blob: d93cea1736a8a7154930fcbdd8d11d6709dfcaf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include "tools/kazoo/output_util.h"
#include "tools/kazoo/outputs.h"
#include "tools/kazoo/string_util.h"
namespace {
class Formatter {
Formatter() = default;
struct Names {
std::string base_name; // signals
std::string type_name; // zx_signals_t
Names Format(const Enum& e) {
return Names{
.base_name = e.base_name(),
.type_name = "zx_" + e.base_name() + "_t",
Names Format(const Struct& s) {
return Names{
.base_name = s.base_name(),
.type_name = "zx_" + s.base_name() + "_t",
Names Format(const Alias& alias) {
return Names{
.base_name = alias.base_name(),
.type_name = "zx_" + alias.base_name() + "_t",
std::string RustName(const Type& type) {
struct {
void operator()(const std::monostate&) { ret = "<TODO!>"; }
void operator()(const TypeBool&) { ret = "bool"; }
void operator()(const TypeChar&) { ret = "u8"; }
void operator()(const TypeInt32&) { ret = "i32"; }
void operator()(const TypeInt64&) { ret = "i64"; }
void operator()(const TypeSizeT&) { ret = "usize"; }
void operator()(const TypeUint16&) { ret = "u16"; }
void operator()(const TypeUint32&) { ret = "u32"; }
void operator()(const TypeUint64&) { ret = "u64"; }
void operator()(const TypeUint8&) { ret = "u8"; }
void operator()(const TypeVoid&) { ret = "u8"; }
// TODO(syscall-fidl-transition): This is what abigen does, not sure if there's something
// better that could be done.
void operator()(const TypeUintptrT&) { ret = "usize"; }
void operator()(const TypeZxBasicAlias& zx_basic_alias) { ret =; }
void operator()(const TypeAlias& alias) {
ret = formatter->Format(alias.alias_data()).type_name;
void operator()(const TypeEnum& enm) { ret = formatter->Format(enm.enum_data()).type_name; }
void operator()(const TypeHandle& handle) {
ret = "zx_handle_t";
// TOOD(syscall-fidl-transition): Once we're not trying to match abigen, it might be nice to
// add the underlying handle type here like "zx_handle_t /*vmo*/" or similar.
void operator()(const TypePointer& pointer) {
ret = StringPrintf("*%s %s", constness == Constness::kConst ? "const" : "mut",
void operator()(const TypeString&) {
ZX_ASSERT(false && "can't convert string directly");
ret = "<!>";
void operator()(const TypeStruct& strukt) {
ret = formatter->Format(strukt.struct_data()).type_name;
void operator()(const TypeVector&) {
ZX_ASSERT(false && "can't convert vector directly");
ret = "<!>";
Constness constness;
Formatter* formatter;
std::string ret;
} name_visitor;
name_visitor.formatter = this;
name_visitor.constness = type.constness();
std::visit(name_visitor, type.type_data());
return name_visitor.ret;
} // namespace
std::string mangle_identifier(std::string type) {
// type is a reserved name in rustc
if (type == "type") {
return "ty";
} else {
return type;
bool RustOutput(const SyscallLibrary& library, Writer* writer) {
Formatter formatter;
constexpr const char indent[] = " ";
writer->Puts("// re-export the types defined in the fuchsia-zircon-types crate\n");
writer->Puts("pub use fuchsia_zircon_types::*;\n");
writer->Puts("// only link against zircon when targeting Fuchsia\n");
writer->Puts("#[cfg(target_os = \"fuchsia\")]\n");
writer->Puts("#[link(name = \"zircon\")]\n");
writer->Puts("extern {\n");
for (const auto& syscall : library.syscalls()) {
if (syscall->HasAttribute("internal")) {
writer->Printf("%spub fn zx_%s(\n", indent, syscall->name().c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < syscall->kernel_arguments().size(); ++i) {
const StructMember& arg = syscall->kernel_arguments()[i];
const bool last = i == syscall->kernel_arguments().size() - 1;
writer->Printf("%s%s%s: %s%s\n", indent, indent, mangle_identifier(,
formatter.RustName(arg.type()).c_str(), last ? "" : ",");
writer->Printf("%s%s)", indent, indent);
if (!syscall->kernel_return_type().IsVoid()) {
writer->Printf(" -> %s", formatter.RustName(syscall->kernel_return_type()).c_str());
return true;