blob: d73b25b2e183c16a3ee4b33c9e71f718c63827e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fzl/resizeable-vmo-mapper.h>
#include <minfs/bcache.h>
namespace minfs {
// Manages the indirect VMO for a vnode.
class VmoIndirect {
// Provides access to the underlying VMO.
class View {
View(VmoIndirect* owner, uint32_t offset) : owner_(*owner), offset_(offset) {}
View(View&) = default;
View& operator =(View&) = delete;
~View() {
// Assert that the data_ is still valid i.e. that the VMO did not grow or change in any other
// way.
ZX_ASSERT(data_ == nullptr || data_ == owner_.GetBlocks(offset_));
// Returns the value of the block at the given index.
blk_t operator[](size_t index) const {
return owner_.GetBlocks(offset_)[index];
// After calling this method, the VMO cannot be changed in any way that would invalidate the
// mapped address i.e. don't call Grow. The destructor for the view asserts this. Prefer to
// use the [] operator if possible, which doesn't have the same limitation.
blk_t* data() const {
if (data_ == nullptr) {
data_ = owner_.GetBlocks(offset_);
return data_;
VmoIndirect& owner_;
uint32_t offset_;
mutable blk_t* data_ = nullptr;
VmoIndirect() = default;
// Not copyable or movable.
VmoIndirect(VmoIndirect&) = delete;
VmoIndirect& operator =(VmoIndirect&) = delete;
size_t size() const { return vmo_->size(); }
const zx::vmo& vmo() const { return vmo_->vmo(); }
storage::Vmoid& vmoid() { return vmoid_; }
// Resizes the VMO.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t Grow(size_t size) { return vmo_->Grow(size); }
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t Shrink(size_t size) { return vmo_->Shrink(size); }
// Initializes the VMO, including attaching the VMO. The caller is responsible for
// detaching before destruction.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t Init(VnodeMinfs* vnode);
// Returns true if the VMO has been initialized.
bool IsValid() const { return vmo_ != nullptr; }
// Resets to the uninitialized state.
void Reset() { vmo_.reset(); }
// Initializes the indirect VMO, and reads |count| indirect blocks from |iarray| into the indirect
// VMO, starting at block offset |block|.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t LoadIndirectBlocks(VnodeMinfs* vnode, const blk_t* iarray, uint32_t count,
uint32_t block);
// N.B. This function will assume that if the VMO is a given size, that *all* indirect blocks have
// been loaded for the given size, but it will grow the VMO for this request. What this means is
// that it's not safe to call this function with a non-sequential value of |dindex| i.e. don't
// call this function with 3 and then call it with 2 and expect 2 to be loaded; you have to call
// it with 2 and then 3. TODO(fxb/42096): This isn't ideal and we should refactor this at some
// point.
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t LoadIndirectWithinDoublyIndirect(VnodeMinfs* vnode, uint32_t dindex);
// Clears the block at |offset| in memory.
// Assumes that vmo_indirect_ has already been initialized
void ClearBlock(uint32_t block);
friend class View; // To access GetBlocks.
// Returns a pointer to an array of blk_t for the given VMO block.
blk_t* GetBlocks(uint32_t block) {
return reinterpret_cast<blk_t*>(static_cast<uint8_t*>(vmo_->start()) + kMinfsBlockSize * block);
// vmo_ contains all indirect and doubly indirect blocks in the following order:
// First kMinfsIndirect blocks - initial set of indirect blocks
// Next kMinfsDoublyIndirect blocks - doubly indirect blocks
// Next kMinfsDoublyIndirect * kMinfsDirectPerIndirect blocks - indirect blocks pointed to
// by doubly indirect blocks
std::unique_ptr<fzl::ResizeableVmoMapper> vmo_;
storage::Vmoid vmoid_;
} // namespace minfs