck(
String testName, TestDefinition testDefinition,
{required MatchLength matchLength, required Comparer comparer}) {
return comparer.equals(testName, testDefinition.packageUrl?.packageName);
/// [TestAttributeMatcher] that green-lights every test if a user passed no test
/// names, but is a no-op otherwise.
class NoArgumentsMatcher extends TestAttributeMatcher {
// Never called when the value is actually `null`, due to the structure of
// `TestAttributeMatcher`, so must always return `false`.
ComparisonResult _testPassesNameCheck(
String testName,
TestDefinition testDefinition, {
required MatchLength matchLength,
required Comparer comparer,
}) =>
/// [TestAttributeMatcher] that green-lights a test that matches or descends from
/// a supplied path in the build output.
class PathMatcher extends TestAttributeMatcher {
ComparisonResult _testPassesNameCheck(
String testName, TestDefinition testDefinition,
{required MatchLength matchLength, required Comparer comparer}) {
if (testDefinition.path == null) return ComparisonResult.failure;
if (matchLength == MatchLength.full) {
return comparer.equals(testName, testDefinition.path);
// A dot here signifies that the user ran `fx test .` *from the build
// directory itself*, which means that all host test paths which are
// relative from that directory must obviously pass.
// Related to this is that host test paths are written as relative paths,
// (e.g., no leading slash) and on-device tests are written as absolute
// paths (often starting with "/pkgfs").
// Here we want to match all paths that are relative (and by extension, host
// tests nested inside the build directory). This type of clause also makes
// no sense to engage with FuzzyMatching, so we skip over it for that phase.
if (testName == '.' &&
!(testDefinition.path?.startsWith(p.separator) ?? false) &&
comparer is StrictComparer) {
return ComparisonResult.withConfidence(1);
// Otherwise, do the standard
return comparer.contains(testDefinition.path, testName);