blob: 731f4f4f8b36e737fec80334fac8fb0d279b7796 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
var (
debugArchive string
buildDir string
buildIDDir string
outputManifest string
cpu string
osName string
depfile string
dumpSyms string
colors color.EnableColor
level logger.LogLevel
timeout time.Duration
tasks int
func init() {
colors = color.ColorAuto
level = logger.WarningLevel
flag.StringVar(&debugArchive, "debug-archive", "", "path to archive of debug binaries")
flag.StringVar(&buildDir, "build-dir", "", "path to the build directory")
flag.StringVar(&buildIDDir, "build-id-dir", "", "path to .build-id directory to add debug binaries to")
flag.StringVar(&outputManifest, "output-manifest", "", "path to output a json manifest of debug binaries to")
flag.StringVar(&cpu, "cpu", "", "the architecture of the binaries in the archive")
flag.StringVar(&osName, "os", "", "the os of the binaries in the archive")
flag.StringVar(&depfile, "depfile", "", "the depfile to emit")
flag.StringVar(&dumpSyms, "dump-syms", "", "the path to the dump_syms tool")
flag.Var(&colors, "color", "use color in output, can be never, auto, always")
flag.Var(&level, "level", "output verbosity, can be fatal, error, warning, info, debug or trace")
flag.DurationVar(&timeout, "timeout", 0, "the amount of time to wait on all dump_syms tasks")
// By default we set the number of tasks to 2 times the number of CPUs. The expectation is that its
// good to have many more tasks than CPUs because the tasks are IO bound.
flag.IntVar(&tasks, "j", 2*runtime.NumCPU(), "the number of concurrent tasks to run at once")
type binary struct {
CPU string `json:"cpu"`
Debug string `json:"debug"`
BuildID string `json:"elf_build_id"`
OS string `json:"os"`
Breakpad string `json:"breakpad"`
type binaryRef struct {
ref elflib.BinaryFileRef
breakpad string
// We don't want extensions to be matched when we look for substring matches, so
// convenient just to drop it from consideration when validating the directory
// layout.
var buildIDFileNoExtRE = regexp.MustCompile("^([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/([0-9a-f]+)$")
func isBuildIDDir(ctx context.Context, dir string, contents []os.FileInfo) bool {
for _, info := range contents {
// Some special files are allowed and expected.
if info.Name() == "LICENSE" {
logger.Tracef(ctx, "checking %s", info.Name())
// Outside of particular special files, everything should be a directory.
if !info.IsDir() {
logger.Tracef(ctx, "%s wasn't a directory", info.Name())
return false
// The directory name should be a hex byte.
if len(info.Name()) != 2 {
return false
if _, err := strconv.ParseUint(info.Name(), 16, 8); err != nil {
logger.Tracef(ctx, "%s wasn't valid hex digit: %v", info.Name(), err)
return false
// Now that we know the directory name was a 2 digit hex value, it's safe
// to assume its most likely a .build-id directory and we can check to see
// if it contains the sorts of files we expect
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(dir, info.Name()))
if err != nil {
logger.Tracef(ctx, "%s couldn't read directory: %v", info.Name(), err)
return false
logger.Tracef(ctx, "checking %s/... to see if it has the right files", info.Name())
for _, file := range files {
path := filepath.Join(info.Name(), file.Name())
logger.Tracef(ctx, "checking %s for validity", path)
// We should have exclusivelly files here.
if file.IsDir() {
logger.Tracef(ctx, "%s was a directory, not a file", path)
return false
if !buildIDFileNoExtRE.MatchString(trimExt(path)) {
logger.Tracef(ctx, "%s didn't match", path)
return false
return true
func trimExt(p string) string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(p, filepath.Ext(p))
// getStartDir allows us to be flexible in what we accept for debugArchive.
// This lets us use both a directory and a file for the time being allowing
// for an easy soft transistion as needed.
func getStartDir() string {
if debugArchive == "" {
return buildIDDir
info, err := os.Stat(debugArchive)
if err != nil {
return filepath.Dir(debugArchive)
if info.IsDir() {
return debugArchive
} else {
return filepath.Dir(debugArchive)
// findBuildIDDir allows us to find a build id directory associated with the
// debugArchive location. When transitioning from a .tar.bz2 file to a .build-id
// directory the debugArchive will remain the same and this allows the code
// to still work.
func findBuildIDDir(ctx context.Context, startDir string) (string, error) {
if startDir == "" || startDir == "/" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find a .build-id directory")
logger.Tracef(ctx, "checking %s", startDir)
infos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(startDir)
if err != nil {
return "", err
logger.Tracef(ctx, "inspecting %s", startDir)
if isBuildIDDir(ctx, startDir, infos) {
return startDir, nil
return findBuildIDDir(ctx, filepath.Dir(startDir))
// runDumpSyms starts a dump_syms command using `br` that converts an ELF file
// with debug info into a breakpad syms file. If the breakpad syms file has already
// been created, dump_syms will not run. This allows many instances of this tool to
// run at the same time without duplicating work. Note that creating a file with
// O_EXCL is atomic.
func runDumpSyms(ctx context.Context, br *runner.BatchRunner, in, out string) error {
file, err := osmisc.CreateFile(out, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_EXCL)
// If the file already exists, don't bother recreating it. This saves a massive
// amount of computation and is atomic.
if os.IsExist(err) {
logger.Tracef(ctx, "file %s already existed: %v", out, err)
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return err
cmd := []string{dumpSyms, "-r", "-n", "<_>", "-o", "Fuchsia", in}
br.Enqueue(cmd, file, os.Stderr, func() {
return nil
// produceSymbols takes an input .build-id directory and produces breakpad symbols
// for each binary in the input .build-id directory.
func produceSymbols(ctx context.Context, inputBuildIDDir string, br *runner.BatchRunner) ([]binaryRef, error) {
logger.Tracef(ctx, "about to walk build-id-dir")
refs, err := elflib.WalkBuildIDDir(inputBuildIDDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("while calling dump_syms for %s: %w", inputBuildIDDir, err)
logger.Tracef(ctx, "about spin up dump_syms")
outs := []binaryRef{}
// alot 3 seconds per binary to run dump_syms
for _, ref := range refs {
out := filepath.Join(buildIDDir, ref.BuildID[:2], ref.BuildID[2:]+".sym")
logger.Tracef(ctx, "spun up dump_syms for %s", out)
if err := runDumpSyms(ctx, br, ref.Filepath, out); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("while calling dump_syms for %s: %v", err)
outs = append(outs, binaryRef{ref, out})
return outs, nil
// unpack takes debugArchive and unpacks each debug binary. On seeing a debug binary
// dump_syms is invoked for it using `br` as well.
func unpack(ctx context.Context, br *runner.BatchRunner) ([]binaryRef, error) {
// unpack each debug binary into buildIDDir
file, err := os.Open(debugArchive)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("while unpacking %s: %w", debugArchive, err)
defer file.Close()
// The file is bzip2 compressed
tr := tar.NewReader(bzip2.NewReader(file))
out := []binaryRef{}
for {
hdr, err := tr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("while reading %s: %w", debugArchive, err)
} else if hdr.Typeflag == tar.TypeDir {
matches := buildIDFileNoExtRE.FindStringSubmatch(trimExt(hdr.Name))
if matches == nil {
logger.Warningf(ctx, "%s in %s was not a debug binary", hdr.Name, debugArchive)
logger.Tracef(ctx, "Reading %s from %s", hdr.Name, debugArchive)
if len(matches) != 3 {
panic("The list of matches isn't as expected")
buildID := matches[1] + matches[2]
unpackFilePath := filepath.Join(buildIDDir, hdr.Name)
outFile, err := osmisc.CreateFile(unpackFilePath, os.O_WRONLY)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("while attempting to write %s from %s to %s: %w", hdr.Name, debugArchive, unpackFilePath, err)
if _, err := io.Copy(outFile, tr); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("while attempting to write %s from %s to %s: %w", hdr.Name, debugArchive, unpackFilePath, err)
bfr := elflib.NewBinaryFileRef(unpackFilePath, buildID)
if err := bfr.Verify(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("while attempting to verify %s copied from %s: %w", unpackFilePath, debugArchive, err)
symbolFile := filepath.Join(buildIDDir, bfr.BuildID[:2], bfr.BuildID[2:]+".sym")
logger.Tracef(ctx, "adding dump_syms command for %s -> %s", bfr.Filepath, symbolFile)
if err := runDumpSyms(ctx, br, bfr.Filepath, symbolFile); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("running dumpSyms on %s to produce %s: %w", bfr.Filepath, symbolFile, err)
out = append(out, binaryRef{bfr, symbolFile})
return out, nil
func writeManifest(bfrs []binaryRef) error {
out := []binary{}
for _, bfr := range bfrs {
// Even though these files live outside of the build directory,
// relativize them as is conventional for build API metadata.
relDebug, err := filepath.Rel(buildDir, bfr.ref.Filepath)
if err != nil {
return err
relBreakpad, err := filepath.Rel(buildDir, bfr.breakpad)
if err != nil {
return err
out = append(out, binary{
CPU: cpu,
Debug: relDebug,
BuildID: bfr.ref.BuildID,
Breakpad: relBreakpad,
OS: osName,
file, err := osmisc.CreateFile(outputManifest, os.O_WRONLY)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("while writing json to %s: %w", outputManifest, err)
defer file.Close()
enc := json.NewEncoder(file)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
if err = enc.Encode(out); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("while writing json to %s: %w", outputManifest, err)
return nil
func main() {
log := logger.NewLogger(level, color.NewColor(colors), os.Stderr, os.Stderr, "")
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
ctx = logger.WithLogger(ctx, log)
if buildDir == "" {
log.Fatalf("-build-dir is required.")
if buildIDDir == "" {
log.Fatalf("-build-id-dir is required.")
if outputManifest == "" {
log.Fatalf("-output-manifest is required.")
if depfile == "" {
log.Fatalf("-depfile is required.")
// This action should rerun if the .build-id directory or debug archive change.
depfileContents := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s %s", outputManifest, buildIDDir, debugArchive)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(depfile, []byte(depfileContents), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to write depfile: %v", err)
// If the .build-id directory is empty and no debug archive is provided,
// then there is no work to do: bail.
if debugArchive == "" {
empty, err := osmisc.DirIsEmpty(buildIDDir)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error in checking state of build-id dir: %v", err)
if empty {
if err := writeManifest(nil); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to write empty manifest: %v", err)
log.Infof("build-id directory is empty; no work to do")
br := runner.NewBatchRunner(ctx, &runner.SubprocessRunner{}, tasks)
exists, err := osmisc.FileExists(debugArchive)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("while checking if archive existed: %v", err)
bfrs := []binaryRef{}
if exists {
log.Tracef("archive existed")
bfrs, err = unpack(ctx, br)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v", err)
} else {
startDir := getStartDir()
log.Tracef("found %s as start directory", startDir)
dir, err := findBuildIDDir(ctx, startDir)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("while finding .build-id directory: %v", err)
bfrs, err = produceSymbols(ctx, dir, br)
// TODO: write the manifest to a tmp file and rename it into place.
log.Tracef("writing manifest now")
if err = writeManifest(bfrs); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v", err)
log.Tracef("manifest written")
// Before we wait on all the dump_syms calls we need to ensure that we time out eventully
log.Tracef("waiting on all dump_syms calls to finish")
if timeout != 0 {
time.AfterFunc(timeout, cancel)
if err := br.Wait(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("while waiting on dump_syms to finish: %v", err)