blob: 9a98659dd57d011eefc3acdb2dc10cc86e86506c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (profile_source_files != []) {
# This can't use a generated_file() target because there's no way to
# express the deps to make GN accept the file in the inputs list if it's
# the output of some target.
_profile_source_files_file = "$root_out_dir/profile-source-files.list"
_profile_source_files_lines = []
foreach(file, profile_source_files) {
_profile_source_files_lines +=
[ "src:" + rebase_path(file, root_build_dir) ]
"list lines")
profile_source_files_list_files += [ _profile_source_files_file ]
# Common flags for all coverage-based variants defined below.
# IMPORTANT: This should not include any rust or linker flags!
_coverage_common_flags = [
_coverage_inputs = profile_source_files_list_files
foreach(file, profile_source_files_list_files) {
_coverage_common_flags +=
[ "-fprofile-list=" + rebase_path(file, root_build_dir) ]
variant("coverage") {
common_flags = _coverage_common_flags
inputs = _coverage_inputs
if (!is_kernel && is_fuchsia) {
# The statically-linked profiling runtime depends on libzircon.
# TODO( Ensure this works with shared_library() instances too!
deps = [ "//src/zircon/lib/zircon" ]
dynamic_linker_flags = "-dynamic-linker=coverage/"
ldflags = [ "-Wl,$dynamic_linker_flags" ]
rustflags = [ "-Clink-arg=$dynamic_linker_flags" ]
# TODO( Remove this workaround after we diagnose and address
# the compiler issue, see the bug for more details.
libs = [ "./llvm_profile_counter_bias.ld" ]
# This variant is similar to `coverage` but is used to only compile sdk_source_set()
# targets with coverage instrumentation. This works as follows:
# - Unlike `coverage`, this variant does not add assembler and compiler flags
# to enable profiling instrumentation.
# - The sdk_source_set() template adds the "coverage-sdk-source-config" config
# to its inner target when they are built in the "coverage-sdk" variant. This
# adds the necessary cflags/asmflags when building the target.
# - All final binaries (executables and shared libraries) are linked to the
# profiling runtime. Even if none of their code is actually instrumented.
# - Since this is an instrumented build variant, the libdir is 'lib/coverage-sdk'.
variant("coverage-sdk") {
inputs = _coverage_inputs
if (!is_kernel && is_fuchsia) {
# The statically-linked profiling runtime depends on libzircon.
# TODO( Ensure this works with shared_library() instances too!
deps = [ "//src/zircon/lib/zircon" ]
# All instrumented build variants place their dynamic loader and dependency
# libraries under lib/<variant>/ so ensure generated executables will find
# it here. See toolchain_variant.libprefix definition.
dynamic_linker_flags = "-dynamic-linker=coverage-sdk/"
ldflags = [ "-Wl,$dynamic_linker_flags" ]
rustflags = [ "-Clink-arg=$dynamic_linker_flags" ]
ldflags += [ "-fprofile-instr-generate" ]
# This config should only be added to sdk_source_set() targets.
config("coverage-sdk-source-config") {
cflags = _coverage_common_flags
asmflags = _coverage_common_flags
variant("profile") {
common_flags = _coverage_common_flags
inputs = profile_source_files_list_files
foreach(file, profile_source_files_list_files) {
common_flags += [ "-fprofile-list=" + rebase_path(file, root_build_dir) ]
if (!is_kernel && is_fuchsia) {
# The statically-linked profiling runtime depends on libzircon.
# TODO( Ensure this works with shared_library() instances too!
deps = [ "//src/zircon/lib/zircon" ]
dynamic_linker_flags = "-dynamic-linker=profile/"
ldflags = [ "-Wl,$dynamic_linker_flags" ]
rustflags = [ "-Clink-arg=$dynamic_linker_flags" ]
# Only enable either "coverage-rust" or clang coverage (variant("profile") or variant("coverage")),
# not both.
# -Zinstrument-coverage is known to work with -Copt-level=1 (or 2 or 3, possibly others)
# in tested cases. If helpful, we may want to include it.
# DO NOT NAME THIS WITH PREFIX `rust-`. The prefix will be stripped in some cases, and fail to
# work with other cases that do not expect the stripped prefix.
variant("coverage-rust") {
rustflags = [ "-Zinstrument-coverage" ]
# TODO: Update this once rust updates its LLVM to version 13.
if (is_fuchsia) {
rustflags += [ "-Clink-arg=-znostart-stop-gc" ]
} else {
rustflags += [ "-Clink-arg=-Wl,-z,nostart-stop-gc" ]
if (!is_kernel && is_fuchsia) {
# The statically-linked profiling runtime depends on libzircon.
# TODO( Ensure this works with shared_library() instances too!
deps = [ "//src/zircon/lib/zircon" ]
dynamic_linker_flags = "-dynamic-linker=coverage-rust/"
ldflags = [ "-Wl,$dynamic_linker_flags" ]
rustflags += [ "-Clink-arg=$dynamic_linker_flags" ]