blob: 03d6c1657251bd6e75429e3286fea05593b37b60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This module contains the bulk of the logic for connecting user applications to a
// vsock driver.
// Handling user requests is complicated as there are multiple communication channels
// involved. For example a request to 'connect' will result in sending a message
// to the driver over the single DeviceProxy. If this returns with success then
// eventually a message will come over the single Callbacks stream indicating
// whether the remote accepted or rejected.
// Fundamentally then there needs to be mutual exclusion in accessing DeviceProxy,
// and de-multiplexing of incoming messages on the Callbacks stream. There are
// a two high level options for doing this.
// 1. Force a single threaded event driver model. This would mean that additional
// asynchronous executions are never spawned, and any use of await! or otherwise
// blocking with additional futures requires collection futures in future sets
// or having custom polling logic etc. Whilst this is probably the most resource
// efficient it restricts the service to be single threaded forever by its design,
// is harder to reason about as cannot be written very idiomatically with futures
// and is even more complicated to avoid blocking other requests whilst waiting
// on responses from the driver.
// 2. Allow multiple asynchronous executions and use some form of message passing
// and locking to handle DeviceProxy access and sharing access to the Callbacks
// stream. Potentially more resource intensive with unnecessary locking etc,
// but allows for the potential to have actual parallel execution and is much
// simpler to write the logic.
// The chosen option is (2) and the access to DeviceProxy is handled with an Arc<Mutex<State>>,
// and de-multiplexing of the Callbacks is done by registering an event whilst holding
// the mutex, and having a single asynchronous thread that is dedicated to converting
// incoming Callbacks to signaling registered events.
use {
crate::{addr, port},
CallbacksMarker, CallbacksRequest, CallbacksRequestStream, DeviceProxy,
AcceptorProxy, ConnectionRequest, ConnectionRequestStream, ConnectionTransport,
ConnectorRequest, ConnectorRequestStream,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_syslog::{fx_log_info, fx_log_warn},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
channel::{mpsc, oneshot},
future, select, Future, FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt, TryFutureExt, TryStreamExt,
task::{Context, Poll},
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
enum EventType {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Event {
action: EventType,
addr: addr::Vsock,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
enum Deregister {
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
enum Error {
#[error("Driver returned failure status {}", _0)]
Driver(#[source] zx::Status),
#[error("All ephemeral ports are allocated")]
#[error("Addr has already been bound")]
#[error("Connection refused by remote")]
#[error("Error whilst communication with client")]
ClientCommunication(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Error whilst communication with client")]
DriverCommunication(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Driver reset the connection")]
impl From<oneshot::Canceled> for Error {
fn from(_: oneshot::Canceled) -> Error {
impl Error {
pub fn into_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
Error::Driver(status) => *status,
Error::OutOfPorts => zx::Status::NO_RESOURCES,
Error::AlreadyBound => zx::Status::ALREADY_BOUND,
Error::ConnectionRefused => zx::Status::UNAVAILABLE,
Error::ClientCommunication(err) | Error::DriverCommunication(err) => {
Error::ConnectionReset => zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED,
pub fn is_comm_failure(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Error::ClientCommunication(_) | Error::DriverCommunication(_) => true,
_ => false,
fn map_driver_result(result: Result<i32, fidl::Error>) -> Result<(), Error> {
.map_err(|x| Error::DriverCommunication(x.into()))
.and_then(|x| zx::Status::ok(x).map_err(Error::Driver))
fn send_result<T>(
result: Result<T, Error>,
send: impl FnOnce(i32, Option<T>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
match result {
Ok(v) => send(zx::Status::OK.into_raw(), Some(v))
.map_err(|e| Error::ClientCommunication(e.into())),
Err(e) => {
send(e.into_status().into_raw(), None)
.map_err(|e| Error::ClientCommunication(e.into()))?;
struct State {
device: DeviceProxy,
events: HashMap<Event, oneshot::Sender<()>>,
used_ports: port::Tracker,
listens: HashMap<u32, mpsc::UnboundedSender<addr::Vsock>>,
pub struct LockedState {
inner: Mutex<State>,
deregister_tx: crossbeam::channel::Sender<Deregister>,
deregister_rx: crossbeam::channel::Receiver<Deregister>,
pub struct Vsock {
inner: Arc<LockedState>,
impl Vsock {
/// Creates a new vsock service connected to the given `DeviceProxy`
/// The creation is asynchronous due to need to invoke methods on the given `DeviceProxy`. On
/// success a pair of `Self, impl Future<Result<_, Error>>` is returned. The `impl Future` is
/// a future that is listening for and processing messages from the `device`. This future needs
/// to be evaluated for other methods on the returned `Self` to complete successfully. Unless
/// a fatal error occurs the future will never yield a result and will execute infinitely.
pub async fn new(
device: DeviceProxy,
) -> Result<(Self, impl Future<Output = Result<Void, anyhow::Error>>), anyhow::Error> {
let (callbacks_client, callbacks_server) =
let server_stream = callbacks_server.into_stream()?;
.map(|x| map_driver_result(x))
let service = State {
events: HashMap::new(),
used_ports: port::Tracker::new(),
listens: HashMap::new(),
let (tx, rx) = crossbeam::channel::unbounded();
let service =
LockedState { inner: Mutex::new(service), deregister_tx: tx, deregister_rx: rx };
let service = Vsock { inner: Arc::new(service) };
let callback_loop = service.clone().run_callbacks(server_stream);
Ok((service, callback_loop))
async fn run_callbacks(
mut callbacks: CallbacksRequestStream,
) -> Result<Void, anyhow::Error> {
while let Some(Ok(cb)) = {
// The only way to get here is if our callbacks stream ended, since our notifications
// cannot disconnect as we are holding a reference to them in |service|.
Err(format_err!("Driver disconnected"))
// Spawns a new asynchronous thread for listening for incoming connections on a port.
fn start_listener(
acceptor: fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd<fidl_fuchsia_vsock::AcceptorMarker>,
local_port: u32,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let acceptor = acceptor.into_proxy().map_err(|x| Error::ClientCommunication(x.into()))?;
let stream = self.listen_port(local_port)?;
.run_connection_listener(stream, acceptor)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| fx_log_warn!("Error {} running connection listener", err)),
// Handles a single incoming client request.
async fn handle_request(&self, request: ConnectorRequest) -> Result<(), Error> {
match request {
ConnectorRequest::Connect { remote_cid, remote_port, con, responder } => {
send_result(self.make_connection(remote_cid, remote_port, con).await, |r, v| {
responder.send(r, v.unwrap_or(0))
ConnectorRequest::Listen { local_port, acceptor, responder } => {
send_result(self.start_listener(acceptor, local_port), |r, _| responder.send(r))
/// Evaluates messages on a `ConnectorRequestStream` until completion or error
/// Takes ownership of a `RequestStream` that is most likely created from a `ServicesServer`
/// and processes any incoming requests on it.
pub async fn run_client_connection(
request: ConnectorRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let self_ref = &self;
let fut = request
.map_err(|err| Error::ClientCommunication(err.into()))
// TODO: The parallel limit of 4 is currently invented with no basis and should
// made something more sensible.
.try_for_each_concurrent(4, |request| {
.or_else(|e| future::ready(if e.is_comm_failure() { Err(e) } else { Ok(()) }))
fn alloc_ephemeral_port(self) -> Option<AllocatedPort> {
let p = self.lock().used_ports.allocate();|p| AllocatedPort { port: p, service: self })
// Creates a `ListenStream` that will retrieve raw incoming connection requests.
// These requests come from the device via the run_callbacks future.
fn listen_port(&self, port: u32) -> Result<ListenStream, Error> {
if port::is_ephemeral(port) {
fx_log_info!("Rejecting request to listen on ephemeral port {}", port);
return Err(Error::ConnectionRefused);
match self.lock().listens.entry(port) {
std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
let listen =
ListenStream { local_port: port, service: self.clone(), stream: receiver };
_ => {
fx_log_info!("Attempt to listen on already bound port {}", port);
// Helper for inserting an event into the events hashmap
fn register_event(&self, event: Event) -> Result<OneshotEvent, Error> {
match self.lock().events.entry(event) {
std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
let event = OneshotEvent {
event: Some(entry.key().clone()),
service: self.clone(),
oneshot: receiver,
_ => Err(Error::AlreadyBound),
// These helpers are wrappers around sending a message to the device, and creating events that
// will be signaled by the run_callbacks future when it receives a message from the device.
fn send_request(
addr: &addr::Vsock,
data: zx::Socket,
) -> Result<impl Future<Output = Result<(OneshotEvent, OneshotEvent), Error>>, Error> {
let shutdown_callback =
self.register_event(Event { action: EventType::Shutdown, addr: addr.clone() })?;
let response_callback =
self.register_event(Event { action: EventType::Response, addr: addr.clone() })?;
let send_request_fut = self.lock().device.send_request(&mut addr.clone(), data);
Ok(async move {
Ok((shutdown_callback, response_callback))
fn send_response(
addr: &addr::Vsock,
data: zx::Socket,
) -> Result<impl Future<Output = Result<OneshotEvent, Error>>, Error> {
let shutdown_callback =
self.register_event(Event { action: EventType::Shutdown, addr: addr.clone() })?;
let send_request_fut = self.lock().device.send_response(&mut addr.clone(), data);
Ok(async move {
fn send_vmo(
addr: &addr::Vsock,
vmo: zx::Vmo,
off: u64,
len: u64,
) -> Result<impl Future<Output = Result<OneshotEvent, Error>>, Error> {
let vmo_callback =
self.register_event(Event { action: EventType::VmoComplete, addr: addr.clone() })?;
let send_request_fut = self.lock().device.send_vmo(&mut addr.clone(), vmo, off, len);
Ok(async move {
// Runs a connected socket until completion. Processes any VMO sends and shutdown events.
async fn run_connection<ShutdownFut>(
addr: addr::Vsock,
shutdown_event: ShutdownFut,
mut requests: ConnectionRequestStream,
_port: Option<AllocatedPort>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
Future<Output = Result<(), futures::channel::oneshot::Canceled>> + std::marker::Unpin,
// This extremely awkward function definition is to temporarily work around select! not being
// nestable. Once this is fixed then this should be re-inlined into the single call site below.
// Until then don't look closely at this.
async fn wait_vmo_complete<ShutdownFut>(
mut shutdown_event: &mut futures::future::Fuse<ShutdownFut>,
cb: OneshotEvent,
) -> Result<zx::Status, Result<(), Error>>
ShutdownFut: Future<Output = Result<(), futures::channel::oneshot::Canceled>>
+ std::marker::Unpin,
select! {
shutdown_event = shutdown_event => {Err(shutdown_event.map_err(|e| e.into()))},
cb = cb.fuse() => match cb {
Ok(_) => Ok(zx::Status::OK),
Err(_) => Ok(Error::ConnectionReset.into_status()),
let mut shutdown_event = shutdown_event.fuse();
loop {
select! {
shutdown_event = shutdown_event => {
let fut = future::ready(shutdown_event)
.and_then(|()| self.lock().send_rst(&addr));
return fut.await;
request = => {
match request {
Some(Ok(ConnectionRequest::Shutdown{control_handle: _control_handle})) => {
let fut =
// Wait to either receive the RST for the client or to be
// shut down for some other reason
.and_then(|()| shutdown_event.err_into());
return fut.await;
Some(Ok(ConnectionRequest::SendVmo{vmo, off, len, responder})) => {
// Acquire the potential future from send_vmo in a temporary so we
// can await! on it without holding the lock.
let result = self.send_vmo(&addr, vmo, off, len);
// Equivalent of and_then to expand the Ok future case.
let result = match result {
Ok(fut) => fut.await,
Err(e) => Err(e),
let status = match result {
Ok(cb) => {
match wait_vmo_complete(&mut shutdown_event, cb).await {
Err(e) => return e,
Ok(o) => o,
Err(e) => e.into_status(),
let _ = responder.send(status.into_raw());
// Generate a RST for a non graceful client disconnect.
Some(Err(e)) => {
let fut = self.lock().send_rst(&addr);
return Err(Error::ClientCommunication(e.into()));
None => {
let fut = self.lock().send_rst(&addr);
return fut.await;
// Waits for incoming connections on the given `ListenStream`, checks with the
// user via the `acceptor` if it should be accepted, and if so spawns a new
// asynchronous thread to run the connection.
async fn run_connection_listener(
incoming: ListenStream,
acceptor: AcceptorProxy,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
.then(|addr| acceptor.accept(&mut *addr.clone()).map_ok(|maybe_con| (maybe_con, addr)))
.map_err(|e| Error::ClientCommunication(e.into()))
.try_for_each(|(maybe_con, addr)| async {
match maybe_con {
Some(con) => {
let data =;
let con = con
.map_err(|x| Error::ClientCommunication(x.into()))?;
let shutdown_event = self.send_response(&addr, data)?.await?;
.run_connection(addr, shutdown_event, con, None)
.map_err(|err| {
fx_log_warn!("Error {} whilst running connection", err)
.map(|_| ()),
None => {
let fut = self.lock().send_rst(&addr);
// Attempts to connect to the given remote cid/port. If successful spawns a new
// asynchronous thread to run the connection until completion.
async fn make_connection(
remote_cid: u32,
remote_port: u32,
con: ConnectionTransport,
) -> Result<u32, Error> {
let data =;
let con = con.con.into_stream().map_err(|x| Error::ClientCommunication(x.into()))?;
let port = self.clone().alloc_ephemeral_port().ok_or(Error::OutOfPorts)?;
let port_value = *port;
let addr = addr::Vsock::new(port_value, remote_port, remote_cid);
let (shutdown_event, response_event) = self.send_request(&addr, data)?.await?;
let mut shutdown_event = shutdown_event.fuse();
select! {
_shutdown_event = shutdown_event => {
// Getting a RST here just indicates a rejection and
// not any underlying issues.
return Err(Error::ConnectionRefused);
response_event = response_event.fuse() => response_event?,
.run_connection(addr, shutdown_event, con, Some(port))
.unwrap_or_else(|err| fx_log_warn!("Error {} whilst running connection", err)),
impl Deref for Vsock {
type Target = LockedState;
fn deref(&self) -> &LockedState {
impl LockedState {
// Acquires the lock on `inner`, and processes any pending messages
fn lock(&self) -> parking_lot::MutexGuard<'_, State> {
let mut guard = self.inner.lock();
self.deregister_rx.try_iter().for_each(|e| guard.deregister(e));
// Tries to acquire the lock on `inner`, and processes any pending messages
// if successful
fn try_lock(&self) -> Option<parking_lot::MutexGuard<'_, State>> {
if let Some(mut guard) = self.inner.try_lock() {
self.deregister_rx.try_iter().for_each(|e| guard.deregister(e));
} else {
// Deregisters the specified event, or queues it for later deregistration if
// lock acquisition fails.
fn deregister(&self, event: Deregister) {
if let Some(mut service) = self.try_lock() {
} else {
// Should not fail as we expect to be using an unbounded channel
let _ = self.deregister_tx.try_send(event);
impl State {
// Remove the `event` from the `events` `HashMap`
fn deregister(&mut self, event: Deregister) {
match event {
Deregister::Event(e) => {;
Deregister::Listen(p) => {
Deregister::Port(p) => {;
// Wrappers around device functions with nicer type signatures
fn send_rst(&mut self, addr: &addr::Vsock) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> {
self.device.send_rst(&mut addr.clone()).map(|x| map_driver_result(x))
fn send_shutdown(&mut self, addr: &addr::Vsock) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> {
self.device.send_shutdown(&mut addr.clone()).map(|x| map_driver_result(x))
// Processes a single callback from the `device`. This is intended to be used by
// `Vsock::run_callbacks`
fn do_callback(&mut self, callback: CallbacksRequest) {
match callback {
CallbacksRequest::Response { addr, control_handle: _control_handle } => {
.remove(&Event { action: EventType::Response, addr: addr::Vsock::from(addr) })
.map(|channel| channel.send(()));
CallbacksRequest::Rst { addr, control_handle: _control_handle } => {
.remove(&Event { action: EventType::Shutdown, addr: addr::Vsock::from(addr) });
CallbacksRequest::SendVmoComplete { addr, control_handle: _control_handle } => {
.remove(&Event {
action: EventType::VmoComplete,
addr: addr::Vsock::from(addr),
.map(|channel| channel.send(()));
CallbacksRequest::Request { addr, control_handle: _control_handle } => {
let addr = addr::Vsock::from(addr);
match self.listens.get(&addr.local_port) {
Some(sender) => {
let _ = sender.unbounded_send(addr.clone());
None => {
fx_log_warn!("Request on port {} with no listener", addr.local_port);
fasync::spawn(self.send_rst(&addr).map(|_| ()));
CallbacksRequest::Shutdown { addr, control_handle: _control_handle } => {
.remove(&Event { action: EventType::Shutdown, addr: addr::Vsock::from(addr) })
.map(|channel| channel.send(()));
CallbacksRequest::TransportReset { new_cid: _new_cid, responder } => {;
let _ = responder.send();
struct AllocatedPort {
service: Vsock,
port: u32,
impl Deref for AllocatedPort {
type Target = u32;
fn deref(&self) -> &u32 {
impl Drop for AllocatedPort {
fn drop(&mut self) {
struct OneshotEvent {
event: Option<Event>,
service: Vsock,
oneshot: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
impl Drop for OneshotEvent {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.event.take().map(|e| self.service.deregister(Deregister::Event(e)));
impl Future for OneshotEvent {
type Output = <oneshot::Receiver<()> as Future>::Output;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
match self.oneshot.poll_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(x) => {
// Take the event so that we don't try to deregister it later,
// as by having sent the message we just received the callbacks
// thread will already have removed it
p => p,
struct ListenStream {
local_port: u32,
service: Vsock,
stream: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<addr::Vsock>,
impl Drop for ListenStream {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl Stream for ListenStream {
type Item = addr::Vsock;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {