blob: 3bcdc949cc63b4a5153c8847b640b04e0e2702c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <type_traits>
* Register definitions taken from
* Intel High Definition Audio Specification
* Revision 1.0a
* June 17, 2010
// TODO(johngro)
// Consider moving these structures and their associated flags into a more C++
// style, where the flags can either be static constexpr members of the
// structures, or in their own namespace. Also, consider moving away from the
// underscore separated typedef declarations, and to LeadingUpperCamelCased
// declarations made without typedef and the _t suffix.
// Currently, we have to keep the register structures C compatible, because they
// are used in the response for the CONTROLLER_SNAPSHOT_REGS command. When we
// can send back a read-only VMO to provide debug access to the registers, we
// can do away with this.
typedef struct hda_stream_desc_regs {
// clang-format off
// (0x00) Control (0x03) Status
union {
uint32_t w; // 32-bit word access to the Control/Status registers
struct {
uint8_t ctl[3]; // Control register byte access
uint8_t sts; // Status register byte access
} b;
} ctl_sts;
uint32_t lpib; // (0x04) SD_n Link Position in Current Buffer
uint32_t cbl; // (0x08) SD_n Cyclic Buffer Length
uint16_t lvi; // (0x0C) SD_n Last Valid Index
uint8_t __rsvd0[2]; // (0x8E) Reserved
uint16_t fifod; // (0x10) SD_n FIFO Size
uint16_t fmt; // (0x12) SD_n Format
uint8_t __rsvd1[4]; // (0x14) Reserved
uint32_t bdpl; // (0x18) SD_n Buffer Descriptor List Pointer - Lower
uint32_t bdpu; // (0x1C) SD_n Buffer Descriptor List Pointer - Upper
// clang-format on
} hda_stream_desc_regs_t;
static_assert(sizeof(hda_stream_desc_regs) == 32);
typedef struct hda_registers {
// clang-format off
uint16_t gcap; // (0x00) Global Capabilities
uint8_t vmin; // (0x02) Minor Version
uint8_t vmaj; // (0x03) Major Version
uint16_t outpay; // (0x04) Output Payload Capability
uint16_t inpay; // (0x06) Input Payload Capability
uint32_t gctl; // (0x08) Global Control
uint16_t wakeen; // (0x0C) Wake Enable
uint16_t statests; // (0x0E) State Change Status
uint16_t gsts; // (0x10) Global Status
uint16_t gcap2; // (0x12) Global Capabilities 2
uint16_t llch; // (0x14) Linked List Capabilities Header
uint8_t __rsvd[2]; // (0x16) Reserved
uint16_t outstrmpay; // (0x18) Output Stream Payload Capability
uint16_t instrmpay; // (0x1A) Input Stream Payload Capability
uint8_t __rsvd1[4]; // (0x1C) Reserved
uint32_t intctl; // (0x20) Interrupt Control
uint32_t intsts; // (0x24) Interrupt Status
uint8_t __rsvd2[8]; // (0x28) Reserved
uint32_t walclk; // (0x30) Wall Clock Counter
uint8_t __rsvd3[4]; // (0x34) Reserved
uint32_t ssync; // (0x38) Stream Synchronization
uint8_t __rsvd4[4]; // (0x3C) Reserved
uint32_t corblbase; // (0x40) CORB Lower Base Address
uint32_t corbubase; // (0x44) CORB Upper Base Address
uint16_t corbwp; // (0x48) CORB Write Pointer
uint16_t corbrp; // (0x4A) CORB Read Pointer
uint8_t corbctl; // (0x4C) CORB Control
uint8_t corbsts; // (0x4D) CORB Status
uint8_t corbsize; // (0x4E) CORB Size
uint8_t __rsvd5[1]; // (0x4F) Reserved
uint32_t rirblbase; // (0x50) RIRB Lower Base Address
uint32_t rirbubase; // (0x54) RIRB Upper Base Address
uint16_t rirbwp; // (0x58) RIRB Write Pointer
uint16_t rintcnt; // (0x5A) Response Interrupt Count
uint8_t rirbctl; // (0x5C) RIRB Control
uint8_t rirbsts; // (0x5D) RIRB Status
uint8_t rirbsize; // (0x5E) RIRB Size
uint8_t __rsvd6[1]; // (0x5F) Reserved
uint32_t icoi; // (0x60) Immediate Command Output Interface
uint32_t icii; // (0x64) Immediate Command Input Interface
uint16_t icis; // (0x68) Immediate Command Status
uint8_t __rsvd7[6]; // (0x6A) Reserved
uint32_t dpiblbase; // (0x70) DMA Position Buffer Lower Base
uint32_t dpibubase; // (0x74) DMA Position Buffer Upper Base
uint8_t __rsvd8[8]; // (0x78) Reserved
// A max of 30 streams may be present in the system at any point in time (no
// more than 15 input and 15 output). The stream descriptor registers start
// at 0x80, and are layed out as Input, then Output, then Bidirectional.
// The number of each type of stream present in the hardware can be
// determined using the GCAP register.
hda_stream_desc_regs_t stream_desc[30]; // (0x80)
uint8_t __rsvd9[0x1BC0]; // (0x440 - 0x1FFF)
// clang-format on
} hda_registers_t;
static_assert(sizeof(hda_registers) == 8192);
typedef struct hda_stream_desc_alias_regs {
// clang-format off
uint8_t __rsvd0[0x04]; // (0x00) Reserved
uint32_t lpib; // (0x04) SD_n Link Position in Current Buffer Alias
uint8_t __rsvd1[0x18]; // (0x08) Reserved
// clang-format on
} __PACKED hda_stream_desc_alias_regs_t;
typedef struct hda_alias_registers {
// clang-format off
uint8_t __rsvd0[0x30]; // (0x00) Reserved
uint32_t wallclk; // (0x30) Wall Clock Counter Alias
uint8_t __rsvd1[0x4C]; // (0x34) Reserved
hda_stream_desc_alias_regs_t stream_desc[30]; // (0x80)
uint8_t __rsvd9[0x1BC0]; // (0x440 - 0x1FFF)
// clang-format on
} __PACKED hda_alias_registers_t;
typedef struct hda_pp_registers {
// clang-format off
uint32_t ppch; // (0x00) Processing Pipe Capability Header
uint32_t ppctl; // (0x04) Processing Pipe Control
uint32_t ppsts; // (0x08) Processing Pipe Status
// clang-format on
} hda_pp_registers_t;
static_assert(sizeof(hda_pp_registers) == 12);
typedef struct hda_all_registers {
// clang-format off
hda_registers_t regs;
hda_alias_registers_t alias_regs;
// clang-format on
} __PACKED hda_all_registers_t;
// The Intel HD Audio stream registers and Intel HD Audio Software
// Position Based FIFO capability structure is duplicated for
// DSP FW loading. There is no need to have the Intel HD Audio
// Processing Pipe capability structure, as it is always treated
// as a host DMA operating in de-coupled mode (without link DMA).
typedef struct adsp_code_loader_registers {
// clang-format off
hda_stream_desc_regs_t stream;
uint32_t spbfch;
uint32_t spbfctl;
uint32_t spib;
uint32_t maxfifos;
// clang-format on
} __PACKED adsp_code_loader_registers_t;
typedef struct adsp_registers {
// clang-format off
uint8_t __rsvd0[4]; // (0x00) Reserved
uint32_t adspcs; // (0x04) Audio DSP Control and Status
uint32_t adspic; // (0x08) Audio DSP Interrupt Control
uint32_t adspis; // (0x0C) Audio DSP Interrupt Status
uint32_t adspic2; // (0x10) Audio DSP Interrupt Control 2
uint32_t adspis2; // (0x14) Audio DSP Interrupt Status 2
uint8_t __rsvd1[0x28]; // (0x18 - 0x3F)
uint32_t hipct; // (0x40) Host IPC Target
uint32_t hipcte; // (0x44) Host IPC Target Extension
uint32_t hipci; // (0x48) Host IPC Initiator
uint32_t hipcie; // (0x4C) Host IPC Initiator Extension
uint32_t hipcctl; // (0x50) Host IPC Control
uint8_t __rsvd2[0x2c]; // (0x54 - 0x7F)
adsp_code_loader_registers_t cldma; // (0x80 - 0xAF)
uint8_t _rsvd3[0xFF50];// (0xB0 - 0xFFFF)
// clang-format on
} adsp_registers_t;
static_assert(sizeof(adsp_registers) == 65536);
typedef struct adsp_fw_registers {
// clang-format off
uint32_t fw_status; // (0x00) Current ROM/FW status
uint32_t error_code; // (0x04) Last ROM/FW error code
uint32_t fw_pwr_status; // (0x08) Current DSP clock status
uint8_t __rsvd0[12]; // (0x0C - 0x17)
uint32_t rom_info; // (0x18) Basic platform configuration reported by ROM
// clang-format on
} __PACKED adsp_fw_registers_t;
static_assert(sizeof(adsp_fw_registers) == 28);
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace audio {
namespace intel_hda {
* Bitfield definitions for various registers
/* Global Capabilities Reigster (GCAP - offset 0x00) */
static inline constexpr bool HDA_REG_GCAP_64OK(uint16_t val) { return (val & 1u) != 0; }
static inline constexpr uint16_t HDA_REG_GCAP_NSDO(uint16_t val) { return (val >> 1) & 0x03; }
static inline constexpr uint16_t HDA_REG_GCAP_BSS(uint16_t val) { return (val >> 3) & 0x1F; }
static inline constexpr uint16_t HDA_REG_GCAP_ISS(uint16_t val) { return (val >> 8) & 0x0F; }
static inline constexpr uint16_t HDA_REG_GCAP_OSS(uint16_t val) { return (val >> 12) & 0x0F; }
/* Global Control Reigster (GCTL - offset 0x08) */
constexpr uint32_t HDA_REG_GCTL_HWINIT = 0x0001u;
constexpr uint32_t HDA_REG_GCTL_FCNTRL = 0x0002u;
constexpr uint32_t HDA_REG_GCTL_UNSOL = 0x0100u;
/* Wake Enable and State Status (WAKEEN/STATESTS - offsets 0x0C,0x0E) */
static constexpr uint16_t HDA_REG_STATESTS_MASK = 0x7FFFu;
/* Interrupt Control Register (INTCTL - offset 0x20) */
constexpr uint32_t HDA_REG_INTCTL_GIE = 0x80000000u;
constexpr uint32_t HDA_REG_INTCTL_CIE = 0x40000000u;
constexpr uint32_t HDA_REG_INTCTL_SIE_MASK = 0x3FFFFFFFu;
static inline constexpr uint32_t HDA_REG_INTCTL_SIE(unsigned int n) {
return (0x1u << n) & HDA_REG_INTCTL_SIE_MASK;
/* Command Output Ring Buffer Read Ptr (CORBRP - offset 0x4a) */
constexpr uint16_t HDA_REG_CORBRP_RST = 0x8000u;
/* Command Output Ring Buffer Control (CORBCTL - offset 0x4c) */
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_CORBCTL_MEIE = 0x01u; // Mem Error Int Enable
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_CORBCTL_DMA_EN = 0x02u; // DMA Enable
/* Command Output Ring Buffer Status (CORBSTS - offset 0x4d) */
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_CORBSTS_MEI = 0x01u; // Memory Error Indicator
/* Command Output Ring Buffer Size (CORBSIZE - offset 0x4e) */
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_CORBSIZE_CFG_2ENT = 0x00u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_CORBSIZE_CFG_16ENT = 0x01u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_CORBSIZE_CFG_256ENT = 0x02u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_CORBSIZE_CAP_2ENT = 0x10u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_CORBSIZE_CAP_16ENT = 0x20u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_CORBSIZE_CAP_256ENT = 0x40u;
/* Response Input Ring Buffer Write Ptr (RIRBWP - offset 0x58) */
constexpr uint16_t HDA_REG_RIRBWP_RST = 0x1000u;
/* Response Input Ring Buffer Control (RIRBCTL - offset 0x5c) */
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBCTL_INTCTL = 0x01u; // Interrupt Control
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBCTL_DMA_EN = 0x02u; // DMA Enable
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBCTL_OIC = 0x04u; // Overrun Interrupt Control
/* Response Input Ring Buffer Status (RIRBSTS - offset 0x5d) */
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBSTS_INTFL = 0x01u; // Response Interrupt Flag
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBSTS_OIS = 0x04u; // Overrun Interrupt Status
/* Response Input Ring Buffer Size (RIRBSIZE - offset 0x5e) */
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE_CFG_2ENT = 0x00u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE_CFG_16ENT = 0x01u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE_CFG_256ENT = 0x02u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE_CAP_2ENT = 0x10u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE_CAP_16ENT = 0x20u;
constexpr uint8_t HDA_REG_RIRBSIZE_CAP_256ENT = 0x40u;
// Stream Descriptor Control Register bits.
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_SRST = (1u << 0); // Stream Reset
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_RUN = (1u << 1); // Stream Run
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_IOCE = (1u << 2); // Interrupt on Completion Enable
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_FEIE = (1u << 3); // FIFO Error Interrupt Enable
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_DEIE = (1u << 4); // Descripto Error Interrupt Enable
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_STRIPE1 = (0u << 16); // 1 SDO line
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_STRIPE2 = (1u << 16); // 2 SDO lines
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_STRIPE4 = (2u << 16); // 4 SDO lines
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_TP = (1u << 18); // Traffic Priority
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_DIR_IN = (0u << 19); // Direction Control
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_DIR_OUT = (1u << 19); // Direction Control
static inline constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_CTRL_STRM_TAG(uint8_t tag) { // Stream Tag
return static_cast<uint32_t>(tag & 0xF) << 20;
// Stream Descriptor Status Register bits arranged for both 8 and 32 bit access.
constexpr uint8_t HDA_SD_REG_STS8_BCIS = (1u << 2); // Buffer Complete IRQ Status
constexpr uint8_t HDA_SD_REG_STS8_FIFOE = (1u << 3); // FIFO error IRQ Status
constexpr uint8_t HDA_SD_REG_STS8_DESE = (1u << 4); // Descriptor Error IRQ Status
constexpr uint8_t HDA_SD_REG_STS8_FIFORDY = (1u << 5); // FIFO ready
constexpr uint8_t HDA_SD_REG_STS8_ACK =
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_STS32_BCIS = static_cast<uint32_t>(HDA_SD_REG_STS8_BCIS) << 24;
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_STS32_FIFOE = static_cast<uint32_t>(HDA_SD_REG_STS8_FIFOE) << 24;
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_STS32_DESE = static_cast<uint32_t>(HDA_SD_REG_STS8_DESE) << 24;
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_STS32_FIFORDY = static_cast<uint32_t>(HDA_SD_REG_STS8_FIFORDY) << 24;
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_STS32_ACK = static_cast<uint32_t>(HDA_SD_REG_STS8_ACK) << 24;
constexpr uint32_t HDA_SD_REG_STS32_MASK = static_cast<uint32_t>(HDA_SD_REG_STS8_MASK) << 24;
// Stream Descriptor Status Register bits.
// Multiple Links Capability Header/Pipe Processing Capability Header bits.
constexpr uint32_t HDA_CAP_ID_MASK = (0xFFF << 16);
constexpr uint32_t HDA_CAP_PP_ID = (0x003 << 16);
constexpr uint32_t HDA_CAP_PTR_MASK = 0xFFFF;
// Processing Pipe Control bits
constexpr uint32_t HDA_PPCTL_PIE = (1 << 31);
constexpr uint32_t HDA_PPCTL_GPROCEN = (1 << 30);
// Processing Pipe Status bits
constexpr uint32_t HDA_PPSTS_PIS = (1 << 31);
// Audio DSP Control and Status (ADSPCS - offset 0x04)
static inline constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_ADSPCS_CRST(uint32_t core_mask) {
return (core_mask & 0xFF);
static inline constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_ADSPCS_CSTALL(uint32_t core_mask) {
return (core_mask & 0xFF) << 8;
static inline constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_ADSPCS_SPA(uint32_t core_mask) {
return (core_mask & 0xFF) << 16;
static inline constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_ADSPCS_CPA(uint32_t core_mask) {
return (core_mask & 0xFF) << 24;
constexpr uint8_t ADSP_REG_ADSPCS_CORE0_MASK = (1u << 0);
// Audio DSP Interrupt Control (ADSPIC - offset 0x08)
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_ADSPIC_CLDMA = (1 << 1);
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_ADSPIC_IPC = (1 << 0);
// Audio DSP Host IPC Target - (HIPCT - offset 0x40)
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_HIPCT_BUSY = (1 << 31);
// Audio DSP Host Inter Processor Communication Initiator - (HIPCI - offset 0x48)
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_HIPCI_BUSY = (1 << 31);
// Audio DSP Host Inter Processor Communication Initiator Extension - (HIPCIE - offset 0x4C)
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_HIPCIE_ERR = (1 << 31);
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_HIPCIE_DONE = (1 << 30);
// Audio DSP Host IPC Control - (HIPCCTL - offset 0x50)
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_HIPCCTL_IPCTDIE = (1 << 1);
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_HIPCCTL_IPCTBIE = (1 << 0);
// Audio DSP Code Loader Software Based Position FIFO Control - (SPBFCTL)
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_REG_CL_SPBFCTL_SPIBE = (1 << 0);
// Audio DSP ROM Status bits
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_FW_STATUS_STATE_ENTER_BASE_FW = 0xF;
constexpr uint32_t ADSP_FW_STATUS_STATE_MASK = 0x0FFFFFFF;
// ADSP SRAM windows
constexpr size_t SKL_ADSP_SRAM0_OFFSET = 0x8000; // Shared between Skylake and Kabylake
constexpr size_t SKL_ADSP_SRAM1_OFFSET = 0xA000;
// Mailbox offsets
constexpr size_t ADSP_MAILBOX_IN_OFFSET = 0x1000; // Section 5.5 Offset from SRAM0
// The definition of a Buffer Descriptor List entry. See Section 3.6.3 and
// Table 50.
// TODO(johngro) : Figure out what the endianness requirements are for these
// structures. Intel specs the memory mapped controller registers as being
// strictly little endian, but they do not go seem into details about in memory
// control structures (like the CORB/RIRB, packed samples, BDL entries, etc..)
// For now, I assume that they are expecting little endian (just like they are
// for their registers). Also, this will probably not be an issue until the day
// that there is a big endian system with an Intel HDA controller embedded in it
// (which does not seem likely, any time soon).
struct IntelHDABDLEntry {
uint64_t address;
uint32_t length;
uint32_t flags;
// Interrupt-on-complete flag.
static constexpr uint32_t IOC_FLAG = 0x1u;
// TODO(johngro) : Intel specs its controller registers as little endian.
// Someday, we should update these template/macros to deal with conversion
// to/from host endian instead of assuming a little endian host.
template <typename T>
static inline T REG_RD(const T* reg) {
return *(reinterpret_cast<const volatile T*>(reg));
template <typename T, typename U>
static inline void REG_WR(T* reg, U val) {
static_assert(std::is_unsigned_v<T>, "");
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(static_cast<T>(-1) >= val);
*(reinterpret_cast<volatile T*>(reg)) = static_cast<T>(val);
template <typename T>
static inline void REG_MOD(T* reg, T clr_bits, T set_bits) {
REG_WR(reg, static_cast<T>((REG_RD(reg) & ~clr_bits) | set_bits));
template <typename T>
static inline void REG_SET_BITS(T* reg, T bits) {
REG_MOD(reg, static_cast<T>(0), bits);
template <typename T>
static inline void REG_CLR_BITS(T* reg, T bits) {
REG_MOD(reg, bits, static_cast<T>(0));
} // namespace intel_hda
} // namespace audio
#endif // __cplusplus