blob: ffc66cdd7250613a3f124f61d9fbb6ac2082d546 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <ffl/saturating_arithmetic.h>
#include <ffl/utility.h>
namespace ffl {
// Forward declaration.
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
struct FixedFormat;
// Type representing an intermediate value of a given FixedFormat.
template <typename>
struct Value;
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
struct Value<FixedFormat<Integer, FractionalBits>> {
using Format = FixedFormat<Integer, FractionalBits>;
explicit constexpr Value(Integer value) : value{value} {}
const Integer value;
// Predicate to determine whether the given integer type and number of
// fractional bits is valid.
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
static constexpr bool FormatIsValid = (std::is_signed_v<Integer> &&
FractionalBits < sizeof(Integer) * 8) ||
(std::is_unsigned_v<Integer> &&
FractionalBits <= sizeof(Integer) * 8);
// Type representing the format of a fixed-point value in terms of the
// underlying integer type and fractional precision. Provides key constants and
// operations for fixed-point computation and format manipulation.
template <typename Integer_, size_t FractionalBits_>
struct FixedFormat {
"The Integer template parameter must be an integral type!");
static_assert(FormatIsValid<Integer_, FractionalBits_>,
"The number of fractional bits must fit within the positive bits!");
// The underlying integral type of the fixed-point values in this format.
using Integer = Integer_;
// Indicates whether the underlying integer is singed or unsigned.
static constexpr bool IsSigned = std::is_signed_v<Integer>;
static constexpr bool IsUnsigned = std::is_unsigned_v<Integer>;
// Numeric constants for fixed-point computations.
static constexpr size_t Bits = sizeof(Integer) * 8;
static constexpr size_t FractionalBits = FractionalBits_;
static constexpr size_t IntegralBits = Bits - FractionalBits - (IsSigned ? 1 : 0);
static constexpr size_t PositiveBits = IntegralBits + FractionalBits;
static constexpr size_t Power = FractionalBits == 64 ? 0 : size_t{1} << FractionalBits;
static constexpr Integer One = 1; // Typed constant used in shifts below.
static constexpr Integer FractionalMask = Power - 1;
static constexpr Integer IntegralMask = ~FractionalMask;
static constexpr Integer SignBit = IsSigned ? One << (Bits - 1) : 0;
static constexpr Integer BinaryPoint = FractionalBits > 0 ? One << (FractionalBits - 1) : 0;
static constexpr Integer OnesPlace = One << FractionalBits;
// Indicates whether positive one can only be represented fractionally.
// That is, the format has zero positive integral bits.
static constexpr bool ApproximateUnit =
(IsSigned && FractionalBits == Bits - 1) || FractionalBits == Bits;
// Adjusted numeric constants for conversions that need headroom when there
// are zero positive integral bits.
static constexpr size_t AdjustedFractionalBits = FractionalBits - (ApproximateUnit ? 1 : 0);
static constexpr size_t AdjustedPower = size_t{1} << AdjustedFractionalBits;
static constexpr Integer AdjustmentFactor = ApproximateUnit ? 2 : 1;
static constexpr Integer AdjustedFractionalMask = AdjustedPower - 1;
static constexpr Integer AdjustedIntegralMask = ~AdjustedFractionalMask;
static constexpr Integer Min = std::numeric_limits<Integer>::min();
static constexpr Integer Max = std::numeric_limits<Integer>::max();
static constexpr Integer IntegralMin =
FractionalBits == 64 ? 0 : static_cast<Integer>(Min / Power);
static constexpr Integer IntegralMax =
FractionalBits == 64 ? 0 : static_cast<Integer>(Max / Power);
// Saturates an intermediate value to the valid range of the base type.
template <typename I, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<I>>>
static constexpr Integer Saturate(I value) {
return ClampCast<Integer>(value);
static constexpr Integer Saturate(Value<FixedFormat> value) { return Saturate(value.value); }
// Rounds |value| to the given significant bit |Place| using the convergent,
// or round-half-to-even, method to eliminate positive/negative and
// towards/away from zero biases. This is the default rounding mode used in
// IEEE 754 computing functions and operators.
// References:
// For example, rounding an 8bit value to bit 4 produces these values in the
// constants defined below:
// uint8_t value = vvvphmmm
// PlaceBit = 00010000 -> 000p0000
// PlaceMask = 11110000 -> vvvp0000
// HalfBit = 00001000 -> 0000h000
// HalfMask = 00000111 -> 00000mmm
// PlaceShift = 2
// Rounding half to even is computed as follows:
// PlaceBit = 00010000
// value = vvvvvvvv
// & -------------------
// 000p0000
// PlaceShift 2
// >> -------------------
// odd_bit 00000p00
// HalfMask 00000111
// value vvvvvvvv
// + -------------------
// rrrrxxxx
// PlaceMask 11110000
// & -------------------
// rounded rrrr0000
template <size_t Place, typename = std::enable_if_t<(Place < PositiveBits)>>
static constexpr Integer Round(Integer value, Bit<Place>) {
// Bit of the significant figure to round to and mask of the significant
// bits after rounding.
const Integer PlaceBit = Integer{1} << Place;
const Integer PlaceMask = ~(PlaceBit - 1);
// Bit representing one half of the significant figure to round to
// and mask of the bits below it, if any.
const Integer HalfBit = Integer{1} << (Place - 1);
const Integer HalfMask = Place > 1 ? HalfBit - 1 : 0;
// Shift representing where to add the odd bit when rounding to even.
const size_t PlaceShift = Place > 1 ? 2 : 1;
// Round half to even.
const Integer odd_bit = (value & PlaceBit) >> PlaceShift;
const Integer rounded = SaturateAddAs<Integer>(value, HalfMask + odd_bit);
return rounded & PlaceMask;
// Rounding to the 0th bit is a no-op.
static constexpr Integer Round(Integer value, Bit<0>) { return value; }
// Rounds |value| around the integer position.
static constexpr Integer Round(Integer value) { return Round(value, ToPlace<FractionalBits>); }
// Converts an intermediate value in SourceFormat to this format, rounding
// as necessary.
template <typename SourceFormat>
static constexpr Value<FixedFormat> Convert(Value<SourceFormat> value) {
using Intermediate =
BestFitting<IsSigned, std::max(SourceFormat::IntegralBits, IntegralBits) +
std::max(SourceFormat::FractionalBits, FractionalBits)>;
using IntermediateFormat = FixedFormat<Intermediate, SourceFormat::FractionalBits>;
// Convert to the common precision. This will only clamp when converting
// from a negative signed value to unsigned or when converting a large
// unsigned 64bit value to signed. All other cases optimize out.
const Intermediate promoted_value = ClampCast<Intermediate>(value.value);
// Increase or decrease the source resolution to match this format.
if constexpr (SourceFormat::FractionalBits > FractionalBits) {
const Intermediate shifted_value = promoted_value / IntermediateFormat::AdjustmentFactor;
const size_t delta = IntermediateFormat::AdjustedFractionalBits - FractionalBits;
const auto power = Intermediate{1} << delta;
const auto converted_value = IntermediateFormat::Round(shifted_value, ToPlace<delta>) / power;
return Value<FixedFormat>{ClampCast<Integer>(converted_value)};
} else if (SourceFormat::FractionalBits < FractionalBits) {
const auto factor = std::max(IntermediateFormat::AdjustmentFactor,
const auto shifted_value = SaturateMultiplyAs<Intermediate>(promoted_value, factor);
const size_t delta = AdjustedFractionalBits - IntermediateFormat::AdjustedFractionalBits;
const auto power = Intermediate{1} << delta;
const auto converted_value = SaturateMultiplyAs<Integer>(shifted_value, power);
return Value<FixedFormat>{converted_value};
} else {
return Value<FixedFormat>{ClampCast<Integer>(promoted_value)};
// Converting to the same format is a no-op.
static constexpr Value<FixedFormat> Convert(Value<FixedFormat> value) { return value; }
} // namespace ffl