blob: 6f23f9bc0092c6767f4e8d0142fb03b5450efdec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iomanip>
#include <ostream>
namespace fostr {
// Use these output manipulators to generate indented output:
// os << fostr::IdentBy(2); // Default is 4 spaces.
// os << "items:";
// os << fostr::Indent;
// os << fostr::NewLine << "item 1";
// os << fostr::NewLine << "item 2";
// os << fostr::Indent;
// os << fostr::NewLine << "item 2A";
// os << fostr::NewLine << "item 2B";
// os << fostr::Outdent;
// os << fostr::NewLine << "item 3";
// os << fostr::Outdent;
// This inserts:
// items:\n
// item 1\n
// item 2\n
// item 2A\n
// item 2B\n
// item 3
// A useful pattern for nested output is for any given ostream operator<<
// overload to assume there is already text on the current line and to refrain
// from terminating the last line. In general, this means that fostr::NewLine
// prefixes text that needs to be on a new lines, and lines are not terminated.
namespace internal {
struct IndentLevel {
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) static long& Value(std::ostream& os);
IndentLevel(long level) : level_(level) {}
long level_;
struct IndentBy {
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) static long& Value(std::ostream& os);
IndentBy(long spaces) : spaces_(spaces) {}
long spaces_;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IndentLevel& value) {
IndentLevel::Value(os) = value.level_;
return os;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IndentBy& value) {
IndentBy::Value(os) = value.spaces_;
return os;
} // namespace internal
// Inserts spaces to begin an indented line. The number of spaces inserted is
// the product of the indent level and the 'indent by' setting.
// e.g. os << fostr::BeginLine << "appears after indentation";
inline std::ostream& BeginLine(std::ostream& os) {
return os << std::setw(internal::IndentLevel::Value(os) * internal::IndentBy::Value(os))
<< std::setfill(' ') << "" << std::setw(0);
// Inserts a newline and a BeginLine.
// e.g. os << fostr::NewLine << "appears on a new indented line";
inline std::ostream& NewLine(std::ostream& os) { return os << "\n" << BeginLine; }
// As an ostream manipulator, increments the indentation level.
// e.g. os << fostr::Indent;
inline std::ostream& Indent(std::ostream& os) {
return os;
// As an ostream manipulator, decrements the indentation level.
// e.g. os << fostr::Outdent;
inline std::ostream& Outdent(std::ostream& os) {
return os;
// As an ostream manipulator, sets the indentation level.
// e.g. os << fostr::IdentLevel(3);
inline internal::IndentLevel IdentLevel(long level) { return internal::IndentLevel(level); }
// Gets the current indentation level.
// e.g. long current_level = fostr::GetIdentLevel(os);
inline long GetIdentLevel(std::ostream& os) { return internal::IndentLevel::Value(os); }
// As an ostream manipulator, sets the number of spaces to indent by for each
// indentation level. The default 'indent by' value is 4.
// e.g. os << fostr::IdentBy(2);
inline internal::IndentBy IdentBy(long spaces) { return internal::IndentBy(spaces); }
} // namespace fostr