blob: 02864a3a1fbe6c8f2a5f3792bf820b49cf498d52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/forensics/utils/storage_size.h"
namespace forensics {
namespace crash_reports {
constexpr char kCrashReporterKey[] = "crash_reporter";
constexpr char kDailyPerProductQuotaKey[] = "daily_per_product_quota";
constexpr char kCrashServerKey[] = "crash_server";
constexpr char kCrashServerUploadPolicyKey[] = "upload_policy";
constexpr char kHourlySnapshot[] = "hourly_snapshot";
constexpr char kHourlySnapshotProgramName[] = "system";
constexpr char kHourlySnapshotSignature[] = "fuchsia-hourly-snapshot";
constexpr char kCrashServerUrl[] = "";
// Snapshots can occupy up to 10 MB of memory.
constexpr StorageSize kSnapshotAnnotationsMaxSize = StorageSize::Megabytes(5);
constexpr StorageSize kSnapshotArchivesMaxSize = StorageSize::Megabytes(5);
// Up to 512KiB of the non-snapshot portion of reports, like annotations and the minidump, are
// stored on disk under /cache/reports. This allows some report data to be uploaded in the event of
// a device shutdown.
// When a crash occurs, we check if its non-snapshot parts will fit in the remaining space
// alloted to /cache. If there is enough space available, the report is written to /cache, otherwise
// it is written to /tmp. Once in /cache those reports are not subject to garbage collection, unlike
// /tmp; they are only deleted once the report is no longer needed by the component.
constexpr const char* kStoreTmpPath = "/tmp/reports";
constexpr const char* kStoreCachePath = "/cache/reports";
// Other report data can occupy up to 5 MB of memory and disk.
constexpr StorageSize kStoreMaxSize = StorageSize::Megabytes(5u);
// Minidumps and annotations (the two most common non-snapshot files in crash reports) are usually
// in the order of 64 - 128KiB. This lets a device store 4-8 of them on disk.
constexpr StorageSize kStoreMaxCacheSize = StorageSize::Kilobytes(512);
constexpr StorageSize kStoreMaxTmpSize = kStoreMaxSize - kStoreMaxCacheSize;
} // namespace crash_reports
} // namespace forensics