blob: 903599dc5ab29d2186f9a6e139cb3eb9c9df9cbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fragments
const ReplyCFlavor = `
{{- define "ReplyCFlavorMethodSignature" -}}
Reply({{ template "Params" .Response }})
{{- end }}
{{- define "ReplyCFlavorMethodDefinition" }}
void {{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::Interface::{{ .Name }}CompleterBase::{{ template "ReplyCFlavorMethodSignature" . }} {
constexpr uint32_t _kWriteAllocSize = ::fidl::internal::ClampedMessageSize<{{ .Name }}Response, ::fidl::MessageDirection::kSending>();
{{- if .LLProps.ClientContext.StackAllocResponse }}
FIDL_ALIGNDECL uint8_t _write_bytes[_kWriteAllocSize] {{- if not .LLProps.LinearizeResponse }} = {} {{- end }};
{{- else }}
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> _write_bytes_unique_ptr(new uint8_t[_kWriteAllocSize]);
uint8_t* _write_bytes = _write_bytes_unique_ptr.get();
{{- end }}
{{- if .LLProps.LinearizeResponse }}
{{ .Name }}Response _response = {};
{{- else }}
auto& _response = *reinterpret_cast<{{ .Name }}Response*>(_write_bytes);
{{- end }}
{{- template "SetTransactionHeaderForResponse" . }}
{{- template "FillResponseStructMembers" .Response -}}
{{- if .LLProps.LinearizeResponse }}
auto _linearize_result = ::fidl::Linearize(&_response, ::fidl::BytePart(_write_bytes,
if (_linearize_result.status != ZX_OK) {
{{- else }}
::fidl::BytePart _response_bytes(_write_bytes, _kWriteAllocSize, sizeof({{ .Name }}Response));
CompleterBase::SendReply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<{{ .Name }}Response>(std::move(_response_bytes)));
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "ReplyCFlavorResultSuccessMethodSignature" -}}
ReplySuccess({{ template "Params" .Result.ValueMembers }})
{{- end }}
{{- define "ReplyCFlavorResultSuccessMethodDefinition" }}
void {{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::Interface::{{ .Name }}CompleterBase::{{ template "ReplyCFlavorResultSuccessMethodSignature" . }} {
::fidl::aligned<{{ .Result.ValueStructDecl }}> response;
{{- range .Result.ValueMembers }}
response.value.{{ .Name }} = std::move({{ .Name }});
{{- end }}
Reply({{ .Result.ResultDecl }}::WithResponse(::fidl::unowned_ptr(&response)));
{{- end }}
{{- define "ReplyCFlavorResultErrorMethodSignature" -}}
ReplyError({{ .Result.ErrorDecl }} error)
{{- end }}
{{- define "ReplyCFlavorResultErrorMethodDefinition" }}
void {{ .LLProps.ProtocolName }}::Interface::{{ .Name }}CompleterBase::{{ template "ReplyCFlavorResultErrorMethodSignature" . }} {
Reply({{ .Result.ResultDecl }}::WithErr(::fidl::unowned_ptr(&error)));
{{- end }}