blob: d1a212d7696715ee42fd96cc2c2fc805c134254a [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- secondary.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "common.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "string_utils.h"
namespace scudo {
namespace LargeBlock {
struct Header {
LargeBlock::Header *Prev;
LargeBlock::Header *Next;
uptr BlockEnd;
uptr MapBase;
uptr MapSize;
OpaquePlatformData PlatformData;
constexpr uptr getHeaderSize() {
return roundUpTo(sizeof(Header), 1U << SCUDO_MIN_ALIGNMENT_LOG);
static Header *getHeader(uptr Ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<Header *>(Ptr - getHeaderSize());
static Header *getHeader(const void *Ptr) {
return getHeader(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr));
} // namespace LargeBlock
class LargeMmapAllocator {
void initLinkerInitialized(GlobalStats *S) {
if (S)
void init(GlobalStats *S) {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
// The alignment parameter serves a hint to be able unmap spurious memory when
// dealing with larger alignments.
NOINLINE void *allocate(uptr Size, uptr AlignmentHint = 0,
uptr *BlockEnd = nullptr) {
const uptr PageSize = getPageSizeCached();
const uptr MapSize =
roundUpTo(Size + LargeBlock::getHeaderSize(), PageSize) + 2 * PageSize;
OpaquePlatformData PlatformData = {};
uptr MapBase = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(
map(nullptr, MapSize, "scudo:secondary", MAP_NOACCESS | MAP_ALLOWNOMEM,
if (UNLIKELY(!MapBase))
return nullptr;
uptr CommitBase = MapBase + PageSize;
uptr MapEnd = MapBase + MapSize;
// In the unlikely event of alignments larger than a page, adjust the amount
// of memory we want to commit, and trim the extra memory.
if (UNLIKELY(AlignmentHint >= PageSize)) {
CommitBase = roundUpTo(MapBase + PageSize + 1, AlignmentHint) - PageSize;
const uptr NewMapBase = CommitBase - PageSize;
DCHECK_GE(NewMapBase, MapBase);
// We only trim the extra memory on 32-bit platforms.
if (SCUDO_WORDSIZE == 32U && NewMapBase != MapBase) {
unmap(reinterpret_cast<void *>(MapBase), NewMapBase - MapBase, 0,
MapBase = NewMapBase;
const uptr NewMapEnd =
roundUpTo(MapBase + 2 * PageSize + Size, PageSize) + PageSize;
DCHECK_LE(NewMapEnd, MapEnd);
if (SCUDO_WORDSIZE == 32U && NewMapEnd != MapEnd) {
unmap(reinterpret_cast<void *>(NewMapEnd), MapEnd - NewMapEnd, 0,
MapEnd = NewMapEnd;
const uptr CommitSize = MapEnd - PageSize - CommitBase;
const uptr Ptr = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(
map(reinterpret_cast<void *>(CommitBase), CommitSize, "scudo:secondary",
0, &PlatformData));
LargeBlock::Header *H = reinterpret_cast<LargeBlock::Header *>(Ptr);
H->MapBase = MapBase;
H->MapSize = MapEnd - MapBase;
H->BlockEnd = CommitBase + CommitSize;
memcpy(&H->PlatformData, &PlatformData, sizeof(PlatformData));
SpinMutexLock L(&Mutex);
if (!Tail) {
Tail = H;
} else {
Tail->Next = H;
H->Prev = Tail;
Tail = H;
AllocatedBytes += CommitSize;
if (LargestSize < CommitSize)
LargestSize = CommitSize;
Stats.add(StatAllocated, CommitSize);
Stats.add(StatMapped, CommitSize);
if (BlockEnd)
*BlockEnd = CommitBase + CommitSize;
return reinterpret_cast<void *>(Ptr + LargeBlock::getHeaderSize());
NOINLINE void deallocate(void *Ptr) {
LargeBlock::Header *H = LargeBlock::getHeader(Ptr);
SpinMutexLock L(&Mutex);
LargeBlock::Header *Prev = H->Prev;
LargeBlock::Header *Next = H->Next;
if (Prev) {
CHECK_EQ(Prev->Next, H);
Prev->Next = Next;
if (Next) {
CHECK_EQ(Next->Prev, H);
Next->Prev = Prev;
if (Tail == H) {
Tail = Prev;
} else {
const uptr CommitSize = H->BlockEnd - reinterpret_cast<uptr>(H);
FreedBytes += CommitSize;
Stats.sub(StatAllocated, CommitSize);
Stats.sub(StatMapped, CommitSize);
void *Addr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(H->MapBase);
const uptr Size = H->MapSize;
OpaquePlatformData PlatformData;
memcpy(&PlatformData, &H->PlatformData, sizeof(PlatformData));
unmap(Addr, Size, UNMAP_ALL, &PlatformData);
static uptr getBlockEnd(void *Ptr) {
return LargeBlock::getHeader(Ptr)->BlockEnd;
static uptr getBlockSize(void *Ptr) {
return getBlockEnd(Ptr) - reinterpret_cast<uptr>(Ptr);
void printStats() const {
Printf("Stats: LargeMmapAllocator: allocated %zd times (%zdK), "
"freed %zd times (%zdK), remains %zd (%zdK) max %zdM\n",
NumberOfAllocs, AllocatedBytes >> 10, NumberOfFrees,
FreedBytes >> 10, NumberOfAllocs - NumberOfFrees,
(AllocatedBytes - FreedBytes) >> 10, LargestSize >> 20);
void disable() { Mutex.lock(); }
void enable() { Mutex.unlock(); }
template <typename F> void iterateOverBlocks(F Callback) const {
for (LargeBlock::Header *H = Tail; H != nullptr; H = H->Prev)
Callback(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(H) + LargeBlock::getHeaderSize());
StaticSpinMutex Mutex;
u32 NumberOfAllocs;
u32 NumberOfFrees;
uptr AllocatedBytes;
uptr FreedBytes;
uptr LargestSize;
LargeBlock::Header *Tail;
LocalStats Stats;
} // namespace scudo