blob: ccdfccaec771eef4dd36c73433e2508265dae2ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::Error;
use async_utils::hanging_get::client::HangingGetStream;
use fidl::endpoints::RequestStream;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::PeerId;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys::{
AccessMarker, AccessProxy, BondableMode, ConfigurationMarker, ConfigurationProxy, HostInfo,
HostWatcherMarker, InputCapability, OutputCapability, PairingDelegateMarker,
PairingDelegateRequest, PairingDelegateRequestStream, PairingMethod, PairingOptions,
PairingSecurityLevel, Peer, ProcedureTokenProxy, Settings, TechnologyType,
use fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, DurationExt, TimeoutExt};
use fuchsia_bluetooth::types::Address;
use fuchsia_component as component;
use fuchsia_syslog::macros::{fx_log_err, fx_log_info};
use fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, DurationNum};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::bluetooth::types::SerializablePeer;
use crate::common_utils::common::macros::{fx_err_and_bail, with_line};
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use derivative::Derivative;
static ERR_NO_ACCESS_PROXY_DETECTED: &'static str = "No Bluetooth Access Proxy detected.";
struct InnerBluetoothSysFacade {
/// The current Bluetooth Access Interface Proxy
access_proxy: Option<AccessProxy>,
/// The current fuchsia.bluetooth.sys.Configuration Proxy
config_proxy: Option<ConfigurationProxy>,
/// The MPSC Sender object for sending the pin to the pairing delegate.
client_pin_sender: Option<mpsc::Sender<String>>,
/// The MPSC Receiver object for sending the pin out from the pairing delegate.
client_pin_receiver: Option<mpsc::Receiver<String>>,
/// Discovered device list
discovered_device_list: HashMap<u64, SerializablePeer>,
/// Discoverable token
discoverable_token: Option<ProcedureTokenProxy>,
/// Discovery token
discovery_token: Option<ProcedureTokenProxy>,
/// Peer Watcher Stream for incomming and dropped peers
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
peer_watcher_stream: Option<HangingGetStream<(Vec<Peer>, Vec<PeerId>)>>,
/// Host Watcher Stream for watching hosts
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
host_watcher_stream: Option<HangingGetStream<Vec<HostInfo>>>,
/// Current active BT address
active_bt_address: Option<String>,
pub struct BluetoothSysFacade {
inner: RwLock<InnerBluetoothSysFacade>,
/// Perform Bluetooth Access operations.
/// Note this object is shared among all threads created by server.
impl BluetoothSysFacade {
pub fn new() -> BluetoothSysFacade {
BluetoothSysFacade {
inner: RwLock::new(InnerBluetoothSysFacade {
access_proxy: None,
config_proxy: None,
client_pin_sender: None,
client_pin_receiver: None,
discovered_device_list: HashMap::new(),
discoverable_token: None,
discovery_token: None,
peer_watcher_stream: None,
host_watcher_stream: None,
active_bt_address: None,
pub fn init_proxies(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::init_proxies";
let mut inner = self.inner.write();
let access_proxy = match inner.access_proxy.clone() {
Some(proxy) => {
fx_log_info!(tag: &with_line!(tag), "Current access proxy: {:?}", proxy);
None => {
fx_log_info!(tag: &with_line!(tag), "Setting new access proxy");
let proxy = component::client::connect_to_service::<AccessMarker>();
if let Err(err) = proxy {
format_err!("Failed to create access proxy: {:?}", err)
let access_proxy = access_proxy.unwrap();
inner.access_proxy = Some(access_proxy.clone());
inner.peer_watcher_stream =
Some(HangingGetStream::new(Box::new(move || Some(access_proxy.watch_peers()))));
let host_watcher_proxy = match component::client::connect_to_service::<HostWatcherMarker>()
Ok(proxy) => proxy,
Err(err) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format_err!("Failed to connect to HostWatcher: {}", err)
inner.host_watcher_stream =
Some(HangingGetStream::new(Box::new(move || Some(;
let configuration_proxy =
match component::client::connect_to_service::<ConfigurationMarker>() {
Ok(proxy) => proxy,
Err(err) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format_err!("Failed to connect to configuration service: {}", err)
inner.config_proxy = Some(configuration_proxy);
pub async fn monitor_pairing_delegate_request_stream(
mut stream: PairingDelegateRequestStream,
mut pin_receiver: mpsc::Receiver<String>,
mut pin_sender: mpsc::Sender<String>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::monitor_pairing_delegate_request_stream";
while let Some(request) = {
match request {
Ok(r) => match r {
PairingDelegateRequest::OnPairingComplete {
control_handle: _,
} => {
tag: &with_line!(tag),
"Pairing complete for peer (id: {}, status: {})",
match success {
true => "Success",
false => "Failure",
PairingDelegateRequest::OnPairingRequest {
} => {
let _res = pin_sender.try_send(displayed_passkey.to_string());
let address = match &peer.address {
Some(address) => Address::from(address).to_string(),
None => "Unknown Address".to_string(),
tag: &with_line!(tag),
"Pairing request from peer: {}",
match & {
Some(name) => format!("{} ({})", name, address),
None => address,
let consent = true;
let default_passkey = "000000".to_string();
let (confirm, entered_passkey) = match method {
PairingMethod::Consent => (consent, None),
PairingMethod::PasskeyComparison => (consent, None),
PairingMethod::PasskeyDisplay => {
"Passkey {:?} provided for 'Passkey Display`.",
(true, None)
PairingMethod::PasskeyEntry => {
let timeout = 30.seconds(); // Spec defined timeout
let pin = match pin_receiver
.on_timeout(timeout.after_now(), || None)
Some(p) => p,
_ => {
tag: &with_line!(tag),
"No pairing pin found from remote host."
(consent, Some(pin))
let _ = responder.send(
match entered_passkey {
Some(passkey) => passkey.parse::<u32>().unwrap(),
None => 0u32,
PairingDelegateRequest::OnRemoteKeypress {
control_handle: _,
} => {
tag: &with_line!(tag),
"Unhandled OnRemoteKeypress for Device: {} | {:?}",
Err(r) => return Err(format_err!("Error during handling request stream: {:?}", r)),
/// Starts the pairing delegate with I/O Capabilities as required inputs.
/// # Arguments
/// * `input` - A String representing the input capability.
/// Available values: NONE, CONFIRMATION, KEYBOARD
/// * `output` - A String representing the output capability
/// Available values: NONE, DISPLAY
pub async fn accept_pairing(&self, input: &str, output: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::accept_pairing";
let input_capability = match input {
"NONE" => InputCapability::None,
"CONFIRMATION" => InputCapability::Confirmation,
"KEYBOARD" => InputCapability::Keyboard,
_ => {
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), format!("Invalid Input Capability {:?}", input))
let output_capability = match output {
"NONE" => OutputCapability::None,
"DISPLAY" => OutputCapability::Display,
_ => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Invalid Output Capability {:?}", output)
fx_log_info!(tag: &with_line!(tag), "Accepting pairing");
let (delegate_local, delegate_remote) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let delegate_local = fasync::Channel::from_channel(delegate_local)?;
let delegate_ptr =
let _result = match & {
Some(p) => p.set_pairing_delegate(input_capability, output_capability, delegate_ptr),
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No Bluetooth Access Proxy Set."),
let delegate_request_stream = PairingDelegateRequestStream::from_channel(delegate_local);
let (sender, pin_receiver) = mpsc::channel(10);
let (pin_sender, receiever) = mpsc::channel(10);
let pairing_delegate_fut = BluetoothSysFacade::monitor_pairing_delegate_request_stream(
self.inner.write().client_pin_sender = Some(sender);
self.inner.write().client_pin_receiver = Some(receiever);
let fut = async {
let result = pairing_delegate_fut.await;
if let Err(err) = result {
tag: &with_line!("BluetoothSysFacade::accept_pairing"),
"Failed to create or monitor the pairing service delegate: {:?}",
/// Sets an access proxy to use if one is not already in use.
pub async fn init_access_proxy(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
pub async fn input_pairing_pin(&self, pin: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::input_pairing_pin";
match {
Some(mut sender) => sender.try_send(pin)?,
None => {
let err_msg = "No sender setup for pairing delegate.".to_string();
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), err_msg)
pub async fn get_pairing_pin(&self) -> Result<String, Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::get_pairing_pin";
let pin = match &mut self.inner.write().client_pin_receiver {
Some(receiever) => match receiever.try_next() {
Ok(value) => match value {
Some(v) => v,
None => return Err(format_err!("Error getting pin from pairing delegate.")),
Err(_e) => {
let err_msg = "No pairing pin sent from the pairing delegate.".to_string();
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), err_msg)
None => {
let err_str = "No receiever setup for pairing delegate.".to_string();
fx_log_err!(tag: &with_line!(tag), "{}", err_str);
/// Sets the current access proxy to be discoverable.
/// # Arguments
/// * 'discoverable' - A bool object for setting Bluetooth device discoverable or not.
pub async fn set_discoverable(&self, discoverable: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::set_discoverable";
if !discoverable {
self.inner.write().discoverable_token = None;
} else {
let token = match & {
Some(proxy) => {
let (token, token_server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let resp = proxy.make_discoverable(token_server).await?;
if let Err(err) = resp {
let err_msg = format_err!("Error: {:?}", err);
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), err_msg)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", ERR_NO_ACCESS_PROXY_DETECTED.to_string())
self.inner.write().discoverable_token = Some(token);
/// Sets the current access proxy name.
/// # Arguments
/// * 'name' - A String object representing the name to set.
pub async fn set_name(&self, name: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::set_name";
match & {
Some(proxy) => {
let resp = proxy.set_local_name(&name);
if let Err(err) = resp {
let err_msg = format_err!("Error: {:?}", err);
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), err_msg)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", ERR_NO_ACCESS_PROXY_DETECTED.to_string())
/// Starts discovery on the Bluetooth Access Proxy.
/// # Arguments
/// * 'discovery' - A bool representing starting and stopping discovery.
pub async fn start_discovery(&self, discovery: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::start_discovery";
if !discovery {
self.inner.write().discovery_token = None;
} else {
let token = match & {
Some(proxy) => {
let (token, token_server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let resp = proxy.start_discovery(token_server).await?;
if let Err(err) = resp {
let err_msg = format_err!("Error: {:?}", err);
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), err_msg)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", ERR_NO_ACCESS_PROXY_DETECTED.to_string())
self.inner.write().discovery_token = Some(token);
/// Returns a hashmap of the known devices on the Bluetooth Access proxy.
pub async fn get_known_remote_devices(&self) -> Result<HashMap<u64, SerializablePeer>, Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::get_known_remote_devices";
let default_return =;
let (discovered_devices, removed_peers) = match &mut self.inner.write().peer_watcher_stream
Some(stream) => {
match, || None).await {
Some(r) => match r {
Ok(d) => d,
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", format!("Peer Watcher Stream failed with: {:?}", e))
None => return Ok(default_return),
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", "Peer Watcher Stream not available")
let serialized_peers_map: HashMap<u64, SerializablePeer> =
discovered_devices.iter().map(|d| (, d.into())).collect();
let mut known_devices = self.inner.write().discovered_device_list.clone();
for peer_id in removed_peers {
if known_devices.contains_key(&peer_id.value) {
fx_log_info!(tag: tag, "Peer {:?} removed.", peer_id);
self.inner.write().discovered_device_list = known_devices;
/// Forgets (Unbonds) an input device ID.
/// # Arguments
/// * `id` - A u64 representing the device ID.
pub async fn forget(&self, id: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::forget";
match & {
Some(proxy) => {
let resp = proxy.forget(&mut PeerId { value: id }).await?;
if let Err(err) = resp {
let err_msg = format_err!("Error: {:?}", err);
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), err_msg)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", ERR_NO_ACCESS_PROXY_DETECTED.to_string())
/// Connects over BR/EDR to an input device ID.
/// # Arguments
/// * `id` - A u64 representing the device ID.
pub async fn connect(&self, id: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::connect";
match & {
Some(proxy) => {
let resp = proxy.connect(&mut PeerId { value: id }).await?;
if let Err(err) = resp {
let err_msg = format_err!("Error: {:?}", err);
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), err_msg)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", ERR_NO_ACCESS_PROXY_DETECTED.to_string())
/// Sends an outgoing pairing request over BR/EDR or LE to an input device ID.
/// # Arguments
/// * `id` - A u64 representing the device ID.
/// * `pairing_security_level_value` - The security level required for this pairing request
/// represented as a u64. (Only for LE pairing)
/// Available Values
/// 1 - ENCRYPTED: Encrypted without MITM protection (unauthenticated)
/// 2 - AUTHENTICATED: Encrypted with MITM protection (authenticated).
/// None: Used for BR/EDR
/// * `bondable` - A bool representing whether the pairing mode is bondable or not. None is
/// also accepted. False if non bondable, True if bondable.
/// * `transport_value` - A u64 representing the transport type.
/// Available Values
/// 1 - BREDR: Classic BR/EDR transport
/// 2 - LE: Bluetooth Low Energy Transport
pub async fn pair(
id: u64,
pairing_security_level_value: Option<u64>,
bondable: Option<bool>,
transport_value: u64,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::pair";
let pairing_security_level = match pairing_security_level_value {
Some(value) => match value {
1 => Some(PairingSecurityLevel::Encrypted),
2 => Some(PairingSecurityLevel::Authenticated),
_ => fx_err_and_bail!(
"Invalid pairing security level provided: {:?}",
None => None,
let transport = match transport_value {
1 => TechnologyType::Classic,
2 => TechnologyType::LowEnergy,
_ => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("Invalid transport provided: {:?}", transport_value)
let bondable_mode = match bondable {
Some(v) => match v {
false => BondableMode::NonBondable,
true => BondableMode::Bondable,
None => BondableMode::Bondable,
let pairing_options = PairingOptions {
le_security_level: pairing_security_level,
bondable_mode: Some(bondable_mode),
transport: Some(transport),
let proxy = match & {
Some(p) => p.clone(),
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", ERR_NO_ACCESS_PROXY_DETECTED.to_string())
let fut = async move {
let result = proxy.pair(&mut PeerId { value: id }, pairing_options).await;
if let Err(err) = result {
tag: &with_line!("BluetoothSysFacade::pair"),
"Failed to pair with: {:?}",
/// Disconnects an active BR/EDR connection by input device ID.
/// # Arguments
/// * `id` - A u64 representing the device ID.
pub async fn disconnect(&self, id: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::disconnect";
match & {
Some(proxy) => {
let resp = proxy.disconnect(&mut PeerId { value: id }).await?;
if let Err(err) = resp {
let err_msg = format_err!("Error: {:?}", err);
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), err_msg)
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", ERR_NO_ACCESS_PROXY_DETECTED.to_string())
/// Updates the configuration of the active host device
/// # Arguments
/// * `settings` - The table of settings. Any settings that are not present will not be changed.
pub async fn update_settings(&self, settings: Settings) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::update_settings";
match & {
Some(proxy) => {
let new_settings = proxy.update(settings).await?;
fx_log_info!("new core stack settings: {:?}", new_settings);
None => {
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No Bluetooth Configuration Proxy detected.")
/// Returns the current Active Adapter's Address.
pub async fn get_active_adapter_address(&self) -> Result<String, Error> {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::get_active_adapter_address";
let host_info_list = match &mut self.inner.write().host_watcher_stream {
Some(stream) => {
match, || None).await {
Some(r) => match r {
Ok(d) => d,
Err(e) => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", format!("Host Watcher Stream failed with: {:?}", e))
None => {
match & {
Some(addr) => return Ok(addr.to_string()),
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
"No active adapter - Timed out waiting for host_watcher_stream update."
None => fx_err_and_bail!(
format!("{:?}", "Host Watcher Stream not available")
for host in host_info_list {
let host_active =;
if host_active {
match host.address {
Some(a) => {
self.inner.write().active_bt_address = Some(Address::from(a).to_string());
return Ok(Address::from(a).to_string());
None => fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "Host address not found."),
fx_err_and_bail!(&with_line!(tag), "No active host found.")
/// Cleans up objects in use.
pub fn cleanup(&self) {
let mut inner = self.inner.write();
inner.access_proxy = None;
inner.client_pin_sender = None;
inner.client_pin_receiver = None;
inner.discoverable_token = None;
inner.discovery_token = None;
/// Prints useful information.
pub fn print(&self) {
let tag = "BluetoothSysFacade::print:";
fx_log_info!(tag: &with_line!(tag), "access_proxy: {:?}",;
tag: &with_line!(tag),
"discovered_device_list: {:?}",