blob: ad23946c34b325b6fb6e02fdd865fecfb44b7b64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/device/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/block/verified/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/io/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/devmgr-integration-test/fixture.h>
#include <lib/devmgr-launcher/launch.h>
#include <lib/driver-integration-test/fixture.h>
#include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <fvm/test/device-ref.h>
#include <ramdevice-client/ramdisk.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "constants.h"
#include "verified-volume-client.h"
namespace {
constexpr uint64_t kBlockSize = 4096;
constexpr uint64_t kBlockCount = 8192;
constexpr uint64_t kPhysicalBlockSize = 512;
constexpr uint64_t kPhysicalBlockCount = kBlockCount * kBlockSize / kPhysicalBlockSize;
constexpr uint64_t kIntegrityStartBlock = 1;
constexpr uint64_t kDataStartBlock = 66;
using driver_integration_test::IsolatedDevmgr;
const char* kDriverLib = "/boot/driver/";
// Bind the block verity driver to the ramdisk.
zx_status_t BindVerityDriver(zx::unowned_channel ramdisk_chan) {
zx_status_t rc;
auto resp = llcpp::fuchsia::device::Controller::Call::Bind(
std::move(ramdisk_chan), ::fidl::unowned_str(kDriverLib, strlen(kDriverLib)));
rc = resp.status();
if (rc == ZX_OK) {
if (resp->result.is_err()) {
rc = resp->result.err();
return rc;
class BlockVerityTest : public zxtest::Test {
BlockVerityTest() {}
void SetUp() override {
IsolatedDevmgr::Args args;
args.disable_block_watcher = true;
ASSERT_OK(driver_integration_test::IsolatedDevmgr::Create(&args, &devmgr_));
// Create ramdisk.
ramdisk_ =
fvm::RamdiskRef::Create(devmgr_.devfs_root(), kPhysicalBlockSize, kPhysicalBlockCount);
void BindAndOpenVerityDeviceManager() {
fbl::unique_fd devfs_root(dup(ramdisk_->devfs_root_fd()));
ramdisk_->fd(), std::move(devfs_root),
zx::duration::infinite(), &vvc_));
void OpenForAuthoring(fbl::unique_fd& mutable_block_fd) {
ASSERT_OK(vvc_->OpenForAuthoring(zx::duration::infinite(), mutable_block_fd));
void CloseAndGenerateSeal(
llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::block::verified::DeviceManager_CloseAndGenerateSeal_Result* out) {
ASSERT_OK(vvc_->CloseAndGenerateSeal(&seal_response_buffer_, out));
zx_status_t OpenForVerifiedRead(
const llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::block::verified::Seal& expected_seal,
fbl::unique_fd& verified_block_fd) {
uint8_t buf[block_verity::kHashOutputSize];
memcpy(buf, expected_seal.sha256().superblock_hash.begin(), block_verity::kHashOutputSize);
digest::Digest digest(buf);
return vvc_->OpenForVerifiedRead(digest, zx::duration::infinite(), verified_block_fd);
void Close() { ASSERT_OK(vvc_->Close()); }
void ZeroUnderlyingRamdisk() {
fbl::Array<uint8_t> write_buf(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
memset(write_buf.get(), 0, write_buf.size());
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(ramdisk_->fd(), 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
for (uint64_t block = 0; block < kBlockCount; block++) {
ASSERT_EQ(write(ramdisk_->fd(), write_buf.get(), write_buf.size()), kBlockSize);
IsolatedDevmgr devmgr_;
std::unique_ptr<fvm::RamdiskRef> ramdisk_;
std::unique_ptr<block_verity::VerifiedVolumeClient> vvc_;
TEST_F(BlockVerityTest, Bind) {
std::unique_ptr<block_verity::VerifiedVolumeClient> vvc;
fbl::unique_fd devfs_root(dup(ramdisk_->devfs_root_fd()));
ramdisk_->fd(), std::move(devfs_root),
zx::duration::infinite(), &vvc));
TEST_F(BlockVerityTest, BasicWrites) {
// Open for authoring
fbl::unique_fd mutable_block_fd;
// Zero out the underlying ramdisk.
// Examine the size of the child device. Expect it to be 8126 blocks, because
// we've reserved 1 superblock and 65 integrity blocks of our 8192-block device.
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(fstat(mutable_block_fd.get(), &st), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(st.st_size, 8126 * kBlockSize);
uint64_t inner_block_count = st.st_size / kBlockSize;
// Read the entire inner block device. Expect to see all zeroes.
fbl::Array<uint8_t> zero_buf(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
memset(zero_buf.get(), 0, zero_buf.size());
fbl::Array<uint8_t> read_buf(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
memset(read_buf.get(), 0, read_buf.size());
for (uint64_t block = 0; block < inner_block_count; block++) {
// Seek to start of block
off_t offset = block * kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(mutable_block_fd.get(), offset, SEEK_SET), offset);
// Verify read succeeds
ASSERT_EQ(read(mutable_block_fd.get(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()), kBlockSize);
// Expect to read all zeroes.
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(zero_buf.get(), read_buf.get(), zero_buf.size()), 0);
fbl::Array<uint8_t> write_buf(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
// Make a pattern in the write buffer.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kBlockSize; i++) {
write_buf[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(i % 256);
// Write the first block on the mutable device with that pattern.
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(mutable_block_fd.get(), 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(write(mutable_block_fd.get(), write_buf.get(), write_buf.size()), kBlockSize);
// Read it back.
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(mutable_block_fd.get(), 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(read(mutable_block_fd.get(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()), kBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(write_buf.get(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()), 0);
// Find a block that matches from the underlying device.
bool found = false;
for (uint64_t block = 0; block < kBlockCount; block++) {
// Seek to start of block
off_t offset = block * kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(ramdisk_->fd(), offset, SEEK_SET), offset);
ASSERT_EQ(read(ramdisk_->fd(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()), kBlockSize);
if (memcmp(read_buf.get(), write_buf.get(), read_buf.size()) == 0) {
found = true;
// Expect to find the block at block 66 (after one superblock & 65 integrity blocks)
ASSERT_EQ(block, kDataStartBlock);
// Close the device cleanly
TEST_F(BlockVerityTest, BasicSeal) {
// Zero out the underlying ramdisk.
// Open for authoring
fbl::unique_fd mutable_block_fd;
// Close and generate a seal over the all-zeroes data section.
llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::block::verified::DeviceManager_CloseAndGenerateSeal_Result result;
// Verify contents of the integrity section. For our 8126 data blocks of all-zeros,
// we expect to find:
// * 63 blocks of <128 * hash of all-zeroes block>
// head -c 4096 /dev/zero | sha256sum -
// ad7facb2586fc6e966c004d7d1d16b024f5805ff7cb47c7a85dabd8b48892ca7 -
// So this block is 128 of those concatenated, which happens to hash to
// b24a5dfc7087b09c7378bb9100b5ea913f283da2c8ca05297f39457cbdd651d4.
// * 1 block of <(8126 - (128*63)) = 62 copies of (hash of the empty block) + 2112 zero bytes of
// padding. This happens to hash to:
// b3f0b10c454da8c746faf2a6f1dc89f29385ac56aed6e4b6ffb8fa3e9cee79ec
// * 1 block with 63 hashes of the first type of block, 1 hash of the second
// type of block, and zeroes to pad
// As noted above, SHA256(The first type of block) =
// b24a5dfc7087b09c7378bb9100b5ea913f283da2c8ca05297f39457cbdd651d4
// As noted above, SHA256(The second type of block) =
// b3f0b10c454da8c746faf2a6f1dc89f29385ac56aed6e4b6ffb8fa3e9cee79ec
fbl::Array<uint8_t> zero_block(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
memset(zero_block.get(), 0, kBlockSize);
uint8_t zero_block_hash[32] = {0xad, 0x7f, 0xac, 0xb2, 0x58, 0x6f, 0xc6, 0xe9, 0x66, 0xc0, 0x04,
0xd7, 0xd1, 0xd1, 0x6b, 0x02, 0x4f, 0x58, 0x05, 0xff, 0x7c, 0xb4,
0x7c, 0x7a, 0x85, 0xda, 0xbd, 0x8b, 0x48, 0x89, 0x2c, 0xa7};
fbl::Array<uint8_t> expected_early_tier_0_integrity_block(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
memcpy(expected_early_tier_0_integrity_block.get() + (32 * i), zero_block_hash, 32);
fbl::Array<uint8_t> expected_final_tier_0_integrity_block(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 62; i++) {
memcpy(expected_final_tier_0_integrity_block.get() + (32 * i), zero_block_hash, 32);
memset(expected_final_tier_0_integrity_block.get() + (62 * 32), 0, kBlockSize - (62 * 32));
uint8_t early_tier_0_integrity_block_hash[32] = {
// Computed as follows:
// python2
// >>> import hashlib
// >>> h = hashlib.sha256()
// >>> hzero =
// "ad7facb2586fc6e966c004d7d1d16b024f5805ff7cb47c7a85dabd8b48892ca7".decode("hex")
// >>> h.update(hzero * 128)
// >>> h.hexdigest()
// "b24a5dfc7087b09c7378bb9100b5ea913f283da2c8ca05297f39457cbdd651d4"
0xb2, 0x4a, 0x5d, 0xfc, 0x70, 0x87, 0xb0, 0x9c, 0x73, 0x78, 0xbb,
0x91, 0x00, 0xb5, 0xea, 0x91, 0x3f, 0x28, 0x3d, 0xa2, 0xc8, 0xca,
0x05, 0x29, 0x7f, 0x39, 0x45, 0x7c, 0xbd, 0xd6, 0x51, 0xd4};
uint8_t final_tier_0_integrity_block_hash[32] = {
// >>> import hashlib
// >>> h = hashlib.sha256()
// >>> hzero =
// "ad7facb2586fc6e966c004d7d1d16b024f5805ff7cb47c7a85dabd8b48892ca7".decode("hex")
// >>> h.update((hzero * 62) + ('\0' * 2112))
// >>> h.hexdigest()
// "b3f0b10c454da8c746faf2a6f1dc89f29385ac56aed6e4b6ffb8fa3e9cee79ec"
0xb3, 0xf0, 0xb1, 0x0c, 0x45, 0x4d, 0xa8, 0xc7, 0x46, 0xfa, 0xf2,
0xa6, 0xf1, 0xdc, 0x89, 0xf2, 0x93, 0x85, 0xac, 0x56, 0xae, 0xd6,
0xe4, 0xb6, 0xff, 0xb8, 0xfa, 0x3e, 0x9c, 0xee, 0x79, 0xec};
fbl::Array<uint8_t> expected_root_integrity_block(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 63; i++) {
memcpy(expected_root_integrity_block.get() + (32 * i), early_tier_0_integrity_block_hash, 32);
memcpy(expected_root_integrity_block.get() + (32 * 63), final_tier_0_integrity_block_hash, 32);
memset(expected_root_integrity_block.get() + (32 * 64), 0, kBlockSize - (32 * 64));
fbl::Array<uint8_t> read_buf(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
for (size_t integrity_block_index = 0; integrity_block_index < 65; integrity_block_index++) {
size_t absolute_block_index = integrity_block_index + 1;
off_t offset = absolute_block_index * kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(ramdisk_->fd(), offset, SEEK_SET), offset);
ASSERT_EQ(read(ramdisk_->fd(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()), kBlockSize);
uint8_t* expected_block;
if (integrity_block_index < 63) {
expected_block = expected_early_tier_0_integrity_block.get();
} else if (integrity_block_index == 63) {
expected_block = expected_final_tier_0_integrity_block.get();
} else {
expected_block = expected_root_integrity_block.get();
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(expected_block, read_buf.get(), kBlockSize), 0,
"integrity block %lu did not contain expected contents", integrity_block_index);
// Verify contents of the superblock.
// Root integrity block hash is:
// python2
// >>> import hashlib
// >>> early_t0_hash =
// "b24a5dfc7087b09c7378bb9100b5ea913f283da2c8ca05297f39457cbdd651d4".decode('hex')
// >>> late_t0_hash =
// "b3f0b10c454da8c746faf2a6f1dc89f29385ac56aed6e4b6ffb8fa3e9cee79ec".decode('hex')
// >>> root_integrity_block = early_t0_hash * 63 + late_t0_hash + ('\0' * 2048)
// >>> h = hashlib.sha256()
// >>> h.update(root_integrity_block)
// >>> h.hexdigest()
// "5b7ecbf17daa9832c2484342f924e5480157c3582fcfaedc63c83e20875800f2"
uint8_t expected_superblock[kBlockSize] = {
// Recall: the superblock format is:
// * 16 bytes magic
0x62, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x2d, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x69, 0x74, 0x79, 0x2d, 0x76, 0x31,
// * 8 bytes block count (little-endian)
0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
// * 4 bytes block size (little-endian)
0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00,
// * 4 bytes hash function tag (little-endian)
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
// * 32 bytes integrity root hash (see computation above)
0x5b, 0x7e, 0xcb, 0xf1, 0x7d, 0xaa, 0x98, 0x32, 0xc2, 0x48, 0x43, 0x42, 0xf9, 0x24, 0xe5,
0x48, 0x01, 0x57, 0xc3, 0x58, 0x2f, 0xcf, 0xae, 0xdc, 0x63, 0xc8, 0x3e, 0x20, 0x87, 0x58,
0x00, 0xf2,
// * 4032 zero bytes padding the rest of the block, autofilled by compiler.
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(ramdisk_->fd(), 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(read(ramdisk_->fd(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()), kBlockSize);
EXPECT_EQ(memcmp(expected_superblock, read_buf.get(), kBlockSize), 0,
"superblock did not contain expected contents");
// Verify that the root hash in Seal is the hash of the superblock.
uint8_t expected_seal[32] = {0x79, 0x66, 0xa2, 0x81, 0x27, 0x55, 0xbc, 0x70, 0xba, 0x70, 0x58,
0xbe, 0x1f, 0xbb, 0xf1, 0xc4, 0xd8, 0x06, 0xf1, 0xd4, 0x0b, 0x16,
0x00, 0xaa, 0xc2, 0x96, 0x33, 0x32, 0xbf, 0x78, 0x1e, 0x28};
auto& actual_seal = result.response().seal;
auto actual_seal_data = actual_seal.sha256();
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(expected_seal, actual_seal_data, 32), 0,
"Seal did not contain expected contents");
TEST_F(BlockVerityTest, SealAndVerifiedRead) {
// Zero out the underlying ramdisk.
// Open for authoring
fbl::unique_fd mutable_block_fd;
// Close and generate a seal over the all-zeroes data section.
llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::block::verified::DeviceManager_CloseAndGenerateSeal_Result result;
const llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::block::verified::Seal& seal = result.response().seal;
fbl::unique_fd verified_block_fd;
// Prepare to read every block.
ASSERT_OK(OpenForVerifiedRead(seal, verified_block_fd));
// Zero block that matches what we expect to read
fbl::Array<uint8_t> zero_block(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
memset(zero_block.get(), 0, kBlockSize);
fbl::Array<uint8_t> read_buf(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
// Examine the size of the child device. Expect it to be 8126 blocks, because
// we've reserved 1 superblock and 65 integrity blocks of our 8192-block device.
struct stat st;
ASSERT_EQ(fstat(verified_block_fd.get(), &st), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(st.st_size, 8126 * kBlockSize);
uint64_t inner_block_count = st.st_size / kBlockSize;
// Read all the blocks, and verify they're all zeroes. Mark the buffer with
// all 0xcc before each read to show that the reads are, in fact, doing work each
// iteration.
for (uint64_t verified_block = 0; verified_block < inner_block_count; verified_block++) {
memset(read_buf.get(), 0xcc, kBlockSize);
off_t offset = verified_block * kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(verified_block_fd.get(), offset, SEEK_SET), offset);
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize, read(verified_block_fd.get(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()),
"read failed on block %lu", verified_block);
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(zero_block.get(), read_buf.get(), kBlockSize),
"verified data block %lu did not contain expected contents", verified_block);
// Writes should fail. This is a readonly device.
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(verified_block_fd.get(), 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(-1, write(verified_block_fd.get(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()));
// Corrupt a data block (the 0th data block) on the underlying ramdisk, then attempt to read it in
// verified read mode.
fbl::Array<uint8_t> one_block(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
memset(one_block.get(), 0xff, kBlockSize);
off_t data_start = kDataStartBlock * kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(ramdisk_->fd(), data_start, SEEK_SET), data_start);
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize, write(ramdisk_->fd(), one_block.get(), one_block.size()));
ASSERT_OK(OpenForVerifiedRead(seal, verified_block_fd));
// Verify that attempting to read that block returns failure
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(verified_block_fd.get(), 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(-1, read(verified_block_fd.get(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()));
EXPECT_EQ(errno, EIO);
// Verify that reading a different (uncorrupted) block still works.
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(verified_block_fd.get(), kBlockSize, SEEK_SET), kBlockSize);
EXPECT_EQ(kBlockSize, read(verified_block_fd.get(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()));
// Corrupt an integrity block, and attempt to perform reads guarded by it.
off_t integrity_start = kIntegrityStartBlock * kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(ramdisk_->fd(), integrity_start, SEEK_SET), integrity_start);
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize, write(ramdisk_->fd(), one_block.get(), one_block.size()));
ASSERT_OK(OpenForVerifiedRead(seal, verified_block_fd));
// Verify that read of each block under that integrity block returns failure.
for (uint64_t data_block = 0; data_block < kBlockSize / 32; data_block++) {
off_t offset = data_block * kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(verified_block_fd.get(), offset, SEEK_SET), offset);
EXPECT_EQ(-1, read(verified_block_fd.get(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()));
EXPECT_EQ(errno, EIO);
// Other block reads should succeed. Try one.
off_t first_uncorrupted_data_block = (kBlockSize / 32) * kBlockSize;
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(verified_block_fd.get(), first_uncorrupted_data_block, SEEK_SET),
EXPECT_EQ(kBlockSize, read(verified_block_fd.get(), read_buf.get(), read_buf.size()));
// Attempt to open the superblock with a different seal. Expect failure,
// because the superblock hash doesn't match.
llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::block::verified::Sha256Seal mangled_sha256_seal;
memset(mangled_sha256_seal.superblock_hash.begin(), 0xff, 32);
fidl::aligned<llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::block::verified::Sha256Seal> mangled_aligned =
auto mangled_seal = llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::block::verified::Seal::WithSha256(
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY, OpenForVerifiedRead(mangled_seal, verified_block_fd));
// Corrupt the superblock, then attempt to open the superblock with the last working seal.
// Expect OpenForVerifiedRead to fail.
fbl::Array<uint8_t> superblock_buf(new uint8_t[kBlockSize], kBlockSize);
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(ramdisk_->fd(), 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
// Load up the superblock.
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize, read(ramdisk_->fd(), superblock_buf.get(), superblock_buf.size()));
// Corrupt the root integrity hash.
memset( + 32, 0, 32);
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(ramdisk_->fd(), 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize, write(ramdisk_->fd(), superblock_buf.get(), superblock_buf.size()));
ASSERT_EQ(OpenForVerifiedRead(seal, verified_block_fd), ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY);
} // namespace